Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 18, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Jacques's lie of him and Emma getting closer physically sent Will to find out the truth, which drew Emma to Jacques' hotel suite, causing the two exes to give in to each other passionately.
Since being paralyzed, Max was unable to perform sexually with Shauna, which made him feel humiliated.
Discovering Sean and Louise kissing in the apartment, Jolene confronts them, though Tricia manages to get her out of there.
Steven's been hiding the fact that he knows Emma is biologically his aunt via an affair her mother and his grandfather had over thirty years ago.

Max Covington guides his motorized wheelchair inside the main entrance of Radcliffe Receiving Hospital this early afternoon. Today marked another physical therapy appointment for him, so he once again depended on the hospital van to get him here since he had forgone the private one his father set up for him as a result of finding out that his actions led him unable to walk.
While Max makes his way through the lobby, he passes by the tall Christmas tree courtesy of the hospital benefactors, which contains ornaments hand-painted by the pediatric wing. The reception desk is adorned with red and green garland.
This year, he hadn't exactly been in the festive mood, but seeing it reminds him he should've been celebrating his child's first Christmas, not coming to PT, as he reflects on the accident that caused Shauna to miscarry their first child.
Since he had been paralyzed, Max noticed more people staring down at him or ignoring him altogether, which made him self-conscious, which he had never been to this degree until now.
As he goes to the elevator bank, he hears someone calling his name, which gets his attention. He sees someone doing so.
"I thought that was you," Samuel Gupta says, greeting his good friend.
The psychiatrist is wearing a light gray quarter-zip wool sweater on which his work badge is clipped and dark slacks.
"What gave it away? Was it the wheels?" Max poses sarcastically.
Samuel can already detect his friend's struggle with him being unable to walk.
"You got to be anywhere anytime soon?"
"Not until later, why? You want to examine me or something?"
"No," Samuel answers while two female nurses walk past them. "I was heading to get a bite to eat at the cafeteria, and I wanted to know if you wanted to join me."
Max shrugs his shoulders, not having anything else to do before his appointment. "Lead the way."

After decades of living in the house he raised his family in, Ernest McKnight sold it after his divorce, and for the last few months, the police chief had taken up residence in the first-floor apartment within the Wheeler Building in downtown Radcliffe. The pungent paint fumes are still in the air as he places his luggage in the roomy living room.
Shortly after, someone knocks on the door, to which he goes to answer.
Once he opens it, he is a bit taken aback to see the particular individuals standing on the side of the threshold.
Seeing the look on his face, Jordan Covington somewhat regrets coming here in the first place, knowing she and her father haven't been close in many years.
"Hey!" Ernest eventually says, greeting her. He then sees her little boy clutching onto her hand, unaware of their tension.
"Hey, little man, you've gotten so big," Ernest remarks enthusiastically to his grandson, wearing a dark green Mickey Mouse puffer jacket and matching mittens and hat covering his blonde curls.
"Uncle Presley said I'm a big boy." The toddler says,
Ernest chortles thoughtfully at his exuberance since it reminds him of his eldest child, SJ, at that age, who was killed years ago in the line of duty.
Jordan scans inside behind her father, seeing his suitcase. "I hope we aren't making you late for your flight, but we wanted to give you your presents before you left."
A few days ago, her mother told her that he'd be going out of town to visit family for Christmas in Arizona.
"No, I got some time to kill before I got to get to the airport." Ernest reacts nonchalantly.
He moves out of the way as his daughter wears her ivory-white fur shearling coat, also holding onto a gift bag while her Michael Kors bag is on her upper arm.
While Ernest closes the door behind them, Jordan observes the apartment, somewhat pleased that it isn't a total bachelor set-up and is appropriately furnished.
If it weren't for Jeremy stomping his feet, the awkwardness between father and daughter would become deafening.
Ernest kneels at his grandson to meet him at eye level. "Your old grandpa finally got his old train set out of the box. You want to play with it while your mom and I talk."
"Mommy, can I?" The little boy asks for clarification.
Jordan smiles while nodding. "Of course, you can, sweetie."
As Jeremy runs away from them, Ernest informs him that it's in the room where the door is open, which he comprehends.
Ernest rises to his full height while he gazes at his daughter. "He's a good kid despite having Daniel Covington as a grandfather."
"Uh, the present drop-off wasn't the only reason I stopped by." Jordan candidly reveals.

Meanwhile, three flights above in the same building, Tricia Lockhart and Jolene Woods enter the apartment with various purchased items in shopping bags in their hands. Though mostly the two had been silent due to what transpired here earlier when Jolene walked in on Sean and Louise making out, it didn't take long for Jolene to defend her daughter's honor, as she wasn't aware of the situation between them.
Jolene puts the bags on top of the kitchen countertop, deciding to break her silence.
"Tell me something, Tricia."
By now, she has placed her things on the credenza. "And what will that be, mother?" she says exasperatedly.
"You hardly blinked when you saw your husband make out with another woman, and then you twisted my arm to get me out of here. I don't know something isn't right here."
The cafe manager decides she has had enough of holding back and hiding from her since her estranged mother came to town from Bakersfield.
"You want to know the real reason why, Mom? Because the truth is, Sean and I have been unhappy for months. We're getting a divorce! I hope that answers your question." Tricia discloses.
Jolene's overall expression changes when she hears the pain in her daughter's voice, which is a rarity since all of her life, she had to be the strong one due to the abuse she suffered from her husband, Wade.
"What happened?" she asks in the same manner she used to when Tricia was younger, knowing she had done something to earn her daughter's anger.
Tricia shakes her head, partly out of disbelief at that question. "Do I get to ask you what's going on with you?"
Jolene folds her arms across her chest with uncertainty. "What are you talking about?"
Tricia scoffs at her response, instinctively knowing her response. "Are you ever going to tell me why you are really here?"

Emma Covington had done plenty of scandalous things in her life. As a woman of privilege, she had become accustomed to doing them. However, at this moment, she never felt ashamed of any of them until this latest one she did while lying in the king-size bed with the white sheets draped over her naked body. When she came by to confront Jacques Laurent over his little embellishment of their encounter at the spa to Will, she hadn't foreseen that she not only kissed but also had sex with him.
He lays next to her in bed, with the sheets covering his sweaty nude-fit physique.
Emma situates herself to stare at him with disdain. "I hate you," she tells him.
"I thought you would be more relaxed releasing all that pent-up frustration."
Emma quickly raises her middle finger at him.
"We just did that," he says, not missing that innuendo.
"I got to get out of here."
But Jacques leans in for a kiss and as much as she wants to stop, knowing she should be anywhere else trying to repair the damage he did to her relationship with the man she cares about, but it goes out of the window once they intertwine again.

Steven Sullivan returns to his small office space at the Radcliffe Animal Clinic and Shelter. While taking a seat, he is about to do some paperwork when a light tap on the door makes him lift his head.
"Is there a handsome veterinarian in there?" A female voice calls out.
Knowing who exactly it is makes him crack a good-natured grin. "I don't know about handsome, but there's a vet in here.
May I ask who is asking?"
"His wife," she says, and soon the door opens, revealing Courtney Covington Sullivan. in a black cashmere wrap coat with her Birkin bag on her arm. She reaches on her toes to give a nice smooch and an embrace.
The two then let go of one another.
"Please tell me you came all the way over because you wanted to invite me to have lunch in person." Steven says hopefully.
"As much as I wish was the case, I have a lunch meeting with a perspective client. But I do have something to ask of you."
Even though he wanted to spend time with his wife, especially since things were back on track after dealing with her friendship with Jacques, which he felt was more to it on his end, as well as Courtney putting more office hours in,
"Lay it on me," he concedes.
Courtney braces herself for the eventual impact. "What if we make a pit stop before going to the farm on Christmas?"
Steven remains standing behind the desk, wondering what she's getting at, although it doesn't take much for him to figure it out due to her trepidation.
"This pit stop wouldn't involve going to the house of horrors to spend the holiday with the father, who all but blames you for losing control of the company." He asks rhetorically.
Daniel made it known that Courtney's decision to abstain from voting to keep him in was done out of spite, even though she did it because she didn't want to cause any additional conflict that the family and the Covington Group now face.
"I know you would rather be anywhere else, but it is Christmas, and it's not like I can avoid him forever. Besides, he won't be the only one there. We don't have to stay long. I don't want to give my father any more ammunition with me right now, okay?" Courtney verbalizes.
"We're in, we're out, and if your father says one ill word to you, I won't be held responsible for my actions," Steven surrenders.
"Thank you," she says. "I'm not saying I forgive him, but I'm trying to build some kind of bridge."
Steven thinks to himself that his wife is asking too much but keeps it to himself since he's not frankly in a position to do so since he's still keeping the fact that Courtney's aunt is his as well due to the affair her mother and his grandfather had over three decades ago. He swore to his mother he wouldn't tell a soul since it would cause hell to break loose amongst the families.
"I'll walk you out," Steven offers.
He puts her arm around his wife as they depart the room.

The two men are across from each other at a table in the hospital cafeteria, where a small group of medical interns eat lunch while a visitor picks what to get at a vending machine.
"So, are you going to tell me that I shouldn't be in my feelings about everything and that I should be thankful? I'm still breathing, right?" Max verbally assumes.
Samuel takes a sip from his Coke Zero bottle. "I thought my job was to anticipate what people were going to say, he jokes. "No, in fact, you're entitled to your feelings. And after the year, no one would blame you for that."
"You are not the only one dealing with this new way of life."
"I think sometimes she deserves better than me."
"Okay, you don't mean that?" Samuel notes. Though the expression on Max's face might indicate otherwise,
Max darts around to see if anyone is overhearing them before mentioning anything else. "Sometime back, I was finally in the mood to have sex with Shauna. But, uh, I guess the other part of my anatomy had other ideas."
While proceeding to make love with his wife, he was impotent, making him feel embarrassed about not being able to physically express love to her as he had before the accident.
"Oh," Samuel says empathically. "Try not to let that discourage you; perhaps it can be treated with medication or therapy. I suggest you look into it if the issue keeps persisting.
"Shauna said the same thing."
"She's a smart woman, but most importantly, she cares about you. You two went through something horrific, and you should be leaning on each other right now. Samuel strongly advises.
Max attempts to adhere to his friend's advice while drinking from his Aquafina water bottle, deciding to change the subject. "On a lighter note, how is it going in Samuel's world?"
Samuel gives a concise smile. "Better with Martha and I being on the same page with things."
"So, I see you cleared up that issue you had?"
Max refers to the fact Martha kept the fact she had seen SJ's absentee father, Murray Hirsch, in Nashville when they were all down there this summer.
"We did," Samuel says, like he's holding back on something.
"I know it's unlikely he is going to show up, but the thought of him doing so..."
"Makes you a bit paranoid."
"I wouldn't have put it that way," he notes defensively. "I mean, I know as a therapist I'm supposed to be unbiased in matters like these, but I don't think any good can come out of this he does."
"I know this might be dime store advice from me, but I wouldn't worry over what isn't happening."
Samuel sighs, wishing it were that simple, yet he realizes that he should do it in the meantime. Should we risk it by getting some grub from here?"
Max looks towards the line and then back onto the tray, which has a bag of chips and small saucer with gelatin. "I think I just stick with the Jello," he says, bringing much-needed brevity to them.

If it weren't for the electronic chugging sounds of the toy train set that Jeremy is playing with in the back, the emotional distance between them would be more intense.
"Shopping is something I'm still getting used to, so I don't have much food, but do you want something to drink?"
When he was married to Thora, buying groceries was never his responsibility, so he's still getting used to doing it.
"No, I'm all right." She pauses for a second, trying to gather the right words. "I should've done this a while ago but thank you for what you did when I was out of my mind."
Months ago, when Daniel was gaslighting Jordan so Tommy could retain custody of their son, which involved blackmailing her psychiatrist, who was treating her for her postpartum depression, she increased the dosage of her sedatives, which caused her to act out of character so much that she took off with Jeremy in the middle of the night and got so sleepy she went to sleep in the woods, causing her to lose track of him. It was her father and her mother who found her, got her to the hospital, and then transferred her to Stonecrest, a private mental health facility where she not only recovered, but Tommy told her his hunch about his father's involvement.
Ernest flicks his hand dismissively at her. "I know things between us will never be perfect, but I'm still your father, and it's my job to protect you like it's yours to protect your little boy."
Jordan understands that better, as she and Tommy have taken steps to do so, including moving out of the mansion into the guest house, wanting to give their son a secure family unit even though she knows he only married her to do so and is still in love with Tanner.
Ernest places his hands on his hips and exhales. "I just wish we could've brought charges against the SOB."
Jordan takes a strand of her dyed, chocolate brown hair behind her ear. "Well, since the man is likely to buy a judge, I doubt it would've gotten that far."
Pierre Toussaint, who was Jordan's doctor and took his own life, left recordings to her of his and Daniel's private discussions, highlighting their machinations against her.
"Trust me, he's probably more worried about getting his company back than me right now."
Jordan's revelations of what he did at the company's annual board meeting made him lose the CEO spot.
"Just watch your back; that's all I'm telling you, Jordan."
"I will," she placates him. "Tommy told you that you paid Daniel for my stay at Stonecrest."
Not having enough money to pay the fee for her to stay at the psychiatric hospital, he asked Daniel to cover it, which he did, but unbeknownst to him, he was the reason why she was there in the first place.
"Yeah," he admits while putting his hand on his neck. "I wasn't going to be indebted to that man, not after what he did to you. Oh, that reminds me."
As Jordan is about to say something, he dashes off to his room and, seconds later, comes out with a white envelope in his hand.
"I've been meaning to give this to your mother; it's a cut of the house sale. It's not enough to make a dent in the debt ceiling, but it's enough for her to do whatever she wants with it."
He knows that after all of the years he neglected her, the one constant was her keeping that house a home for him and his children.
"I'll make sure she gets it," Jordan says surprisingly while being given the enclosed check.
He checks the time on his wristwatch. "I'd better get out of here soon."
She hands them the gift bag. "I hope you like them."
"I'm sure I will," he replies.
The clomping noise of Jeremy running into the room gets them unlatching as she focuses on her son.
"Did you have fun with Grandpa's train?"
"Yes," he says innocently.
"It looks like I know what to give this buddy for his birthday next year."
"Jeremy, come on, say bye-bye to grandpa."
"Bye, Grandpa," the little boy says.
"Bye," he says, waving to his grandson.
As the mother and son walk out of the apartment, Ernest remains behind the door. "Merry Christmas,"
"Have a safe flight," Jordan addresses him. "And Merry Christmas,"
The two make their way down the hallway as Jeremy gets a head start by running to the elevator.

While Tricia stands in the apartment kitchenette, Jolene sits on one of the two stools opposite from her.
"You know it's funny you've accused me of hiding things from you, but you were doing the same exact thing. with me." Jolene states.
Tricia rolls her eyes at her mother for comparing them. "Well, one of us doesn't exactly make it a habit of lying to protect their spouse."
"I know I was far from Carol Brady when you were growing up, but I can be here for you now. Tell me what you're feeling."
At first, Tricia turns her back on her mother, never hearing those words from her. Then she slowly spins around. "You want to know how I'm feeling about the fact that my husband is still in love with his ex-wife. Even the death of our son couldn't even bring us closer together."
Last year, she and Sean unexpectedly lost their infant son, Dylan, when he passed away from SIDS. It was then their marriage became unable to repair.
In this moment, she becomes vulnerable, which she always hates, especially in front of her mother, who looks at her with pity and concern.
"Wade cheated on me," Jolene reveals abruptly.
Tricia leans closer to her mother, wondering if what she just heard is concrete. "How do you know?"
The older brunette woman crosses her arms while clearing her throat. "I came home from the store one day. I caught them together in our bed."
"I know it isn't important, but who was the woman?"
Jolene lifts her head with anticipation. "This is the kicker; it was the thirty-year-old blonde wench he works with who is the sign holder for his crew.
Wade is a construction worker who has worked for the same company for the same number of years as the woman he slept with.
"I slept in your old room for weeks while he did everything, he could show how sorry he was. And one day, I couldn't take it anymore, so I went next door to Mrs. Montez, who told me I could use some time away, so that's why I went home to pack, and I came here."
Mrs. Montez is their longtime next-door neighbor back in California, whom Tricia used to go to seek refuge when she witnessed the physical abuse between her mother and stepfather.
"This isn't because he threatened you or anything?" Tricia asks curiously.
Jolene moves her head to indicate otherwise. "I told you that Wade hadn't done that in months. I guess she put him in a good mood that I don't do anymore."
Tricia isn't surprised about him cheating on her since, if he's capable of domestic abuse, having an extramarital affair isn't out of the realm of possibility.
The younger brunette looks directly at her mother, who looks sad. "You can stay as long as you need."
Jolene doesn't hold back her amazement at hearing those words from her.
"Thanks," she ultimately says.
Yet Tricia recalls the times before Jolene attempted to leave Wade; unfortunately, all those attempts were unsuccessful; she tries not to dwell on the negatives even though they exist.

Now Emma and Jacques lay close by one another in bed, staring at the ceiling after another intense round of sex.
"Did I mention I hate you?" Emma announces it for the second time.
"I take it that I'm still the best lover you ever had?" Jacques arrogantly boasts.
Emma keeps her thoughts to herself, though sex has never been an issue between them.
"I'm going to get changed... in private."
She gets out of bed naked, and Jacques excitedly peaks as she grabs one of the sheets to wrap herself in and obtains her pile of clothing strewn on the floor.
"And don't follow me," she warns as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
A burst of ego runs through his veins as a result of his making love to the woman he never stopped desiring, let alone loving.
He gets out of bed with nothing to hide his nudity as he grabs his iPhone to call room service when someone knocks rapidly on the door.
"Coming," he tells whoever it is.
He quickly puts on a white cotton robe on the black leather wingback chair that housekeeping leaves every so often, whom he also presumes is outside since they come around this hour.
Once he opens it, however, there isn't housekeeping or anyone on hotel staff.
"What can I do for you this afternoon?" Jacques inquires coquettishly of the individual.
"You really are full of shit, ain't you, Jackie Boy?" Will Jackson broadcasts.
The shorter man manages to trespass into the room, taking in the strewn items of clothing and the unmade bed, and then seeing him in his robe.
As you can see, I'm preoccupied."
"Well, you're gonna hear what I have to say."
Jacques stuffs his hands into his pockets. "What is it then?" he says unenthusiastically.
"Whatever you thought was doin' ain't working."
"Come again?"
"Let me break it down to you then; I know nothin' went on with you and Emma."
Jacques does his best to keep from laughing at the irony.
Will had discovered from the masseur that Jacques paid off so he could try to get her back.
He is about to drop the bomb until a third voice chimes, in which he thinks it's probably some poor maid or random woman he picked up at the bar downstairs.
But the sight of the last person he thought he would see had been in here with him. And with the clothes on the floor and the messy bed, it doesn't take long for him to put it all together.
"Will, I can explain," Emma says, holding back tears. She had gotten out of the bathroom dressed when she heard muffled voices, but in her wildest dream, she never thought it was him.
"Did you sleep with him?" Will questions his lover.
"Can we go somewhere to talk?" Emma says regretfully.
Jacques gives a smirk of satisfaction.
Impatience builds up from not getting confirmation. "Did you fuck him?! Yes or no."
Tears begin dispensing from her eyes. "Yes, but I didn't mean too. I'm so sorry."
Anger comes over him as he goes up to Jacques. He draws his fist, but Emma gets in the middle, trying to break the altercation up. Though, due to her diminutive size, it looked more comical.
Wanting to knock the hell out of him, Will stops himself since the thought of doing something that might land him back in prison isn't worth it.
"To hell with both of y'all!"
Will forcefully removes himself from the suite, slamming the door behind him.
The realization hits Jacques that, after multiple attempts, he has finally managed to end their courtship, something he had been doing at her mother's behest. It also means he will receive the rest of the funds he owes.
"I never meant for any of this to happen, Emma," he says compassionately.
Back inside the room, Emma grabs her purse off the bedside table while wiping her face. "God, what have I done?"
Dramatic and light-hearted events surround the Saunders, Covington's', and Jacksons this Christmas.
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