Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Max and Shauna made love for the first time in Sun Valley.
Martha declared that she would raise her baby on her own.
Mae found out that her son Will might be getting out of prison on parole.
Tanner reluctantly agreed to teach Tommy how to drive.

Disregarding the fact that she grew up on a farm where various noises can be heard non-stop throughout the day. Martha Saunders has always been able to sleep through distractions outside of her window. This morning, however, she finds herself in a position that isn't as comfortable as the one she found hours ago when she came from Mae's annual New Year's Eve party at the Waterfall. And in spite of the purpose of the pregnancy pillow, she notices how sore she is in her full-size bed.
As Martha puts her hand on her round stomach, she begins to feel flutters of kicks of the baby growing inside of her. She starts talking to her child like she has been doing here and there.
"Hey little guy, it's me, mommy, -- you know what I'm going to let you in on a little secret, I'm getting scared, I wanted you to have what I had all my life which is two of the best parents anybody could ask for, but you're not going to have that and half of that is my fault, I thought I knew him at least enough to think he would at least care about you. I was wrong and I am so sorry about that. Don't you worry though -- I have enough love for two parents. "We're going to be just fine, you're going to have enough family around you, your godparents Shauna and Steven are going to spoil you. In a way, you're luckier than most."
She then kisses her hand and places it over her belly.
A light tap on the door has Martha turning her head to see her mother Sarah Lynn Saunders in her robe with a warm expression on her face.
"Sweetheart, are you all right? " she asks with her usual motherly concern.
Martha puts a few strands of her hair out her face. "Yeah, not really -- oh momma," she says poignantly.
Before Martha realize it, her mother has wrapped her arms around her with enough consolation tears began pouring out of her eyes.

With proficiency, Max Covington steers his yellow 911 Porsche GTS convertible on the eastbound lanes of the highway as Happier by Marshmello ft. Bastille is playing on the stereo. He and his girlfriend Shauna Jackson were coming from the airport after being away at a ski resort in Sun Valley for four days. Also, it is where the two of them had sex together for the first time on New Year's Eve. He is about ten exits away from dropping her off at home this morning.
"Looks like we're our back in the real world," Max says
Shauna nods her head accordingly. "Oh yeah, goodbye privacy in a five-star resort hotel, and hello to cows, sheep, and watching out not to step in shit on sidewalks."
Max laughs, whilst still trying to maintain his focus on the road he glances at her not knowing how beautiful she is when she smiles. A far cry from the uptight interior decorator that first came to Home Farm all those months ago.
"Hey Max, the next time you think about taking me out of town, I got one thing to tell you."
"And what is that? he chuckles a little harder. "
"Don't get me wrong, I loved Sun Valley, and let's not forget the incredible sex. But it was cold as hell there, so keep in mind that l wouldn't mind a tropical getaway next time, " she replies.
Max signals to turn right. "I will keep that in mind. And I enjoyed our time together too."

Perhaps it had to do with her reluctance, nonetheless, Tanner Lockhart didn't find herself getting consumed of stepping foot inside of the estate, nor it's grandness. Today was the first scheduled day in which she would be giving driving lessons to Tommy Covington. The two had shared a few texts over the holiday break about it Thankfully, Lynn whose idea it was to have her do this in the first place decided to tag along with her as well as Elijah Barker who was in need to get out of his house before one of his parents try to convince him to read The Canterbury Tales again..
"I would never get tired of living here," Elijah admits.
The three of them were escorted to sit in the living room by the Covington maid Gabriella who seemed eager that Tommy had people to see him.
"It's just a big house, Elijah it's not the first one you ever saw," Tanner says nearly close-lipped.
Lynn who is staring at the painting of Central Park on the wall turns her head to the pair of them. "Don't you think it's kinda weird that we're at the house of the people that granddad shade on the regular? "
"Our cousin is dating Tommy's sister, and our mother used to date their father, I think we passed kinda weird a long time ago Lenny," Tanner informs her fraternal twin sister.
Elijah looks up from his phone. "Hey, you two never said how the trip to Paducah went with Sean."
He then realizes he might be bringing up something that might make them edgy since he knows that their father isn't exactly their favorite person right now because of his adultery.
Well, dad didn't step out to call his slut when we were on the road. "Tanner says uncharacteristically.
Elijah and Lynn share a glance of them knowing it is out of the blue for Tanner to use any demeaning language so openly.
Lynn finds herself telling their friend that their grandfather John, let them try bourbon for the first time and that their grandmother Felice got into her behind for skipping school because education is the most important thing in one's life.
"Who knew Kentucky Bourbon was so strong? " Tanner announces
"I wouldn't think that you were a drinker Teach." Tommy Covington comes into the room with both hands in his pants.
Tommy has on an Abercrombie hoodie with dark chino pants and sneakers on his feet.
Tanner rolls her eyes at him trying to keep many of the negative words she can say about him coming out of her mouth as best as she can.
"You got a cool ass house, man. " Elijah compliments
Tommy nods his head like this isn't the first time he has heard this in his life. "I give you a tour later E."
"I'm ready for my first lesson," Tommy says to everyone.
Tanner hands her driving student the key to the fiat. "Be careful with this."
She then makes her way out to the door.
"Isn't she a ray of sunshine," Tommy says mostly under his breath.

In between picking up trash from last's night New Year's Eve celebration in the bar, Mae Jackson cannot stop thinking about her son Will calling her for the first time in months from prison. It was then he told her out that his lawyer thinks that there is a chance that he can get out on parole soon meaning he'll get out of prison sooner than his initial sentence. Even though she wants nothing more to see her child out of jail. She still is ticked off at him for betraying his dying father's memory by forging his signature on checks in order to rescue his clothing business from total collapse. With her daughter Cassie living in Miami, and Will behind bars, she feels like her children are slipping further away from her.
The noise of footsteps snatches the thought of Will when she happens to see Shauna and Max coming from behind the bar where they came through the side entrance to the upstairs apartment. Shauna was carrying her purse on one of her shoulders, and rolling in her luggage.
"I'm back!" Shauna exclaims delightedly
She scurries over to her grandmother to hug her. Then they let go of one another.
"How did she do in all of that snow Max? " Mae asks part curious and part conversational.
"Honestly, she was better then she went on about, she was a true natural Mrs. Jackson," Max informs the older woman.
"I see the party was a success," Shauna says observing the scraps of deflated balloons on the ground.
Mae starts filling the both of them the highlights from last night.
Max goes over to Shauna.
"Well I let you catch up with your grandmother, I'll call you later."
The couple kisses one another, as they part ways he waves goodbye to Mae who returns the gesture, he then walks out of the bar through the entrance doors.
Shauna develops a wide grin upon her face which Mae doesn't miss at all.
Mae crosses her arms on her chest. "I take it that the two of you had a great time huh?"
Shauna turns to face her grandmother. "Yes, we did, who knew underneath all of that sarcasm he is so down to earth, I'm glad that I got to know him better."
Mae had planned to tell Shauna about the possibility of her uncle getting out of prison but decides that it isn't the right time to get into it.
"I want to hear all about Sun Valley," Mae says enthusiastically.
"All right, but grandma let me help you clean up, oh god I can't believe I just said that." Shauna retorts optimistically. Realizing what Max was talking about returning to the real world.

Inside of the parked vintage green fiat, Tommy was sitting in the driver's seat. Next to him is Tanner and behind them in the backseat is Lynn and Elijah.
"Okay Tommy, go ahead, place the key into the ignition. " Tanner instructs him.
Tommy does what he is told which makes the car comes alive.
"What are we listening to? " Tommy asks referring to the music from the radio.
"FKA Twigs" Tanner replies
Tommy looks at the radio then to her. "Who?"
Lynn and Elijah both watch them like they're witnessing a verbal tennis match.
"Don't worry about the music, Tommy, we're trying to get you to get your driver's license," Tanner says
Tommy grips the wheel. "Am I the only one without one?"
The three of them go silent confirming the response to his question.
Tanner pushes up her eyeglasses on her face. "Make sure your mirrors are adjusted. "
He does what he is told.
"All right, lightly put your foot on the gas."
Tommy places his foot on the gas peddle, however, he begins speeding around the circular driveway.
"What the hell are you doing?" Tanner demands
Lynn and Elijah hold onto each other who are both regretting not to put on their seatbelts.
Tommy parks the car a few feet away from where they started.
"Well at least you're aren't scared of getting behind the wheel. " Lynn says almost breathlessly.
"I might or might not have to piss right now," Elijah confesses.
Silently Tanner gives Tommy a long peek, he has a look of jubilation like he accomplished a win of a go-kart race, but he perceives suddenly that he might have overdone it.
"We got a long way to go," Tanner says lowly.

Sarah Lynn is lying down next to her daughter in bed. She is doing her best to support her youngest daughter.
"I know you're sick of me with all of my drama that I usually bring on myself. " Martha says through her sniffling.
Sarah Lynn puts her arm around her. "I can never get sick of you, you're my daughter."Talk to me, baby."
"Everything is beginning to feel -- a bit of overwhelming, Am I going to be a good mother, Am I going to know how to take care of my son," Martha says
"Martha, sweetheart, I'm going to let you in on something, no one does, but I will tell you this that overtime your mother's intuition will kick in meaning you'll be able to know what your baby needs."
Martha suppresses her thoughts of doubt.
Right now, just take these few days to get yourself ready to have this baby trust me I remember when I was pregnant with you I thought I had all the seconds in the world but all of a sudden I went into labor. " She snaps her fingers for effect.
" Well hopefully, that doesn't happen to me I read in one of those books that first-time mothers have slow labors," Martha says more joyously.
Then the flutters in her stomach return with full force. She tells her mother to feel the baby kicking.
"Wow, he is strong already."
"Momma, I think you're right."
The two of them both have their hands on Martha's belly as they feel the movements of their first born son and grandson.
An end of an era.
A business opportunity is on the horizon.
Lynn and Elijah connect on another level.
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