Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 12th, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Martha is set to perform at The Waterfall.
Tricia isn't happy about Sean and Louise getting close again.
Elijah discovered Jojo's is looking for a part time barista.
Jordan is determined to get Tommy interested in her.

Sarah Lynn Saunders sprightly walks into her marital bedroom upstairs inside the house. She had just gotten herself dressed in a floral print embroidered and denim button-front shirt and straight-leg jeans. On her way to brush her hair in the vanity mirror, she sees her husband lying down despite being in his clothes. The two were on their way to head out to The Waterfall to see Martha sing this evening.
"Are you sure you are up to going?" Maybe you need some rest." she asks with her typical wifely concern.
Peter, who is sweating and feeling a tad dizzy, shakes his head. "I'm fine, don't worry about me,"
For the past few days now, the elder Saunders hasn't been feeling like his usual self. He is the type of person who wouldn't admit to anyone of how ill he truly is, not wanting to burden anyone with something that will eventually be non-existent.
Sarah Lynn stares at herself in the mirror determining her hair is done satisfactory "I'm sure our daughter will understand you not feeling well," she says
Peter uses the strength he has to get off the bed. "I'll be fine," he assures her. "It's probably just a bug,"
She looks at him with some skepticism before looking at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand table. "We better get going if we're going to drop off SJ at the Hawthorne's, and make it to the bar in time."
The Hawthorne and The Saunders families are lifelong family friends, who too live on a farm in town as well,
Peter grabs his car keys off the top of the dresser. "Let's get moving then,"

Post Malone's "Better Now" is playing through the cafe's sound system this evening as some of the student population of Radcliffe High School our here in a way to celebrate surviving their first week back.
Tricia Meyer is sitting on the couch in the lounge area, her eyes on paperwork dealing with inventory. However, her thoughts keep rewinding to the wedge that is between her and Sean, which is his ex-wife. She keeps reminding herself that he is no longer with her anymore, and he chose her after years of staying in that sham of a marriage.
She has kept her distance from her boyfriend by mostly working late and keeping conversations as brief as possible.
"Get a grip, Tricia," she mutters to herself.
The sound of a young male makes her lift her head to see Elijah Barker standing in front of the coffee table. He has a bit of a nervous glance on his face like he was resistant to approach her in the first place.
"May I talk to you?" Elijah asks
Tricia leans back into the cushion of the sofa. "I'm not stopping you, what do you have to say to me?" Defending your girlfriend's honor?" she asks with a hint of mockery.
Elijah knew that him inquiring about the part-time job was a bad idea. He thought this how it would go with her not taking him seriously.
"No, it has nothing to do with Lynn, I see you're still looking to fill the part-time barista position I think I could be a good fit for it," he says confidently,
Tricia purses her lips like she is surprised herself at his response. "Are you incompetent?"
"I ask you this is because I refuse to employ people who don't work hard," she replies.
Elijah wants to roll his eyes immensely at her. but knows it isn't professional etiquette something both of his parents drilled into him when he told them that he was going to try to get his first job.
Elijah hadn't told Lynn about him possibly being employed here. Mainly because he knows she would lose it if she found out that he is working for the woman, she hates most in the world. Besides, he didn't have the job yet.
"Do you care if she knows or not?" he asks abruptly. "I can learn how to make lattes, cappuccinos, wash dishes, anything you need,"
Tricia folds both of her arms. "Not really, hope I don't regret this, but I will give you a trial run, "When can you start?"
Elijah gives her the day when he can first start work at the café. After they go over some more general details, he politely thanks her before he goes in line to order himself a glazed donut and a Coca-Cola on his way home.
Tricia gets back to the paperwork when she sees Jordan McKnight waving goodbye to her friends who are leaving. Seconds later the popular blonde teenage athlete comes over wearing her track and field workout gear with her backpack on her back.
"Hi," they both say in unison.
"Nice top," Jordan compliments.
Tricia smiles at her for admiring her Burberry silk-tie neck blouse.
Tricia picks up on the girl's brighter outlook which was somewhat duller than the first time she encountered her.
"Don't tell me your sudden happiness has to do with being back in school?"

Gratefully for Martha Saunders, no one else has entered into the public ladies' restroom because either they would've asked what was wrong with her or they would've walked out none the wiser.
Standing in front of the mirror doing vocal warm-ups, her music teacher Mrs. Newton used to make the entire choir do before they would perform at school concerts. Somewhat nervous about singing in front of people tonight, she remains set to debut here.
She smooths out her burgundy lace mesh high low dress that shows off her post-pregnancy weight loss. Giving herself a once over in the reflective surface, she sees the door opening which she had hoped no one would interrupt her getting-ready process. However, she is relieved when Courtney strolls in.
They both greet one another casually before she stands next to her.
"Are you all right?" Courtney inquires
Martha's eyes dart on her cousin's girlfriend. "Did Steven send you in here to check on me?"
Courtney nods, putting strands of her hair behind her ear. "I told him you would figure it out,"
Martha snickers before putting her hands on her hips. "I know my cousin all too well,"
Whilst the couple were sitting down, Martha made a pit stop over to them to chat before heading off into the restroom. It was when Steven told Courtney he sensed his beloved first cousin needed some encouragement, and since he couldn't go into the female designated washroom, he asked could she do it, which she graciously offered to do.
"He just cares about you Martha, I mean who else would have their girlfriend give a pep talk to their family member,"
Martha begins pacing back and forth. "I can sure as hell do this, I mean I sung at the last minute at the re-opening of the café, " she realizes. "I used to sing all the time in seedy bars with standing room,"
"I think you're ready then," Courtney proclaims
"I am ready!" Martha declares
Footsteps belonging to Antoine Hall have both ladies looking at him rightfully so wondering why he is in here?
Antoine puts one of his hands in the pocket of his jeans. "Five minutes until showtime girl," he announces
Martha musters up enough courage for her to set out to conquer her fears by following Antoine out of the room.

Junk food and a movie marathon in the theatre room inside of the Home Farm Estate is on the agenda for Tommy Covington, and his girlfriend Tanner Lockhart is sitting in comfortable black theatre reclining chairs. On the large projection screen Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick, our quasi flirting with one another in "A Simple Favor,"
"Can you pass me the Twizzlers please?" Tanner asks him.
Tommy silently gives the open pack of candy to her.
"I missed you," Tanner confesses sincerely,
Tommy wraps his arm around her. "Missed you too, uh there is something I need to tell you,"
He decided he is going to confess to her that Jordan and himself kissed on the night of his brother's wedding reception. Perhaps he tells her Jordan was drunk and he walked away before they took it any further. Yet, he begins to have second thoughts since it will sound like he wanted to have sex with his girlfriend's ex-best friend and current tormentor.
Tommy couldn't help but think to himself how sexy she looked in that tight red dress. Somehow showing him that the bitchy personality is a façade to hide her issues.
"What is it?" she wonders.
Tommy is about to open his mouth to form the sentence. He realizes he couldn't break her heart over something that does not mean anything to him.
"That - I wish you could have seen your Aunt perform tonight," he lies.
Tanner straightens her glasses on her oval-shaped face. "Me too, but I like being here with you too,"
Since Martha is singing tonight at The Waterfall meaning no one under twenty-one years old can see her. Tanner was disappointed about missing her since she too has always bonded with her aunt over their love of music.
Tommy and Tanner begin kissing each other ignoring the movie feeling guilty of lying to her however he wasn't going to screw up what he has with her over a mistake.

Even though she is glad that she is back at school among all of her friends and it is a chance that her cross country team might have a chance to win the meet against Hudson Lake which hasn't been done in a decade.
This excitement has more to do with that kiss between herself and Tommy on the yacht on the night of his brother's wedding reception.
Tricia invites the young girl to come to sit next to her wanting to be in her company.
"I finally made something happen that should've happened a long time ago," she finally answers.
"Let me guess it has to do with the opposite sex," Tricia says knowingly.
Jordan smirks as her cheeks flush, she informs the café manager she kissed the boy whom she likes although she is careful not to drop in Tommy's name since Tricia is Tanner's father's girlfriend.
"Jordan, let give me you a piece of advice, if he isn't interested in you don't waste your time and energy on him you're too gorgeous of a girl to do that," Tricia says warmly.
The teenage girl shakes her head, refusing the words that are being spoken to her. "He is worth it," she admits.
Tricia is not the type of individual to keep repeating counsel to someone who does not want to hear it. "All right," she simply states.
"A photographer from People Magazine told me I should think about modeling, he even gave me a card," Jordan states to her.
"Well make sure you do some research on this photographer to see if he is legit?"
This time it seems she was more enthused.
"He's legit, I found out he has worked for People for a few years now,"
"So are you going to see what he wants with you?" Tricia asks curiously
"Thinking about it, I mean it's not like my parents would care if I do it or anything for that matter," she says lowly.
Tricia gathers her home life isn't picturesque, which she can strongly relate to growing up in an unstable household.
"If you need anyone to talk to look no further," Tricia gently remarks.
"I like that," Jordan replies

So far Martha had performed two songs one of them a ZZ Ward cover and one of her original, it did seem most of the customers were being entertained by her.
The intermission between the set was now over when Mae Jackson gets on the microphone to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen once again Martha Saunders,"
A round of applause and a few audible cheers from the patrons made Martha take the mic on the small stage.
Sitting in a booth near where she is performing is her parents, Steven, Aunt Esther, and Courtney they all look on with amusement and interest.
Antoine is standing behind the bar gesturing meaningfully at her to keep going.
"My last song is something I wrote, and I hope you all like it --- or at least tolerate it,"
Some laughter commences as she begins strumming the strings of her guitar in the right melody.
"I wanted to escape from here,"
"I had no fear of following my dreams,"
"Palm trees, the Hollywood sign,"
"Thought it would be all mine,"
"Until I discovered it was full of lies,"
"Full of lies,"

When the performance concluded, Martha surrounded herself by her friends and family who were congratulating her.
"I'm so proud of you for facing your fears," her mother says as she hugs her.
Peter, who still looked unwell, nods at her with adoration. "You did great baby girl,"
"Thanks, everyone," Martha says expressing her gratitude,
Esther carries her purse in her hand," Martha Rae, inherited that singing from our momma, didn't she Peter?"
Peter acknowledges the statement by nodding.
She and her father's late mother, Rosemary Saunders, had a beautiful voice singing in the choir at First Street Methodist Church.
"She is the first person who sung a nursery rhyme to me," he replies
Esther shoots her only son a look of "Excuse me,"
"I mean someone who actually carried a tune no offense mom." he counters
Martha notices that both Mae and Antoine joined them around the booth too.
"You killed it, now what are you going to do now?" Antoine asks
"Get something to eat and pick up my baby, because it's been a long day," Martha replies in an exaggerated exhausted tone.
Mae touches her employee's arm. "Take tomorrow off you earned it see you Sunday morning,"
As Martha verbally shows her appreciation, Peter begins to experience shortness of breath, causing him to gasp uncontrollably.
"Peter, what's wrong?" "Peter," Sarah Lynn repeats with some apprehension.
He clutches his chest which becomes tight his legs give out collapsing onto the floor.
Most of the customers start to look on with concern since most of them have known Peter their entire lives.
"Somebody call 911!" shouts out Mae.
Esther nervously takes out of her phone from her purse to call for the ambulance.
Steven bends down on the floor to administer CPR on him. "Come on, I am not going to let you die, Uncle Peter,"
Sarah Lynn is on the floor too with worry on her face shaking her head refusing to believe this is reality nonetheless, she is aware of what is around her. Caressing his hand, she silently promises him he is going to be just fine.
Supportively Martha places her arm around her mother, unsure of one outcome over the other but knows she has to be strong for her mother.
Friends and Family gather at Peter's bedside.
Tricia walks in on a close moment.
And Much More!
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