Written by: Bre L. Drew
June 19, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Despite him gaslighting Jordan, Daniel tries to convince Tommy to drop his suspicions, as he doesn't want anyone to know what he has done.
​Max had worries about his new situation of being paralyzed as he was being discharged from the hospital.
Jai and Louise decided to postpone their engagement due to Sean's constant presence in Louise's life.
Jordan received a USB stick with a video and recordings from Dr. Toussaint stating Daniel is responsible for her breakdown.

With the temperature nearing eighty in Radcliffe, it was an almost scenic summer afternoon. Gabriella, along with two other members of the Home Farm estate staff, set up last-minute items such as food and drinks on long tables on the expansive deck.
Today the Covington family and close friends are celebrating Max's homecoming from the hospital, where he has been recovering from the accident that has taken his ability to walk.
Daniel Covington finds himself casually overseeing what is taking place as he dwells on the fact that it is entirely his fault as to why Max had to be in the hospital in the first place since he had orchestrated Jordan's breakdown, which if she hadn't been in the middle of the road distressed looking for Jeremy Max wouldn't have had to swerve to avoid her, he would have full use of his limbs, and his unborn grandchild would still be inside of his daughter-in-law. He hopes they can start to move on from everything that has happened, even if Tommy remains suspicious of him.
"Earth to Dad, what's going on? Are you okay?"
Those words make Daniel snap out of his current mindset when he sees Courtney Covington Sullivan approaching him.
"Something like that," he finally answers as he embraces his only daughter wearing a light purple denim belted sundress and carrying a designer carry-all bag with sunglasses perched on her head.
After they let go of one another, Daniel sees Steven Sullivan beside her, who sticks out his for him to shake.
"I just hope everything is sufficient for your brother to get around the estate," Daniel confesses.
"I'm sure it is," Steven remarks.
A few years ago, Steven never imagined saying something optimistic to his father-in-law due to years of rivalry between the Covington's and the Saunders, in addition to his not being keen on the older man romantically involved with his daughter. But now they're on more civil terms for the time being.
"Max will have everything he needs, not to mention we will go above and beyond to make sure he will be able to do so," Courtney says positively.

A black luxury vehicle pulls up in front of the mansion on the estate.
And inside it, Max Covington sits in the backseat of the car next to his wife, Shauna. The two had just come from the hospital, knowing he would need a specialized vehicle to transport him, but Max never imagined it would be such a opulent one, although when Shauna said it was his father's insistence, it explained it all.
"Home sweet home," Max says in his usual sarcastic manner. "It feels like no time has passed, and at the same time, it feels like a lifetime."
Shauna Covington bobs her head understandingly. "I can imagine,"
She then grasps his hand into hers as they sit there without any words while the driver gets out to assist him out of the car.
Back out on the deck, Tommy and Deirdre Covington have joined the celebration.
"He's here!" Tommy announces it after having seen him through the window inside the mansion.
The rest of the family stands close by as they witness Shauna step beside Max, using the lever to maneuver himself in the state-of-the-art chair. As he sees his father, sister, brother, paternal grandmother, and brother-in-law giving well-rounded applause at his arrival, he gives a wry grin, as he hadn't expected anything for his return home.

The rich smell of hickory smoke instantly meets Louise Saunders Lockhart as she enters Henry's BBQ this afternoon. Usually, she wouldn't have ventured into town for lunch, but nothing seemed to satisfy her taste buds at home, so she made the journey to grab some takeout.
As she makes her way into the line and gives her name to the cashier for her food after she uses her credit card to pay, she spots customers dining, which makes her realize her loneliness since she and Jai decided to postpone their engagement.
While waiting for her order, she hears the female DJ on the sound system on one of the few local radio stations talking about the carnival coming to town in September; she switches to a song.
At first, Louise doesn't pay it any mind, but the familiar rhythm suddenly causes her to question her sanity when she hears the unmistakable vocals of Michael Bolton's "The Best Of Love," which had become their "song."
All I'm askin' is to keep you near forever
Just 'till the end of time
Thinking to herself about the time she danced with him in her kitchen makes her want to reach out to him, but she's not sure how or whether she should.
However, the calling of her name snaps her out of it as she retrieves her order.

Grateful to be the only resident in the gym within the apartment building where he resides, Jai Gupta finds himself releasing his pent-up frustration on the punching bag. As he pounces swiftly, he can't help but reflect on the current issues between himself and his fiancée's ex-husband's constant presence in her life, not to mention the sense of some unresolved feelings between them. Yet couldn't help but think of the positive attributes of the woman with whom he is still in love despite it all.
Coming to his senses that he has already worked out enough, he stops attacking the bag and takes his AirPods out of his ears; however, the song on the speakers is playing "The Best of Love."
"You've got to be kidding me," he states sardonically.
With every breath and every beat of my heart
You know you've got me by my deepest emotion
'Cause you keep givin' me the best of love
By then, Jai heads out of the room, continuing to dwell on his fate.

Fergie's vocals come through the audio system as The Black Eyed Peas "Meet Me Halfway" plays at Max's homecoming party.
Max sits around the table, taking a bite of grilled shrimp when Shauna sits across from him.
"Shoot, I forgot to get you something to drink." She is about to stand up from the chair before he puts his hand out to stop his wife.
"It's all right; I can get it myself."
Steven walks past them happening to hear their exchange.
He goes over to grab a bottled water and gives it to his brother-in-law.
"Thanks, man." Max nods.
"Need anything else?" Steven inquiries.
Max wants to scream that he's capable of moving ten feet away to get something and doesn't need help.

Presley McKnight and Tanner Lockhart are greeted by Courtney when they arrive at the party, while Tommy simultaneously grabs a bottle of craft beer from the large silver ice bucket. And when his gaze is on Tanner, it makes him regret even cheating on her with Jordan in the first place, ending their relationship. Since breaking up, she is now even more beautiful as she has become less dependent on her glasses, opting for contacts, and her smile exudes confidence.
And her pastel blue linen blazer and shorts with a white tank display her curves that he hadn't realized were ever there.
Then he looks down at his bare ring finger, having left his wedding ring in his bedroom, making him aware for now.
Those thoughts of reconciliation are just that as he takes a hearty sip of the beer.

Inside the house, Gabriella answers the front door, where she courteously welcomes Emma Covington and Will Jackson, who step into the foyer.
"You know it's not too late to get out of here before anyone notices." Emma humorously tells him.
Will chuckles at her, knowing she is doing this to spare him from her family, especially her mother, who isn't keen on her being with someone with a rap sheet.
"We ain't got nothin' to hide," he declares.
"But I bet some people out there do," she discloses playfully.
With a martini in her hand, Deirdre makes her way to them in a white and gold embroidered silk caftan dress.
"Thank you both for coming," she says to them while embracing her daughter. "Hello, Will,"
"How you doin', Deirdre?" Will asks, mainly out of respect.
"I'm doing quite fine; I'm grateful that my grandson is home from the hospital and, most importantly, that my family is together."
The awkwardness between them is evident since Deirdre decided to be more cordial to them. Although, she isn't still in favor of them seeing one another as she brought Emma's ex-fiancé Jacques to town to seduce her away.
"Pardon me, but I need a libation." Emma excuses herself to the table where her niece Courtney is consuming water.
"Is it just me, or does being around here makes you want to consume alcohol?" Emma makes the remarks while fixing herself a glass of white wine.
"I wouldn't know," Courtney retorts. "I haven't moved thousands of miles away to escape them."
Before returning to Radcliffe, Emma had galvanized all over the world but had been living in Paris.
"You made a little joke; good for you," Emma snaps. She then tasted the wine before responding. "I hope you use that same attitude towards Jacques, or has he moved on to another target? I mean, woman."
Emma's ex-lover flirted with her niece despite her being married, and even though both told him to stop it, the French shipping heir hasn't met a challenge; he hasn't conquered.
"Here you go again, mentioning Jacques; now, if I didn't know any better. I would say someone is a little salty, Emma," Courtney brings up.
Emma glances over to Will, who is speaking to Steven.
"At least my partner knows about Jacques, something tells me that Doctor Dolittle still doesn't,"
Emma glances over to Will, who is speaking to Steven. "At least my other half knows about Jacques; something tells me Doctor Dolittle doesn't."
Courtney places the empty cup on the table as she catches her husband's gaze, which makes her feel terrible for hiding this from him.

Not long after getting out of the shower, a steady knock on the door gets Jai into the living room and towards the door.
To his amazement, it is Louise standing in the doorway.
"Is this a bad time?" she asks kindly.
He then moves out of the way to let her inside the apartment as he closes the door behind them.
She moves strands of her long blonde hair and puts them behind her ears. "I wanted to come over here to tell you that being apart has gotten to me, and it made me realize how much I miss you."
Jai couldn't help but notice the sincerity in her voice, yet her actions, on the other hand, were unsure at the moment.
She continues to speak wholeheartedly. "I know being close with Sean is the reason... well, one of the reasons we're on this road, but if there is any chance for us to mend things between us, I'll do it because you mean a lot to me, Jai."
"You've been on my mind, too," he finally admits. "And I know I came off a little too strongly regarding you and Sean, as I know how important it is to be close with your ex, especially when you have children at any age, so maybe I threw too many rocks in a glass house. I mean, look at Mala and me, but I wonder: do you notice how much Sean uses you as a crutch when he can't handle his own marital issues with his own wife sometimes? I don't think you're aware of how much that bothers me. Look, I get that you two are friends, but it's unfair for him to confide in you when things don't go right with him and Tricia, which is quite often."
Louise nods as she hears it, knowing where he is coming from.
"I get it," she replies. "And I will respect your wishes when it comes to boundaries, but I hope you realize the last person I think about when I fall asleep is you. I know it's cliche, but you mean too much to me not to take a chance."
Before he is fully aware of it, Louise places her lips upon his as they kiss one another. He stops their interaction to grasp what is occurring.
"This isn't fair,"
"You're right," she says, catching her breath. "But we can't solve our problems if we're apart."
The next thing they know, they're heading into Jai's bedroom.

The party is now in full swing, as Samuel Gupta and Martha Saunders have joined it. The two are sitting with Max and Shauna.
"Let me guess; you're overwhelmed by everything thus far." Samuel voices.
Max scoffs while shaking his head. "Has anyone told you how damn perceptive you are?"
"You wouldn't be the first," Samuel says amusingly. "But I've had patients after becoming paralyzed, and typically they feel the same as you do, but just take things as they come. "Martha takes a drink of her beer. "How are you holding up? I know it can't be easy."
Shauna carefully exhales while trying to maintain calmness.
"I can tell he misses his independence, but once he gets more physical therapy, he will be able to do most of the tasks he had been doing before the accident."
Martha gives her best friend a look of disbelief. "How long have we known each other? I know it's not easy on you, and it's okay to admit it."
"It's not," she divulges. "But Martha, he's my husband, and I love him, and as I told him, I will be there for him."
She decides to change the subject. "Anyway, enough about me, girl; you're about to perform in Nashville. You must be so excited."

Sauntering in her heels, Jordan Covington can instantly feel people's eyes upon her since she isn't well-liked by the Covingtons, not to mention her involvement in the tragic event that rendered Max unable to walk and Shauna miscarrying their baby. Although she had information that she couldn't hold back any longer and that everyone needed to know,
When Daniel takes notice of the mother of his grandson, he is instantly filled with disgust. "What is she doing here?"
Already on her second martini, Deirdre isn't holding much back: "Don't give her the satisfaction."
She is the only person in the family who knows Daniel gaslit Jordan.
Tanner, who is near the pool, isn't enthusiastic about seeing her former best friend turned enemy.
Presley spots his girlfriend's reaction, knowing it is about his sister. "Don't let her get to you."
"Easier said than done," Tanner says, then grins at her boyfriend.
"I'm sorry; I know she's your sister. I'll promise I will be on my best behavior."
"Thank you," he tells her while putting his arm around her.
Jordan ventures over to Tommy, who seems unfazed by her presence.
"Have you told anyone yet?" she asks him.
"Told anyone what, Jordan?"
"I think it's time I do so."
Jordan turns around. "Everyone, can I have your attention for just one moment, please?"
"What the hell is she doing?" Daniel wonders aloud.
With everyone's focus on them, they await whatever Jordan plans to announce.
"I think there is something you should know, Daniel. Actually, I think there is something everyone here should know too."
Daniel is about to go up to her to potentially stop her, even though he isn't sure whether or not she knows anything or is just going by suspicion.
A devilish smirk spreads across her face as she stares at Daniel and then at Tommy.
"I can't believe you haven't told anyone, she says, showcasing her hand with her wedding ring. "Thomas finally made me an honest woman. We got married yesterday."
Suddenly, the music is the only audible sound made as everyone takes in the information, causing reactions of detestation and shock from Daniel, Deirdre, Max, Courtney, Presley, and Tanner.
The Covington's, Presley and Tanner, react to Tommy and Jordan's marriage.
Mae misinterprets Gus.
Jai concedes to Louise's amazement.
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