Written by: Bre L. Drew
June 3, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Lynn and Elijah had sex for the first time.
Tricia lost her job due to the airline shutting down due to bankruptcy.
Louise confided in Daniel about her idea of taking the farm into organic dairy.
Peter agreed to hear his daughter out about her business proposal.

Frankly, Lynn Lockhart had never dreamt of how she would lose her virginity. She knew however it wouldn't take place during prom night or something so cliché. She never expected that it would happen after Jordan McKnight's annual end of the year house party and it to happen with Elijah, her best friend from early childhood also surprises her. Yet, she couldn't forget it hours later working on the farm throughout the day since she is out of school now for the summer.
She is caught up in her thoughts until she hears someone calling her name as she is standing in the kitchen of her grandparents' house with the refrigerator open.
"Cat got your tongue?" Martha Saunders asks her niece. Relieved that she accomplished getting her attention,
Lynn closes the door of the refrigerator back, holding onto a bottle of water. She was told by her grandfather to take a break until she is needed once again.
"No," she says lowly.
Martha sees something different about her maybe a certain glow knowing that her niece isn't typically a person who is easily distracted. She steps toward her as she is trying to confirm her strong suspicion. "Oh my god, Lynn Felice Lockhart you had sex!"

The sun is radiating over the entire farm, causing the temperature to make it even hotter than it was fifteen minutes ago. Peter Saunders and his former son-in-law move away from the pasture where they let the cows eat and roam around until it is the juncture to milk them again later on in the milking parlor.
The tension between the two men is evident now. Peter is fully aware that Sean is now residing with his lover at his new apartment. He knows that on a personal front, their relationship is already on thin ice due to his marriage to his daughter broke down over his infidelity.
As soon as he is about to inform him about Tricia, A Bentley sedan pulls up onto the grounds. Moments later Sean sees Daniel Covington dressed in a designer sky blue button up shirt with dark slacks and sunglasses on his forehead getting out of the car heading their way.
"What the hell he wants now?" he says in aggravation.
"How are you doing Peter, Sean, ?" A beautiful day isn't it?"
Peter folds his arms on his chest. "Checking up on us little People."
He had no patience for Danny Boy Covington, especially right now.
"I wanted to stop by to address Louise's proposal about Franklin Farm going into organic dairy."
Sean could see Peter fighting back his feelings of disappointment with his eldest daughter to confide in him about the trouble she had with him over her proposition.
"Organic dairy?" Sean asks inquisitively
Quickly, Daniel nodded at him before his focus returned to his business partner. He wanted to confront him over the mistreatment of his girls, and Louise by having his mistress to come live with him however he knew that it was not exactly the exact time nor place to do so.
"If my daughter wants to speak to me about her idea, then she has her own mouth, she didn't have to come to you, Daniel," Peter said defensively
The wealthy businessman stomps his right foot on the grass. "Maybe, because you probably will ignore her like you usually do Saunders."

Tricia Meyer could not remember the last time she had a lot of free time on her hands. Lying down on the sofa in the living room of the apartment she lives in, with her boyfriend. She is paying attention to the soap opera she has been watching since childhood. The cliffhanger of the episode is the town's benevolent psychiatrist is getting kidnapped by a returning villain. Suddenly it dawns on her that as long as she has been watching this show, this character has been either kidnapped or presumed dead.
Tricia clicks the TV off with the remote when the show ends unsure of her next move. Her wet brownish-blonde hair is underneath a towel and she is in a satin robe.
Since the age of 18, she had been working as an Air Hostess for Global Jet Airlines. But she is beginning to feel cooped up in here Sean is out working on his ex-wife family's farm.
She is unemployed and alone at the moment. Not to mention the sunlight out of the window is giving the impression that it was a nice spring day outside.
On a whim, she decides that she didn't have to be trapped here whilst waiting for one of the various employers to call for an interview or just simply wait for Sean to come home. She dashes to the bedroom to get ready to get out of her funk.

Sean wouldn't admit it aloud, but he did have a valid point about how Peter tends to second guess Louise when it comes to the overall running the farm.
The farmer scoffs slightly. "Sean, can you give Danny Boy and me some privacy?"
"Are you sure Peter?"
"I am sure that there is some cow excrement that needs mucking," Daniel says in an insulting resonance to the farmhand.
It is bad enough that Daniel is technically is his boss due to his partnership in the farm. Nonetheless, it is something else with his daughter dating his son. Curious as to what his sensible and artistic little girl wants with that spoiled little punk.
He treks back to the fields leaving the guys there to talk.
"What gives you the right to have a say on this?" Peter says through clenched teeth.
"My 20 percent stake, in addition to getting your products on the shelves at one of the biggest market chains in this region, I think more importantly I know Lou deserves a chance."
"Like I told my wife already, I'm open for discussion from my daughter. "
Daniel displays a glance of satisfactory on his face.
"Now take your gloating self on outa here," Peter tells him with a hint of humor.
The Covington Group CEO takes it that his work here is done so he migrates to get in his car which he drives down the dusty pathway onto the main road.

Disappearing into the bar from the warm climate outside. Tricia walks in a slow relaxed manner over to the bar where she takes off her Tom Ford sunglasses.
Customers she gathered who pretty much were regulars engaged in their own drinks and conversations during their lunch hour.
Thankfully after having to sort out some minor difficulties about getting her car shipped from San Diego. It finally arrived earlier this morning. She hated being so depended on having to borrow Sean's truck to get around.
She sets aside her ivory medium top handle bag on the counter. An African-American woman in her early sixties with thick long brown hair in a bun. Her beautiful smile set upon her from behind the bar.
"Hello, you must be new." she greets her.
"Am I am that obvious?" Tricia inquires endearingly
She laughs pleasantly. "I've been owning this place for thirty years, so I'm well aware of just about everyone who has set foot in this place." She sticks out her hand. "I am Mae Jackson."
Tricia takes her hand and shakes it. "Tricia Meyer. Nice to meet you."
Silently Mae registers the name and knows that this is the woman who helped damaged her best friend niece's marriage and has heard from that said friend that she is staying with that man in town now.
"So what are you getting?" Mae asks
"A margarita, if you make them," Tricia says bracingly.
She wasn't quite sure that some rural bar in Kentucky even makes them.
"Coming right up," she says evenly.
A few minutes later she returns with the margarita with salt on the rim of the glass. She thanks her for the drink before Mae goes the other way.
Tricia begins sipping her drink as she becomes intoxicated with the good taste of it.
"She knows how to make one good damn cocktail," Tricia says to herself as she continues to continue drinking.

Harvest For The World by The Isley Brothers is playing on the sound system. As Courtney Covington immerses herself with work as her brown eyes were glued to the tablet in her possession. She had agreed to meet Steven here for lunch. But on her way over here he called her to tell her that he'll be running late.
Courtney was about to do some more reading before Mae Jackson approaches her in a black long sleeve wrap dress. "Courtney, how are you?"
She felt bad for the older woman who recently found out her son whom she expected to get out prison early on parole wasn't getting out and he will have to serve his initial sentence for committing fraud.
Courtney puts the iPad on the table. "I've been busy with work, but other than that I'm fine."
Mae places her hands on her hips firmly. "Well, as long as you remember that some things are more important than work."
"Took the words out of my mouth, Mae." Steven Sullivan remarks
He is dressed in a dusted blue shirt and a pair of blue jeans. His dark blonde hair gave him a cheery disposition.
He hugs his longtime family friend, she then part ways as Steven takes a seat across from his girlfriend at the table.
"Sorry again, the clinic had admitted all of these stray dogs and cats that were found on Woodbine," he informs her. He shakes his head in disgust. "Who would do that to helpless creatures?"
Courtney never heard him talk so passionately about his work as a veterinarian at the animal shelter and clinic. It made her realize that she could not be upset over the reason why he couldn't make it here on time.
Steven points to the iPad on the surface."Let me guess you got in some work before I came."
Courtney nods eagerly. "I was looking over some resumes for potential employees for the café." My father wants to add more staff because a few people are leaving."
Not only Daniel has you in charge of the renovation of Jojo's he also got you over HR too."
She didn't mistake the accusatory tone in his voice that he didn't like her father for giving her more on her plate. But she refuses to get into it with him right here about this. Besides she isn't complaining since she wanted furtherance within the company.
Courtney changes the subject. "Are you ready to order Steven?"
He nods.
Just before he is about to stand up to go over to the bar. An unfamiliar person comes over.
"I couldn't help to overhear that you're hiring."

Lynn does her best to shush her Aunt, not wanting anyone else to know.
She gets Martha to go into the living room so they won't be heard from any of the family or the other farmhands coming in and out of the house.
The two of them sit across from one another on the couch.
"Don't you have a baby upstairs to take care of?" Lenny asks. trying to her best avoid the question.
"No, momma took SJ to the grocery store to give me some time to myself before I go into work at The Waterfall a little later." Now did you have sex Lenny?" she replies
She blushes a bit. "Yeah, I slept with Elijah last night. "
Martha squeals some before reaching out to embrace her. She still sees her sometimes as the little girl who likes to get dirty outside.
"You're not going to say that it is too soon after Elijah and I started seeing each other, are you?"
Martha chuckles softly. "Wouldn't dare do that, I'm in no position to judge you I mean SJ's father is a prime example of that." All I want to know is two things."
Lynn tosses some hair she has in a ponytail off her shoulder. "Sure,"
"First, were you and Elijah safe ?" she asks in a cautious manner
"Yes we were," she answers
Martha does not hide her happiness of hearing that. "And how do you feel about it?"

Whilst, Tricia was enjoying her drink over at the bar. She had caught a glimpse of a younger woman talking to a handsome blonde man about looking for employees at the café .
Without any hesitation, she goes to have a discussion with her. During their conversation, Courtney seemed thrilled to notice her blue and white Gucci sleeveless floral print top and matching floral silk pants, so she was invited to sit down with them. She inquired about her resume. Steven, however, did not seem receptive when Tricia introduced herself to him.
She should've known a city like Radcliffe that she would be met with disapproval.
Courtney scrolls through the resume on Tricia's phone. "This is impressive, she says. "But I want to know something?"
"What?" Tricia asks curiously
"14 years working as a flight attendant, why not apply to another airline?"
"Two years ago I met my now boyfriend, and one of the reasons in the way was my constant traveling, another thing about myself is that I'm always up for a challenge," Tricia explains herself.
She doesn't mistake Steven rolling her eyes at her either.
"Is there a problem Steven?"
He clears his throat, of the corner from his view he can see Courtney shooting him a look of confusion.
"No offense, Tricia, I don't think the long distance was the biggest problem you encountered - it was your "significant other" being married, wasn't it?"
It was obvious that some patrons were already watching the confrontation.
"I beg your pardon that is none of your business."
"I make it my business when the woman who wrecked the marriage between my cousin and her husband is in my sight ." Steven grimaces
Feeling a tad embarrassed, she now reconsiders finishing her margarita instead of coming over here. She hadn't expected to meet a member of Louise's family this afternoon.
Tricia slams her hand in the center of the table. "We all played a part in the breakdown of that matrimony. She rises up out of her chair. "Well, I suppose I need to get accustomed to LinkedIn then?"
Courtney passes her smartphone back in her hand. "I like to offer you the managerial position at Jojo's if you want."
Tricia is quite floored at the response. "Manager? Me? Are you serious about this Courtney?"
She nods confidently. "Compared to some of the other resumes I read you have what we're looking for." She then informs her about she'll contact her when the renovation is complete. Tricia graciously thanks her before she takes off.
Courtney gazes at her lover. "Could you've been any ruder?"
Steven takes a sip of his club soda since he has to be back at the clinic soon. "I can ask you the opposite question, hiring that woman after what she has put Louise through. "
Courtney does know that despite the Saunders being a close family unit as a whole. Steven and Louise aren't really known for having a bond. So she is quite taken back to him defending her out of the blue.
"I get that she did cause turmoil between your cousin and her husband, but it is not your problem, she has top-notch experience, and I need someone like her operating the café."
Steven shakes his head unable to get into it with her at the moment. "Look I don't want us to leave to go back to work upset at one another, so let's just get back to our lunch as long as we promise we won't bring up what occurred."
Courtney takes a drink of her glass of red wine. "This lunch date is about us so we'll just have to agree to disagree for now."
The two of them are finally ready to order, however, Courtney was not going to let anyone including her boyfriend tell her how to do her job. She had worked too hard in order to be reprimanded like a child.

Lynn sighs thoroughly. "Well, it was awkward, I mean we didn't plan on doing it, at first it did hurt, and we didn't know what we were doing either at first, but I don't regret it."
When the two of them were done, they were in his bed naked with the comforter over them. She had asked him what time it was knowing she has to be home before curfew. And when it was nearly time, she hurriedly texts her twin sister to have she and Tommy pick her up. Elijah volunteered to drop her off, but she reminds him that his parents are probably on their way home, and they all don't want to see each other like this. She kissed him before she left.
"Don't think you're easy or put out too quickly okay because no one is perfect you hear me."
"Thanks, Aunt Martha - uh can you not tell my mother about this I mean I haven't even told Tanner about it and you know I tell her everything," she says
She hadn't told her twin sister what happened partly because by the time they got home yesterday Tanner was sleepy and in the morning, Lynn had to get to the farm with her mother. Besides she did not want her mother to know because she can imagine her giving out statistics to show cause for girls her age not to have sex.
"One more thing Lynn, I assume that Elijah and yourself are going to remain sexually active, you should consider getting on some type of birth control, trust me."
Opening the bottle of water, Lynn opens takes a sip. "I will call Dr. Preston to schedule an appointment later on today."
The teenager hadn't thought about birth control until it was just mentioned. She didn't even want the fear being pregnant so young.
"You're growing up," Martha says with some recognition.
The two go on to chat about how Steven Junior is now excelling at tummy time.
Out of their viewpoint, from inside of the kitchen, the person overheard just about their conversation.
"Oh my god, my daughter is having sex," Sean says to himself stunned at the revelation.
Sean talks with Louise.
Max and Shauna share one unforgettable night.
Tanner gets amazing news.
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