Written by: Bre L. Drew
July 31, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Daniel hid the truth from Courtney about his role in gaslighting Jordan.
Jordan swears that Daniel will pay for what he has done to her after receiving evidence of what he did to her from
Dr. Toussaint after his death.
Sean attempts to devote himself to his marriage to Tricia, but his unresolved feelings for Louise is making it hard for him.
Aaliyah is again against Jai marrying Louise, believing her parents should be together again.

Today, several high-powered executives and influential shareholders have descended upon the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower in downtown Radcliffe for the Covington Group's annual shareholder's meeting. Among them is Daniel Covington, steadily shaking hands and offering polite greetings.
Soon he is approached by two wealthy shareholders he has known since the days when the company was headquartered in New York City.
"Daniel, it's so good to see you, said a white woman in her late forties with honey-blonde hair and wearing a black and white lace crepe sheath dress, holding onto her clutch.
The two exchange a quick embrace while he firmly shakes the hands of the woman's portly older husband, with gray hair wearing a custom-tailored suit.
"Nancy, Charles, it's good to see you too."
The couple resides on the upper east side of New York City, where the Covington's once dwelled for twenty years.
"It still doesn't seem real that your father is gone, but I must say we've been impressed by your leadership, meaning you've made us richer."
"Charles," Nancy scolds him somewhat well-meaningly. "We also wanted to give our best regards to your son and his wife. We heard about what happened. How are they doing?"
Daniel wishes he could change the topic of conversation since he is responsible for the accident that caused his eldest son's paralysis and the loss of their baby, which his wife miscarried since he was the one that caused Jordan's breakdown, so Tommy could get full custody of Jeremy, believing she is an unfit mother. Nonetheless, it would make him even more guilty if he brought something else up.
"They're doing well as can be expected," he partly lies.
Knowing Max is struggling with his new reality, they and still are saddened over the loss of their unborn baby,
He then lifts his head to see his youngest son exit the elevator in a white Oxford button-down shirt underneath a blue plaid suit. Tommy Covington glances directly at his father, not being able to see him the same again since he is aware of him doing damage to the family.

Jordan Covington stands in the closet in her bedroom of the guest house on Home Farm, mentally selecting the perfect attire to wear today. She brings it up to see how it will look on her without the satin black robe she's sporting.
Her mind, however, goes to what brought her to this point in her life, consisting of her infatuation with Tommy when she first met him back in high school, which seems like a lifetime ago, and how they got to know each other, leading them to sleep with one another, which led to the conception of Jeremy, causing Daniel to take charge by trying to take him away before his birth, which led to having her baby out of town with Tricia by her side. Yet Daniel managed to track her down while Jeremy nearly died from having a hole in his heart. She recalls how he came into her hospital room and told her she couldn't handle being a mother, which emotionally affected her. She ended up leaving town for several months and couldn't be in the same room as her child until she could cope.
And when she did the right thing by seeking help by seeing Dr. Toussaint, it turned out that Daniel blackmailed the doctor to convince her that she was becoming insane so she would be considered an unfit parent and would lose custody. And how that caused her to spend days at Stonecrest receiving treatment; she wouldn't need it if Daniel hadn't tried to control things.
While resolving that it is the right outfit, she becomes more determined than ever about what has to be done.
The evidence from Toussaint, consisting of several recorded conversations and a video that his estate lawyer sent her after his death via the law firm that handled his estate on a flash drive, proves everything he had done to her.
"I'm going to make sure you will never hurt me again, Daniel," she remarks.
Jordan dashes to finish getting ready.

I don't need somebody to hold me
Don't need somebody to love me
Don't need somebody to pick these pieces up
The impassioned vocals of Kelly Clarkson can be heard on the stereo system as "Me" plays within the cafe. While a small crowd of customers occupy the establishment, that includes Aaliyah Gupta and Lorenzo Vidal. The two sit at the table near the large window overlooking Main Street, enjoying their breakfast and chatting.
"Thank you for getting me out of that house," Lorenzo tells his girlfriend.
"I guess living under the same roof as a two-year-old can be a lot," Aaliyah assumes while picking at her banana-nut muffin.
Lorenzo takes a sip of his coffee. "Jeremy ain't the problem; it's that mother of his. With her using all the hot water and only cleaning up when she feels like it, it's like being back at college."
Tommy invited Jordan and Jeremy to stay at the guest house on the estate, along with Lorenzo, since he wanted his wife and son out of the main house due to his father's cruel behavior towards his wife.
"Well, at least we have Nashville to look forward to," he says to her.
They are attending the music festival in another week or so, where Martha will perform with her band. And Lorenzo, who is in charge of the band's social media. And will be capturing footage that weekend.
"I've got to go shopping for Nashville and get a dress for the engagement party, which shouldn't be happening in the first place."
Lorenzo tries to mull around in his head to change the subject, knowing she is about to bring up how she feels her father and Louise aren't suitable because her parents belong together again.
"I don't care what she says, I know my mother still has feelings for my father," Aaliyah admits.
"I can't take this anymore," Lorenzo confesses, causing Aaliyah to become defensive.
"What can't you take anymore, Lorenzo?"
"Look, I know you care about your father, and maybe those things you say about Louise might be true, but you haven't gotten a chance to know her before you started deciding she isn't good enough for him. At least try to reach out to her before you judge her," he reveals. The young man stands up from the table. "I've got to get to work."
Lorenzo has a shift today at the market, which Aaliyah's father owns and runs.
As her boyfriend takes off, Aaliyah tries to adhere to what he just said to her while she sips her mango smoothie from her plastic straw.

Despite being the daughter of a pageant queen, Louise Saunders Lockhart wouldn't normally consider herself a beauty. Although there have been some standout moments in her life, and at this moment, this would be one of those times as the farmer checks herself out in the full-length mirror by her window in her bedroom at the lake cottage where she resides.
The black one-shoulder midi dress does its best to display her curves and cover most of her exterior flaws, or what she considers imperfections. She will be wearing this ensemble in a week at her engagement party that her mother is hosting for her and Jai at the Miller Inn ballroom.
Deciding to get changed, she goes to unzip the dress.
However, the din of the doorbell causes her to forgo getting out of this dress anytime soon as she races down the stairs barefoot to answer the door, hoping it's some person with a flyer she can quickly get rid of. But when she opens it, she discovers it is far from a random person.
"Hi," she admits to her ex-husband.
"Well, I would be lying if I said I was in the area," Sean Lockhart says. He gazes at his former wife, the mother of his twin daughters, and can't help but notice her shapely physique in the dress. "You look amazing, by the way."
Louise's lips curve into a smile. "What, this old thing?" she jokingly replies. She steps aside to let him into the house while shutting the door behind them.
"I was just trying it to see how it looked on me."
"Well, if I'm impressed, I'm sure Jai will be too."
Louise heads toward the staircase. "Since you are here, you might as well make yourself useful by helping me get out of the dress; something tells me I'm going to have a hard time with this zipper."
The two go up the stairs and into the bedroom that once belonged to them. In some ways, it looks similar, albeit with minor indications, such as different pillows on the bed and a new throw rug on the floor.
She turns around to get his attention.
"Do you ever think about if we never split up?" he discloses abruptly, causing Louise to comprehend what he is about to say.
"Sean, don't do this,"
He arrives closer to her, "I'm serious, Louise, because I've been thinking about it more and more, and it made me realize that I was a damn fool for letting you go."
Lousie finally gains enough composure to put together words verbally. "What is making you say all of this now?"
Sean runs his hands through his hair and exhales. "Cause try as I might to make things work with Tricia, we can't get back to what we had, and we both know it, but I'm too much of a coward to say it, and Tricia is too stubborn. But all I know is that I made the biggest mistake by thinking I could do better, but I already had the best, and I never saw it until now."
Louise faces herself in the mirror, with Sean standing behind her. "How do I know if what you're saying is the truth or if you're feeling some way because I'm getting married to someone else?"
As she turns around, Sean walks toward her and reaches out, bringing her over to him. He grabs her hips as she glances at him with intensity.

As the meeting draws near, several members in attendance begin to populate the property development's boardroom, which includes most of the Covington family.
"Uh, I've got to go to the restroom," Max Covington notes.
The digital media executive and company heir now occupies a motorized wheelchair.
"Okay, do you want me to go with you?" Shauna Covington says it in a low voice so no one can overhear, knowing Max feels self-conscious about his predicament.
Max forms an expression to counter his wife's invitation.
"I might be immobilized, but I think I can still go to the restroom like a big boy," he says sardonically.
Shauna does her best to not show any hurt feelings.
"I'll be all right," he winks.
He then uses the lever to guide himself out of the room and into the hallway.
Shauna does her best to not show feelings of rejection.
Watching the interaction between her eldest grandson and his wife, Deirdre Covington finishes up a conversation with an associate who is a shareholder and often vacations in Aspen. She makes her way to Shauna.
"Hi, how are you?" She greets her.
"That's a good question," Shauna answers lowly.
The wealthy widow is wearing a dark blue short-sleeve dress with a matching blue blazer. And her cropped copper-red hair is freshly done by her stylist.
"I hope you won't take any offense, but from my observation of the situation, I think it's best if you push back and be there for him but not enable him." she says.
Shauna folds her arms over her chest. "I want to be there for him."
The petite woman grabs one of her granddaughter-in-law's hands supportively. "You would have to be blind not to see that the Covington men can sometimes be too full of pride,"
"Well, that's not Max." Shauna retorts
Deirdre purses her lips, like that's the most ludicrous thing she's heard this week. "Sweetheart, I love my grandson dearly, but the men in this family are who they are, and we love them in spite of it."

"Are you sure what you and dad are still disagreeing about is your future with Jordan?" Courtney Covington Sullivan questions her younger brother.
The siblings head toward the corner of the room.
"Yeah, you know, dad, he thinks he knows everything," Tommy tells her.
Courtney nods agreeably. "I know that firsthand."
The businesswoman and heiress still remember the early days of her and Steven's dating and the lengths he went to make sure they wouldn't last.
"Though I can see why dad will feel that way, I'm at least proud you're living up to your obligations. I know you are still in love with Tanner, and being married to Jordan doesn't suppress those feelings."
Seeing Tanner, the other day at the stables made it clear that he still desires her but knows he can't act on it for several reasons.
Tommy clears his throat lightly before responding to his sister.
"Trust me, if you had to do what I did, then you would understand why I did it."
The statement makes Courtney want to ask him further about what he is talking about when they notice everyone is taking a seat around the executive table as Daniel stands at the head of it, calling the meeting to order, which makes Tommy roll his eyes at his father's commands once again.
"I want to start off by thanking everyone for attending the annual shareholders meeting. This company holds a special place in my heart, along with my family's. When my father, Patrick Covington, made good on an investment in a small property development firm fifty years ago, he would've never dreamed that one day the company would be one of the Forbes 500. He's gone now, but his legacy remains through this company and, most importantly, his family."
Concurrently, Emma Covington saunters into the room, causing Deirdre to shake her head at her daughter for being late for the meeting.
"It's not like nothing happens eventful at one of these things anyway," she whispers to her mother.
"Now, I would like to inform you of all the inroads we've made this last year," Daniel begins.

However, the movement of someone else incoming slowly starts to get everyone else's focus as Jordan, dressed in a light pink satin cocktail dress and carrying her purse, causes Daniel to try to be cordial to her.
"Jordan, a meeting is being conducted. Can you please wait outside?"
The young woman scoffs with ease while moving her head.
"I'll be damned if I ever let you tell me what to do ever again, and neither will all of you once I get done telling you what kind of man you have running the Covington Group."
Jordan reveals all
Others get more than they bargained for.
Elijah and Lynn have a romantic picnic.
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