Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 18, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Elijah arrived three hours late to work at Jojo's, in which Tricia notices he has been drinking, which gives Tanner and Tommy a reason for concern for their friend. Tanner then informs Lynn that she believes Elijah has a drinking problem.
Dealing with postpartum, Jordan left town for King's Bay Washington unbeknownst to others.
Tricia decides to keep the kiss with Samuel to herself, not wanting anything else to impact her already fragile marriage to Sean.
Jai offered Lorenzo a job at J&M when the young man returned his check for $1500 to pay for college.
Antoine had met a young woman at The Waterfall Bar who was attracted to him.

"Is it wrong for me to want to call to check in on him?" Lynn Lockhart proposes to Tanner Lockhart
She and her fraternal twin sister are in the foyer of their home. The two of them talk about Elijah and the possibility of him having a drinking problem which was made aware by him showing up at the café this afternoon drunk which conducted in their stepmother firing him.
Tanner tucks a few strands of her hair behind her right ear. "No, not at all." But I think you should wait until he sobers up." she insists
"Yeah, you're right, but I still can't believe he got in his car drunk. I mean, the last time he got that way, that bartender called me to come to get him,"
Lenny thinks back to when she came to pick him up from The Alley, the seedy bar in Hudson Lake that serves minors. She had taken him home when she drove him the next day to get his car at the bar.
Before anyone else opens their mouth, the doorbell rings, in which Tanner heads to the door to answer it. Though unexpectedly, Tommy Covington is at her doorstep.
"Hi," Tanner says stiffly.
"Hey," he says casually.
Tanner folds her arms onto her chest. "Did Elijah get back to his dorm room in one piece?"
"Yeah, I made sure of it,"
Tommy had driven him back to Sampson, since Elijah was in no fit to get behind the wheel.
Tanner realizes the discomfort of them talking to each other through the door.
"Do you want to come in?"
He elevates his head, at first about to refute her invitation, but instead decides to comply.
Tanner closes the door behind them while Lynn shoots the boy who broke her sister's heart by cheating on her with their ex-friend. Yet Lynn hadn't been keeping the fact she had been withholding it for nearly a year now.

The light piano melody plays throughout the restaurant while the college-aged male host escorts Sean and Tricia Lockhart to their table this evening. Luckily for them, the establishment wasn't crowded, unlike last time they tried to come but decided to leave due to the long wait. They arrive at a table not far from the bar, where they sit across from one another. Tonight, the couple is here to celebrate their first anniversary as husband and wife.
Sean glances at the menu before looking at his wife.
Tricia sees her husband staring at her. "What is it? Do I have lipstick on my teeth?"
He shakes his head. "You look breathtaking tonight,"
Tricia is wearing a black one-shoulder satiny dress with her chestnut brown hanging past her shoulders as well as her makeup looks flawless upon her face.
She uncertainly smirks; as she has the menu in her hands. "I don't know about all that,"
"As long as I've known you. I have never known you to be so damn modest." Sean remarks humorously
"I guess when you realize what you almost lost, it makes you a tad more humble," she replies. "But thank you,"
Keeping; the truth from him regarding Tommy impregnating Jordan while he was in a relationship with Sean's daughter. She also lied to him about her whereabouts during the Fourth Of July weekend, causing their marriage to go through a period of instability. Though somehow they have made it through the other side, which is the reason why she is keeping the kiss she shared with Samuel to herself. Not wanting it to get out can affect their relationship again.
A few seconds pass when a waitress comes out with a bottle of champagne and two glass flutes. After using the corkscrew to pop the cork off the top of the bottle, she then dashes away.
"Did you have this planned?" she asks curiously.
"I may have," he winks.
"I guess even cupid manages to hit even you two with arrows." Daniel Covington voices in an insulting manner.
The millionaire property developer stands near them, wearing one of his expensive suits that cost more than the rent of their apartment.
"Don't you have someone else to bother Danny Boy?" Sean says irritatedly
He was ready to get back to his dinner with his wife and wasn't in the mood to deal with him on any day but especially this one.
Tricia pours some champagne into a glass. "What do you want, Daniel?"
"Well, I had a meeting with a potential client when I saw you two here. It made me think you were probably one of the last people to see Jordan before she did her disappearing act."
"Where are you getting at now, Daniel?" Tricia queries
"You wouldn't know where she is?" he answers.

Between the noisy whirring sounds of her sewing machine and the latest single from Adele playing in the background of the dorm room, she shares with her best friend, Tanner Lockhart. Aaliyah Gupta is currently working on a design she had in her head for a top when she's nearly done stitching a sleeve when the banging of knocking on the door gets her to turn off the device.
She finds Lorenzo Vidal standing in the doorway wearing a gray hoodie with dark pants. The discussion she had with her mother earlier about giving him the money for school which she told her shouldn't have done, since she strongly believes Lorenzo isn't worthy of her.
"Hey," she says softly.
"Hey, I'm not interrupting you, am I?" Lorenzo queries. "I heard your machine goin'. And I know when you get in your creative mode, you don't like to be pulled away from it."
"I think the shirt can wait."
Aaliyah recalls she had called Lorenzo, where she left a voicemail to see where they stand in terms of their relationship. Lorenzo fell into financial difficulty and couldn't afford to pay his tuition to attend college this semester. So she went to her father, who wrote a check for the amount he needed.
Though Lorenzo became upset at her for going behind his back, which resulted in them hardly interacting until now,
"Look, I know what I did by going to my father wasn't the best solution, but when I overheard the frustration in your voice about you not being able to afford to stay here. I felt I had to do something," Aaliyah explains wholeheartedly.
Lorenzo keeps his hands in the pockets of his hoodie while setting his jaw.
"Aaliyah, when you brought that check over -- it made me feel -
"Like what?"
"Like I was nothin', I mean your mother is a famous architect, your dad owns his own business, and I'm friends with a millionaire whose father runs the biggest company in this town who is letting me stay in his guest house."
Aaliyah begins to detect the hurt upon his face from telling her this.
"Lorenzo, that doesn't mean a damn thing to me, and it's not like my parents were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They have worked really hard for where they are now"
"I wish I didn't feel like that, but I do, Aaliyah."
Growing up, he wasn't necessarily inspired to share his true feelings. His father often told him to keep his head down and get on with it. So at this moment, he can't help but feel embarrassed by doing so to his girlfriend.
"So that is why I dropped out of school. I couldn't feel indebted to your father in that way. And my family probably wouldn't be able to afford my tuition for next semester anyway."
"So, what are you going to do now?"
Lorenzo reaches into his pocket to retrieve a name tag with his name engraved on it.
"Guess who is the newest stock clerk at J&M?"
"Oh my god! "That's great, congratulations! Why didn't you tell me?"
Lorenzo tells her about her father offering him the job when he had dropped the check back to him. At first, he wasn't going to take it but realized he had no other option, so that's why he did. Besides, her father did have a point about him having too much pride.
"Sorry, I haven't been in touch, but I've been working extra hours trying to send some money home to Philly, and by the time I get a chance to call. I fall asleep."
A glimmer in her eyes occurs as she puts her arms around her boyfriend. "I will never be ashamed of you, Lorenzo. I hope you know that now,"
"How did I deserve you?" he says tenderly.
"Let me show you,"
The couple starts making out excitedly as they lay down on her bed, where their legs intertwined.

Coming out of his bedroom on the second floor of The Waterfall Bar, Antoine Hall spots his boss and surrogate grandmother Mae Jackson also coming out of her bedroom with her purse on her shoulder.
"Don't you look dapper," The bar landlady compliments the young man.
Tonight, Antoine is wearing a burgundy button-down dress shirt and dark blue jeans.
"Thanks, got a date with Cici tonight,"
"Isn't Cici the one you met downstairs?" Mae verifies. She knows Antoine has a history of seeing different women periodically.
"Yeah," he smiles
A few weeks ago, he met Cici, tending down in the bar while talking to Tricia and Samuel. Both he and Samuel were attracted to her, but it turned out she was into him. It was also the night Tricia spontaneously kissed Samuel, despite being married. Yet Antoine, who is good friends with her, didn't confront her on the matter since he thinks it isn't his concern.
"You headin' out too?" Antoine asks Mae
"Yeah, I'm having dinner with Max and Shauna at some seafood restaurant in Hudson Lake."
Antoine does his best to seem unfazed about hearing his ex and her husband having dinner at probably some overpriced restaurant.
"Have fun," he says
Mae inches closer to Antoine, studying the expression on his face, knowing what she already suspects.
"You still care about my granddaughter, don't you?"
Antoine uneasily tilts his head to neither confirm nor deny.
"I know she's special, but she is married and is going to stay that way, okay. " Mae firmly dictates.
"Then why Shauna got drunk at Steven and Courtney's engagement party. She ain't happy, and that's not me sayin it because of anything else but the truth." Antoine says defensively
Shauna had too much to drink causing, her to make a scene at the party causing embarrassment for certain people there. Not to mention her husband yelling at Antoine for being with her in spite of trying to help her.
"I think you know that by now, Antoine," Mae warns
Before he gets the chance to interject, the vibration of pounding on the door gets him to unlock it.
In the entry, a young black woman in her early twenties is in a mini gold sequin dress that hardly covers her legs.
"Hey, you ready to go?" she asks.
Antoine turns around to see Mae standing a few feet away, then pivots back to Cici.
"Cici, this is Mae Jackson," he casually introduces.
Both women casually greet each other.
Antoine then closes the door behind him as he walks out to his car in the lot with Cici, his talk with Mae is still in his head.
"Hey, you hear about that club opening on Halloween. You wanna go?" Cici excitedly suggests
Antoine does his best not to show his distaste for Will, who will be running this new club she is talking about,
"I gotta work, but if you want, you can hang out with me all night, and I can hook you up with some drinks." he offers
"Alright," Cici responds positively

The last conversation Daniel had with her was when he convinced her to leave town, knowing she was struggling with postpartum depression and thought she would be unfit to be a mother to Jeremy. However, it has been months, and he needed to know where she is. For months now, Jordan hadn't been seen nor heard from, in spite of having an infant son who is being cared for by Tommy and the rest of the Covington family.
"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you; people might fall for your charismatic act. But I know a bully when I see one, and I will be damned if Jeremy turns out to be another you." Tricia declares firmly
When Daniel had found out Tommy got Jordan pregnant with Jeremy, he quickly filed papers to obtain custody after he was born. He didn't perceive the young girl taking off hours away to have her baby. But he had his PI look into the matter, which he expertly did.
"But who looks who has custody," Daniel sneers
"You heard her, she doesn't know, so take a hike," Sean says
Sean stares at the woman who had been helping Jordan to escape from his clutches and begins to see why she was adamant about assisting Jordan.
"Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to continue to have dinner with my husband."
With that, Daniel gives one final gaze at mostly Tricia before taking off.
"Let's drink to that giant asshole finally being gone," she declares
On his way out of the restaurant, Daniel has his iPhone to his ear. After numerous rings, his voicemail comes, informing him to leave a message at the beep.
"Hi, it's Daniel Covington. I need you to take a look into the current whereabouts of Jordan McKnight. I don't care what you have to do, call me back as soon as possible."
Something tells me I need to start keeping tabs on you, especially if you think you're coming back here to disrupt my grandson's life, Daniel thinks to himself while he is walking to his Bentley in the parking lot.

"So Elijah has done this before?" Tanner verifies
Both the sisters and Tommy our in the kitchen as Lynn just had got done filling the two on the bartender at The Alley, telling her that it wasn't the first time Elijah got so drunk he had to leave his car in the lot,
"What should we do?" Tommy exhales
"Not much we can do it has got to be Elijah to admit he has a problem," Tanner says
In theory, Lynn knows her sister is right; but she refuses to stand by and watch someone she cares about wreck his life by alcohol, like she heard that her late great-grandfather Jimmy Saunders ultimately did.
"I know if the situation were reversed; there wouldn't be a damn thing he wouldn't do to help me get better."
Both Tommy and Tanner throw each other passing glances, signifying the truth behind that statement.
"I think the most important thing right now is to be there for him." Tommy offers
The vibrations of Tanner's iPhone sound off in front of her on the countertop.
"It's Aaliyah," she declares. "Should I tell her about Elijah?"
"Yeah, and have her tell Lorenzo too - you know strength in numbers." Lynn nods
Tanner takes the call outside the kitchen, leaving Elijah's best friend and girlfriend in the same room.
"I know you aren't too fond of me right now, but I appreciate you telling me about Elijah."
Lynn quickly turns to face him. "Get this! Just because I didn't tell my sister to throw your ass out of here doesn't mean I forgive you for hurting her. But I know you care about Elijah too, and we need to put him first. You got that!"
Tommy dips his head to clarify he understands as Lynn walks out of the room.

With a delicious meal and drinks of champagne under their belts, Sean and Tricia find their way back into their fourth-floor apartment. Tricia flicks the light switch on as Sean remains standing with his hands in his pants pockets.
"Are you ready for dessert?" Tricia lifts the bag, in where the small chocolate mousse cake is in they took home from The Château.
"Trish, can you be honest with me for a sec?" Sean orders
At first, Tricia thought he had found about her kissing Samuel, though remembers he couldn't find out because he would've already confronted her about it.
"Yeah," she answers genuinely.
"When you told Daniel you didn't know where Jordan, was you being upfront with him, or were you bending the truth?"
"Sean, I wasn't lying. I haven't seen nor heard from Jordan since I dropped her off at the airport after she left that hospital in White Oak. She was struggling with PPD and felt she had to leave to go somewhere."
By now, Sean has a sort of ease on his face.
"I know what she and Tommy did was wrong, but I can't help feel bad for Jordan. I watched that girl grow up. But since her brother was killed, she hadn't been the same. I hope she gets the help she needs." Sean remarks
Tricia places the takeout bag on the small countertop inside the kitchenette.
"I know I could've done a better job with reaching her, but I decided she needed some distance. Though wherever she went to do she did text me to say she arrived there safely, that was months ago."
Sean wraps both of his burly arms around his wife from behind.
"I guess we're skipping dessert, huh?" she grins mischievously.
Sean begins passionately kissing her on the nape of her neck.
They both head for their bedroom, where they are undressing one another. Before they know it, the two are on their bed intensely making out, leading to them having intercourse.
Emma defends Will.
Lynn tries to get through to Elijah.
Samuel wrestles with his feelings.
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