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Written by: Bre L. Drew 

July 22, 2024 

Last Time on Town and Country

  • After a heated fight with Max, she sought comfort from Antoine, resulting in the two making love, which Shauna regretted, and resulting in telling him that nobody could know about their tryst, and nothing could ever happen between them again. 

  • Max was surprised when he was able to walk again after being paralyzed for a year due to the accident, which also caused the death of his and Shauna's unborn child. 

  • Despite being married for over a year, Tommy and Jordan hadn't consummated their marriage, which makes Jordan determined to hold onto her marriage and family even more, knowing her husband is still in love with Tanner even though she's involved with Presley. 

  • Afraid of the unknown regarding her leukemia, Lenny has been using dark humor to conceal her true feelings regarding her mortality.


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Another summer evening descends into Radcliffe, while inside The Waterfall, a packed crowd of patrons occupies the place while the soul-funk music of Teena Marie's "I Need Your Lovin'" plays on the stereo system. 


Meanwhile, Antoine Hall is working behind the bar, assisting in serving drinks, though he couldn't keep Shauna off his mind. Even though it had been a few months since the two spent the night together having sex, he hadn't stopped thinking about every inch of her body, not to mention how she confided in him about the state of her marriage to Max and how he wasn't fulfilling her needs due to his paralysis.


She made him swear to him never to reveal what happened between them, as she wants to remain married to Covington, which he doesn't understand, guessing it's why he hadn't seen her since then, not to mention Max is walking again. 


His thoughts dissipate when he faintly hears his name, which snaps back into reality. 


Standing not far from him is Martha Saunders, "Antoine, I need those beers." she recites. 


The bartender is in a black and white striped top and black faux leather pants. 


"Sorry," he apologizes while obtaining the two bottles. 


"You alright?" 


The bar manager asks over the noise. "Why?"


"I don't wanna alarm you or anything, but you haven't been yourself lately. Everything okay?" 


I slept with your married best friend. Though he knew, no one can ever know.


"I'm straight." he lies.


However, as she receives the beers, Martha detects something more is transpiring but is aware her job comes first. Though she chooses to walk off to give the drinks to the customers, leaving her friend alone with his thoughts, 

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Esther Saunders sits across from Mae Jackson and Gus Hewitt in one of the booths in the bar.


The stable owner is informing her best friend and her best friend's beau of the latest goings-on involving Lenny's leukemia prognosis. 


"Lenny and the rest of your family are in my prayers," the hospital janitor tells her. 


"I appreciate that, Gus. Thank you," the petite, ample-bosomed blonde genuinely replies. 


The bar owner consumes some of her r wine. "And if there is anything I can do, I'm only a phone call away." 


"I'll pass it on, darling, thank you," Esther says in her southern cadence. 


Gus takes to changing the topic of the conversation to something less serious.


"I'm not one to spread gossip, but I overheard some of the CNAs at the hospital talking about Emma Covington being married to that French Man." 


Mae and Esther exchange comparable looks of amazement at that news. 


Emma had been Mae's son Will's lover until she slept with her now husband. 


"She moved on in every sense of the word, didn't she?" Esther notes the sister she hardly knows, having discovered their connection through a DNA test she and her son had conducted a few years prior. 


"Well, I hope this makes Will realize he needs to do the same." Mae remarks. 


"One of the ladies did say they saw a photo of them in Puerto Rico on Insta." Gus continues. 


Mae raises her eyebrows in amusement. "Look at you, being up to date with the latest lingo." 


Gus pops the collar of his shirt. "Well, I'm down with the kids these days." 


While the ladies laugh at the older man, Esther takes a drink of her martini at the news of her half-sister tying the knot. 


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Shauna Covington's body yearned from the pulsing warm water cascading from the shower in the spacious en suite bathroom of the mansion on Home Farm, her in-laws' estate. 


Alone with her intrusive thoughts, her mind kept reflecting on her night with Antoine. Try as she might, it kept coming back to her in flashes of his body on top of hers with every move. However, the morning after, she was surprised to see her husband on his feet, a shock since he had been paralyzed from the waist down after the accident that also took the life of their unborn child, which had resulted in their big argument that led her to seek comfort from her ex-lover. 


She uses the loofa to scrub her skin as the soapy water drips down the drain. 


She closes her eyes for a few seconds before the noise of the shower glass door opened, causing her to open them, her eyes drawn to the person entering. 


"Hey," said Max Covington.


He, too, has shed his clothes, revealing his lean figure. 


"Hey," she says over the sound of the running water. "What are you doing?" 


Max forms a suggestive smirk while placing her arms around her. "I think we both can agree that it's been far too long since we've been together." 


Shauna shakes her head. "It's no pressure, Max." 


She recognizes it's been some time since they've been intimate and doesn't want to rush his progress, even if he isn't dependent on his cane to get around, courtesy of physical therapy. 


"Nothing will come between us again. I swear," he says certainly. 


The next thing she knows, his lips make their way onto her wet brown skin. For the first time, she doesn't know when her mind isn't on how his father's actions led them here or even her own mistakes but instead on their connection suddenly being found again with their bodies writhing in motion. 


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Ten minutes have passed since the Covington family that resides in the guest house on the Home Farm estate consumed dinner, which consisted of mac and cheese and chicken tenders for the toddler, and the adults feasted on baked salmon with lemon and garlic, asparagus tips, and baked potatoes. 


And now Jordan Covington is rinsing the remnants of various foods off the plates and silverware to load into the dishwasher in the kitchen. 


Despite the running water from the sink, she can faintly hear footsteps from the steps descending. 


"And just like that, Jeremy is out like a light," Tommy Covington declares. 


Jordan places the second-to-last plate in the lower dish rack. "That trip to the museum tired him out." 


Earlier today, the couple went to the children's museum in Hudson Lake with their now-three-year-old son. 


"It's no big deal," Tommy says. "You know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that little boy." 


Some awkwardness lies between them as the two often mostly talk about their child, resulting in their marriage not being traditional due to him marrying her out of obligation to protect them from his father's machinations. 


"I can't believe he is 3; he is growing up so fast," he tells her.


"I know," she replies agreeably. "Every time I take my eyes off him, even for a second, it seems; he's grown another inch and knows seven more words." Jordan mentions this while turning the tap off. 


She soon starts the dishwasher, and as the machine lightly hums it as if it were now or never, she contemplates.


"Tommy, who am I to you?" 
The weight of that question makes Tommy slowly lift his head, attempting to consider a straightforward answer, not wanting to hurt his wife even if he is still in love with


Although he has always been physically attracted to his wife, even when they first met back in high school, not to mention that he is one of the few people who understand her on an emotional level, 


He sighs thoroughly. "You're someone I care a lot about." 


The young woman puts one of her hands on her hips. "As the mother of your child, a person, or your wife? I don't know if you're aware, but we've been married for a year now, and we haven't been intimate despite sharing a bed, Tommy." 


"Jordan," but Tommy is unable to say anything that won't make him come off like a Dick. 


"Because if I hadn't made it clear to you by now, I love you, Tommy, but I can't keep feeling like I'm in second place to your frigid ex, who, by the way, is now involved with my brother." 


Much to his displeasure, Tanner is still seeing the reverend. The two have been seeing each other for a while now. 


"She's not frigid," he says above a whisper. 


Jordan places her hand on her forehead. "What would you call someone you cheated on because she wouldn't give you what I could? Virginal? Chaste?" 


"You're pissed at me; just leave it at that, okay?" 


She narrows her focus to her husband. "We can't keep going this merry-go-round because eventually someone has to get off." 


With one more unsatisfied glance, Jordan saunters upstairs, leaving Tommy to realize he needs to sort out his feelings for the women in his life. 


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The thrill is gone

It's gone away from me

The thrill is gone, baby


B.B. King's definitive blues hit "The Thrill Is Gone" now plays throughout the bar when Lenny Lockhart enters, with Elijah Barker following behind. 


Seeing that the place is crowded, Elijah turns to her with concern. "Are you sure you want to stay? We can always dash out of here and get a pizza." 


Lenny takes a strand of her blonde hair and tucks it behind her right ear. 




"Because you had chemo today, you sure don't want to chill." 


To prepare her body for her future bone marrow transplant, she is undergoing intense chemotherapy that has taken a toll on her body.


"And I'm going to have chemo next week and the week after that. But I can't keep letting this damn disease run my life.

And anyway, soon we won't have much time together."


Elijah doesn't hide his dislike of her talking like this.


"I mean before you head to law school," she adds. 


She then looks over her shoulder to see her aunt with Mae and Gus. 


The two walk over as the three older individuals exchange greetings with them, yet they are taken aback to see her among the living. 


It doesn't take long for her late grandfather's sister to speak up. "Lynn, darling, are you sure it's a good idea for you to be out in this crowd?" 


"Do you need to sit down?" Mae queries caringly to the young woman she watched grow up. 


She could spot that her great-niece looked fatigued, especially in her eyes and looks; she lost more weight from her already small frame. 


"I'm fine, Aunt Esther," Lenny says, trying to remain respectful. Though she wants to tell her she isn't made of glass, she needs to think she's going to break.


Mae and Gus trade uneasy glances. 


"So, what were you talking about before we came?" Elijah says the first thing that came to mind was. 


"Emma marrying Jacques Laurent out of the blue," Gus remarks, deciding not to also mention she was the person of their initial conversation. 


"Yeah, Tommy told me they eloped in Puerto Rico, and his grandmother isn't too happy about it," Elijah announces.


"I bet she isn't," Esther says between sipping her cocktail and thinking of her former best friend. 


Lenny and Elijah soon excuse themselves to head to the bar, where they both address her other aunt to order. 


"Is this Saunders women night or what?" Elijah says jokingly


"Well, we are unforgettable, aren't we?" Martha winks. "What can I get you two?" 


"A coke," Elijah faces Lenny to let her say what she wants. 


"A beer," she replies.


It doesn't take long for the recovering alcoholic to respond to his girlfriend's answer. 


"After everything I'm going through, I deserve a drink, and anyway, I'm having just the one, so it won't interfere with my treatment."


Martha sees the frustration her niece is experiencing.


Elijah defeatedly shrugs and proceeds to nod while he takes out his card to pay for it. 


Once Martha prepares them, she gives them their beverages, which they take to an empty booth near the back. 


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Martha looks over to Antoine, who is handing a male customer a pint of beer, curious as to what is distracting him. 


"I'm not trying to be nosy, but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't ask how, you are really doing, and don't say it's nothing because we both have known each other for way too damn long." 


Antoine exhales, knowing she isn't going to give up until he tells her. "I guess I'm just tryin' to understand the opposite sex, that's all." 


"Ah, women's issues; I should've known." 


She is aware of her friend's reputation for not having the best track record involving women. 


"I don't know why the hell I'm even lettin' this get to me; we weren't gonna last anyway."


"Because even though it didn't work out, you still care about her, and it's going to take time for you to deal with that," Martha advises.


She places a supportive hand around him while he tries to adhere to her words, but he isn't sure it is going to be simple, especially when it comes to Shauna. 


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Finally making up for lost time, the two exit out of the bathroom, still embracing one another. Max is in a New York Yankees t-shirt and jogging pants, while Shauna wears a satin strap nightgown. 


"From that look on your face, I'm assuming you have no complaints, Mrs. Covington." 


"None at all, Mr. Covington." 


"Good to know," he says, feigning modesty, which makes her chuckle, although she covers her mouth, developing a yawn. 


"Are you all right?" 


She lets go of her husband as she moves closer to the king-size bed. "I don't know what came over me, but I got tired all of a sudden. I'm so sorry, babe." 


A considerate glance appears on Max's face. "What about we veg out on some TV?" 


"Yeah, that sounds good." 


The two get into bed while Max grabs the remote to channel surf. 


Meanwhile, an awakening suspicion comes over Shauna while she stretches her arm to obtain her iPhone from the bedside table. 


With her eyes darting onto the screen through the calendar app, her suspicion became more of a likelihood. 






Chemotherapy continues to take more of a toll on Lenny. 
Jacques starts his first day at Covington.
Joel gets candid about his time in Cambodia. 


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