Written by: Bre L. Drew
March 6, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Daniel informed Ernest and Thora that Jordan's mental instability had gotten out of control, but unbeknownst to them, he had been gaslighting her for months to convince her she wasn't a good mother.
Tommy discovered that both Jordan and Jeremy had left in addition to finding her bottle of sedatives prescribed to her by Dr. Toussaint, who had been blackmailed by Daniel to make her breakdown.
Martha had reversals about Samuel and Tricia's friendship due to their history.
Max surprised Shauna with a weekend getaway to a cabin in the woods.

At the moment, everything seemed like a blur around Tommy Covington after discovering not only the mother of his child had disappeared, but she had also taken their son with her. He had wished he could've figured out how his father and Jordan's therapist, Dr. Toussaint, fit into it since he had been suspicious of his father since Jordan had confided in him late last year that she saw him at her psychiatrist's office before her session trying to dig up information about her progress from him. Nonetheless, he hadn't thought of it until he recalled Jordan starting to act strange by hearing voices that weren't there on top of her other struggles.
He is sitting on the bottom step of the staircase of the mansion at Home Farm Estate, trying not to run out of the house to get in his car to search for them on his own.
It somehow takes the embrace from Courtney Covington Sullivan to make him mentally return to reality.
Eventually, the siblings let go of one another as Tommy stood up to his full height to join his sister and her husband standing behind her in the expansive living room.
"What is going on?" Courtney queries her brother.
Tommy exhales while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Technically, Jordan taking Jeremy isn't an abduction because she has rights, but unofficially Ernest is looking into it due to Jordan's past behavior."
"Well, if there is anything we can do, please let us know," Steven says to his brother-in-law.
"Thanks, guys," he mentions lowly.

Simultaneously, in the same room, Ernest McKnight instructs one of his officers over the phone to be on the lookout for his daughter and grandson.
"Yeah, five-two, green eyes, blonde hair, he lists his youngest child's physical description. "Gimme a call when you do." he quickly ends the call.
He was at the station when he got a call from Daniel telling him what occurred,
Ernest lifts his head when he sees Daniel Covington approaching him.
"Please tell me you put out an APB on both Jordan and Jeremy," Daniel says more of a command than a suggestion.
"I got things under control, Daniel,"
"Well, we're here again because of your daughter this time instead of leaving on her own she absconds my grandson."
By now, Thora McKnight, who was on the other side of the room overhears the two men. She had been contacted by her ex-husband on his way here.
"I think you mean our grandson," she asserts. "I'm getting tired of you placing the blame solely on Jordan, Daniel."
"No offense, Thora, but Jordan's track record speaks for itself. I mean, the last time she disappeared, she went two thousand miles away. Let's just hope she isn't contemplating Mexico as her destination." Daniel says this somewhat sardonically.
Ernest finds himself having to speak up to mediate the ongoing situation. "Going back and forth isn't going to bring them back, so whatever we're feeling keep it to ourselves for now, all right."
Thora tolls her eyes as she nods to comply; meanwhile, Daniel stands there not wanting to cause further commotion. He knows he is behind her leaving since he had been gaslighting her for months so she would realize she wasn't fit to raise his grandson and leave him here to be raised by Tommy since he had been the primary parent since his birth.
Deirdre Covington saunters down the grand staircase as she examines the scene in front of her. She had been on the phone informing Emma, who is currently away in New York City where she heard various voices raised, including her son's.
She then looms toward Daniel doing his best to remain composed. "Guess I don't have to ask how that went," she remarks.
"I have half the mind to get my people on this to find Jordan and Jeremy." he heavily sighs.
"Son, forgive me for asking you this, but do you have any responsibility in all of this?" she asks suspiciously.
Daniel shakes his head to oppose, but she begins to notice he is hiding something.
Deirdre then lowers her voice so Daniel would only hear her. "I still recall the two of us wanting to deal with the interferences of our children's lives. So, whatever is going on here, you can tell me,"
"Mother, what I did or may not do was for this family," Daniel says through clenched teeth.
"Whatever you have done, just make sure it doesn't come back to bite you in the derrière if you know where I'm getting."

One of the benefits of being raised in Radcliffe is the ability to maneuver through the scarcely lit roads at night. And Jordan McKnight is doing just that as she maintains her focus on the road on the highway in her Mini Cooper.
She made the impulsive departure from Home Farm, where she overheard Daniel telling her parents she might do something to mistreat her son. Not to mention the voices she keeps hearing that make her believe she isn't a good mother. So that is why she is driving in the middle of the night, not knowing exactly where she is heading.
A few more minutes pass before the sight of a familiar sign on the highway makes her decision for her.
But with Daniel's resources and her father being head of the police, she doesn't have much time but decides to go for it anyway. Even though she looks behind her so often, she fears seeing red and blue lights behind her, even though she isn't necessarily committing a crime. She knows it doesn't matter due to everything that happened in the last year or so.
"Sweetie, when you wake up, we're going to have a little adventure," she whispers to her son Jeremy, asleep in the back seat. The two had gone into a store earlier to buy items for him, such as clothes, shoes, and a coat, since she didn't have time to get his things.
She yawns, feeling like she hasn't gotten enough sleep, even though she took a nap only hours ago. Fortunately, she bought a coffee at a shop near the store. She took a sip,
Jordan turns on her turn signal to merge onto the interchange.

A few hours later, The Waterfall is still pretty much inhabited as James Brown's classic hit "Gonna Have A Funky Good Time" plays on the sound system. Martha Saunders and Samuel Gupta make their way over to the bar.
"Don't tell me you missed this place on your night off." Mae Jackson is good-natured with her employee and the best friend to her granddaughter.
Martha chuckles while taking a seat at the bar with her beau. "If I say no, would you fire me?"
The older woman elicits a laugh. "I shall take no offense, so how was the night at the opera?" she says with a mock theatrical expression.
Tonight, Samuel had gotten them tickets to the performance held at the Civic Auditorium.
"For a road company, they weren't bad," Samuel approves.
"Now, which show did you see again?" Mae queries.
"Carmen," Martha replies, taking off her coat, revealing a black midi dress and satin evening gloves on her arms. "Three hours and one intermission later, we thought we deserved a drink to end our night."
Once Mae hears their drink orders, she goes off to fill them.
"Have I told you; you look breathtaking tonight," Samuel whispers amorously.
"No, you haven't, but it's nice to be reminded;" Martha responds flirtatiously to her lover's wearing a tuxedo underneath his overcoat.
Samuel winks at her as Mae returns with their drinks—a draught beer for him and a cabernet for her—which they both thank her for.
"So, how's this place been?" Martha asks Mae while she takes a sip of her wine.
"It's been pretty steady; Steven and Courtney were here earlier, but they left in a hurry." Mae tells them.
"I hope nothing is wrong," Martha says of her cousin and his wife.
"I'm sure we would've heard something if it was," Samuel insists.
Mae crosses her arms over her chest. "And before that, I had to call Tricia to get her down here to pick up Sean, who had too many."
All three know the tragedy of losing their young son Dylan to SIDS months ago, which was the main reason for that to happen.
As Martha senses concern on Samuel's face, Mae excuses herself to take care of the customers lining up on the other end of the bar.
"Go ahead and check in on her; I know you do," Martha says somewhat dryly.
Samuel and Tricia have been good friends for years now, but Martha still has misgivings about her since not only has she contributed to the end of her sister's marriage but the history between the friends as they kissed before they got together.
Despite wanting to do so on account of their friendship, he then realizes Martha's hesitance. "You know what, I will see how she's doing in the morning," he reacts. "We don't get to go out that much, and we should make it count until I drop you off."
The single mother warmly smiles at the comeback while she lifts her glass, and she gestures for her lover to do the same.
"What are we drinking to?" Samuel questions his girlfriend.
"Uh, we are drinking to all of the blessings we have and those of our friends and families, and hopefully for those who are in need of them."
"I don't mind drinking to that," he says.
They then clink their glasses in unison.

Luckily, the highway wasn't busy, as Jordan made it to her destination quicker than she had anticipated. With her car parked, she and Jeremy walk in the dark woods, but she is using her iPhone flashlight while Jeremy walks beside her.
"Mama, I'm cold," the toddler tells his mother.
"I know, baby," she says somewhat patiently. "We're almost there,"
Their feet make crunching sounds due to the twigs and leaves on the ground. Some might think it's insane to take their one-year-old son into the woods late at night during the winter, but Jordan decided they needed a pit stop before they leave town, even if she was tired.
Jordan is overjoyed when she sees the body of water in front of them through the trees.
When they get nearby, she kneels at her son's eye level and points at it. "You see that, Jeremy?"
"Wata," he pronounces.
"Yeah, water," she says, her breath emanating from her mouth like white smoke due to the low temperature. "Your grandpa Ernest and grandma Thora used to take your uncles and me here every summer. She tells him. "We would have picnics right here and kayak in the water."
Memories surround her from when she was younger, when her family was much happier, and most importantly, when her eldest brother EJ was alive.
But, in some ways, those years felt like a lifetime ago, but her presence here reminds her of them.
The lake is partially frozen due to the season; however, the sight is still something to behold for them too.
Jordan begins to yawn again as she walks toward the log where she sits. "We will look at the lake for a few minutes before we go onto our next adventure," she says to her son, standing a few feet away.
It is the last thing she recalls before closing her eyes.

"How are you doin', man?" Lorenzo Vidal asks his good friend.
He and Elijah Barker made it over to the mansion to check in on Tommy and see if they could do anything to help.
"Trying to keep it together," Tommy expresses.
"Well, if you need anything, we have your back," Elijah says supportively.
"Can you give me my son back home so I can tuck him in?" Tommy asks sarcastically.
He then realizes the vigor in his voice comes off as him taking out his anger on his best friend.
"I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated," he apologizes. "It's funny, you know, because before Jeremy was born, I didn't want anything to do with him," he replies wholeheartedly. "But now I can't imagine life without him."
The cacophony of the doorbell sends Ernest running to answer it in case there is anything relating to the investigation.
"It's no secret, Jordan isn't exactly my favorite person, but she wouldn't intentionally physically hurt Jeremy," Elijah tells him.
"Everything's gonna work out." Lorenzo adds.
Tommy then recalls having found Jordan's pill bottle underneath her bed, as they were in the pocket of his pants, as he still secretly believes his father and her psychiatrist are tied together.
Though his thoughts are once again interrupted when the presence of Presley McKnight heads their way,
"I wanted to see how you were holding up," the blonde reverend inquires of the father of his nephew.
"Your sister has taken my son with no trace to be found. How in the hell do you think I'm holding up, Presley?" Tommy retorts.
The last time he had seen him was when he was at the rectory, where he came to talk with Thora, who shared the same worries he had about Jordan when he saw Tanner stating her good night, which clearly defined she not only moved on with him but had been sexually active with him, which is something she wasn't with him.
"Whatever problems we have between us, we can't put them aside for now," Presley says.
The young Covington heir raises an eyebrow in skepticism. "If you don't mind," Tommy says while making his way around him.

The out-of-element sounds of being in the woods make Jordan open her eyes, noticing she had fallen asleep.
She remains on the ground as she remembers being here with Jeremy; however, she doesn't see him at first. She turns around to see if he is playing or has perhaps drifted off to sleep behind her, but she doesn't see him.
"Jeremy!" she yells as she gets onto her feet; she can feel the chill as it is later in the evening. "Jeremy!" she calls out again.
"Dammit! she swears. "Where are you?"
She stands there with her hands covering her face, trying to decide on her next move.
Noises of a baby crying start to plague her mind as she recalls hearing it before and thinking it was Jeremy, but he wasn't there. The haunting voice that has been telling her she isn't a good mother also.
It causes Jordan to flee from where she came from.

While Max Covington maintains one hand on the wheel of his yellow Porsche, his other hand holds his pregnant wife's hand as they're nearing their destination on the road.
"Maybe by the time we get to the cabin, there will be some news, and Jeremy and Jordan will be found safe," Max says.
The couple had heard word via Bluetooth from Tommy that Jordan had taken Jeremy. At first, they were going to turn around and go home to support him, but he told them that there was nothing they could do, and they should go enjoy themselves.
"I hope so," Shauna remarks optimistically. "I know I don't know her all that well, but I don't think she would harm Jeremy." She honestly replies. "I think she's just a confused girl who wasn't ready for the responsibilities of motherhood. Not to mention, living with all of you Covingtons' can be a lot for anyone."
Shauna recalls the conversation she had with Jordan on Christmas, and it seemed that despite that self-absorbed facade lies someone who is lost.
Max flashes a quick-witted smile at her before directing his attention back to the road. "Are you speaking from experience?"
"You can say that." she says half-jokingly.
The two ride in silence as Jordan darts onto the main road, trying to look for Jeremy, as well as her attack on her self-esteem, which she can hardly see due to the darkness of the surrounding area.
Max turns to his wife. "We're almost there,"
Shauna's view out the window quickly catches her attention as the person in front of them gets closer. "Oh my god!" she exclaims. "That looks like Jordan!"
Max looks up to see what Shauna is referring to as he drops her hand. As he blows on the horn, the person doesn't move but instead moves towards them, waving her arms.
Nevertheless, Max sees she isn't getting out of the way, so he swerves his Porsche out of the way, but despite moving the steering wheel, the car pivots out into a ditch. The engine stops as vapor rises out of the hood.
Jordan, who has seen the accident, gets overwhelmed by what occurred and, not seeing her son, goes back into the woods, leaving Max and Shauna in a wreck.
A search is underway.
Will Max and Shauna survive?
And will Jeremy be found?