Written by : Bre L. Drew
November 7, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
After leaving his intervention, Elijah drove while drinking causing him to crash his car into a pole.
Cici revealed to Sean that she saw Tricia and Samuel kissing which Tricia admits to him when Sea confronted her over it.
Emma and Will's big night finally happened as The Cliffe finally opened on Halloween night.

Paramedics rapidly push the gurney through the doors of the emergency room department of Radcliffe Receiving Hospital. Despite it being Halloween night, the hospital was quiet, albeit a person coming in with a injury sustained from carving pumpkins. The attending female physician with curly red hair in a ponytail in scrubs quickly approaches the medical personnel and the injured party.
"What we got here tonight?" the physician asks.
"Late teen crashed his car into a utility pole near Route 27. When we got to the scene, we found a container with alcohol inside what was left of the vehicle, he was drinking while driving." A male paramedic in his twenties with dark hair reports.
The physician takes a gander while they get him down the empty corridor. She then glances at the young man whose features become somewhat familiar to her, despite several bruises of his current appearance.
"You know him, Doc?" the female paramedic in her forties with a short dark blonde haircut.
Dr. Kettering nods somewhat.
"Him not exactly, but I know his mother quite well. She was my high school principal."
The doctor begins rattling off the protocol to treat the young man.
She treks over to the front desk in the ER to the sixty-something nurse standing in her usual position.
"Gretel, could you please contact the parents of Elijah Barker. His information should be in our system. Thank you very much." Dr. Kettering assigns before following her critically-injured patient.

In spite of the substantial crowd inside The Waterfall this evening. Tricia Lockhart felt detached from them due to her revealing she had kissed Samuel in this very establishment some time ago.
"The kiss didn't mean anything," she pleas.
Sean Lockhart remains on his feet, incredibly upset at finding out from a total stranger.
"Can we go home and talk about this?" Tricia asks cordially
"Think you did enough of that - too bad it didn't include me," Sean says sharply.
"Who told you this?"
"That's not important. The fact you didn't tell me is."
Sean rolls his head to face Samuel Gupta at his table, staring down at the screen of his iPhone.
Without much thought, Sean approaches the doctor, nearly throttling him in the process. Samuel stands to his full height realizing why his friend's husband wants to attack him.
Samuel pushes Sean with enough force to get him off him. "I understand why you're upset. However, this isn't going to solve things."
Most of the patrons in the bar are watching the scene go down in front of him.
Tricia and Antoine Hall proceed over to them.
"This ain't the time nor place," Antoine announces civilly. "Take it outside, or one of you gotta leave."
From the corner of her eye, Tricia sees Antoine's latest lover looking rather suspicious sitting at the bar,
"Sean, come on," Tricia remarks.
Sean loosens his steady gaze at the person who kissed his wife.
Tricia shoots her friend a look of atonement, while on her way out, she then turns to Antoine. Remembering the night of her kissing him, she did in front of Antoine, other customers. And of course, Cici, the person Samuel had feelings for her, but turned him down, mainly the reason the inappropriate action occurred.
"If you want the source of this conflict. I suggest looking no farther than the girl in red,"
Tricia exits the bar as Antoine hears Samuel's smartphone ringing, which Samuel answers on the third ring.
"Samuel Gupta --- I'm on my way."
He ends the call.
"Saved by the peripheral bell, the hospital needs me in,"
"See you later, man," Antoine tells his friend.
Antoine gazes at Cici smiling at him none the wiser that he knows she told Sean what happened between Tricia and Samuel.

With everything going smoothly on the opening night of her nightclub, Emma Covington sashays her way into the women's restroom. She can hear "Monster Mash," playing through the ceiling speakers.
While checking herself in her witch costume in the mirror, she suddenly notices Martha Saunders beside her washing her hands at the sink.
"So, how are you liking The Cliffe so far?" Emma asks
Martha, who is at the moment dressed as an angel, turns off the tap, wondering did she hear her clearly since she isn't close to the woman,
"It's not bad," Martha murmurs.
Emma still can detect the discomfiture in the air since Martha still believes she and Will are together romantically even though they aren't since Will believes if he and Martha get together he would end up breaking her heart,
"Do you still sing?"
"Yeah, I still sing; what is this about Emma; we aren't exactly friends?"
"Just trying to make conversation, that's all,"
Martha takes her lip stick out of her vintage white clutch and applies it upon her lips. "If you're here to gloat about you and Will, you can shove where the sun doesn't shine, okay."
Martha straightens the halo on her head. "I'm not interested in what you have to tell me."
"But when you hear me, you will be quite interested," Emma concludes. "Will -
Martha ignores her as she wanders out of the room, leaving her alone. Unbeknownst to her, she left her purse on the counter near the sink.
"I was just going to say that Will really wants to be with you, but he is scared as chicken shit because he thinks he isn't going to measure up," Emma unveils

At the crowded bar, Max and Courtney Covington finally receive their drinks from the bartender dressed in a skeleton costume,
"I give Emma one thing; she sure knows how to throw one hell of a party. Max comments.
"She sure does," Courtney mutters.
Courtney and Emma had never gotten along, despite only being seven years apart between the niece and aunt.
"Max, I want to apologize for my behavior as of late," Courtney confesses to her older brother.
It hadn't been a secret that the siblings haven't been as close lately. Since Courtney accused an intoxicated Shauna of ruining her engagement party. At home and work, they had managed to avoid one another if possible.
"I guess it would be rude of me not to apologize for basically stating you and dad are alike," Max explains in his usual witty manner.
Courtney takes a sip of her pinot grigio.
"I promise I won't try to insult Shauna. I want what's best for this family. And I guess it's hard for me to realize you all don't need me much anymore."
Max places a supportive hand on his sister's shoulder. "Court, we will always need you. But think of this now is the time you put yourself first. And what better way to do that than becoming a Bridezilla." he says amusingly.
Courtney grins when the two hug each another when Martha, Steven, and Shauna surround them as Max's iPhone rings in his pants pocket,
"Hey, Tommy," he answers. "What? Yeah, I'm on my way."
"What's going on?" Shauna inquiries.
"It's not Jeremy, is it?" Courtney asks her brother.
Max shakes his head. "No, that was Tommy; Elijah was in a car accident. It sounds bad."
"Oh my god!" Martha exclaims in surprise.
"Let's go," Steven says.
The five of them make their way through the massive multitude of people, unaware of their emergency.


Brynn and Nathaniel Barker dash over to the front desk in the hospital ER, where they see an older woman in nursing scrubs standing behind the desk.
"We were called to come here; our son -- Elijah Barker was brought here. He was in a car accident." Brynn notifies the woman.
"His doctor will be here soon to update you on his condition."
Brynn is about to protest when Nathaniel politely thanks the nurse then guides his wife to the waiting area.
"I'm sure his doctor will tell us what happened."
The two sit down while they notice the flat-screen TV has on CNN essentially on mute.
"If anything happens to him -- I will never forgive myself." Brynn comments
An hour ago, the two and his friends were at their home trying to get Elijah to see the dangers of alcohol if he kept drinking. Nonetheless, she never imagined they would be here on the same night as his intervention ended abruptly due to Elijah leaving denying he has a problem.
Nathaniel puts his arm around his wife to comfort her.
Lynn Lockhart runs into the ER, where she sees her boyfriend's parents. Behind her is her twin sister and Tommy Covington, who followed behind Brynn and Nathaniel. The three were still at the house when Brynn received the call.
"Have you heard anything yet?" Lynn asks in an anxious manner
Nathaniel shakes his head.
"Not a damn thing," Brynn says exasperatedly.
"He's going to be fine," Tommy says. "He has to be,"
Tanner is taken aback by her ex's positivity. "Anyone wants coffee?" she queries.
Before anyone else can respond, Dr. Kettering makes herself known to Elijah's loved ones.
"Hi, Mrs. Barker," the physician greets her patient's mother. "You might not remember me."
Brynn wipes the water from her eyes. "Polly Kettering, I would never forget an honor student."
"I wish this meeting was under better circumstances." the doctor states.
Lenny inches closer to the two women. "Elijah isn't?"
"He suffered a mild concussion and some sprains and a broken leg." Dr. Kettering informs them all.
Sounds of overall relief can be heard throughout the room at the news of Elijah's condition.
"Are one of you Lynn?" the physician queries.
"I'm Lynn," the blonde farmhand discloses
"Elijah wants to see you,"
Lenny turns to Brynn to confirm if it is all right to see him first.
"It's okay," she says in between tears of joy.
Lynn enters into the triage area where she sees her boyfriend lying in bed with his right leg in a cast with various scrapes and cuts on his face and other parts of his body in a hospital gown.
Elijah looks at Lynn, like his breath was being taken away by the sight of her. "Hi,"
Meanwhile, in the ER, Tanner volunteers to get coffee while Tommy goes to contact Lorenzo to inform him of Elijah's condition,
"So, when we will be able to take him home?" Brynn asks her former pupil.
"Well, we will be keeping him overnight for observation due to his concussion."
An uneasy grimace appears on Dr. Kettering's face. "After that, however,"
"What does that mean?" Nathaniel questions

Tricia and Sean silently enter their apartment as the latter slams the door behind them.
She places her purse onto the credenza and faces her husband.
"Be straight with me; can you do that for a change Trish?"
"Did anything else happen between you and Samuel? I need to know."
Tricia swiftly rotates her head hoping to dismiss her husband's question. "God, no,"
Sean doesn't detect any additional guilt from her. "Then why did you kiss him?"
"You and I weren't getting along because you were still pissed at me for keeping the fact that I knew Tommy and Jordan had slept together behind Tanner's back. Samuel was there to confide in, and he felt rejected by that bitch Cici that same night, and the next thing I knew, it happened."
"So instead of coming to me to talk out our problems, you lock lips with another man?" Sean scoffs ruefully.
"I was angry and hurt," she replies emotionally. "I'm not making excusing what I did. I hope we can get past this."
Sean pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to bed,"
He shuffles around her to get to their bedroom, leaving Tricia alone with herself.

Lynn remains standing in the entryway of the triage with her arms folded on her chest.
"You walk out of your intervention, hop in your car, and then decide to drink behind the wheel and crash into a utility pole over 60 miles per hour, damn near killing yourself, and all you can say is Hi?!"
She moves further into the room, approaching him near his bedside.
"I'm officially an asshole," Elijah proclaims verbally.
Lynn lightly punches Elijah in his arm, making him wince due to his fragile state.
Lenny takes a seat in the chair beside him. "On our way over here, I began visualizing a future without you, and I couldn't do it because if you keep this bullshit up, you won't be alive to be in my life, and I won't stand for that, but I will not enable you. I mean it."
Elijah glances thoughtfully at his girlfriend. "I promise I won't do anything reckless like that again."
He sees tears in her eyes which makes him wipes them with his thumb.
"I love you," she admits unexpectedly.
Her declaration makes Elijah look at Lynn. He knows she didn't want to be rushed into saying it, even causing them to break up for a time. Yet, those words seemed perfectly meaningful to him at this moment.
"I love you too," he says wholeheartedly.
Movements of footsteps get their attention as Chief Ernest McKnight is in the doorway, standing in the middle of two uniformed cops as well as his parents.
"What's going on?" Elijah inquiries. "You need me to answer questions about what happened?"
Chief McKnight switches glances with Brynn and Nathaniel, then looks back at the injured young man.
He then clears his throat. "Like I told your folks. I hate to do this, but I'm placing you under arrest, Elijah,"
"For what?" Lynn blurts in a confused manner.
"Drinking while intoxicated and your BAC was over the legal limit." the chief informs. "You are going to be arraigned tomorrow morning."
Elijah develops a worrying aspect upon his face at this recent news.

Several hours later as Halloween is now officially over and a new month begins as the last of the customers were floating out of the nightclub. DJ Altruistic is packing his things together, as "Love In This Club" by Usher is finishes up playing on the sound system.
Emma makes her way into her office upstairs, she then places both hands on her hips at the present view in front of her, which is Will sitting behind her desk with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne in one of his hands with a devilish grin on his face. Also, two flutes with The Cliffe engraved on each of them.
"I don't wanna brag or nothin', but I call tonight one hell of a success."
Forming her lips into a smirk. "I believe so,"
"Are you leavin?"
Emma walks over to her desk and plops down in the chair facing him.
"As much as I'm ready to boast to my brother tonight. I got a few more things to take care of here before I do that."
Daniel had shared his concerns for his sister to run a business, let alone let an ex-con help her manage. Tonight proved without a shadow of a doubt she has what it takes to be a successful businesswoman in her own right.
Will pours an equal amount of liquid into both glasses, then passes one to Emma.
"To success," he toasts proudly.
"To success," she repeats after him.
The two of them take long sips of the champagne as a impromptu celebration of their opening night.
While Emma takes another sip of her drink, Will couldn't help but notice a sparkle in Emma's eyes he has never seen before.
He does something out of the blue.
Will plants a soft kiss on one of her cheeks.
At first, he expects to get slapped by the pint-size heiress for touching her. But she puts the glass onto the desk as she wraps her arms around him. And before they know it, the pair are making out with one another.
They continue to make out while removing their costumes onto the floor.
They end up on the velvet couch, where they begin having sex.
Elijah is fearful of what's to come.
Sean confides in Louise.
Will and Emma deal with the night before.
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