Written by: Bre L. Drew
October 30, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Aaliyah wasn't pleased to find out that Lorenzo was offered a job offer that would take him out of town and, most importantly, away from her.
Tricia declared her marriage to Sean over after she found out about his intimate moment with Louise.
Daniel lashed out at Courtney, causing her to take off in addition to already feeling pressured personally and professionally.
Despite being with Will, Emma finds herself becoming attracted to Jacques again. Unbeknownst to her, at the behest of her mother, Deirdre contacted him to seduce her away from Will because she didn't find him a suitable candidate for her daughter.

On this rather cloudy morning in Radcliffe, without much chance of sun, more optimism of sorts exists inside Jojo's Cafe as Luke Combs' cover of "Fast Car" fills the gently populated establishment.
Every so often, Aaliyah Gupta would casually gaze out the large window overlooking Main Street, but when she didn't see the specific person, she would casually go back to scrolling on her phone or taking a drink of her chai tea latte.
About five minutes later, Lorenzo Vidal steps inside the cafe and doesn't take long to see his girlfriend, or, more specifically, the back of her, with her long hair hanging down.
He sticks his hands into his jacket pockets and moves toward her.
"Hey," he says loud enough for her to hear.
She lifts her head, noticing the person she expected to see had arrived.
"Hey," she greets him.
"Sorry I'm late, but traffic on 64 was kinda crazy," he informs her while sitting across the table from her.
"It's all right," she replies. "You're here now; that's what's important."
Lorenzo had called Aaliyah yesterday, deciding they needed to talk after she found out via an unread text about a job offer that would take him out of town with him shooting content for musicians' social media.
"You go first," Aaliyah offers good-naturedly.
"No, go ahead," Lorenzo verbally insists.
Aaliyah takes some strands of her hair and places them behind each ear.
I'm sorry for how I reacted the way I did; it wasn't very mature of me; it's coming out of a place of fear."
"Because in the last month, I pretty much lost most of my friends, and the idea of my boyfriend leaving me too freaks me out."
At her father's and the twins' mother's engagement party, she showcased the video of Louise and Sean nearly having sex, which was revealed by Lenny going through Aaliyah's phone.
Lorenzo puts his hands together. "I should've told you about the job upfront, but I didn't want to add on top of what you're going through. So, it's why I decided."
Aaliyah immediately cuts him off.
"Take it," she responds.
"You serious?"
"Yeah," she says. "As much as I want to be selfish and let you decide to stay here with me, I know you will be miserable not being able to do the one thing you have wanted to do since I first met you, and I won't stand in the way of that."

Meanwhile, Tricia Lockhart is assisting with the customers from behind the counter. She hands the young professional woman back her debit card while Thora McKnight prepares the order, and seconds later, she gives it to the customer, who thanks them before departing.
She needed any distraction to get her through her issues with Sean, as she is seriously considering ending her marriage due to him getting closer to his ex-wife.
"Nice top," the blonde barista compliments her boss. "Is it new?"
At first, Tricia is still in her thoughts, but Thora's voice pulls her out of them,
"Oh, thanks," she says while casting her eyes at the red long-sleeve keyhole balloon sleeve top she's wearing. "Yeah, I got it a few weeks ago," she answers coolly.
"You can tell me to butt out if you want me to," Thora says out of the blue.
"You know I will," Tricia retorts.
Even though lately she had gotten along with her, she didn't need her to stick her nose in her business.
Thora scoffs humorously, knowing to expect that kind of response. "I know that look from anywhere you're sporting has men's problems written all over it," Thora says certainly.
"Who knew I would be analyzed by my employee before 10 a.m.?" Tricia sarcastically comments
Thora shakes her head, rebutting her dread, and lowers her voice so people around her won't hear. "All I'm saying to you is don't be a victim to a man who keeps hurting you because, from personal experience, it never ends well."
Deciding she had put her two cents in, Thora proceeds to serve two mothers in their early 30s with their toddler-aged children on their hips.
Tricia is taken aback by that advice, especially from Thora, since when she first met the woman, she barely knew what was going on with her daughter Jordan, something she could relate to. But now, after her divorce and working here, she's starting to make some sense.

While Courtney Covington Sullivan looks at herself in the mirror of her bedroom in the two-story residential cottage she lives in. Though the heated encounter she had with her father the other day still weighs heavily on her mind,
She loosely exhales while being satisfied with her appearance and is surprised when Steven Sullivan wraps his arms around her.
"It's been so long that I've been able to do this."
Courtney closes her eyes, knowing she hasn't conducted business hours since being elected CEO of her family's company, as she is getting up to speed.
"Tell me about it."
"Want to talk about it?" he asks concernedly.
"No, not really; I'll be okay," she remarks while exiting his hold.
Steven grabs his veterinarian bag that is on the ground near the closet.
"You're sure. Look, I know I'm biased and everything, but your father shouldn't have said those things to you; it's his fault for the predicament he's in, not yours."
Daniel had accused Courtney of withholding a vote, which caused him to lose his position at the Covington Group, which isn't the case since he was losing regardless.
"Well, try telling my father that," she says lowly. "You know what? I don't want to keep talking about this; excuse me, I need to finish getting ready."
Steven views her taking off out of the bedroom; he has never been Daniel Covington's biggest fan due to their familial long-standing rivalry, on top of how controlled he was when he and Courtney were getting together. But seeing how much he's hurting her is affecting his wife, which also reminds him that he's also keeping the secret that not only their grandparents had an affair, but Emma is the result of it.
"Haven't you hurt enough people, Daniel?" he says to himself.

"What about the music?" Emma Covington surveys Will Jackson.
The two were occupying the bar of The Cliffe, going over last-minute details regarding the club's annual Halloween party.
"That deejay you like is coverin' it." Will nods calmly.
Emma scans down at her iPad, then onto her boyfriend.
"What about the decor?"
"All situated," he reassures her.
"Good," she says while checking it off the tablet.
Despite her being in business mode, he can easily see something heavily on her mind. The thought of Jacques getting to Emma the other day as her attraction to him seems to be redeveloping, though she isn't willing to let it come between them.
"I just want everything handled before Halloween, that's all."
Will shakes his head at her.
"Nah, that ain't it, so don't play me; what is it?"
"You are absolutely right," she replies hesitantly. "It's Jacques," she emits.

To eradicate the sound of the ringing doorbell, Deirdre Covington saunters down the grand staircase of the mansion on the Home Farm Estate in a black cape sheath dress, and her short copper-red hair is maintained courtesy of her stylist in Hudson Lake.
"Where is that woman who calls herself a damn housekeeper?" The wealthy widow mumbles to herself while she goes to answer the door.
Unexpectedly, she finds someone she hadn't foreseen, especially today.
"What are you doing here?" She says it softly, though her tone is evident; she isn't in the mood to entertain him.
"Now, Deirdre, is there any way to speak to the person doing you a favor?" Jacques Laurent says
"Showing up here is not a good idea," she says with her hand on the door handle.
"Well, I'll take that risk."
The handsome French man dressed in a black designer tailored suit manages to delve inside, causing the woman who lured him to town to indulge him.
The two go into the spacious living room, where Jacques helps himself to fix him a scotch. He gestures to an empty glass, which Deirdre indicates she doesn't want a drink.
"I came here to tell you I'm finally making substantial progress with Emma."
"Hallelujah!" she joyously proclaims. "But you could've told me this over the phone."
It has been a long time for this man to do so, but as he has been doing so, he can be given the funds from Deirdre to rescue his family's struggling shipping company.
Jacques takes a healthy sip of the beverage. "My father and uncles always told me that it's better to handle business with the person face-to-face."
A discerning Deirdre puts her hands on her slim frame.
"What exactly do you want?"
"A finder's fee, he replies without hesitation. "I mean, you can't expect me to stay in a foreign country this long without additional currency."
"And why in the world would I pay for minor attempts at getting Emma away from Will Jackson?"
Jacques approaches the woman, staring down at her from his lofty stature.
"Because if you don't, I will despise having to inform Emma not only about our partnership but a past misdeed of yours."
Deirdre is unable to determine what he is talking about regarding her past.

The nightclub manager roughly sighs at the mention of that man, who is trying to get back with his woman.
"I knew it, he admits.
"I thought by now he would take the hint and leave town, but that man's ego is so goddamn full he thinks he has something keeping him here."
Will glares at his lover with intensity. "Look at me; don't worry bout him; whatever that man tries to do, we won't let him."
The confidence in his voice makes the heiress businesswoman lean in to give him a passionate kiss.
Lorenzo and Aaliyah walk into the building, noticing his bosses making out.
Will and Emma pull away, seeing that they aren't alone anymore.
"Please don't let us interrupt," Aaliyah says amusingly.
"We can always come back," Lorenzo tells them.
Emma smirks while Will chuckles at them.
"Nah, y'all good," Will notes.
Emma tosses her gaze at the twenty-something male. "Are you a tad early for your shift?"
Lorenzo steps forward toward them, with Aaliyah a few steps behind.
"Uh, that's why I came; uh, you know about that job offer I got in Nashville."
"Yeah, we do," Will informs him.
He had mentioned to Emma some time ago that Martha's ex and SJ's father were behind it.
From the silence and the stares back and forth from the other couple, Emma could already tell where this conversation was heading.
"I think it is safe to presume you've taken it," she says.
"Yeah, I did; that is why I'm here, to give you, my resignation." Lorenzo declares.
Before they came inside, Lorenzo called Murray, who was glad he accepted the job.
"When you leavin'?" Will seeks out.
"Next week," he states.
"That is quite fast," Emma asserts.
"Tell me about it," Aaliyah verbalizes. "But Lorenzo said that Murray needs him in Seattle with one of his bands."
"According to him, they're supposed to be the next big thing, so he wants everything they do on social media." Lorenzo clarifies. "I know the timing isn't the best,"
"That's a bit of an understatement," Emma expresses. Yet, seeing what she said from the looks of everyone else confirms she might've gone too far. "What I mean to say is congratulations, Lorenzo, and if I don't see you before you depart, have a safe trip."
"Same goes for me too, man," Will proclaims. "Maybe not the first part."
The couple doesn't hide their amusement at what Emma said, knowing that's how she is personality-wise.
"Thanks, you two, for giving me a shot here," Lorenzo notifies them. "It's something I won't forget."

Deirdre chuckles while pointing to the glass in Jacques's hand. "I think someone had too much of the brown liquor."
"No, I'm sober as a magistrate," he retorts. "In fact, I did hear quite an interesting fact about you."
"From whom?" she asks indifferently.
"It was some time ago, but I remember overhearing at The Chateau from Courtney's mother-in-law—you know, the short woman with the unforgettable bosom—telling Will's mother about a woman who matches your description of having an affair with her father many years ago. It would be a shame if I let that information slip now, would it?"
He can see some trepidation on Deirdre's face, indicating it's true.
"You bastard!" she exclaims. "How much?"
Jacques takes another sip of the scotch before responding.
"Enough to make a dent, but not so much to make me a kept man."
Deirdre can tell he's taking pleasure in blackmailing her by how giddy he is coming off.
"I will have the money in your account by the end of the day," she informs him. "And you better have Emma breaking up with Will by the end of the year, or you will regret ever dealing with me."
Jacques sets the glass down on the bar cart and faces her.
"Is that a threat?"
"Let's just say you aren't the first man I had to deal with who was involved with my daughter," she says intently.
Briefly, she dwells on how she paid someone to cut Will's brakes in his car, though Emma was seriously injured. Despite being in a coma, she recovered.
Jacques pivots his head like he isn't taking her seriously while he makes himself scarce.
While the door shuts, Deirdre is more determined to keep an eye on him, realizing he might be more of an opponent than she initially envisioned.

Despite using work as a distraction, Tricia left the cafe early today, needing to clear her head and do some online shopping.
She enters the fourth-floor apartment she resides in for the time being with her husband.
While placing her purse and keys on the credenza, she notices a suitcase by the wall; she assumes it's Sean, even though he hadn't said he was returning home. She wouldn't be surprised if he hopped on a plane from Louisiana, where he was visiting his brother Johnny.
However, getting closer to the piece of luggage, she realizes it isn't his at all. She doesn't recognize it all and is about to check out the airport luggage tag hanging from it.
She then hears a door closing, making her turn partly out of curiosity and also out of vigilance.
A white woman in her mid-60s with long brown hair wearing an off-white sweater blazer, a navy blue and white striped shirt, and dark pants embraces Tricia excitedly.
"Long time no see, baby doll," the woman addresses her.
As much as she wants to fight this interaction, she lets it occur.
Soon, they let go, and the older woman smiles broadly, wearing her trademark red lipstick.
"Before you ask, your landlord, let me in. Nice man, by the way."
"What are you doing here?" Tricia asks unenthusiastically.
"Now, is that any way to welcome your mom, Tricia?" Jolene Woods reacts warmheartedly.
Lorenzo says goodbye to Radcliffe.
Sean returns to town.
Tricia is suspicious about her mother's visit.
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