Written by: Bre L. Drew
April 17, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Sean and Louise reconciled over their altercation as he came to her for advice on the stage of his marriage, not long after Jai discovered this accusation of something more going on between the exes.
After going to Dylan's nursery, Tricia emotionally broke down.
The machinations of Deidre and Jacques affected Will and Emma's relationship, in addition to Jacques trying to charm Courtney as well.

"I promise you nothing sordid is going on between Sean and me," Louise Saunders Lockhart finds herself saying to her fiancé, Jai Gupta.
They and Louise's ex-husband, Sean Lockhart, are standing in the foyer of the lake cottage where she resides. The two men started to go back and forth regarding Sean being here, which has been a source of conflict for the engaged couple as the conversation about the possibility of living here.
Jai doesn't hold back his emotions on his face conveying tiredness and irritation.
"If you don't mind me asking, what were you two talking about? It's not like the two of you need to sort out who is picking up Tanner and Lynn from horseback riding lessons," Jai says sarcastically.
Sean is about to say something when Louise stops him before he continues. "If you must know, I was confiding in her about my marriage, and like always, she told me what I needed to hear."
He turns to Louise. "I'm going to get outta here and leave you two to talk, but thanks for the advice; I don't deserve you in my corner."
Jai mumbles to himself, which isn't coherent, but it's evident that it's about him.
As Sean approaches the door, he halts near Jai. "Don't do something that you might regret, or worse, do something that causes you to lose her."
He then proceeds to move outside the house to his truck.
Simultaneously, Louise and Jai glance at one another, knowing they must delve into what is affecting them.
"Look, I know you didn't like what you saw when you walked in, but don't you think you attacked Sean unnecessarily?" Louise admits. "I told you nothing seedy is going on behind your back. I would never do that to you. I thought you would know that by now, Jai."
"I came by here hoping we could work something out because the thought of losing you over where we live pales in comparison to everything else, but it's like you and Sean have some co-dependency issues that you haven't worked out." Jai discloses.
Louise bobs her head at his response. "You make it sound like Sean and me our glued to the hip."
Jai's silence seems to confirm the validity of that claim.
"Wow, don't hold back now," Louise says sardonically. "Sean and I see each other daily because we work together, but we also have a history, and we have children together," she comments. "Like you have a history with Mala, and you two share children too."
"But I don't run to Mala every time I have a marital crisis," Jai says abruptly.
"What are we even fighting about?" Louise reveals. "It's like we've been going around the mulberry bush for some time now; we both have pasts we can't change, and it doesn't matter where we live because we will have each other. I thought that was the most important thing."
"It's so much more than that; Sean can't come over to wherever we live every time he has a problem; he needs to respect boundaries, Lou," Jai exhales sharply.
"That's not going to be a problem because I think it's best, we take some time to reevaluate this engagement because I'll be damned if I let even my fiancé control who can and can't come into my life within reason."
Jai stuffs his hands into his coat pockets. "If that's what you want. Then that's fine with me."
Without any other words, the grocer departs the house, leaving Louise to glimpse at her hand to see the engagement ring on her finger. Still stunning, although she can't say the same for her relationship at the moment,

Ma'am, he isn't responding.
She's twice the woman you'll ever be!
Tricia Lockhart had never been the one to tap into her sadness; growing up in an abusive household, she had to be the one to console and care for her mother, Jolene. When her stepfather Wade would physically hurt her by giving her a black eye or a swollen lip, not to mention she was afraid Wade would strike her mother even worse.
However, the last six months have been quite rough on her not burying her two-month-old son, who unexpectedly passed away from SIDS to the current state of her marriage.
She is still reeling from it all on the floor in her dead son's nursery, where she collapsed against the wall in sorrow.

At the moment, smooth jazz plays within the fine dining establishment. A mild crowd makes up the patrons inside, including Courtney Covington Sullivan, who is currently standing at the bar.
A few more seconds pass when she sees the man who not only once was engaged to her aunt but recently has been flirting with her despite the fact she's happily married. Making her hope someone arrives with her takeout in this instance.
"Well, well, well," he starts. "What a beautiful sight to behold today." Jacques Lauren says it in his native French accent.
The shipping heir is in one of his expensive suits.
"Hello to you too," she finally replies.
"How about we have a drink together?" he requests.
Courtney instantly shoots him a look to describe her response. "Actually, I'm here to pick up food to take to my family, so you're going to have to find another dinner date."
He showcases his patented charismatic smile. "You can't blame a guy for trying."
"Order for Courtney," a male bartender calls out from behind the counter.
Thankful for the reprieve, she goes to the bar, where she is given the two takeout bags while managing to keep her clutch purse underneath her arm.
Jacques makes eye contact with the petite businesswoman. "I know this may not be taken sincerely coming from me, but I do send my best to your family."
The Covington's are going through a rough time with Shauna miscarrying and Max being paralyzed, both resulting from the accident occurring with their vehicle winding up in a ditch. In addition to Jordan being in a psychiatric hospital,
Courtney doesn't hide her astonishment at his approach to sincerity.
She saunters toward the door as Jacques moves to the bar to order cognac.

"Can you recall the last time we went shopping, just the two of us?" Mala Gupta asks.
She and her daughter enter their residential cottage with various bags from their day, venturing to the outdoor mall at Hudson Lake.
Aaliyah Gupta moves a strand of her hair out of her face. "I sure do," she replies. "We were still living in Chicago, and we stopped downtown, at the Water Tower; remember you had that last-minute business trip?" she reminds her. "You were torn between the Halston and the Versace."
"Oh, that's right," Mala says, now remembering. "I guess things do not change, because I was torn between two dresses today."
"Well, take it from me, the future fashion mogul: I think the one you chose looks fabulous on you."
Mala places the bags on the staircase and then turns to her.
"Why thank you, she compliments. "After everything that has occurred, today is a reminder that we should do this more often."
It's no secret that mother and daughter aren't the closest due to their butting heads throughout the years. But with everything going on with the people, they know that it's a realization that they need to spend more time together.
"Well, after next week, I'm available for a shopping spree," Aaliyah says agreeably.
The university student will be taking finals next week, and then she will be officially a senior.
"I'm going to take these bags into the kitchen to get dinner set up," Aaliyah adds.
The two decided to pick up some takeout to eat.
Mala nods while Aaliyah heads into the other room. And seconds later, Bono's voice is heard as U2's "With or Without You" plays from the kitchen.
She is about to take her purchases upstairs when the doorbell rings, causing her to put them down again.
When she gets to the door, she looks out the peephole to see who is standing on the other side, and she rapidly opens it.
"You're not busy, are you?" Jai Gupta queries his ex-wife.
"No, Aaliyah and I just returned from the shops."
By the look of weariness on his face, she can tell something is weighing on him. "Come inside," she tells him.
Jai steps inside the cottage as Mala closes the door behind them.
"Hey, what's the matter?" she asks him.
"I just needed to see some friendly faces, that's all," he initially responds.
"Come on, Jai; you have not forgotten we were married for many years. I know when you're upset about something, and the only way to make yourself feel better is to let it out, whatever that might be."
"Where do I start—my fiancée having her ex-husband over for another one of their chats or us deciding to postpone our future wedding?" Jai candidly reveals.
Well, it sounds like you need to stay for dinner, and I'm not taking any other answers, but yes," Mala requests.
Jai smiles humbly. "Sure, I will take you up on your offer."
Meanwhile, Aaliyah, taking the plates out of the cabinet, couldn't help but overhear her father's confession.

"I know I should be getting home, but I'm going to need a drink to deal with my family," Emma Covington tells Will Jackson while they make their way to the restaurant.
The heiress had returned home only a few hours ago from her trip to New York City, where she met up with friends and did enough shopping to last a lifetime. But she decided to cut her holiday short when she heard about her family's latest crisis.
"Yeah, 'cause it's not like you don't own your club with a stocked bar," her beau recounts.
Emma tosses him a glance that conveys that she knows, but it's beside the point.
The two go over to the bar, however, and it doesn't take long for them to see Jacques sitting there nursing his liquor.
"We can dip if you want," Will whispers to her.
Emma dismissively waves her hand at the thought.
"I'm not leaving just because my ex-asshole of a fiancé is here; besides, I'm thirsty, so he can do what he wants, but there is no way in hell I'm letting him get between us again."
Last year, Jacques had been heavy on his pursuit of her, even renting out the restaurant for the two of them to have dinner; nonetheless, it nearly destroyed her relationship with Will.
Will approves of his lover's decision with a tilt of his head.
Jacques spots the two of them. "You two have more in common than you think,"
Both exchange glances, unsure of what the other means.
"What are you spouting about now, Jacques?" Emma demands.
"Your niece was here earlier, picking up some takeout, and now you're here,"
"Or it could mean there aren't a lot of restaurants in Radcliffe to choose from," Will retorts.
"Oh, Will, you surely know how to use your vernacular."
Jacques then takes a hearty sip of her drink.
Emma gets herself closer to her former fiancé.
"Listen here, whatever game you are trying to pull, it is not going to work because Will and I are together, and my niece and I might not be close, but continuing to tease and toy with a married woman is pathetic even for you."
"Well, I think Courtney can speak for herself, and besides, you don't want to make Willie think something more is going on." He winks suggestively.
"Like I said, keep that in mind,"
Shaking her head in frustration, Emma goes back to her boyfriend, who managed to wag down a bartender to get their drink orders.
Nevertheless, Jacques smirks devilishly, knowing somehow, he got to his former lover, realizing the plan of him getting the funds from her mother to help keep his family's company afloat is to perhaps make Emma envious enough that she will fall for him; that way, she leaves Will, and he will have the money and most importantly, the love of his life, all in one swoop.
He victoriously takes another sip of his drink.

Sean steps inside the fourth-floor apartment, skimming Tricia's purse and keys on the credenza nearby.
He assumes Tricia is either taking a shower or getting changed, so when he goes to the bedroom, he stops to see the door to Dylan's room wide open and goes to close it when he discovers her somewhat despondently sitting down on the floor.
"Tricia," he calls out softly.
She lifts her head, her face gleaming with tears—a far cry from her usual headstrong exterior.
"You are not supposed to see me like this," she sniffs.
By now, Sean has bent down next to her, taking in the things tossed around the room. It doesn't take much to figure out what happened here.
"And why is that?" he asks straightforwardly.
She wipes the water from her eyes. "Because I've never been the one to fall apart, especially not in front of people."
"With everything that has happened to us in the last few months, it would make sense to break down," he notes. "Maybe this way, you can move on."
Tricia looks directly at her husband. "From our son's death or this marriage?"
Sean exhales before answering. "I suppose I deserve that," he says. "I mean, it's not healthy to keep things bottled up. That's why you've got to talk to someone and get it out, get out what you're feeling."
Tricia runs her hands through her hair. "I don't know how much more I can take," she reveals. "Losing Dylan was the hardest thing that happened in my life, but I feel like I can't come to you because I'm afraid I will say something that will set you off, or it will make you take off and get drunk, or go tell your precious ex-wife all about it, making me the stranger in this marriage. I'm tired of it, Sean, and if we're going to stay together, you can't do that anymore."
"You might not want to hear this, but I just left Louise's, and I also talked to her, but nothing happened, and I don't expect it either because you mean so much to me, and I'm sorry about comparing you to her; it was wrong, and I can't blame it being drunk off my ass."
"Well, at least you were honest about it this time." Tricia mocks partially. "Look, I know none of us are saints, but we need to do better, or next time one of us is going to do something that we're not going to be able to take back with an apology."
Tricia finds herself putting her head on his chest. "I hope he knew that I loved him."
Sean embraces her tightly. "There is no doubt in my mind that he knew that."
The two remain silent on the floor, clinging to each other at that moment.

Jai takes a paper towel to wipe his mouth. "I guess I was hungrier than I thought I was."
He, Mala, and Aaliyah were sitting at the kitchen table, where they had eaten their food, which consisted of Mexican takeout.
"You should not be that surprised," Mala said, then sipped her water. "You've always had a huge appetite."
Aaliyah grins slyly, hoping a moment like this would make them concede that they belong together.
Jai chuckles at his ex-wife's comment. "Being with you two has definitely made me feel better," he says good-naturedly. "So please allow me to help you clean all this stuff up."
Mala stands up from her chair and nods her head in agreement.
"Thanks," she says in her British accent.
"I will leave you two alone while I go up to my room and sort some things out before I drive back to campus," Aaliyah says, while exiting the room.
Mala places the three glasses in the sink. So, have you decided anything with Louise?"
Beside her, Jai clears his throat. "I don't know," he responds openly. "I still love her, and I do want us to get married, but I don't know if I can put up with Sean possibly coming over to the house we might be living in when he needs a pick-me-up because he can't handle things with Tricia."
"No matter where you live, there's a possibility of that happening," Mala points out. "But your feelings are also valid."
Jai glares at his former spouse with somewhat platonic affection.
"Sorry to come over here confiding in you about my issues."
"We might not be together anymore," she reacts. "But that doesn't mean I stopped caring about you; you're the father of my children, and we were married for half our lives; you will always mean a hell of a lot to me; besides, you know what I went through during my wild-child adolescence and never judged me for it. I cannot ask for a better ex-husband if I tried."
Jai widens his smile. "You mean a lot to me too."
"Well, maybe you need to take some time to see whether or not you want to proceed with the engagement," Mala advises.
He bounced his head at that statement, adhering to her words of wisdom.
At the top of the staircase, Aaliyah sits on the step, taking in not only what was said but the context in which it was said, and it's obvious her parents still care deeply about each other. "You two still belong together. I don't care if I'm the only one who thinks so.
With that, she gets up and heads into her room.

Lying in bed, consumed in thoughts, Louise looks at her engagement ring, wondering if her closeness to Sean might have cost her future with the man she has come to love.
The sounds of footsteps make her lift her head to see her daughter standing in the bedroom doorway.
Louise tries to recover, not wanting her to see her in this state.
"Hey, how was the movie?"
Lynn Lockhart tucks a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear. She is wearing a black high-neck cropped tank top and high-waisted jeans, holding onto her sweater along with her crossbody purse.
She steps into the room to sit on the bed next to her mother.
"Better than I thought it was going to be without Neve Campbell," she answers regarding seeing Scream 6 with her boyfriend, Elijah Barker.
Despite her mother's attempts to hide something, she spots the same exterior shield she and Tanner give people when they don't want people to find out what's bothering them.
"What's going on?" Lenny asks outright. "Keep in my mind. I'm now an adult, so I have some understanding of life now."
Louise smiles earnestly before explaining to her what has occurred between herself, Jai, and her father.
"Wow, that's deep," Lenny verbally indicates. "You want to be with Jai, right?"
"Of course," Louise says. "He's the first person since your father and I divorced; that made me feel like I could spend the rest of my life with him."
A tepid acknowledgement comes across Lenny's face. "You don't still have feelings for Dad, do you?"
Louise moves her head as she tries to absorb that question. "That's not even a possibility."
Lenny is partially skeptical of that response but decides to let it go for now. "For the last few years, you and dad have been in a better place. I think he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that by not giving you and Jai the space you need. And whether you decide to stay here or move, I guess I will be able to live with it."
The older woman is taken back by Lynn's observation.
"Who are you, and where is my cynical but loving daughter?"
Lenny grins while chuckling. "I'm still very much that way; it's just that I've seen you unhappy before, and I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now, but at the end of the day, you have to do what's best for you, whether it's marrying Jai, or even being alone, you have to make the decision that you can live with."
Louise puts her arm around her daughter as she is now trying to adhere to everything that has been said along with her own feelings and instincts, hoping she can come to the best solution.
Samuel receives the results from the blood test.
Antoine checks in on Shauna.
Ernest and Thora walk in on something shocking.
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