Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 24, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Steven and Courtney's Christmas Eve wedding day was approaching, albeit with a few incidents.
Elijah is in treatment for alcoholism.
Emma asked Will to be her plus one for the wedding.

Steven Sullivan finds himself sitting in the front row pew staring at the colorful stained-glass window at the forefront of the altar where, in a matter of hours, he and Courtney will be pledging to join one another in holy matrimony. He thinks back to his first wedding when he married Lorraine. The two had dated each other for a year and a half when they walked down the aisle. So, when they divorced, he initially swore off marriage for himself, figuring he somehow inherited his mother's misfortune when it came to marriage. However, once Courtney came into his life, he slowly realized that perhaps it had more to do with the right person instead of the institution of marriage itself.
The church had already been decorated last night by the wedding planner and her team. There were also sets of bright red poinsettias in the sanctuary, and he heard the press was outside, trying to get any news coverage it could with the daughter of the richest family in town marrying into that said family's rival family. The two had agreed to have limited coverage since today was about them and not the world.
He happens to turn around when he sees his father in a black t-shirt and black pants. Even in his seventies, he manages to still look cool,
"There you are," Roy Sullivan says.
He joins his son in the pew.
"I just got here, but I needed some time to myself before everything starts up,"
Roy nods his head knowingly. "I understand," he replies. "You know, your mother and I got married here."
"Yeah, I've seen the photos, Dad. Can I ask you a question?"
Steven straightens himself a bit. "How come it didn't last between you and mom?"
Roy recalls the other day out at the farm when he and Esther were getting closer after all of the years of being apart.
"I think it came down to us not wanting to compromise who we were. I wanted to travel with the rodeo, and your mother wanted a stable family--I have regrets about not being there for you growing up. "
Steven hadn't heard his father say that to him before in his forty years of life.
Roy raises his hand, indicating that he will not accept verbal excuses. "I know that I could've been a better father to you. And that is why I will always be grateful to Peter and John for doing what I didn't do, which is to teach you how to be a man."
John Dixon was Steven's stepfather, whom his mother married in the early '90s. Their marriage was the longest one for her, lasting seven years.
"Is John coming today?"
"He was going to, but his daughter went into labor early, so he wanted to be there for his family," Steven explains.
Roy tosses his arm around his only son's shoulder. "I think it's time we go get you ready."
"Dad, thanks for being here,"
"I wouldn't be anywhere else,"

Ever since she was a little girl, Courtney Covington had the fantasy that most girls her age had. But in her fantasy, the ceremony took place at the Plaza hotel. And her mother would offer her advice going into her marriage. She is now a grown woman getting married on Christmas Eve. She realizes fantasies are just that; the most important thing is who she is pledging herself to be with for the rest of her life.
When she arrived at the church, along with her maid of honor, Tricia Lockhart, and bridesmaids, including her godsister, Bekah Merriwether, and Martha Saunders, they were able to dodge the press camped out in front of the church the best they could. Still, they were hurling sordid questions at them.
Come on, Courtney, give us a quote.
Is it true you and Steven will be moving onto your family's estate?
Is it true you gave up your inheritance to be with Steven?
Bekah, is Saffy in rehab again?
But as soon as they entered the church, it hit her that this would be the day she would never forget. Her hair is in an intricate up-do courtesy of her hairstylist. And her make-up is done as well.
Tricia, Martha, and Bekah were all dressed in their red silk bridesmaid dresses, waiting for the bride to make her debut in her wedding dress in the bridal room.
"Court, come on out, we want to see it," Bekah Merriwether calls out.
The youngest daughter of John and Heather Merriwether, writes for Montage, a world-renown magazine that caters to the ins and outs of pop culture and fashion that was started by her grandfather, Gordon.
"All right," Courtney replies.
She walks out of the changing room in her white off-shoulder lace wedding dress, designed by the one and only Amanda Tate. It catches the attention of all the females.
"You look amazing," Martha says.
"What she said and more," Bekah adds.
Courtney turns to her matron of honor, who is silent, but she can see tears wallowing in her eyes. "Hey, Tricia, what's wrong?"
Tricia holds back tears, hating for people to see her cry. "Nothing, it's just that you look great, like everyone said. Sorry I haven't been on top of everything as Maid of Honor. "
Courtney, who knows she is struggling with marital issues as well as perhaps hormones from her pregnancy, waves her hand dismissively as she grabs her best friend's own hands. "Don't worry about it; you're here, and that's the most important thing, okay,"
Just when Courtney lets go of her hands, a faint knock on the door occurs.
"Who is it?" Martha asks
"It's Heather,"
"Come in," Courtney informs her.
Heather Merriwether saunters into the room, holding onto something in her arms. The television actress best known for playing Kelly Lawson on the long-running procedural "The Badge" is in a Badgley Mischka gold and black sequin dress.
"Ladies, if you wouldn't mind, may I speak with the bride alone?" Heather asks genuinely.
"Sure, no problem." Tricia says.
The rest of the women walk out of the room. Heather gives compliments on how good each looks and gives an air kiss to her adoptive daughter.
"You're stunning," Heather says to her only goddaughter.
"Thank you,"
"I wanted to give you something that held importance for your mother,"
Courtney is initially confused by what she is told, but Heather showcases a familiar-looking ivory shoulder-length veil.
"Oh my god! Is that what I think it is?"
Heather bows her head. "Yes, it is. This is the veil your mother wore on the day of her wedding to your father, and then she lent it to me when your godfather and I eloped in Mexico. "I thought today you would need a piece of Keri with you, so I asked Daniel to find it. "
Courtney herself feels the water in her eyes. She then hugs her godmother. "Thank you so much; I miss her so much, especially today."
"I do too, kiddo. You want me to help you put it on?"
"I appreciate that a lot. Thank you so much, Aunt Heather."

If you had told Elijah Barker six months ago that he would be spending the holidays in rehab rather than at home with his parents, girlfriend, and friends, He would've called you crazy, and then he would tell you that he doesn't have a problem with alcohol. However, he finds himself spending the holidays in rehab with strangers, with whom some have become acquaintances over time.
Once a week, he arrives at the office of his counselor, where he receives therapy. And as usual, his counselor's door is open and is about to greet him when he is surprised to see both of his parents sitting across from him.
"Mom, dad, what are you doing here?"
Robert Sands looked at Brynn and Nathaniel Barker before returning his attention to his patient. "I thought for today's session we would address what led you to alcohol in the first place."
Elijah takes a seat next to his father.
"I think it's clear what led to Elijah drinking. He was away from home for the first time, and he decided to finally rebel, and he did it with alcohol." Brynn assumes. "Am I right?" she says matter-of-factly.
Elijah tries to resist rolling his eyes while Nathaniel interjects, "I think Robert wants Elijah to acknowledge that."
Honestly, Elijah knew why he turned to alcohol, though he wasn't sure either of his parents would like the answer.
Robert gazes at the young man with ease. "I told you before; this is a safe space."
Elijah sighs heavily.
"I started to drink because I couldn't deal with the pressure you two put on me."

Individuals were still entering the church. And among them is Emma Covington, wearing her long black fur coat unzipped enough to reveal a calf-length bustier rose print dress by Dolce & Gabbana. And beside her is Will Jackson, wearing a rose plaid suit and a charcoal gray turtleneck underneath his coat. The odd pairing of the wealthy heiress and ex-con was turning heads, including Daniel, Max, and Shauna Covington, and Mae Jackson, who wasn't too far from them.
"I don't believe this," Max says.
"I'm not. My uncle has always been full of it," Shauna replies sharply.
"I told you the shit was going to hit the fan," Will whispers to his date for the day.
"Then let it fly," Emma remarks.
Dressed in his expensive formal suit and tie, Daniel goes to see the two of them.
"I don't think you were invited, Jackson,"
Emma smiles devilishly. "I did. He is my plus one, after all."
After hearing some commotion in the hallway, Deirdre Covington comes out of the sanctuary in her silver long-sleeved embellished gown. The look on her face changes rapidly when she sees her daughter with Will Jackson.
"What is your son doing with my daughter?"
"I think it's clear enough for you to see Deirdre," Mae answers back.
"Your mother doesn't look too happy," Will says to both of the Covington siblings.
Emma shrugs her shoulders. "Well, she was born that way,"
"I think he should leave," Daniel warns.
"Oh, I don't think so. Emma says, cautiously. "If he leaves, not only will I accompany him out. I'm sure certain people would want to know what you have done. "
Daniel knows she is referring to her knowledge of him convincing Jordan, who was struggling with postpartum, to abandon her child.
Deirdre strolls over to the three of them with her hands on her petite frame. "Emma, can we talk in private?" she says, through clenched teeth.
"Later on, Mother, I believe it's time we take our seats," Emma retorts.
The duo strolls into the church sanctuary.
"Grandma, are you all right?" Shauna asks Mae.
"Yeah, I'm fine. At least it gives me the chance to see him, "she responds before going in to be seated.
"My grandmother is too good to him," she says to her husband.
Max agrees with a tilt of his head.
Meanwhile, Deirdre looks up at her son. "I don't think looking into her finances will be enough, Daniel."

Brynn doesn't hide being stunned after hearing what her son said to them both inside the office of the addiction counselor.
"Nathaniel, are you listening? She asks frustratedly. "Our son blames us for his dependence on alcohol?"
"Let's finish listening to him, "Nathaniel says reasonably.
They turn their attention to their only son.
"I knew, at the end of the day, that I'm responsible for my actions. But for as long as I can remember, you two have been pressuring me to do well in school. And that anything lower than an A- is a failure." he says
Robert gestures for Brynn to respond,
"I've been an educator for thirty years, and it's quite expectant to want your children to do well in school, which you have for the most part."
"And when I didn't get on the Dean's List in my first semester, on top of juggling a job and school politics, I couldn't feel like I could cope, and that's when I started drinking. "Elijah adds,"
Nathaniel places a hand on his son's back in support. Brynn, on the other hand, is restrained from expressing her rage.
"Well, I believe we told you if you felt overwhelmed, perhaps you should've cut back on the hours at the cafe. But you wouldn't hear of it." She says this defensively. "Can we just focus on Elijah's recovery?" Brynn ripostes.
"This is part of his recovery," Robert says.
She rises to her full height, pulling the strap of her purse onto her shoulder.
"I will not let my parenting skills be insulted, especially in a rehab facility on Christmas Eve, no less."
"Brynn," Nathaniel says cautiously.
"Mom, that's not what I meant," Elijah replies.
Brynn refuses to cry in public when she is ashamed.
"It's okay, come on, Nathaniel. I need to go shopping for dinner tomorrow.
The Barker patriarch gets out of his chair, though he gives his son a sympathetic glance.
"I left your presents with the nurse, who assured me they'd be in your room by the time you returned from here, "Brynn informs him. "Merry Christmas, Elijah," she wishes him.
She then walks out of the office.
"I will talk to her," Nathaniel rationalizes. "I will call you tomorrow, Merry Christmas," he tells Elijah.
"And I apologize for my wife's behavior," he apologies to the counselor.
He makes his way out of the office.
Elijah lifts his head, trying to deal with feelings of embarrassment and hurt.
"Do you need a moment?" Robert queries his patient.
"I'll be okay," Elijah answers lowly

In the church, guests were seated on both the groom's and bride's sides. As Reverend, Friendly has also taken his place at the altar, with Steven and Roy as his best man. They were all waiting for the wedding to begin.
Deirdre, seated in the first row of the bridal side, shifts her gaze to her daughter and Will, sitting next to each other behind her, trying her best to push aside her unholy thoughts.
The string quartet starts playing "Canon in D" (Pachelbel's Canon).
Evan, who is a groomsman, along with his young cousin SJ, who is walking, holding onto the ring on the pillow as the ring bearer, receives the most adorable praise from guests. When they reach the altar, Sarah Lynn Saunders collects her grandson, while Evan receives a hot five and a hug from Steven and takes his place.
Next is Tricia, who is holding onto her bouquet. She can feel the stares upon her, including her husband, who is sitting near the back of the bride's side.
Due to their marital issues, the two hadn't said much to each other. However, Tricia is determined not to think about it right now, knowing that today is about her best friend.
Bekah feels somewhat confident as she has walked several red carpets over the years. She also sees the delight on her mother's face. Her father, John, wasn't able to make it at the last minute due to some last-minute issues with the magazine. Or so he said.
Following her is Martha, who proceeds with a smile. She observes Will and Emma together and decides not to dwell on them, deciding that he and she are better off as friends despite her feelings for him.
At the entrance of the inner sanctuary, Daniel wraps his arm around his daughter's.
"You're a vision," he tells her.
"Thank you, daddy," Courtney says graciously.
"If only your mother could be here to witness this day," he responds sentimentally.
Courtney lifts her head to the ceiling. "She is,"
Daniel lowers his voice. "Are you sure about marrying Steven?"
If she had been asked this even a day ago, she would have been offended. At that moment, however, she felt confident in her response.
"I have never been more certain of anything in my life," she said.
The quartet plays Mendelssohn's Wedding March, in which everyone gets on their feet who were seated to witness the bride come down the aisle.
But all Courtney could focus on was getting to Steven, meaning they would be together for the rest of their lives together as husband and wife.
As she passes the people she has known for years, even her soon-to-be mother-in-law, Esther Saunders gives a congenial expression. Despite her hatred for the Covington's,
She returns to her younger brother, Tommy Covington, who is giving her a grin.
Finally, Courtney reaches the altar.
"Who gives the woman away?" Reverend Friendly inquires
Daniel gazes intently at his daughter for a few seconds, then turns to the groom. "Herself and I do," he says.
Daniel gently kisses her hand as he joins it with Steven's hand. He then goes to his seat in the front of the church, beside Deirdre and Tommy.
"Take care of my little girl," he whispers to the considerably older groom.
"I will," Steven answers diplomatically.
Though, he keeps his negative thoughts to himself for one day about the man who has made it known that he isn't good enough for his only daughter.
The reverend lifts the bible into his hand.
"Steven Arnold Sullivan, will you take Courtney Deirdre Covington to be your wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, devote yourself solely to her for as long as you both live?"
"I do," Steven responds enthusiastically, which elicits some laughter from the guests.
"Courtney Deirdre Covington, will you take Steven Arnold Sullivan to be your wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsake all others to keep yourself only to him for as long as you both live?"
"I do," she says strongly.
Daniel holds back his tears at the sight of his little girl moving into the next phase of her life.
The reverend announces, "Now, Steven and Courtney will now recite their own vows."
"Courtney, you came into my life at a time when I wasn't looking for love. But somehow, I found it with you, and we have managed to overcome hurdles that would tear others apart. And somehow, they made us stronger together. I can't wait to take on more hurdles with you by my side. I love you. "
The bride carefully dabs away her tears, grateful for waterproof mascara.
"Oh, Steven, the first moment we met. I knew you were special. In a way, you made me see that there was more to life, and every day I hope we continue to do so with honesty, strength, and faith. I love you so much. "
Reverend Friendly closes the ceremony.
"By, the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.
Following his instructions, Steven passionately kisses Courtney, to which the entire congregation lets out their applause and cheers.
The string quartet plays the wedding march again, with the newlyweds' hand in hand. The rest of the guests proceed to leave, pew by pew.
The two make it outside on this cold, wintery day with snowflakes coming down.
"What are we doing out here?" Courtney inquires curiously. "It's freezing."
"I have one surprise up my sleeve," Steven says excitedly.
Courtney sees a white horse carriage in sight.
"I thought we would go back to the farm in style," he tells her.
The two get into the carriage.
"We're ready," Steven instructs the coachman.
Many of the guests were outside, waving them off as they made their way away from the church onto the road.
Steven and Courtney's wedding reception takes place.
Elijah is tempted to drink.
Claws come out between Esther and Deirdre.
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