Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 11, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Despite Emma telling Will the truth about Jacques being the one who came onto her, he didn't believe her, causing conflict between them.
When Jai and Louise's engagement ended when the video of her and Sean was shown at the party, it was revealed that Aaliyah was behind it, causing problems for everyone involved.
Sean told Louise he's dedicated to rekindling their relationship once Jolene leaves town and he and Tricia can start on divorce proceedings, but his ex-wife tells him anything serious won't happen with them until he's officially single.

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell rock
Bobby Helms's annual holiday standard, "Jingle Bell Rock," plays on the stereo system throughout J&M Market this weekday afternoon. Amongst the customers is Presley McKnight, who pushes the grocery cart ahead of him in the aisle while Tanner Lockhart walks beside him.
"Did I already thank you for coming with me to shop for the food drive that the church is doing this Saturday?"
Every year, First Street Methodist Church hosts a food drive for those in the community needing food and other necessities.
Tanner smiles receptively at him. "You have, but I don't mind hearing it again."
Her affection makes him widely grin while he grabs assorted non-perishable items from the shelves to put in the food baskets.
Tanner turns around, noticing the one person she knew she might run into but had that small hope not, though it doesn't stop Jai Gupta from consciously coming to her.
"Hey, Tanner," he says, greeting her without much trepidation in his voice.
The market owner is wearing a black long-sleeve crewneck sweater and dark slacks.
Tanner grips the strap of her purse on her shoulder. "Hi,"
The two hadn't seen each other since Lorenzo's goodbye party, where they hardly said two words to each other, and Lenny felt that he was taking out his anger on them for what their mother and father did, ultimately ending their engagement.
Before they can reply, Presley walks up to them and puts a few more boxes of stuffing mix in the basket.
"Hey, Presley, how are you?" Jai asks.
"I'm doing good," the reverend replies genuinely.
"Tanner, can I talk to you for a minute?"
The college senior quickly exchanged looks with her boyfriend before landing back on the guy, who was almost her stepfather.
"You know I still have to cross some more things off the list, so I'll give you two some space to talk," Presley remarks peacefully.
He gently kisses his girlfriend's forehead and moves the basket out of the aisle, leaving the two of them there.
"Look, I know this is a bit awkward. Okay, this is very awkward, but I hate how things went down after everything that happened."
"It's okay," Tanner lies.
Jai can see the young woman is saying this to avoid confrontation.
"No, it isn't, and that is on me," he admits, generating astonishment from Tanner.

Contemporary jazz music provides the ambiance inside the fine dining restaurant while diners partake in their meals and drinks. Part of the incoming patrons were Sarah Lynn Saunders, along with her two adult daughters, Louise Saunders Lockhart and Martha Saunders, being escorted by a college-aged hostess to their table near the bar.
"I can't remember the last time the three of us spent the day together," Sarah Lynn mentions while the three sit around the table.
Martha grabs the menu to select what she's eating for lunch. "A miracle, isn't it?" she says sarcastically.
The women were at the Village of Hudson Lake, getting started on the holiday gift-buying. Although it's no secret that Martha and Louise get along,
"Is that what you call humor?" Louise sighs.
"You know what's humorous? After all the years of trying to live up to being the perfect daughter, you were caught almost screwing your ex-husband on video at your engagement party," Martha retorts.
Louise starts to overcome with the fury she has felt towards her considerably younger sister for years.
Jai's daughter got them into a compromising situation from Louise's bedroom window, where two of them were together on her iPhone, causing all hell to break loose when it was broadcast on the screen for everyone to see.
"Louise Elizabeth, Martha Rae, please don't start." Sarah Lynn mediates using their full names to get them to stop fighting since her youngest could talk back.
The sisters roll their eyes as they both feel like they're too old to be reprimanded by their mother, especially in public.
Sarah Lynn decides to peruse through her menu. "Anything interesting going on with you girls?"
"Lou, I think you should take this one," Martha vocalizes.
The farmer gives a snide smirk at her sister, not bothering to utter a response.

Having taken care of some business in town, Sean Lockhart finally makes it to work at Franklin Farm. He steps inside the main house, where for many years he's spent not only as an employee but once as Peter and Sarah Lynn's son-in-law. He has spent many times here. Though, in a way, a part of him still considers this place a second home.
As he steps inside the kitchen, he instantly notices his daughter standing by the counter, skimming at her iPhone. She's wearing typical winter working gear consisting of dark overalls over a long-sleeve light brown hoodie and Wellington boots, and her long blonde hair is in a ponytail.
She looks up to see her father. "I won't tell anyone if you don't," Sean says teasingly, regarding her being on the phone instead of outside working.
"Very funny, Dad," she comments.
The two hadn't had a strong relationship in such a while, so any response from him satisfied him.
Lenny places the phone in her overall pocket. "You told me and Tanner you're trying to get back together with Mom, but you're still living with Tricia and her mommy?"
Sean doesn't flinch at his fraternal twin daughter's trademark bluntness while trying to get an internal answer to what he promised her about reconciling with Louise.
"Like I told your mother, me and Tricia's marriage will be over when Jolene goes back to California."
His spirited mother-in-law made the spontaneous visit, resulting in Tricia holding off splitting up since her mother being with them was already enough for her to deal with due to their fraught history of Jolene's marriage to Tricia's abusive stepfather.
"And when will that be?"
Sean shakes his head, unsure of the specific date. "I dunno, but soon, hopefully."
Although Lenny has an expression of disbelief,
"I know what you're thinking," Sean announces.
"And what is that?" Lenny asks while crossing her arms onto her chest, daring him to acknowledge it.
"You think that I'm going to break your mother's heart, but I have no intention of ever doing that again."

Emma Covington and her mother, Deirdre Covington, move to the bar.
"I can't believe I let you drag me here," Emma tells her. "Besides, we have a fully stocked bar at home."
She filled her in on the misunderstanding of Will taking Jacques's word on something more occurring between her and Jacques during her body massage, which he paid off the masseuse to leave him a room alone with her, and not Will was talking to her.
"Oh, come on, a few drinks and some appetizers might make you feel better."
The wealthy widow is wearing a black belted cashmere hooded coat and clasping onto her leather clutch, then narrows in on Sarah Lynn, who is having lunch with her daughters.
Emma instantly sees her mother's latest target.
"Mother, can we not?"
But Deirdre had already made it halfway over to them.
Emma saunters to the bar, urgently needing a glass of something to calm her nerves. She hadn't spoken to Will since their argument, and when she went over to the club, he either had already left or knew what time she usually came in to oversee the business affairs.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," the petite, red-haired woman says as she addresses the Saunders women at their table.
Martha covers the side of her face while mouthing out, "Yeah, right."
It's no secret that their families have been feuding for several decades now, in addition to Deirdre and Sarah Lynn never being friends, unlike she and Esther were forty years ago.
"Hello, Deirdre; we were just having lunch and catching up."
Louise could detect her mother using the same poise she harnesses when dealing with someone she isn't fond of, courtesy of her pageant days.
However, Deirdre ignores the older woman and gazes at Louise. "I hated hearing about things ending with you and Jai Gupta. Then again, I guess the heart wants what it wants, which I gather in this case is the former husband who left you for the woman he's married to now."
Louise does her best to hold her tongue instead of lashing out at her teenage sweetheart's mother, while Sarah Lynn takes a bite of her arugula salad from not making a scene herself in the restaurant.
Having seen enough of her making a fool of herself, Emma sets her glass of cabernet down on the countertop to go over to them.
"Hi," she says earnestly. "Mother, how about we let them get back to their meal?"
Deirdre turns to her daughter, then back onto them. "Nice seeing you all," she says while accompanying her.
"Okay, what the hell was that?" Martha asks them.
"I'm beginning to see why Aunt Esther says those things about her," Louise declares.
Sarah Lynn wipes her hand with a linen napkin. "Usually, I don't let anyone chase me or my family away. But do you mind if we get out of here?"
Without another word, the women gather their belongings while Louise takes out the cash for their bill.
Back at the bar, it doesn't take long for Emma to interrogate her mother.
"Was that necessary?"
A bartender serves Deirdre a gin and tonic.
"I was simply touching base with an old friend," she says matter-of-factly.
Emma knows nothing is simple when it comes to her mother, let alone that she and Sarah Lynn have never been close since she presumes Peter moved onto her when Deirdre and he broke up back in the early 70s.
"How about in your next entanglement you choose someone without a criminal record who doesn't financially benefit from you?"
In reality, Deirdre is aware Jacques is working overtime to seduce her away from that ex-con at her behest. She takes a good sip, recalling that she almost had Will killed when she hired someone to cut his vehicle brakes, if only it had succeeded instead of severely injuring Emma in the process.
The brunette takes an ample drink of her red wine, wondering if it's desperation or loneliness she's confiding in her mother of all people.

"What do you mean?" Tanner queries what Jai said about something being on him involving what occurred months ago.
"After your mother and I decided to end things, I didn't handle things well with you and Lenny, and that's on me. I should've said something some time ago, but I couldn't get up the nerve," he reveals honestly.
Tanner waits until an older woman with a gray bun holding a hand-held basket containing cans of tuna fish and cat food passes to avoid a possible eavesdrop.
"I don't know what to say," she notes.
Jai's facial countenance becomes more relaxed. "You don't need to say anything. I want you to know that I still care about your mother, even if things had worked out differently."
Tanner agreeably nods while exhaling in uncertainty about where he's heading.
"And I know things between you and Aaliyah are complex, but I know that Aaliyah misses your friendship. And this isn't me trying to rush you into forgiving her, but I thought you should know that from a somewhat objective party."
Tanner thinks about the complex status of her friendship with her best friend, knowing she is responsible for showing the video of her parents at the engagement party. On top of her already strong feelings of wanting her parents back together.
"I would've cherished being yours and Lenny's stepfather."
"We would've too," Tanner says wholeheartedly.
Jai nods his head responsively to Tanner's admission. "Well, I better get back to work, but it's good seeing you."
"You too,"
He quickly dwells on the fact he's secretly rekindling things with Mala, but he knows she does not want anyone to find out until it becomes more serious.
She views the man strolling out of the aisle while Tanner gathers some of her thoughts. She witnesses Presley returning with his full basket.
"How did it go?" he asks concernedly.
"Better than I thought," she answers wholeheartedly.

Lenny now sits at the kitchen table, while Sean remains nearby.
"I don't have to tell you how much I love your mother."
"Thanks to Aaliyah, I think everyone saw just how much," she says suggestively.
Sean realizes she is talking about the video that had him and Louise making out passionately on her bed, which was shown to contribute to so much downfall for both couples.
"It didn't work out with her and Jai, but Mom was at least happy with him. I don't want her hurt again, Dad."
"Look, Lenny, I know you're concerned about your mother, and what I did to her all those years ago made you lose faith in me, but I'm serious about taking the next step with her."
While still married to Louise, he started a long-standing affair with Tricia, which Louise discovered dramatically impacted their marriage for years until it was over.
Lenny hears a certain sincerity in his tone of voice.
"Now I get to grill you about your life. Is Elijah treating you the way you should be?"
"If he weren't, you know, I would've done something about it by now," she says of her long-term boyfriend.
Sean takes that response since his daughter has always been more of the headstrong one.
The sounds of footsteps and conversation permeate the room as Sarah Lynn, Martha, and Louise enter.
The women exchange greetings with Sean and the other Saunders woman.
Sean sees the various shopping bags that both Martha and Sarah Lynn have in their possession. "I see you ladies had a productive afternoon."
The mothers' peek at each other, recalling their run-in with Deirdre Covington.
"Something happened?" Lenny surveys them.
"We'll fill you in later," Martha tells her while sitting beside her niece.
"Anyone up for some hot chocolate?" Sarah Lynn asks while going to the cabinet to get mugs.
The women and Sean all indicate they want some.
"I think hot chocolate is all I can stomach right now," Lenny confesses.
For awhile now, Lynn hadn't had much of an appetite since she hadn't been feeling well.
Louise goes over to her daughter to place her hand on her forehead. "I hope you aren't coming down with anything serious."
"If I didn't know any better, I would say you were pregnant," Martha blurts out.
But it's clear from everyone else's reactions they don't find her observation amusing in the slightest.
"I can guarantee you, I'm not pregnant," the young woman says assuredly.
Louise finds the words to speak again. "Well, you should take it easy."
Sean whispers into her ear. "Can we talk for a moment?"
"Okay," she nods.
From the corner of Louise's eye, she could've sworn she saw her sister and mother give each other inquisitive glares, probably about them going to talk.
The former spouses go into the living room.
"How've you been?" Sean asks her.
Louise places her hands on her hips. "Do you really want me to answer that?"
From how she said it, he decided not to press her further.
"I know it's a lot on you; it's on me too, but when Jolene gets out of town, me and Tricia will be over, and we will be the family we should've been."
By now, he can see some vulnerability in her eyes.
"Just don't continue to make these promises if you can't deliver." she remarks candidly. "We should go back in there before they start thinking we went off to do something else other than talk."
While Louise treads back into the kitchen, Sean remains in the room, uncertain about keeping his assurances to the women in his life.
Jolene makes a startling discovery.
Martha and Shauna confide in one another.
A heated encounter turns passionate.
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