Written by: Bre L Drew
May 27, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Fed up over the overall division of the Covington's, Deirdre decides to arrange a luncheon in hopes of uniting her family.
Max felt movement in his legs, causing Shauna to withhold; she slept with Antoine after the heated encounter they had.
Emma and Jacques eloped in Puerto Rico as Jacques faced deportation back to France.
Samuel didn't like Murray becoming too attached to Martha, as she and he bonded over SJ and their past relationship in Los Angeles.
Surprising Lorenzo in Chicago doesn't go as planned for Aaliyah, as she finds out Lorenzo has been seeing someone else for three months, ultimately ending their relationship.

Classical jazz flutters throughout The Chateau this afternoon as the young hostess leads Deirdre and Daniel Covington in their casual formal wear to the area of the restaurant Deirdre has reserved. The hostess sets the multiple menus on the expansive table and scurries away.
"You know, I'm still not sure all of us breaking bread will somehow bring us closer as a family," Daniel skeptically voices.
Deirdre invited the family to have lunch, as she intended it would start to bring healing between them since they had been fractured due to Daniel's manipulations coming to light.
She narrowed her gaze toward her only son. "This family cannot afford to be divided one moment longer."
They remain standing as Courtney Covington Sullivan in a green sleeveless scoop neck dress, holding onto her handbag while concealing her thoughts about this meeting.
"Hi," the copper-haired woman says, welcoming her granddaughter.
"Hello, grandmother,"
Courtney then throws a glance at her father, whom she has been estranged from since he admitted he blames her for losing control of the company due to her not voting with the rest of the board, ultimately choosing her to be CEO.
"Where's Steven?" Daniel asks, trying to break some of the tension.
"He and Esther are flying down to Orlando for Evan's graduation," she notifies them.
"You didn't go?" he queries.
"Well, I wanted to, but things at Covington are bustling. So, I couldn't leave."
Daniel develops an inquisitive expression. "It's not too hectic for you, is it?"
"No," she retorts. "It's pretty much business as usual."
The waiter gets their drink orders, including a scotch for Daniel and a bottle of cabernet.
The widow lifts her head, glimpsing at her youngest grandson and his misguided wife coming toward them.
"Please be on your best behavior," Deirdre warns Daniel.
Daniel soon notices Tommy and his daughter-in-law in their proximity. "It's good to see you, son."
He hadn't seen him since he moved out of the mansion into the guest house.
"Look, I don't want any trouble," Tommy civilly remarks while maintaining his grip on Jordan's hand.
Daniel throws up his hands to indicate otherwise.
"I thought you would be bringing my grandson," he adds.
"Like I would bring my son around the guy who almost made his mother lose her mind." Jordan Covington says defensively
"Coming from the mother of the year who abandoned h for the first seven months of his life," Daniel ripostes.
Struggling with postpartum depression, Jordan left Jeremy in Tommy's care, ending up in Washington State for several months until making an unforgettable return at Jeremy's christening.
Jordan turns to Tommy, who is already standing at his full height. "You can say anything about me or anyone else at this table, but you do not insult my wife, not after what you did to her."
Jordan doesn't hide her awe at her husband defending her.
"Maybe this was not the best idea," Courtney responds.
She notices a few people at the bar looking at them with nosiness.
"Whatever has happened," Deirdre chimes in. "We're starting anew now; let's give some more time for everyone else to arrive, and then we can order."

The notable vocals of Beyoncé are playing on the cafe's sound system, as "YA YA" is the current soundtrack within the establishment. A small crowd of customers, including Samuel and Aaliyah Gupta, sit across from one another at the table near the large window overlooking Main Street.
She had been filling him in about her trip to Chicago, where she visited her boyfriend Lorenzo, whom she discovered had been seeing Phoenix, the lead singer of a neo-soul rock band Lorenzo's been on tour with.
"I don't think I can think of that type of bird or Chicago the same way again," she confesses.
"Well, that's going to be kind of hard since we're from there," Samuel inserts.
"In all seriousness, what Lorenzo did was wrong; he should've told you when you two talked when he was traveling."
Aaliyah takes a gentle sip of her chai tea while still trying to process her emotional breakup with the stress of downtown Chicago and gives a pensive nod.
"I'm sure once Mommy finds out, she'll probably be elated since she always thought I was too good for Lorenzo."
"Only one way to find out,"
Aaliyah decides to change the topic of the conversation. "Well, at least she and Daddy have worked their way to each other."
"I got to admit it's good seeing the old folks back together," Samuel admits.
"Any improvement on the Martha front?" Aaliyah queries
Before she left, Samuel had issues with his girlfriend's child's father entering back into the picture.
Instead of giving a response, her brother takes a drink of his coffee.
Martha Saunders stands in the center of the living room of the house on Franklin Farm, holding onto her iPhone, while hearing and occasionally observing her five-year-old son playing the mostly in-tune notes on the keyboard piano.
After texting a message, she reads it to herself on the screen.
Hey, can we talk?
The bartender then hits send, hoping she and Samuel can do whatever they need since the last time they saw each other.
Samuel wasn't pleased the other night when she rejected his invitation to dinner since she had spent the day with Murray and SJ at the street fair, and they hadn't talked since, which is something she wants to resolve.
Mentally, she snaps back into reality when she hears the song conclude.
"When did you learn to play Ode to Joy?"
The little boy turns around on the bench where he's sitting, playing the piano. "Dad"
Martha's right eyebrow raises in surprise. "He did?"
"Yeah, he helped me with my fingering."
She can't help but be impressed by not just his son's advanced musicianship but also her ex's having enough patience to teach him.
"Sounds good; keep at it," she says encouragingly.
The familiar sound of her ringtone attracts her attention; thinking it's Samuel calling back, but another name displays on the screen.
"Hello," she finally answers.
"It's your child's father," Murray Hirsch greets her in a relaxed manner.
"I know that voice from anywhere," she replies. "What's up?"
"Well, since the three of us have been hanging out, how about the two of you chill at the pool here at the hotel? Whaddya say?"
At first, Martha is about to refute since she doesn't want to give her boyfriend anything to use as an excuse to declare she's spending more time with her ex. But then again, she realizes her son deserves memories of his father, especially since he's now on summer vacation from school.
"Let me see then,"
She then pulls the phone from earshot.
"Hey, SJ, do you want to go hang out with your dad at the hotel pool?"
The little boy bobs his head enthusiastically.
"All right then, go upstairs and get your trunks."
SJ quickly gets on his feet and races upstairs.
Martha places the phone back in her ear. "We'll be your way in about twenty." she tells him.
"Murray is getting too close for comfort," Samuel reveals.
"That explains your mood, then," Aaliyah says.
The psychiatrist exhales as he places his hands around the hot beverage.
"I know in a rational sense that SJ needs his father around, but I don't know why, after all these years, Murray has come out of the woodwork, and you should see how he looks at her. I still think he wants more than a father-son reunion."
"So do you think he has unresolved feelings for her?"
"Oh yeah,"
"Please take these words as a teaching moment from your little sister. Do what you can to salvage things between you and Martha because it's not fun being on the outside looking in."
Samuel realizes she's not only talking about her situation with Lorenzo but also the breakdown of her friendship with the twins after broadcasting the video of Sean and Louise making out at her and their father's engagement party last year.
"Maybe they will come around," Samuel says, somewhat hopeful.
"I don't think so," Aaliyah proclaims. "Well, at least I have graduation to look forward to in a few weeks."
Samuel takes out his phone from his pants pocket and notices a text from Martha, which he scans.
Guests of all ages surround the indoor pool enclosure inside the hotel as the smell of chlorine fills the air.
Sitting by the pool is a shirtless Murray in his navy-blue swim shorts, revealing his well-proportioned behind. Martha sits beside him in a black one-piece bathing suit, avidly watching SJ prepare to get into the water, which he does with a cannonball.
He then excitedly beams up out of the water.
"Did you see that?"
"We sure did, buddy," the talent manager notes.
The happiness remains in the boy as he swims away.
"Stay where we can see you, okay?" Martha calls out.
"That kid... is something else, isn't he?" Martha vocalizes good-naturedly.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," she responds. "I must confess something to you."
Murray charismatically grins at the woman he was once involved with. "Uh oh,"
"No, it's nothing like that," she reacts. "I was wrong about you not deserving to be in our son's life; from what I can see, you've had a positive influence since you've been in it."
Murray doesn't hide his shock at hearing that compliment about him.
"I know I hadn't been much of a dad," he discloses. "But getting to know SJ and seeing you again means a hell of a lot to me."
Martha can spot a shade of sincerity in his voice and on his face, seeing what made her fall for him all those years ago.
"So when do you need to get back to LA?"
"Try to get rid of me already, huh?" he asks half-jokingly.
Martha runs her hair through her tapered brown hair. "Just asking, that's all."
"I can take more time off," he informs her. "But some of my newer acts are going on a small tour, which I need to be at to make sure stuff doesn't go down with it being their first taste of the spotlight, but I wouldn't take off without letting you know."
Martha receptively nods.
"Hey mom, get in!" SJ yells to his mother from the water.
Murray looks at her. "You don't want to keep Aqualad waiting."
Martha gets out of the chair. "We don't want that now, don't we?"
The permanent brunette climbs into the water via the pool steps as Murray takes in her desirable physique.
As Martha and their child play in the water, Murray lays his back against the chair.
The unfamiliar music going off makes him notice Martha left her phone on the table while her tote bag sits on the chair beside him.
He decides to retrieve it once he sees it is calling.
"Murray?" Samuel asks confusingly, still sitting at Jojo's, as Aaliyah across from him is also bewildered as to why her ex is answering her phone instead of Martha.
"That's me," Murray tells him.
"Can you put Martha on, please? I need to speak to her."
"You've just missed her; she's in the pool with SJ."
"The pool?"
"Yeah, you know that hole with water; your girl is here with me at the hotel pool with SJ."
He can hear the restlessness in his tone of voice.
"Look, can you tell her that I called?"
"Ah, sure,"
However, he hears the other end hang up as Murray quickly deletes her call log, so she won't know he called as he continues watching her and their son in front of him.




Daniel is sipping his scotch while the rest are silent, until Deirdre attempts to break the ice.
"There must be something can be said that is not a critique of the other person."
Courtney and Tommy trade looks of doubtfulness about their grandmother's declaration.
"Maybe if the guy who tried to cause me to lose my sanity wasn't sitting at the same table with me." Jordan snipes.
"Was there much of it before?" Daniel counters, and he then takes a sip of his liquor.
"Enough!" Deirdre says louder than she anticipates.
Courtney decides to turn around, but she almost does a double take when she sees it's Shauna and Max, though her older brother isn't in his electric chair but walking, albeit with a cane, and as they approach them, all of them are shocked at this unknown development.
"Oh my god!" Deirdre exclaims
"When did this happen, Bro?" Tommy states while he embraces his brother.
"I felt a little twitch in my leg yesterday, and before I knew it, I was walking." Max Covington states.
The eldest Covington offspring got paralyzed after the accident that also caused the loss of his and Shauna's unborn baby; however, while he was having breakfast yesterday, he felt movement below the waist, which he hadn't done in a year.
"The doctor told him he needed to walk on a cane just as a precaution," Shauna Covington tells them.
She then mentally recalls her one-night stand with Antoine after the argument she had with her husband, though she decides to keep it to herself since it might impact his recovery.
"It's great to see you, especially on the mend," Daniel mentions.
"So, do I need to know what's going on before getting here?" Max asks sarcastically.
"Nothing but a bunch of hot air," Jordan quickly replies.
Daniel rolls his eyes as he is taken aback by Emma walking to their table with Jacques Laurent.
"I can hear you all from the parking lot," Emma pronounces. "Did Daniel gaslight the waitress or something?"
"The better question is, why is he here?" Deirdre abruptly remarks. "No offense, Jacques, but this luncheon is for family only."
"Sure," Shauna cites sardonically.
Deirdre is being blackmailed by the Parisian for her affair with Jimmy Saunders over thirty years ago, though she's still grateful. She thinks he doesn't know their tryst might've conceived Emma and not her late husband, Patrick. If revealed, she couldn't bear the damage it would cause her family and, most importantly, Emma.
Jacques smiles devilishly concurrently. Emma raises her left hand to show off her wedding ring. "As of two days ago, Jacques and I became husband and wife. Is that family enough for you, mother?"
Silence from the family becomes apparent during the revelation, while Jacques views Deirdre deceptively.
The Covington's try to wrap their heads around Jacques and Emma's marriage.
Lenny becomes discouraged.
Joel receives a blast from the past.
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