Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 12, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Jordan began experiencing side effects from the sedatives Dr. Toussaint had prescribed her, which was part of the plan to drive her crazy.
Emma tried to explain to Will why she hadn't told him about having dinner with Jacques, and then Will went to confront Jacques.
Deirdre lured Jacques to town to break Will and Emma up in exchange for her giving him the funds to help save his family's company.
Mala informed Jai that Aaliyah isn't keen on him dating Louise and still wants them to get back together.
Max and Shauna had been in a long honeymoon phase.

Despite the lack of sleep, she's been receiving, Jordan McKnight decides to get herself out of the house since her son Jeremy is at his swim lesson with his nanny, Lillith. Except for Tommy and her son, she couldn't help but feel lonely in this large house. And not to mention, the voices she's been hearing as of late have freaked her out, as she believes they are part of her postpartum depression.
She skims at herself in the bedroom mirror in her black off-the-shoulder thermal top and black jeans, and her long blonde wavy hair hangs neatly.
"You don't look half bad," she says somewhat confidently.
"You will never be good enough!"
The familiar haunting voice fills her room, once again interrupting her thoughts.
"No one can ever love you because you will never be enough!"
At first, she does her best to ignore them, even telling herself it's all in her head, but the voice doesn't cease.
"Your son hates you for leaving him!" You can't protect him!
The last assertion is repeated with such force that she quickly gathers her purse and coat from the bed. She rushes out of the room, hardly looking where she is going, when she bumps into someone in the hallway.
"Excuse me," she says to the other person, who turns around to face the young woman with an unamused scowl.
"You can at least watch where you're going," Daniel Covington criticizes.
The wealthy patriarch is in his tailored suit and tie.
"I'm sorry,"
"Why were you in such a hurry?" he bluntly asks. "Off to spend more money on frivolous items."
"You think that's what I'm only good for, right?" She inquires accusingly. "Shopping and living off you and your son."
"Well, you said it. I didn't,"
Jordan quickly removes herself from the interaction, heading down the hall towards the staircase.
Moments later, Gabriella makes her way out of the closet next to the young woman's bedroom.
"Please tell me she heard a weekly dose of voices." Daniel queries
"She sure did," the dutiful housekeeper responds.
"Good," he replies coldly. "I'm hoping she goes around the bend sooner than later."

"Isn't it a bit too early to indulge in spirits?" Deirdre Covington asks
She spots her daughter, Emma Covington, sipping a mimosa in the living room of their family home on the estate.
The businesswoman turns to face her.
"Well, you know the adage, it's five o'clock somewhere."
The Covington matriarch, with her freshly trimmed copper-red hair, notices something is troubling her.
"What is the matter?"
Emma does not hide her stupefaction at her mother for asking how she is—something she hadn't asked since she was seven years old and had chicken pox.
"Nothing," she lies.
In reality, she is still thinking about how Will and she left things regarding her keeping the fact that she had dinner with Jacques.
Deirdre is about to pry further when the doorbell rings.
Deirdre waits for about five seconds for the door to be answered by the family's housekeeper.
"Gabriella!" she calls out.
Nonetheless, she doesn't come.
"Your brother is overpaying that woman," she replies while going to see who it is.
Jacques Laurent stands there in a black wool overcoat.
"What are you doing here?" Deirdre maintains vigilance, knowing there can't be any connection because she is the one who enticed him back to town with the promise of money in exchange for breaking up Emma's affair with the ex-convict.
It doesn't take long for the Frenchman to wonder about her reaction.
"If possible, I would like to speak to Emma."
From inside the mansion, Emma could easily hear her former fiancé's accent.
Deirdre gently winks at him before she says anything else.
"You have some nerve to come here after trying to marry my daughter for her money."
Initially, Emma and Jacques were engaged; however, she discovered he was only marrying her to get ahold of her money to save his family's company, in addition to still being involved with another woman.
"Mrs. Covington, what I did was thoroughly out of line. "I let my family come first over the woman I love, but I was trying to keep mine from losing everything they have worked for, but I know all of the apologies will never make up for breaking Emma's heart."
"Mother, just let him in," she states from inside the house.
With the approval of a smirk from Deirdre, she steps aside to let him enter.

Even though it's the middle of December, Jai Gupta would think it's fall outside if he didn't know any better. Only a few days with minimal snow flurries, not to mention the temperature still in the 40s.
Although other pressing matters now take precedence for him, he rings the doorbell of the two-story residential cottage where his family resides.
Not long after, Mala Gupta steps out of the house in a light brown cashmere wrap coat, holding onto her Louis Vuitton briefcase.
"Hey," he says, greeting her pleasantly.
"Hey, yourself," she says back in her British inflection. "It's not too often to see you here precisely this early."
Jai flashes his trademark charismatic smile.
"Remember what we had talked about before?"
It doesn't take long for Mala to recall their previous conversation.
"She's inside; good luck," she adds.
He briefly watches his ex-wife trek to her Mercedes SUV before going into the house.
As he looks up at the staircase, he sees his daughter Aaliyah Gupta walking downstairs in her red dot pajama set.
"Daddy, hey,"
She then wraps her arms around her father, glad to see him.
The two then let go of one another, and she observed the look on her face, which she knew all too well.
"I know that look; what did I do now?" she asks.
"I think we need to have a chat."
He then puts his arm around her shoulders while he navigates her into the living room,

Donny Hathaway's holiday classic "This Christmas" plays on the sound system inside the empty, decorated establishment this winter morning while Antoine Hall wipes down one of the empty tables.
He finds himself singing along to the song while cleaning. so much so that he hadn't realized that Shauna Covington had entered her family's bar using her key.
She is about to go further but stops when she sees him singing somewhat out of tune into the spray bottle.
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me, yeahh
The interior decorator bursts into laughter, which makes him discover his mini audience as the song ends and the station now plays commercials.
"Betcha didn't know I had skills, didn't you?" He admits it good-naturedly.
"If I were you, I wouldn't be bragging," she says jokingly.
It doesn't take long for longtime friends to embrace each other.
"What are you doing on this side of town with us commoners?"
She quickly inhaled the familiar scent of his deodorant and soap as she let go of him, which usually she doesn't mind but somehow makes her queasy.
"I came by to see grandma before going to the inn."
Antoine puts the bottle and cloth on top of the countertop.
"She left about ten minutes ago to run some errands."
"Well, it appears that you might have to do," she teases while taking a seat at the bar.
Antoine, now behind the bar, smiles sweetly at the woman he still has a thing for.

The catchy melody of "Be OK" by Ingrid Michaelson occupies the steady crowd of customers inside the cafe. Among them are our Tommy and Max Covington, who are sitting at the table near the large window overlooking Main Street this winter morning.
"Congratulations again on passing your finals," Max compliments his youngest sibling sitting across from him. "I know it isn't easy with fatherhood and a job, but you did it."
Tommy dips his head.
"Thanks; who knew studying in the mailroom would pay off?"
He then takes a sip of coffee, trying to gain more energy, which Max notices.
"What?" Tommy asks.
"Nothing," Max replies. "It's just either you were up late partying, or you were occupied with a certain blonde?"
Tommy has a tense expression on his face.
"I hope you were partying... he can see him looking down. "Oh my god, don't tell me you're with Jordan?" Max says to his brother.
The youngest Covington sibling informs Max that he and Jordan have been sexually active for a while now.
"Don't judge me, okay, it's nothing but sex,"
Max shakes his head in disagreement.
"Tommy, you might see it that way, but I doubt Jordan does."
"Trust me, Jordan knows we aren't building towards anything serious."
Max takes a hearty sip of his coffee.
"Yeah, right, listen to your big brother, okay, feelings always get in the way of a friend-with-benefits deal, especially if the two of you already have a history, and on top of that, you have to put Jeremy's well-being above your needs."
"Speaking from experience?"
Max quickly reflects on his wife's own sexual past with Antoine.
"Something like that," he answers nonchalantly. "So, tell me something, would you be sleeping with her if Tanner was single?"
The weight of that question has Tommy grappling with how to exactly approach the proposition.
"I told her many times I wanted us to get back together, but she is with the good reverend."
Simultaneously, Jordan strolls into the cafe. She is about to head toward the line for her usual black iced tea when she sees the father of her son and his brother in deep conversation.
"But what if she wasn't?"
"I'm not sure, but if she forgave me enough that we could get back to where we were before. I wouldn't be with Jordan in any other way other than co-parenting our son."
Instead of Max responding, Tommy turns to see what or specifically whom he is staring at, and he sees Jordan.
"Who knew having sex with you still puts me in second place to Tanner?" Jordan lashes out.
Before Tommy can have his say, Jordan hurriedly moves out of the cafe to the sidewalk, where she stops herself and tries to catch her breath.
Back inside, Tommy leaps out of his chair to check on the young woman, leaving Max to drink his coffee, hoping the situation will work out for everyone concerned.

"I can't believe she told you that," Aaliyah expresses.
She and her father were in the living room when he notified her that her mother told him that she still wants them back together in spite of him dating Louise, who also happens to be the mother of two of her closest friends.
Jai stands not far behind his daughter, who is facing the window.
"I know when your mother and I got divorced, we didn't talk much about it to you or Samuel, but you're old enough to know sometimes people cannot be together forever, no matter how much they love one another."
Aaliyah spins around to at least acknowledge that he might have a point.
"Do you still love mommy?"
"Of course, I do," he says honestly. "But I also love Louise, and I hope it's for a long time to come. I probably know you don't want to hear that, but it's true."
She exhales softly.
"It's just when you two were separated all those years... I thought somehow you two would've found your way back together, how pathetic is that?"
He places his arm around her as her head lies on his chest.
"You are anything but pathetic; you have accomplished so much, being on the Dean's List again, and next year you'll be graduating from college with honors."
"I guess," she says somewhat enthusiastically.
"Are you going to be all right?" he asks her.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
Hearing that her father still loves her mother, however, she knows they still belong together.

By now, the former lovers are discussing the latest goings-on in their lives.
"So, other than work, what have you been up to?" Antoine says
"I've been spending time with my husband, so what about you?"
"I've been spending a lot of nights alone."
"You aren't seeing anyone."
Antoine has a bit of a reputation for being a womanizer.
Shauna gestures at her ear to indicate that she isn't hearing him correctly.
"You? Lonely nights?" She expresses surprise. "Are we getting older, or are we being picky?"
"I just haven't found the one," he winks charismatically.
Shauna opens her designer purse in front of her to retrieve her iPhone.
"No, I'm happy that you and Max are doing better."
Shauna showcases her unsureness by lifting her head at that statement from him, since it's obvious he's still very much attracted to her.
"No, I'm serious. I know you care about him. he remarks. "Last time you were worried about choosing the company ahead of you, it looks like things worked out."
"Yeah, Max and I came a long way to get to where we are now; I don't want to lose him."
Antoine's expression appears to turn more pensive.
"Yeah, I learned recently that life is short; we had Sean and Tricia's son wake here the other day."
"Ah, that's right; yeah, grandma told me." She remembers, "Life can be cruel sometimes, but when a baby dies before it gets a chance to live, it's sad."
"How is Tricia doing?"
She knows that he and she are close friends.
"Not good," he answers. "I just hope that she can get through it."
Shauna looks at the time on the screen of her smartphone. "I need to get going."
As she gets out of the chair, she begins to lose her footing, prompting Antoine to rush over and catch her in his broad arms, which she grabs ahold of.
"Are you all right?" he asks her.
She gains her balance again and nods at him. "Uh, yeah, I didn't eat breakfast," she replies. "I haven't had much of an appetite lately."
"I'll walk you out."
The two go towards the front door, where Shauna steps outside into the cold.
"Make sure you eat something," he cautions her. "I'll tell Mae you came by."
"I will,"
With that, Shauna walks to her blue BMW convertible in the parking lot and lowers herself into the driver's seat.
She reflects on her sudden bouts of sickness, which include nausea, sensitivity to smell, and lack of hunger, in addition to when she and Max were intimate, leading to the potential conception.
"Can I be pregnant?" she asks herself.
She starts to dwell on that possibility for a few seconds.
Knowing she couldn't do anything right now while turning the car on. She then backs the vehicle out of the spot, steering on the main road.

The street is decorated for the holidays, resembling those fictional small towns in Hallmark movies with lights strewn on poles and wreaths on the doors of businesses,
He rubs his hands together, wishing he hadn't left his coat inside, when he catches up to her.
"Jordan, I didn't mean for you to hear that; I'm sorry."
The young woman folds her arms due to the cold.
"That I can believe," she retorts hastily. "Look, I know I will never compare to the Virgin Tanner, but I thought at least you thought of me more than a piece of ass."
Tommy notices that her hands are shaking, and he chalks it up to the bitter cold. Yet she could feel herself feeling anxious like she did during her bout of depression; nonetheless, she had been taking those sedatives to help keep it in check.
He waits until an older woman with long gray hair in a blue fleece jacket promenades with her bulldog on its leash.
"You're much more to me than you were before, not because you're Jeremy's mother but because of the time you spent away. I realize there is more to you than what I thought."
Despite her emotions, Jordan can hear sincerity in his voice.
"I don't know what's wrong with me," she declares while the tears stream down her cheeks.
Not knowing what else to do, he embraces her.
Though Tommy can't help but suspect something else is going on with her, he has decided to keep it to himself.

Jacques gazes around the house, impressed by its overall interior, including the impressive eight-foot natural tree draped in exquisite baubles, lights, and the star atop.
"Whatever you're here to discuss, I'm not in the mood," Emma tells him.
"So, I guess you do not want to know that your wee little boyfriend came to see me at my hotel suite the other day, doing his best to threaten me to leave you alone."
Emma is a bit in disbelief to hear Will defend her since the two left things unsaid the last time.
"He came by to see you?"
"And I told him that no one can tell you what to do—trust me, I tried," he says flirtatiously.
"Do you use that trick on all of your conquests?"
He approaches her significantly.
"It's no trick," he says. "You know how I feel about you, and I know deep down you feel something for me too, or you wouldn't be resisting this hard."
"You should leave; I need to be alone."
Jacques wants to tell her he isn't going anywhere but knows he shouldn't overstep. So, he walks towards the door, which he opens, but the sight of Will in the doorway seeing him makes him scoff.
"I told you to stay away from her."
"And like I said to you, you don't call the shots."
However, Emma saunters towards the door after hearing them go back and forth.
"Will," she says in a surprising manner. "It's not what it looks like,"
Will shakes his head at the sight of the two of them together.
"For a person who keeps telling me you don't wanna have anything to do with him, you see him a hell of a lot." He comments ruefully. "I guess I'm the damn fool!"
Emma can see the hurt on his face.
"Will, wait!"
But he backs away, leaving the exes together.
Meanwhile, at the top of the grand staircase, Deirdre beams pleasingly at the sight of Will, who realizes he isn't right for his daughter.
The annual Saunders Christmas tree trimming occurs.
Will accepts advice from Mae.
Thora receives an unlikely Christmas present.
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