Written by: Bre L. Drew
April 22, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
After being diagnosed with leukemia, Lenny went through her first round of chemotherapy with Elijah and her family by her side.
Aspiring to get their parents back together, Aaliyah uploaded the video of Sean and Louise making out at Jai and Louise's engagement party, causing a fallout with her, Tanner, and Lynn.
Jordan purposely let it slip to Presley that Tanner and Tommy shared a close moment when Tanner found out about her twin sister's cancer diagnosis.
The marital strain continues to affect Max and Shauna while she grows closer to Antoine again.

Even though she had been gone for several months on leave, Shauna Covington felt a sense of confidence while departing out of the elevator this morning onto the twentieth floor of the building that bears her marital surname in downtown Radcliffe.
Today marks her first day back to work in a part-time capacity, consulting on interior and architectural developments.
Though the type of work she will be doing isn't an issue, she needed to get back to her career after feeling in a rut of sorts taking care of Max since his paralysis, in addition to discovering that Daniel's gaslighting is the reason for that as well as the death of their unborn baby. However, she wouldn't have to worry about seeing that man since he had been removed as CEO, and in his place is now her sister-in-law, who initially wasn't keen on the idea of her returning but relented.
Shauna makes her way through the sector where cubicles and offices are, meeting a few co-workers she knew before welcoming her back, which she waves at them and gives gratitude for. She then goes down to the end of the hall, where her office is.
As she steps into the room, everything has remained the same: it is still organized and clean. Taking her jacket off to put on the rack near the door, she revealed an indigo blue santeen blouse with matching pants. Though her focus goes over to her desk when she puts her carryall purse on it, she immediately goes to the colorful container, which includes chocolate-dipped strawberries, pineapples shaped like daisies and honeydew, and cantaloupe.
They instantly bring an appreciative smile to her lips, sensing that Max is behind this as she goes for the card attached to the beautiful assortment.
"I hope you find these sweet like you," she reads aloud.
"Well, do you?" Another voice chimes in, causing her to turn around to see Antoine Hall strolling in the office with a grin on his face.

If Max Covington were to compare his surroundings presently, he would describe them as the opposite of a mansion, which he attributes to the mansion on his family's estate while eating breakfast at the guest house at the table with his younger brother, his wife, and their active two-year-old son, while the television in the living room is somewhat loudly playing Me & Mickey, giving the atmosphere a well-lived-in environment.
It also reminds him of the life he could've been living if his child had survived, which also means he wouldn't be in this chair, unable to move his lower limbs.
"All right, I think it's time to get this little guy cleaned up," Jordan Covington declares. The Covington-in-law is wearing a white scalloped v-neck cami silk top with white slacks, and her permanently dyed dark brown hair is in a ponytail.
"No," he fusses.
Before Jordan can say anything, Tommy inserts his authority. "Jeremy, listen to your mother, okay, buddy?"
Jeremy bounces his head while getting picked up out of his highchair. The young woman runs her hands through his curly blonde hair, seeing food remnants on his clothes and face.
"Thanks again for breakfast," Max thanked her. "It was good,"
"You're welcome, and Max, you and Shauna are invited anytime," she tells him. "I'm glad I got to finally try those recipes from a cooking vlog I watch." She then turns to her son. "It's time we get you into the tub and scrub all that food off you."
"Can I bring Batman?" he asks excitedly for his action figure.
"Of course, you can't bathe without the caped crusader."
Tommy and Jordan exchange glances of relief as she carries him upstairs.
Tommy had invited his brother to come over and eat with them since he knew Shauna was starting her first day back at Covington and didn't want him to be alone.
"I can't believe my little brother is a family man," Max says observably.
Tommy showcases a look of amusement at him saying that. "Not bad from that kid who got kicked out of boarding school?"
"You've grown up since then, Max says while wiping his mouth with a paper napkin. "And being here lets me see what could've been."
The tone in his voice makes Tommy more sensitive. "I get it, but sometimes, as much as you want to, you can't live in the what-ifs. Trust me, it's hard not to, but you got to live in the now."
It also makes him self-aware of his strong desire to be with Tanner again, yet he knows this is not about him right now.
"Meaning what ole wise brother of mine," Max says moderately sardonically.
Tommy grabs his half-full mug. "I think if I went back to work at a place where I found out the worst thing that has ever happened to me, I would at least want a drive by the person I love by my side, trying to get me through whatever they need."
While taking a swig of his coffee, Max considers his brother's guidance.

A rhythmic tap on the door of his office at First Street Methodist Church gets Presley McKnight to lift his head to see his mother standing there, as he was consumed in thought and didn't hear her at first.
"Let me guess, Tanner?" Thora McKnight correctly assumes.
"I can't hide anything from you. Can I, Mom?"
He at least believed that after years of being gone, he would be better at hiding his emotions from her, chalking it up to his mother's intuition.
"I thought you would be wise enough to know that by now," she expresses, sitting across from him. "She is going through a lot right now between getting ready for graduation and Lynn. It's a lot on her right now, babe."
"Maybe that's why she felt the need to lean on Tommy," the reverend emits.

The standard number of customers occupy the cafe this mid-morning hour, while the distinguishable baritone vocals of Darius Rucker as "Hannah Jane" by Hootie & The Blowfish are currently on the sound system.
At a table, Elijah Barker and his girlfriend, Lenny Lockhart, are consuming breakfast. The two had just come from the hospital, where Lynn had just gone through another round of chemo. The treatment had taken her appetite away, causing her not to touch her yogurt parfait, and she only took a few bites of her blueberry muffin.
"I guess coming here for breakfast wasn't the best idea," Elijah admits, seeing she's barely eating.
"It's not that," Lenny quickly replies. "It's just that I miss working, that's all. I guess I never knew how much I miss the farm until now."
Her oncologist, Dr. Saddleman, advised her to take it easy while receiving chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia. Although he did not say outright that she couldn't continue working on her family's farm, her parents think she shouldn't do so until otherwise.
"Look, I'm sure in a few weeks, the doctor will give you the all-clear, and you will be back in your overalls and boots in no time," Elijah says positively.
Lenny forms a countenance of uncertainty. "I don't think I can let myself think of that outcome because I don't want to get my hopes up if it doesn't."
Immediately, Elijah embraces his girlfriend while kissing her on the forehead to console her worries.
Concurrently, Aaliyah Gupta enters the cafe and takes in the sight of Elijah and Lenny as she makes her way to the line.
Meanwhile, Elijah is sitting back across from Lynn. The two of them then notice their estranged friend as Lynn glances unenthusiastically her way.
"Be nice," he tells her.
"You know why that isn't gonna happen," she responds. "I'll be right back;"
The small-statured blonde gets up from her seat to head to her destination.

"Well, what can I get the wannabe director in the making?" Tricia Lockhart sarcastically remarks from behind the counter to Aaliyah in line.
"I thought you would at least be grateful that you learned your husband is still in love with his ex-wife." Aaliyah presumes.
The cafe manager snickers while shaking her head. "I'm aware that I am hardly a saint, but let's not act like you chose to expose Sean and Louise for anyone else's benefit but your own." Tricia spits out. "Because you wanted your mommy and daddy to get back together again, and from what I can witness, despite it coming true, your personal life has taken a toll, and not for the better."
The reveal of the video alienated herself with her friends, including Lenny, Tanner, and Tommy. Only Elijah is nice toward her.
As Aaliyah attempts to compose herself, Tricia lets one of her baristas get her order while she heads toward the women's bathroom to touch up her makeup. However, as she walks in, she hears the sounds of retching going on.
"Are you okay in there?" Tricia asks.
Not getting any feedback, the woman remains there as the toilet flush. A few more seconds pass when she sees Lenny exiting the stall.
Tricia puts two and two together about the vomiting that she gathers as a side effect of her chemotherapy. "Are you okay? Can I get anything for you?"
Lenny places a long strand of hair behind her ear while going to sink, somewhat caught off guard by the sight of her stepmother. "No, it's just that I'm not used to you being like this."
"Like what?"
"Like you give an actual damn,"

Mother and son had been conversing about what took place the other day at Jojo's, where Jordan purposely let it slip that her husband and his ex-girlfriend had an emotional moment after Tanner found out that her twin sister had been diagnosed with cancer.
"We are all aware of Tommy and Tanner's history," Thora starts. "But don't forget, you and she have been seeing each other for a while now, and Tommy is married to your sister. Don't let this come in between the two of you."
"Come on, mom, you think the Covington's' are afraid to go against their vows to get what they want? Presley rebuttals.
"It's not like I don't trust Tanner."
"But you don't when it comes to Tommy?"
The silence from her son tells her all she needs to know.
Thora sighs while gripping the strap of her purse.
"Jordan has those similar thoughts, and that is why she let it slip about what happened with Tanner and Tommy, even making her more desperate to cling on to the marriage, which I called her out for, but of course she lashed out at me, thinking I'm trying to ruin everything, but I was just trying to talk sense into that girl."
"She's stubborn, but I think deep down she wants whatever security she thinks Tommy gives her," Presley advises. "So enough about my issues; what brought you by?"
"Well, actually, I have a meeting with Joel to discuss having a bake sale to raise money for the youth group. I probably can get Tricia to donate baked goods from the cafe too."
His mother had been getting more involved in volunteering here at the church since she and Ernest got divorced. She needed more things to occupy her time, including her part-time job at the cafe.
"I can't see him not liking that idea," he says of his boss and lifelong family friend.
"Wish me luck," she says while on her way out.
"Mom," he calls out.
The blonde woman turns around to him. "Yeah?"
"Thanks for letting me vent."
"No problem," she responds while exiting the room.

Lynn proceeds to splash water onto her face after having to vomit, as she had been feeling nauseous all of a sudden, knowing that this was one of the downfalls of receiving chemo.
Meanwhile, Tricia applies a fresh coat of lipstick to her lips beside her at the next sink over in the women's bathroom in the cafe. Only moments ago, she heard her stepdaughter throwing up, so she decided to bridge the delicate gap between them.
"Look, I know I'm not the most sensitive person," she notes. "But how are you?"
Lenny stares at herself in the mirror, then closes her eyes before opening them again. "Just peachy."
Yet to Tricia, she knows Lenny is putting on a brave front and knows from firsthand experience how tiring it can be. Also, she recognizes this isn't their first time in a restroom together, which was at The Waterfall on the day of Dylan's funeral, which makes her think of her late infant son, who didn't get to live before his first birthday.
"I know you might not take this seriously since it's coming from me, but I hope you get better."
"Even though, with everything going on with you and my parents?"
Tricia decides to keep her thoughts to herself on that, as she knows it isn't the place to do so.
"You are not to blame for how things ended up between us," she discloses. Swiftly, she changes the subject. "So, should we go back out there?"
"Tricia, about what you heard me doing in here,"
"Nothing to mention if I didn't see anything, right?"
The two women offer non-verbal consolations to one another.

Rob Thomas' "Lonely No More" is the current soundtrack inside the cafe while Aaliyah goes over to the table where Elijah is sitting, taking a sip of coke from the straw in his plastic cup.
"You haven't decided to shut me out either?" She addresses him.
He puts his drink on the table. "Come on, we talked about this before. I'm not holding grudges against you for what you did."
Aaliyah remains on her feet, grasping onto her chai tea latte, not wanting to cause any more aggravation with Lenny when she comes back.
"I'm sorry for what Lynn is going through; I don't mean to make it about me," Aaliyah says apologetically.
"I know you aren't doing that," he replies. "Anyway, have you talked to Lorenzo lately?"
The mention of her boyfriend's name makes her perk up with enthusiasm. "Yeah, he's doing good, and he is supposed to be in Chicago in a few weeks with one of Murray's bands to record content for them," she informs him. So, I'm going to pay him a visit during spring break."
It had been a while since she had seen him in person, as they mostly stayed in touch through texts, calls, and occasional video chats. And what better way for them to reunite in her hometown?
Aaliyah places a finger on her lips. "So, when you talk to him, please don't tell him I want it to be a surprise."
"Your secret is safe with me." Elijah nods.
Lenny returns to the table, obviously not pleased to see her former friend there.
"Hey, Lenny," Aaliyah greets her civilly.
"Take the hint. Nobody wants you around." Lenny harshly remarks.
"Lynn!" Elijah interjects.
Lenny ignores him while continuing. "She still thinks she's the innocent party in all of this, and not once has she apologized to my mother for humiliating her in front of everyone. And all because she couldn't handle her father moving on with his life with someone else."
"I've heard this all before," Aaliyah says defensively. "I'm tired of being the one made to feel like crap because your parents couldn't keep their hands off each other. And my dad deserved to know he was going to spend the rest of his life with a woman who didn't love him the way he loved her."
"Sure," Lenny says flippantly.
"I'm not doing this with you," Aaliyah says.
The soon-to-be college graduate was initially going to take it further, but she knows doing this in the middle of the cafe with someone going through cancer will make her even more terrible.
Elijah stands watching them go back and forth like a tennis match, with their words as rackets hitting the peripheral ball, deciding it's enough squabbling.
"Okay, let's get out of here," he insists.
He ushers himself and his girlfriend towards the door as he gives his friend a sympathetic glance while Aaliyah stands there, moving her head, now more than ready to get out of town for a few days to see one of the few people who hadn't turned their back on her.

"These are from you?" Shauna queries curiously.
Antoine indicates his response by nodding. "Who else knows you prefer a fruit bouquet over flowers?"
"My husband,"
"Oh, that's right."
The bar manager is wearing a black fleece sweatshirt and gray sweatpants that show his muscular physique, which Shauna couldn't resist taking in.
"What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" Shauna asks while still standing at her desk.
"I just wanted to make sure you got these and to wish you well on your first day back."
"I think that is what the card is for."
Antoine gets closer to the woman he has been in love with since his adolescence, yet his womanizing ways are one of the reasons nothing long-term has occurred between them.
"Well, they're some things that even a card can't describe."
Shauna smirks at him for being flirtatious.
"But for real, I know one of the last times you were here, you heard all that shit that Daniel did."
"He's why I'm not a mother right now? I still think about it often, especially being back here, but thankfully, I don't work for him anymore because I wouldn't have returned if he were still in charge."
"It's always gonna be hard, but it's okay to start moving forward with your life, Shauna," Antoine says seriously.
Without thinking about her next move, Shauna wraps her arms around him, which he doesn't question while he embraces her.
"I don't know if I can," she confides to him.
"You're stronger than you know," he tells her.
From the doorway, Max, in his motorized chair, catches his wife and her ex together in a surprising situation, creating bewilderment and displeasure as the two are still in each other's hold.
Max and Antoine exchanged heated words.
Emma gives Jacques an answer to his proposal.
Will takes his anger out on Gus.
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