Written by: Bre L. Drew
July 18, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Daniel blackmailed Dr. Toussaint with information about his past to convince Jordan she wasn't recovering from postpartum depression.
Emma awoke from her coma.
Tommy couldn't handle finding out Tanner was moving on with Presley.
Shauna confided in Antoine about the lack of attention she's been receiving from Max.

Downstairs in the living room of the mansion on the Home Farm Estate, Daniel Covington waits until the person on the other line on the phone picks up.
"Yes," Dr. Pierre Toussaint greets him unenthusiastically.
"I'm calling to see if you still remember the terms of our arrangement?" the wealthy businessman asks.
Daniel hears the psychiatrist sigh; some time ago, he had come to him to convince Jordan that she was not recovering from her postpartum depression, which would make it easier for her not to have custody of Jeremy in the future. He believes her flighty conduct will corrupt his grandson's well-being.
"I took an oath to not harm patients." Dr. Toussaint retorts. "Besides, Jordan is actually making progress. and is determined to be a good mother to her son."
Daniel clears his throat. "Well, you probably said the same thing to Giselle?"
He could hear the deafening silence on the line, indicating he had backed him into a corner. He is blackmailing him with the information of him falling in love with a patient who committed suicide and the hospital board has no idea about, which may cost him his standing.
Daniel gazes at Jordan McKnight sauntering down the grand staircase.
"Remember what's at stake," he ends the call.
"Where is my grandson?" Daniel queries
Jordan does her best not to roll her eyes at the man who once tried to take away her son from her before his birth.
"In the nursery with Lillith, who is getting him ready for his swim lesson," she replies casually. "I'll see you later... or not," she tells him while she makes her way out the door to her car.
When the door closes, Daniel shakes his head at the thought of continuing to provide shelter for the mother of his grandchild. Nonetheless, he expects it is only a matter of time before she will be in a straitjacket with no access to Jeremy.

Will Jackson makes his way up to the office of the nightclub he manages. As he enters the room, he is taken back by the ongoing sight of Emma Covington at the desk of her office,
"Hey, I thought recovering from being in a coma meant you were supposed to cut back on the work," he calls out to her.
Emma grins at her employee and sometimes lover.
"You know me; I could not sit back at home and catch up on Real Housewives before I got caught up on the ins and outs of this place."
The Covington heiress is wearing a Diane Von Furstenberg beige sleeveless silk top and a pencil skirt.
"Well, better you than your momma,"
Emma moves her head with a tight smirk, recalling she had left her mother with the power of attorney, meaning he had to put up with her, though she could see her mother didn't contribute much to the overall business. Nonetheless, she recalls Deirdre's plea at breakfast at The Chateau that she wants them to have a better relationship, which she told her she would try.
"Anyway, I see that no one has updated any of our socials in months," she states.
He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, I think we should create a position for that and hire someone."
"I agree," she replies. "Do you have someone in mind?"
Will takes a seat on the edge of the desk near Emma. "Yeah, I think we should try to get Lorenzo Vidal; he did a good job shooting the video for Martha and her band."
Emma is acquainted with the young man since he resides in the guest house on her family's property.
"I mean, if anyone could attract eyeballs and people to come here, it would be him."
"I saw the 75,000 views of Martha's attempt at being Taylor Swift," Emma smirks cleverly. "We can talk to him and see from there."
Will glares to indicate. Please don't start in on her.
"I know this might be a messed-up time to bring this up, but before the accident and everything, we were gettin' closer. So where do we stand now, Emma?"

"See you all next week," Presley McKnight explains to the youth group of the young members of the church as they start trickling out of the room used for community meetings and lessons. The associate pastor waves at a few of the younger children.
He gathers his belongings to put them in his bag. When he lifts his head, he sees someone he hadn't expected to see, let alone be in a church.
"I think we need to talk," Tommy Covington says while rubbing his chin.
"Is this about Jordan or Jeremy?"
Tommy shakes his head at the question. "No, it's someone else we have in common."
At first, Presley considers who he is referring to, but it doesn't take long to select who he is speaking of,
Tommy, this isn't the time or especially the place."
"I beg to differ," Tommy counters.
If Presley didn't know what the point of the conversation was, he would admire Tommy's chutzpah.
"Look, Tommy, I don't feel it's my place to discuss Tanner with you,"
"Things between Tanner and I ended horribly, which was all my fault, but I still care about her. I don't want to see her hurt again." Tommy clarifies
He had found out from Jordan that Tanner and the pastor were now seeing each other. However, he couldn't help the feelings he still had for her.
Presley picks up his messenger bag from the table he uses as a makeshift desk. "Like I said, I'm not going to talk to you about her," he says. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to be somewhere."
"Treat her better than I did, okay," Tommy remarks.
"That shouldn't be too hard,"
With that, Tommy nods somewhat, and he steps out of the room. On his way out of the church, he is more determined to find a way to get back together with his ex-girlfriend.

Carl Thomas' "Summer Rain" is playing on the speakers as the after-work crowd slowly starts to populate the local establishment. Among them is Jai Gupta, who is standing near the bar waiting for his order.
"I did not expect to see you here." A familiar feminine voice rings in his ear over the din of the people and music.
Jai turns to see Mala Gupta next to him in a dark blue neck-tie silk blouse and high-rise striped pants, holding onto her Louis Vuitton carryall bag.
"I can say the same to you," he responds to his ex-wife.
She steps aside when a beefy man gets in her way, walking to the table with his frosty mug of beer in his hand.
"I did not feel like much cooking, so I decided to order a takeaway for one since our children are out tonight," she remarks. "What about you?"
"Same," he answers amicably.
"Jai!" Rodney, the longtime burly bartender and cook, calls out.
Jai rapidly receives his two bags of food, which Mala keenly observes.
"Louise and I are having dinner at my place,"
"Seems like things are going well between you two,"
Jai nods approvingly. "I do not have any complaints. She is an incredible woman."
"Mala!" Rodney announces
She gazes at the bar and then at her ex-husband. "Well, I will see you later. How about we do dinner just you, me, and the children one of these days? "
"That sounds good. I will see you later,"

On the other side of the bar, Antoine Hall gives change to a female customer when the sight of Shauna Covington takes a seat on the chair in front of him.
"Hey, I ain't seen you in a minute," he tells his best friend and former lover.
"I know I haven't been around here a lot lately to see you or grandma. Is she here?"
Antoine presents her with her favorite cocktail, which is a strawberry daiquiri made just the way she likes it. "Uh, no, she went to the bank to make a deposit."
Shauna takes a sip of the alcoholic beverage. "How you been?"
Antoine crosses his muscular arms over his firm chest. "I've been doin okay," he replies. "Max is still not giving you the attention you need."
Shauna is taken aback by that statement because she recalls telling him months ago that time between her and her husband had been sparse since he started working at Covington, which he finds disappointing because if he had his way, he would never put work ahead of his wife.
"Antoine, please, don't okay," Shauna says decisively. "I know what you're going to say, and I don't want to hear it. Max and I are fine."
He couldn't help but stare at her with a dubious glance knowing she isn't fulfilled in her marriage anymore.

Emma gets out of her chair, where she prepares herself by placing her hands on her hips.
"I remember... it's just that the last serious relationship I had with my fiancé, who I admit I was blinded by his looks and his suave, debonair ways. So, if it seems like I'm not wanting to commit to you, it is what it is."
When Emma returned to Radcliffe, she was engaged to Jacques Laurent, the heir to a once-powerful French shipping tycoon, who turned out to be with her for her money due to his family's failing business.
Will gets off the desk to gaze at the petite woman he has good intentions for. "Don't worry, I got no plans to marry you."
He finds himself pulling her closer to him. "So, what are we to each other then?"
"Two people in their prime who enjoy one another's company in business and pleasure,"
Before they realize it, the two begin making out passionately.

As a well-trained psychiatrist, Dr. Pierre Toussaint could deal with many things. However, being backed into a corner by a relative stranger who has information that could upend his career if he doesn't comply makes Jordan think she isn't overcoming her bout with postpartum depression.
"Damn you," he swears in his office inside the hospital.
Shortly thereafter, a heavy tap can be heard at his door.
"Come in,"
Jordan enters the office. "Hi, one of your receptionists told me I could come in,"
"Take a seat," he gestures to her, which she does by taking a seat on the sofa.
He gathers himself to sit across from her in the chair. "Last time you were here, you were telling me how much progress you were making with your son."
Jordan can't help but form a smile on her face at the thought of how much more of a presence she's been in Jeremy's life.
"I'm able to be around my son without feeling like a paranoid freak," she confesses. "The way he looks at me... I think he knows I'm his mother, and I'm not going anywhere again."
"That's good to hear," he says lowly.
Remember what's at stake.
He suddenly hears Daniel's voice occupying his mind.
"Is there anything else going on in your life?" Pierre examines
Jordan sighs partly at what she is about to disclose.
"I found out that my parents are splitting up."
Pierre situates himself in the chair as he finds an opening to proceed. "How do you feel about that?"
"I don't know... somehow, I'm relieved that they're divorcing. My mother's been miserable with my father for years... but I guess I remember when things with my family weren't so bad... I just hope I won't be as a mess with Jeremy when he gets older."
Pierre listens attentively while feeling remorse knowing if he doesn't do this, his livelihood would be over, which he couldn't afford.
Sean and Tricia share a special moment.
Deirdre pulls off another plan.
Shauna gets a romantic surprise.
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