Written by: Bre L. Drew
September 10, 2019
Bridal Song: George - Breathe In Now
Last Time On Town and Country
Max and Shauna bachelor and bachelorette parties took place.
Antoine is determined to win Shauna away from Max before she gets married.
In 1990, The Covington Family moved away from Radcliffe to New York City.

Despite getting home from The Waterfall until one-thirty am, Max Covington had made it downstairs to have breakfast by 7:50 this morning of his wedding day.
In the dining room, he graciously accepts the plate of food from the family's longtime housekeeper Gabriella. She once again congratulates him on today before she scurries back into the kitchen.
Also in front of him is different varieties of platters including croissants, fruit, dressings and condiments and other breakfast items and a few pitchers of orange juice and coffee too.
As he digs into his eggs benedict, he sees his dad and Tommy in entering into the room both greeting him when they take their seats at the long dining table. Gabriella comes to serve the guys their food then takes off once again.
Tommy complies some strawberries and a croissant onto his dish. "You don't have cold feet do you?"
He thought as Best Man it is his role to make sure his big brother is up to getting hitched to Shauna on the yacht on Lake Hudson this afternoon.
Max swallows some bites of croissant. "No cold feet, no last-minute jitters, nothing, I am ready to start our lives together."
Daniel uses his linen napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth. "It was just yesterday you came home from working on that cruise liner with no direction." he begins.
"Dad," Tommy says cautiously.
Daniel finishes, "And look at you now, you're a photographer, with his own business with his feet firmly planted on the ground marrying the woman you clearly love,"
Max is taken aback by his father's choice of words knowing he isn't usually the sentimental type.
"Mark this date on your calendars," Tommy says half teasingly and half in shock.
"Thanks, Dad," Max courtesy remarks
Twenty minutes later, Owen Renforth, Max's old school friend and groomsman trails into the dining room as everyone else had just finished up their meal has his one of his hands over his forehead. "God my head,"
"I say someone is white girl wasted," Tommy mocks
Owen consumed so many drinks last night he didn't remember coming back to Home Farm where he is staying until tomorrow morning when he will fly back home to Manhattan in time for work on Monday.
He seats himself down next to Daniel, who gestures to the pitcher of coffee freshly made. Owen fixes himself a cup of coffee with no sugar or cream just black. Hoping it can sober him up enough to be able to stand up for his best friend in one piece in a matter of hours.

Shauna Jackson was the last one to doze off around midnight of the women that were at her bachelorette slumber party. Now in the same hotel suite she, Martha Saunders, and Courtney Covington were all being made up by the glam squad Courtney booked to style their hair and makeup.
Esther, Sarah Lynn, and Louise all had left to go home to get ready after they ate breakfast brought up by room service.
Mae had left her shoes at the bar and darted out to get it before the glam squad works on her too.
Martha passes her iPhone to Courtney, on the screen is a photo that Steven had text her with SJ in his tuxedo ready to serve as the ring bearer.
"Oh he is so cute, he is growing so fast." Courtney admires Martha's infant son.
"Tell me about it, " Martha says. "I had to buy him new clothes cause he was busting out of the ones I got him a few months ago."
"Ladies, how do I look?" Shauna announces over her shoulder.
The plus-size stylist steps out of the way, letting her see herself in the mirror she is sitting in front of. Shauna is more than satisfied with her overall appearance.
She gains all of their attention as Martha beelines to her best friend.
"You look so beautiful, Shauna," Martha comments happily
Courtney begins shooting a video on her iPhone of her soon-to-be sister-in-law. "She really does,"
Courtney too goes over to the two of them. The three of them were staring at themselves in the mirror.
"You're going to make me cry, and I just got my mascara done," Shauna warns her. " I am about to marry the man I love," she meaningfully utters.
"I guess the saying is true, weddings do bring people together," Martha says cheerfully

With the wedding starting in about forty-five minutes, guests were boarding onto the yacht known as One and Only which belonged to Keri Covington until her death a few years ago. Now it was her eldest son's property, and it is the location where he'll be marrying his bride in front of their friends and family. Selected members of the press from People to the New York Times had made the excursion to get exclusive press coverage. It isn't every day when the heir of one of the wealthiest families in America marries a "commoner" according to the media.
Thankfully the sunshine is cooperating with the ceremony being held on the water.
Peter and Esther Saunders, Steven Sullivan, Lynn Lockhart, and Elijah Barker were walking onboard the deck where white chairs for both the groom and bride's side had big purple ribbons on the back of it.
Sarah Lynn is still in the car with SJ, who is still asleep. Stating she'll let him sleep for a few more minutes before waking him up. Since he has an "important role,"
All of them were in their newly purchased suits and dresses for the occasion.
"I must say Danny Boy went all out," Peter says in a voice between impressed and annoyed.
Esther throws her little brother a look of "I agree," "Remember we are here for Shauna and Mae, Peter."
The Jacksons and The Saunders have been close family friends for thirty years now. Even if the latter does have bad blood with the groom's family, nothing was going to keep them to witness the girl that grew up in front of their eyes tie the knot.
Steven's eyes narrow at the altar where Max and his groomsmen dressed in their black tuxedos with their silver ties and vests. Nonetheless, a petite woman in her late sixties with a platinum blonde pixie cut is taking a purposeful stroll towards them.
"Well I will be damned," Steven whispers enough for his group to hear.
The rest of them turn to see the other woman.
"Who is she?" Elijah asks

Before anyone can tell him the lady gets all of their concentration.
"Long time, no see you all," the woman greets them all. She is wearing an off-shoulder deep purple gown by Badgley Mischka that costs over five-hundred dollars.
Esther's body posture gets unrelaxed from the sight of the woman being in their presence. "It hasn't been long enough Deirdre," she says in her natural southern drawl.
Years of hearing the woman's name in usual disdain from members of her own family Lynn can finally put the face to the name of Deirdre Covington.
Steven leads the teenagers in the opposite direction to give them some privacy to hash what needs to be hashed out.
Deirdre is the widow of Patrick Covington who was ten years older than her. Since his death, she has been traveling around the world but mostly resides in New York City and Aspen, Colorado. Not to mention it is rumored after her husband's death her net worth is three-hundred million dollars.
The widow turns to Peter whom she hadn't seen over twenty-nine years. "Handsome as always, still working hard on the farm?"
She too has a southern dialect yet is somewhat polished due to being in highfalutin circles in Manhattan.
"I think you already know how much I am working on the farm so don't act like that son of yours ain't reporting to you, Dee Dee."

Daniel rushes onto the scene reaching out for his mother's shoulder respectfully. "Hello, Esther, Peter, thank you for coming,"
He escorts his mother from the area knowing it would've gotten chaotic before the wedding starts.
Esther shakes her head. "I can't believe we were best friends once upon a time."
"Don't get reminiscent on me sis," Peter says throwing his arm around his sister.

Elijah and Lenny were taking selfies by the water on the ship to keep themselves occupied before the ceremony begins. Laughter between them is dismissed when they see Jordan McKnight coming onboard the yacht wearing a cherry red sheath dress that displays her curves. She is holding onto a red clutch bag, and of course, the press gets a glimpse of her on the sidelines before she marches over to the other teens.
Lynn tips her head at her "'What are you doing here?"
Jordan grins like she already was prepared for that question.
"Before you huff and puff Lenny, I was invited,"
Elijah is beginning to be able to put two and two together as Tommy walks over to the three of them. He acknowledges Jordan who gets him into a friendly hug.
"Guys I invited her, hope you don't mind,"
"I don't, but my sister would since she is your girlfriend after all," Lynn reminds him.
"You're not going to calm your girl down Elijah, oh I forgot she is your mouthpiece," Jordan says
"Screw you," Elijah insults.
Jordan tells Tommy she will see him a little later before taking off to find a seat.
Both of them give Tommy a staredown before he can open his mouth.
"She isn't that bad, she is just lonely," he says defensively.
"'Among other things," Elijah hints at Jordan's other problems.
"And let me guess she wants you to keep her company," Lynn suggestively responds.
Tommy has always sensed Jordan likes him, but he has made it clear that he is in a relationship with Tanner. Yet again she did look fine as hell in that outfit that she has on.
"Can we just let it go for right now, " Tommy says
"Yeah," Lynn replies. "for now," she includes.
Elijah, however, knows when it comes to Jordan, she isn't going to give up her quest of getting Tommy to herself.

By now Martha and Courtney were now in their purple floor-length bridesmaid's dresses. They along, with Mae and the bride to be were waiting on the car to take them to Lake Hudson which is only a twenty-five-minute drive from the inn.
"We're coming out now," Mae shouts out from the bathroom where she was helping Shauna get into her dress.
Both ladies curiosity piques when they hear the door to the bathroom open. Reactions of joy and many more emotions on their faces become evident when Shauna steps into the room with the customized designed Amanda Tate dress which consists of a white sleeveless lace turtleneck dress with intricate designs running through the gown.
"Wow!!!" Courtney mutters.
She was glad that her friend Amanda was able to get this dress done on time since she only had a week to send it here to Kentucky.
Martha grabs her phone off the bed. "Just seems like yesterday we were playing pretend wedding and now we're doing to the real thing."
Once the two pictures were taken, Courtney gets the call that the car is parking outside of the building. Mae tells the girls that they can go down and that they will meet them down there momentarily.
Mae takes the time to straighten out Shauna's veil before speaking to her. "I am so proud of you Shauna of the woman you've become if only your grandfather was here to see you on this day,"
Shauna thought about her grandfather this morning. She imagined he would've bonded with Max over beers and asked where he would've taken grandma for their anniversary since Max has traveled all over the world. She also misses him because he was the closest thing she had to a father.
"Just wish your momma could've been here,"
Shauna waves both of her hands as a whatever True she might want her mom to finally be a little selfless for her to come to watch the nuptials of her only child. Yet she learned a long time that she would be a fool if she ever depended on anything else than disappointment from Cassie Jackson.
"Grandma, will you do me the honor of walking me down the aisle?" she asks.
Mae wipes her teary eyes. "Of course I will baby."Let's go get you married,"
The grandmother and granddaughter our nearly out of the door when a presence is standing outside in the doorway, blocking their path.

"Antoine, what are you doing here?" Shauna demands a little lower remembering she is in a four-star hotel establishment and not at the Hotel Cliffe.
Antoine Hall is dressed in a white button-down shirt and grey slacks. Shauna wouldn't admit it but he looked rather good like he does when he dresses up.
"Antoine, you can talk to her after she says her "I do's" Mae strongly encourages.
"Mae, I need to talk to Shauna, one on one, "
Mae turns to her granddaughter, who has given her verbal permission to go wait down in the car because it won't take long whatever he has to say to her. Mae gives Antoine a warning glance before she darts into the hallway to the elevator bank.
Shauna closes the door behind Antoine, who walks into the hotel suite.
"Come on Antoine, I don't have time go back and forth in case you forgot I gotta be somewhere," Shauna says
"I can't let you get married before I tell you how I feel about you."
Shauna sucks her teeth not believing Antoine would pick the eleventh hour to confess he wants to be with her which he already did months prior.
"I see you on the yacht," Shauna goes towards the door.
Antoine's fingers lay on her arm. "I can make you happier than bean pole can ever besides I love you Shauna always have,"
The confession makes Shauna initially react by slapping him across the face.
"You gotta be fuckin jokin right? " Now you want to bare your soul and shit to me on the biggest day of my life."
Shauna moves closer to his face. "I'm going to get in that car to go get married to Max." She points directly at him. "And don't you even dare try to stop me."
The young bride slams the door shut, out in the hallway she finds herself crying, knowing she is doing the right thing this afternoon realizing she is worthy of much more of empty promises and unhappiness.
Antoine collapses onto the bed, shouting out in sadness, regret, and what could've been's.

Both sides filled with friends and family of the bride and the groom.
At the altar where the captain, who is presiding over the nuptials Max is starting to get antsy since he knows that Shauna is late.
"What time is it?"
Owen checks his Rolex on his wrist. "Five minutes after the last time you asked." Everything is going to be fine,"
Max tries to calm himself down by remembering the first time he accompanied Shauna on the yacht on their first date last November.
"I must confess something, to you, " Max tells her.
​"What is it, Max?"
"Since I came to pick you up earlier all I've been wanting to do is kiss you, will you allow me too? "
Shauna appreciates his honesty, even more, he asked her permission to be intimate with her ."Yeah,"
​The two began kissing.
Max stands there, awaiting his love to walk down the aisle.
Shauna, Mae, Courtney, and Martha climb out of the parked late-model Rolls Royce.
They know they were running behind, but luckily everyone is still there on the yacht from what they can see as they walk onto the dock.
A photographer from People begins snapping photos of the bridal party in which Shauna didn't have the energy nor time to tell them to stop after a certain amount.
Even a few helicopters our swirling around in the sky trying to get a better vantage point of the ceremony.
Sarah Lynn who was on the end of the dock with a wide-awake SJ hand the baby over to his mother along with the rings that our securely tied to the pillow. She quickly tells how nice they all look before getting back to her seat.
Owen comes to the ladies with a huge grin on his face as he gets reacquainted with his best friend's little sister.
They all get into place so they can start the procession.
The wedding coordinator instructs the quartet to began playing the music.
All eyes begin to fall on Martha, who is smiling whilst trying to keep her son in her arms long enough for them to reach the altar.
Next is Courtney who has her arm intertwined with Owen she can see so many friends from New York City and elsewhere. When she Steven she catches him winking at her as he can't wait to talk to her at the reception later on.
The music smoothly changes to Breathe In Now by George
Everyone rises out of their seats on both sides to take in the sight of Shauna walking down the aisle in her exquisite dress. Snapshots are taken by guests with their smartphones and digital cameras too.
I see love and beauty all around,
I also see the sadness that's embedded in your frown
I wonder why you choose not to talk to those around,
I sense a fear of lifting heavy feet
Higher than you want to, I just want to believe your truth
You stand there but you do not cast a shadow,
you walk away with every word you choose not to say
I suppose that moving on paints a new colour for each day,
When she reaches the altar the music is paused. Mae smooches both Shauna and Max before taking a seat next to Esther. The bouquet is given to Martha to hold.
The ship captain queries. "Who gives this woman away?"
"I do," Mae retorts.
The Captain addresses everyone aboard. " Good Afternoon, Friends and Family we here today to witness and celebrate Max and Shauna, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage and to dedicate themselves to each other's happiness and well‑being. On behalf of them, I welcome you all."
"If you are ready to step into the holy circle of matrimony please so indicate by joining hands."
The two of them comply with the instruction.
"Do you Maximillian Daniel Covington take Shauna Latrice Jackson as your wife to love her, to cherish her, nurture her, and support her, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by her side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part?"
"I do," he says wholeheartedly.
Shauna notices Antoine taking a seat in one of the rows in the back. Her stomach feels with dread hoping he won't cause a scene as he did earlier.
"Do you Shauna Latrice Jackson take Maximillian Daniel Covington as your husband, to love him, to cherish him, nurture him, and support him, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by his side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part?"
Shauna catches a glance at Antoine who looks like he has been crying.
She turns around to face her fiancé with the future on her mind.
"I do," she asserts
The rings are exchanged by the two of them and the words are repeated.
"With this ring, I pledge my love and faithfulness to you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live."
The captain is now concluding the service. "By the Commonwealth of Kentucky I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride."
Max places his lips on his now wife's and a round of applause and cheers can be heard as they make their way down the aisle ahead of the bridal and groom parties. The bridal march is being played the string quartet.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Maxmillian Covington." the officiant states to the witnesses.
The Wedding Reception
Tommy and Jordan gets closer.
Esther and Deirdre rehash the past.
And Much More!!!
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