Written by: Bre L. Drew
June 26, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
After being discharged from the hospital, Max was welcomed home by friends and family at a homecoming celebration at Home Farm.
Jordan revealed that she and Tommy were married, shocking everyone.
Mae befriended hospital custodian Gus Hewitt.
Jai and Louise confessed to each other their issues affecting their engagement, which ended with them heading to the bedroom.

For such an affluent family like the Covington's, not much truly can shock them. However, the revelation of Jordan Covington announcing she and Tommy Covington got married yesterday stunned everyone with their unique reaction, including Daniel Covington had very much to say about it since he has never been a fan of the mother of his grandson, so much so that he gaslit her into a mental breakdown, hoping it would convince her she's a terrible parent due to her history of abandoning Jeremy as a newborn by taking off for virtually seven months.
"Please tell me this is a joke. Tommy?!" Daniel exclaims.
Everyone else's gaze lies upon the couple as Tommy had wanted to keep this secret longer since he married her out of protection, knowing without a doubt that his father caused her to spend days in a psychiatric hospital.
"It's not," Tommy finally answers. "Jordan and I are married."

Luther Vandross's "Take You Out" plays over the sound system inside The Waterfall as customers get in their afternoon drink and, for a select few, the latest local gossip.
Behind the Bar, Mae Jackson taps her foot to the rhythm after giving two men their beers. She then retrieves a towel to wipe the few damp spots on the bar countertop. When she lifts her head, Gus Hewitt walks over to the bar with a pleasant grin when he sees the woman he got to know recently.
"Long time no see, lady," the exuberant gentleman greets her.
Mae finds herself chuckling at him good-naturedly.
"What can I get you?"
"Uh, I take whatever is on tap," he responds. "So, how are your granddaughter and her husband doing?"
Mae pulls the pint expertly, as someone with over three decades of experience doing so as owner.
She initially met Gus while she was in the ICU of the hospital, where he works as a janitor. Although a stranger, she found herself being able to confide in him about it.
"The outcome is still the same, but some good news is that Max got released from the hospital today, and he and my granddaughter are celebrating his homecoming with family and friends where they live," she informs him.
Gus nods to thank her for the beer.
"Why aren't you there?" he asks her. He then takes a sip of the beverage.
"Martha is at the party, and Antoine is closing, and let's just say I'm not too keen on a certain member of my grandson-in-law's family if you catch my drift," she answers.
The person she is referring to is Deirdre Covington. It's bad enough that she thinks her son is not good enough for her daughter. Though if she had more cover, she would've gone regardless.
"Well, somethin' tells me you don't get much from underneath here, so how about I take you out to dinner one of these nights," Gus says invitingly.
Taken back by that question since it has been years since a man even asked Mae out anywhere, but her eyes widened at his hand—a gold band on his fourth finger, making her notice he was married, making her question why she never realized it was there before,
"I don't think that's a good idea."
Gus raises his eyebrows in confusion.
"I can always invite you over to my place, but my cooking ain't all that," he teases. "Mae, what's going on?"
"I think you forgot to mention that you are married," Mae reveals.

Varied responses become somewhat audible.
"I tell ya what tho, drama ain't never missing from any time your family gets together." Will Jackson sips from his beer bottle.
"Of course, this family gets another drama queen," Emma Covington murmurs. "Because we're fresh out of those."
She takes a hearty drink of her white wine.
Will snickers knowing she is referring to her mother and herself too,

"Okay, what just happened?" Tanner Lockhart asks her boyfriend, Presley McKnight, at the news of her ex-boyfriend now being married to Presley's sister.
The two are near the pool, when they heard the announcement.
"I don't know," the reverend responds. "But I'm sure as hell going to find out."
Hoping his sister wasn't strong-armed into this since she had been recently discharged from Stonecrest as she was being overmedicated by her late doctor, Dr. Toussaint.
However, the newlyweds come over to them, knowing a simple congratulations wasn't going to be said.
"If you excuse us, we're going to talk alone in private," Presley tells them. Jordan follows him away from the exes.
Tanner wraps her arms around herself as she tries to find the words for the first boy she loved with her heart.
"Who knew coming here for Max's homecoming would also be where I would hear a wedding? I mean marriage announcement came from Jordan, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that she would steal someone else's spotlight to shine her own."
Tommy is aware Tanner isn't exactly happy about this, but despite them no longer being together, he knows she still cares about him, and so does he about her.
"I apologize for Jordan's outburst of it but trust me, I did it for a reason or two that I can't get into right now," he says to her. "But she was about to take off across the country with our son. I couldn't step back and do nothing; it was either getting married or fighting it out in court. I had to do this."
While being told that piece of information, Tanner seems to become less tense. "You know what? We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, and I know I shouldn't care, but something tells me this union means two different things to you and Jordan. I just hope you can spare Jeremy from the fallout."
With that, the young woman walks away, leaving Tommy uncertain; although protecting his son, even Jordan comes first.

Daniel does his best to contain his anger and not cause any more commotion. He finds himself talking with his mother.
"Only when I thought I was getting that girl out from underneath this roof and out of all our lives, Tommy decides to marry her," he scoffs. "I need to look into their marriage certificate and whoever issued it because, other than lust and that being the mother of his child, there isn't anything else between them that could sustain this farce."
Deirdre rubs her son's back, which used to work when he was younger, to calm him down.
"I'm as astonished and upset about this as you are, but losing your cool in front of everyone is not going to make things go where you want them; trust me."
Daniel sticks his hands in his pants pockets.
"Tommy's already dubious of me, so I can't do anything that would give me away, but it's so hard knowing your son has made the biggest mistake of his life."
Deirdre nods emphatically.
"It's always hard to see your children and grandchildren do that, but then you realize you must play the cards; you're dealt."
"I hate saying this, but you're right." Daniel exhales. He then alters the subject. "Besides, I need to concentrate my focus on the company with the upcoming shareholders meeting."

Neither Jai Gupta nor Louise Saunders Lockhart expected to delve into their problems regarding their engagement, let alone have sex; however, the two are currently lying in his bed in the bedroom of his third-floor apartment.
Able to catch his breath now, Jai decides to speak.
"I wish I could say that was all planned, but that would be lying."
Louise takes the sheet closer to her naked body while using the other hand to run her hand through her long blonde hair.
"I figured; she replies. "But I do not hate it one little bit."
A few moments of silence pass before either one says anything else.
"I guess we should talk about where we go from here."
Louise gazes upon her fiancé with intent. "Between what just happened and what we said to one another, I want us to resume this engagement and spend the rest of our lives together, Jai."
Despite Jai recalling his fiancée claiming she wants them to move forward, the thought of Sean constantly involved in her life, even though they're divorced, is still a problem for him.
On top of that, his daughter disapproves of his engagement to Louise since she still aspires for him and Mala to reunite.
"I hope you know that even though we've mended things between us, I'm still worried about Sean's place in your life, and yes, I know you two have a long history, but I hope you at least consider how I feel."
Louise tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Even though Sean and I are still in each other's lives, that will never mean he will come first in it because you do, and I'm sorry if I haven't done my best to show you that."
Jai forms a genuine smile towards her. "Well, I think what's best is that I move into the cottage if that's still an option."
"Really?" Louise asks in surprise. The last time they had this conversation, neither was willing to give in, as Jai thought the cottage was a reminder of Sean, while Louise wanted to remain there since it had plenty of space for them all.
"It's time that I made a compromise myself," he tells her. Besides, maybe I can sublet this place to Samuel."
By now, Jai has her arm stretched around Louise as they embrace one another.

"And before you try to deny it, I see the ring on that hand," Mae remarks.
Gus shakes his head while putting the half-filled beer mug on the countertop. Oh, you saw that, huh?"
"Yeah, I saw that," Mae says, trying to keep her voice down, knowing this town is a hotbed of nosiness.
"I normally don't go into it with people, but my wife Geraldine passed away three years ago, and I still wear it because, I guess, when I do take it off, I know it means she really is gone," he admits wholeheartedly.
At first, she thought he was lying to get himself out of it, but the wistfulness in his voice conveyed the truth to her.
"Gus, I'm sorry. I lost my husband about seven years ago; I know it's never easy, no matter how long it's been."
Mae lost her beloved Horace several years ago due to lung cancer.
"No, it's alright," he says, clearing his throat. "If the situation were on the other foot, I would call them out too, but that invitation for dinner still stands."
Mae crosses her arms over her chest.
"I look forward to it,"
Gus sits at the bar, continuing to drink his beverage and converse with Mae.

Presley looks to see if anyone else is within earshot in the mansion; once he doesn't, he delves in as he and his sister are in the living room.
"I know I wasn't going to receive a gift, but you could at least congratulate me," Jordan says half-jokingly.
Presley's facial expression exhibits disdain for her present amusement towards him.
"What's going on, Jordan? Don't try to lie to me."
Jordan takes a seat on the sofa and crosses her legs. "What are you talking about?"
"You may be able to fool them out there, but you can't fool me. I know this is hardly a love match between you and Tommy, and anyway, I don't want anyone to take advantage of you, especially after what you just went through."
"Nobody is taking advantage of me, Presley," she informs him. "And if I were you, I would be more worried that a married man is still attracted to Tanner."
"This isn't about me; we're talking about you and how this will impact your life," Presley retorts.
"Tommy and I did this because we love our son, and it's the right thing to do, isn't it, reverend?"
Presley remains standing nearby, not buying her claim.
"It's obvious I'm not going to talk you out of this," he finally says. "But marriage is a big step. Mom and Dad will flip out when they hear about this."
Now on her feet, Jordan walks to the French patio doors, where she glances out at Daniel, taking a drink from a bottle of water.
She reflects on the USB stick she received hours ago from Toussaint's lawyer that provides evidence of him and Daniel gaslighting her. Also, she still feels bad since she plays a role in the incident that led to Max now being in a wheelchair and Shauna losing their baby as he swerved in the middle of the road to avoid her when she was looking for her son at Lake Hudson.
"Presley, just trust me; I know what I'm doing," she says while peeking at her father-in-law with contempt.
Lynn, Tanner, Samuel, and Aaliyah will discover their parents reconciliation.
Will reacts to Mae becoming close to Gus.
Mala has Jai on her mind.
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