Written by: Bre L. Drew
August 1, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Thora and Ernest argue over her decision to end their marriage.
By a stroke of luck, Max and Courtney's bid was accepted to renovate the ballroom at the Miller Inn.
Esther was determined to find out if Emma is her sister.
Presley convinced Jordan to check in on their mother.

Ernest McKnight decides to relish having a day off from work at the station by sitting in his recliner in the living room to watch baseball on ESPN in jeans and an old Bruce Springsteen t-shirt bought on one of his tours about twenty years ago.
He could not help but notice the house seemed larger to him with the children, and now his wife was gone.
He takes a swig from his beer bottle when the doorbell rings.
"I'm coming," he yells while setting down the beer on the side of the chair.
He suspects it is someone at the wrong house.
At the door, he finds a tall black man in his late to early 40s with dark hair and a trimmed goatee.
"How can I help you?" Ernest asks
"Ernest McKnight?" he confirms.
"That's me; what can I do for you?"
The police chief takes an envelope, which he gives to him. "You've been served,"
Before Ernest can ask anything else, the guy quickly strides to his car.
The feedback from the announcers becomes distant noise in the background.
He tears the envelope open to retrieve the papers, which clearly state their intent. He lays them on the top of the kitchen nook. He throws the glass bottle at the wall, its amber liquid dripping down.

Presley McKnight opens the door to the Victorian home where he resides.
In the doorway, he finds his sister in a white bow-neck stretch jumpsuit with a matching clutch bag underneath her right arm.
"You made it," Presley tells her.
"Yeah, I texted you that I was coming over," she says to him as he allows her inside.
"I know mom isn't one of your favorite people, so I was kinda expecting a text from you stating you couldn't make it," he admits.
Jordan moves her head slightly to indicate the validity of that statement. A few weeks prior, Presley had asked her to make it a point to visit their mother, who was still suffering from the emotional fallout of leaving their father after thirty years of marriage.
She raises her right hand as if she is swearing to testify in court. "I make no promises it will go smoothly," Jordan tells her brother.
Presley shakes his head as he leads her upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms. Before entering, Presley lightly knocks on the door, which gets their mother's attention while she is unpacking her belongings.
"Can we come in?" he asks her.
The McKnight matriarch smiles reassuringly. "This is your home; just consider me a non-paying tenant who is grateful for your generosity."
She glances over to her daughter, who she is amazed to see.
"Hi, do you need any help?" Jordan queries
"I think I just about have it," she retorts. "I'm almost done with everything. You never know how much stuff you have until you unpack it."
Jordan gazes at her brother, which communicates, I knew this wasn't going to work.
She gathers her mother is still upset at the way she treated her at Home Farm, where she let it slip, that Presley was now dating Tanner, which added to their tenuous relationship.
Presley notices his mother looking on the other side of the full-sized bed.
She then goes over to an unopened box. "Damn it," she swears, an unusual occurrence.
"What's wrong?" Presley tells her.
She turns to her youngest children.
"Your brother's photo albums. I don't see them... I must've left it with my winter coats at ho... at the house."
Thora kept separate photo books for each child, including christenings, birthday parties, and even the loss of their first tooth.
The reverend places her hands on his mother's shoulders supportively, knowing the subject of his late brother EJ is still a sore subject six years later.
"Can you do me a favor? Can you go pick up the rest of my things?" She requests "I can't go back to that house right now."
Presley looks down at the watch on his wrist. "I can pick it up after I leave my meeting with Reverend Friendly at the church."
Before she realizes it, Jordan opens her mouth.
"I can go get it."
"It won't be an inconvenience for you?" Thora says with a hint of mockery.
Jordan moves a few inches closer to her mother. "No, it's not," she declares.
"Thank you," her mother replies humbly.
She sees her brother mouthing "Thanks" at her.

The Covington Group is on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower, where the Covington Group is located. The team consists of the most experienced architects and interior designers inside the boardroom.
Courtney Covington Sullivan and Max Covington step into the room while the latter closes the door behind him.
"Glad to see everyone is here," Max addresses the room, which includes his wife, Shauna Covington, and executive architect Mala Gupta.
"There is no point in beating around the bush," Courtney replies straightforwardly. "We brought all of you together because we have a very concise deadline with the renovation of the ballroom at the Miller Inn. And with all of your experience and capabilities, we hope to meet all expectations."
Mala raises her hand, which Max acknowledges.
"With all due respect," she says in her British accent. "Do you think we should be occupying our time with such a project in addition to the other several local undertakings this company is currently working on?"
Initially, when she heard the rumor that the company was taking up the bid, Mala expressed her reservations to Daniel, who quickly met with solace.
"Mala, we assure you that despite this taking top priority, that will not affect the other sectors the company is in charge of," Max says assuredly.
Mala shrugs her shoulders, unsure that she is getting an adequate answer to her question.
Before anyone else could respond or react, a knock on the door got all of their attention.
"Come in," Courtney permisses.
Daniel Covington steps into the room wearing solid gray blazer and slacks.
He is greeted by several of the employees as his two eldest children wonder why he is here since he is currently on sabbatical.
"Evelyn had informed me that all of you were in a meeting, I hope I'm not interrupting?" The businessman says charismatically
"Nothing that can't wait," Max replies sardonically
"Good because I have an announcement. I will be returning as CEO, effective immediately." Daniel divulges aloud
When Emma went into a coma after her accident, Daniel stepped down, leaving the running of the company to his children, making them co-CEOs.
While the news gets applause and clamor from his subordinates, it brings opposing reactions from both Max and Courtney.

The husky, soulful vocals of Elle King fill the crowded cafe as "America's Sweetheart" plays on the sound system this summer afternoon. The line of customers wasn't narrowing down, despite the attempts by the baristas.
Lynn Lockhart sits at the table near the large window that overlooks Main Street.
Soon, her vision becomes impaired when someone covers her eyes.
"Guess who?" the person asks playfully.
Lynn removes the pair of hands and turns to see that it is Elijah Barker. Swiftly, she gets out of her seat to embrace her boyfriend. She hadn't seen him in over a week since he had been on vacation with his parents.
He gives her a peck on the lips.
Other than sporting a mild tan, he still looks the same in his light blue Kodak graphic tee and dark blue straight-leg jeans.
The two soon part as he sits across from her at the table.
"Wow, I don't think I've seen this place packed like this in a long time," he discloses
"How was the vacay?"
"Actually, it wasn't bad,"
"Did you have too much sun? Lynn asks, facetiously. "Or did my boyfriend say that vacation with his parents wasn't bad?"
"Trust me, the idea of spending a week with Brynn and Nathaniel almost 700 miles away sounded terrifying at first, but I don't know, it seemed like getting away was something they needed too, just as much as I did." Elijah grins.
Elijah is aware he put his parents under tremendous strain last year when he was going through his alcoholism. Nonetheless, they didn't turn their backs on him but encouraged him to get him help, which he has been sober for nearly a year now.
Lenny places her hand on top of his. "I'm glad you're back,"
"I missed you too," Elijah says. "So is big sisterhood everything that it's cracked up to be?"
Lynn became a big sister when her half-brother Dylan was born a week ago.
"So far, not bad. Me and Tanner got to hang out with him when he came home from the hospital."
She is about to show him a photo on her iPhone when a twenty-something strawberry-blonde barista walks over to them in jeans and a white t-shirt, which is covered by a black apron with Jojo's logo on the front.
"Hey, you two," she greets them.
"Joanie, hey," Elijah addresses his former co-worker.
"I know you don't work here anymore, but we sure could use your help."
Elijah spots the queue nearly at the door.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Lynn says abruptly.
Last year, Elijah arrived drunk at work, which caused her stepmother to fire him.
Elijah throws his girlfriend a look to state otherwise.
"It's just until that line is down,"
He walks over with Joanie behind the counter, where he goes into the back room to put an apron on.

"You're not serious, are you?" Steven Sullivan cross-examines his mother.
The two were occupying the kitchen inside the main house on Franklin Farm. Steven dropped by the house on his way home from the animal clinic at the behest of his mother, who wanted to run something by him. But when she revealed it to him, he couldn't help but question everything about it.
"I admit it's off the cuff, but it's the only way we're going to find out that Emma is my father's long-lost daughter," Esther Saunders says in her trademark southern drawl.
"There has got to be another way... maybe if we explain things to Emma, maybe she will be forthcoming."
Esther quickly showcases the unlikeliness of that ever occurring on her face.
"I don't wanna run the risk of her telling Dee, and then she would cover her tracks even more," she replies firmly. "Because it's no telling what she'll do."
"So, I'm going to Home Farm on the guise of a visit, but in reality, you want me to go up to Emma's room to steal hair from her brush so it can be tested to find out if we're from the same gene pool?"
"Well, when you put it that way," Esther says half-jokingly. "Look, I know I'm putting you in an uncomfortable position. But if I do it, it will look suspicious. Do you have any other idea?"
Steven walks to the refrigerator to get himself a bottle of water. He doesn't want this to come in between him and Courtney again early in their marriage. Yet he couldn't tell her theories that might not be facts.
"I wish I did," he replies. "And if it comes out that you and Emma both have grandad as a father? What then?"
Esther turns to him, swaying her head in uncertainty.
"You got me there, but I know it's been too many damn secrets for my liking. God help me; I'm about to uncover one of the biggest."

While Elijah is helping out with the rush, Lenny moved to the lounge area to keep an eye on him.
Currently, "Everything I Wanted" by Billie Eilish is playing above them on the speakers.
"What up? "What Up?" Aaliyah Gupta says to her friend. Beside her is her boyfriend, Lorenzo Vidal.
"I was going to get a drink, but I see I just wait until the line die down some more."
"Well, that's nothing compared to how it was fifteen minutes ago," Lynn replies.
Aaliyah gazes over to see Elijah working behind the counter. "Is Elijah working here again?"
Lynn shakes her head. "No, he's just helping out,"
By now, the couple were sitting on the sofa with their friend.
"Speaking of jobs, you start your new one tomorrow, don't you?" Lenny asks Lorenzo.
Lorenzo thrusts his head back. "Yeah, I just hope I don't screw it up," the young man reveals.
Recently, Will and Emma hired him to run the socials for The Cliffe, knowing he has experience helping Martha and her band's online presence by directing and uploading their first music video.
Aaliyah puts her arm around her boyfriend. "I keep telling him he has nothing to worry about. And we will all be there, right?"
"Of course," Lenny says
They, Elijah, and Tanner exchanged a group text, all agreeing to be there to support Lorenzo and, of course, have a good time out.
"Miss anything while I was away?" Elijah says while taking a seat next to Lynn.
It's noticeable that the line is considerably smaller than it was ten minutes ago.
"Someone's still got the magic touch," Lorenzo compliments.
Elijah waves his hand dismissively. "I almost forgot I liked working here.
"It's just a one-time thing, right?" Lynn asks.
"Yeah," Elijah says, somewhat warily.

While the meeting is over as colleagues begin to exit on their way back to their designated offices, Mala comes over to her boss and ex-lover with a satisfied grin on her face.
"Well, I must say you sure know how to keep things interesting around here, don't you?" she says
Daniel smirks good-naturedly.
"With my sister now recovered, it seemed like the right time to take back the reins."
Meanwhile, Max, Courtney, and Shauna were also conversing in the same room.
"Did you two know about this?" Shauna asks bewilderedly
"I had no idea about this," Max declares to his wife. "Of course, he does this now."
Courtney folds her arms onto her chest. "Whatever happens, it will not take away from accomplishing on getting the contract."
Daniel makes his way over to the three of them with an affable disposition.
"I guess a congratulations are in order," Max says
Daniel nods while he can detect his announcement has thrown them all for a loop.
"Max, Courtney, my decision has nothing to do with your performance, even though I would've handled the bid slightly different. "
Max rolls his eyes while Courtney does her best to remain civil.
"Well, the most important thing is that they got the bid Daniel," Shauna says
"Which is why I'm appointing you two as point men on this renovation." Daniel proclaims.
Both Covington siblings our somewhat taken aback by this conclusion.
"Thanks dad," the brother and sister answer in near unison.
With that, Max, Courtney, and Shauna exit out of the room,
"You know what this means don't you?" Courtney questions mainly her brother.
"Translation, we can't screw this up," Max notes

Using her key, Jordan allows herself into the ranch-style home where she grew up. The last time she ventured in was to obtain the rest of her belongings. And now, this time, she is doing the same for her mother. Moving further inside, the stench of alcohol becomes apparent to her. She soon spots her father sweeping up shards of glass while the game is playing on the flat-screen television.
"Whoa, what happened here?" she asks aloud.
"Just a little accident, that's all," he retorts.
Jordan glances at the walls, noticing the remains of what appears to be beer.
"Sure," she replies sarcastically.
Ernest holds onto the broom, giving a passing glimpse of his only daughter. "What are you doing here?"
Jordan is somewhat taken back by his father's declaration.
"I'm here to get the rest of mom's things. So, I will leave you to whatever this is."
He shakes his head in disbelief. "It's funny to me that your mother is capable of leaving me, but she isn't capable of getting the rest of her things, so she sends you to do it for her."
"I don't have time for this,"
"You know what, I'm going to get it myself and bring it out to your car," he says flippantly.
Jordan is silent while her father goes to their bedroom to recover it.
She is about to head out the door when she notices a stack of papers nestled on top of the nook. Before picking them up, she looks to see if her father is coming, but when he isn't, she obtains them and sees they're divorce papers.
She didn't realize how serious her mother was about ending her marriage, but seeing the documents confirms that her mother is taking a big step.
Jordan walks out of the house, hopefully for the last time.
Jordan and Tanner face off.
Emma receives an unwelcomed surprise.
Sean and Louise bond over their children.
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