November 2, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
During an argument, Tommy let it slip that he kissed Jordan last summer. Upset he, turned to Jordan as the two have sex with one another.
Steven proposed to Courtney in which she accepted.
Esther confronted Deirdre over the letter she wrote regarding the affair she had with her father over thirty years ago.
Mala informed both Daniel and Samuel she is planning to file for divorce after years of separation from her husband, Jai.

If she wasn't looking at him beside her in bed, Jordan McKnight would've thought last night was another fantasy. This time, however, her imagination was not in play. Because last night she and Tommy Covington had sex with one another for the first time, and it was as good as she thought it would be. Remembering he came to her hotel room last night after Sean and Tricia's wedding when he confessed accidentally to Tanner about the kiss they shared the previous summer during his brother's wedding reception. Despite being tipsy, Jordan knew he wanted to do more than make out. A year later, the two made love in one of the most beautiful places in the world. As his eyelids begin to flutter, she is relieved that she went into the bathroom to do some minor grooming, including brushing her teeth so she would rid of morning breath. Grateful, she took the invite from Tricia, who invited her months ago
"Morning," Jordan greets him.
"Morning," he says in a groggy voice.
"How did you sleep?"
Tommy nearly had forgotten he wasn't in his room until he hears Jordan's voice ringing in his ear. Lifting himself onto the headboard. The memories of them having sex coming back to him. Her fit body on top of his own grinding in a rhythm he never felt before with any other person. But as he turns his head to the clock on the bedside table beside him. He does a double-take at the hour and minutes, which urgently gets him onto his feet scrounging for his clothes which, were strewn on the floor.
"Shit!" he exclaims
"Where are you going?" Jordan inquiries concerningly
"I'm late for my flight home," he reports while putting on his pants.
He and Tanner had gotten into a fight yesterday regarding her not wanting to lose her virginity to him. It is when he let it slip he had kissed Jordan. She tore out of his room, and the last thing he recalls was he came to Jordan, who previously that day had given him a key card to her room.
"What time is your flight?" Jordan asks
Tommy puts on his white formal button shirt. "In twenty-five minutes," he replies. "I got to get to her to tell her I'm sorry for being a dick."
Jordan resists commenting on his as she smirks. "Don't take this wrong way, Tommy, but let it be - for now."
He faces her on the corner of the bed. "I love Tanner, and I'm not going to lose her," he admits. He checks his phone to see if he missed any calls or texts.
But none were evident.
The young woman shakes her head, hearing the fact as she runs her hand through her long blonde hair letting out a sigh.
"I didn't mean it to come out like that,"
"All I'm saying is Miss Little Perfect isn't in any rush to get back in your arms again," she says. "What about you change the time of your flight to the afternoon? The same as mine, and we can enjoy being in paradise, literally," she says in a flirtatious manner.
Tommy is about to change his mind, but he begins to realize he wouldn't make it to the airport. And how uncomfortable the several hour flights would be with the two of them with him knowing he cheated on her with the one person who she despises.
"Oh, what the hell? let me go, take a shower, and I'll be back."
Jordan watches him walk out of the room anticipating, spending the day with the guy she wants more than ever.

Noises of various conversations and announcements over the air fill the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. Tanner Lockhart, with her fraternal twin sister Lynn Lockhart, is sitting at the gate waiting on their flight to Dallas, where they have a one-hour layover until they get to fly back home to Radcliffe.
"I see the bastard didn't show up," Lynn observes
Tanner reflects on the argument she and her boyfriend had a fight over her not ready for having sex. It didn't help either that he blurted out he had kissed Jordan, which is something she hadn't known until then. Not wanting to hear any more from him, she got out of his room to go back to hers, which was last she saw him for the evening.
"Who knew the highlight of coming to Oahu would be Dad and Tricia's wedding ceremony?" Tanner says ironically
Before the twins left the hotel, they made a quick visit to their father's hotel suite, where they said goodbye to him since he and his new wife will be spending another week on the island for their honeymoon.
The two see their cousin Steven Sullivan and Courtney Covington coming over to them with their various carry-on items. And unlike Tanner, the two were glowing with happiness.
"Hey, what's up with you two?" Lynn surveys the two lovers
Courtney is grinning from ear to ear as Steven non-verbally communicates with her.
"You will be the first ones to know," Courtney answers.
Both of the twin's exchange looks of curiosity then spots the diamond solitaire ring on her finger.
"We're getting married," Courtney remarks cheerfully.
Lynn hugs Courtney and her cousin in which Tanner follows, who is genuinely happy for them.
As Steven informs the girls about the proposal on the resort, Courtney sees her little brother's girlfriend is on the verge of tears. When her fiancé concludes telling the story, she goes to Tanner, who has her back turned to them.
"Hey, Tanner, what's wrong?"
Tanner's eyes begin to overflow with tears. "Last night, Tommy and I got into a fight, and he told me he kissed Jordan McKnight last summer at Max and Shauna's wedding."
Courtney wraps his arms around her giving her support. "I'm going to kill my brother,"
"Yeah, where is he?" Steven asks to notice he isn't here with them.
"I don't know, and honestly, I don't care if he is stranded on this island," Lynn responds brashly.
The announcement comes onto the speakers letting them know their flight is now boarding.
Tanner begins to develop some guilt about him missing his flight. However, she realizes perhaps he does deserve at least one-tenth of what she is feeling.
I'm going to call him, but he can get home on his own," Courtney advises.
In unison, both twins obtain their sunglasses off their foreheads to put them on their faces as they get in line to board onto the terminal each with their carry-on luggage.

Shauna Covington is on the phone speaking to her assistant about the specifics of a new office suite she is decorating downtown out on the deck outside of the house on Home Farm estate. The fall breeze is beginning to come, which is making colder than the actual temperature.
When she ends the conversation, she hears Gabriella, the family's housekeeper calling her name. "Shauna, someone is here for you,"
Unsure of who is here to see her at the moment. She graciously thanks Gabriella, who dashes off as the individual who requests to be seen strolls onto the deck.
"Hey," Will Jackson addresses his niece.
Shauna gives him an expression of I don't need this right now. "Whatever you got to say to me. I already heard it all before,"
Will figured she wouldn't be keen on him popping over her ever since he is indirectly responsible for her being held for ransom by his former cellmate and drug dealer Jerome Hawkins. But he had hoped she calmed down by now enough for him to explain to her he does not mean any harm to her.
"You don't have to say nothin. I just wanna tell you I'm sorry for what happened to you. Just let me explain -
Emma Covington steps out onto the deck, wearing a black over the shoulder top with dark leather pants. "What is going on?" she says intrusively.
"Excuse me; this doesn't concern you. I am having a private conversation with my niece here," Will tells her in a cocky manner.
Emma folds both of her arms onto her chest deliberately. "It seems to me she does not want to talk to you right now." she counters.
Shauna is somewhat taken-aback about Daniel's sister coming to her defense despite their first interaction in which she offended her in so many words.

"Is it just me, or does he get cuter every time I see him." Louise Saunders Lockhart says, responding to the recent photos of her nephew, SJ Saunders, being shown by her sister Martha Saunders. The two along, with their mother, Sarah Lynn Saunders, in the living room of their family home on Franklin Farm.
Martha is showing them the photo album of pictures of her son taken at the local photography studio.
The growing one-year-old chubby cheeks and brown hair is on display.
"He is, isn't he?" Martha agrees with her sister, which is a rarity due to them not being close.
"I'm going to at least need this one to be enlarge so I can put it on the mantel." Sarah Lynn replies to the one of SJ lying down on the ground with his hands on his face smiling adorably.
"Of course," Martha says
The doorbell rings in which it gets Sarah Lynn off the couch onto her feet to answer the door.

Sarah Lynn is astounded to see Deirdre Covington on her doorstep, holding a bouquet of red, white, and pink assorted flowers. Surprisingly she gives them to the blonde woman. Thanking her for them, she gives them to her eldest daughter to sort them out.
"Hi, may I come in?"
Without acknowledging the question verbally, Sarah Lynn steps aside to let her in.
Both Louise and Martha are confused as to the woman's presence, the result of knowing the ladies have never been friends. However, their southern hospitality is in effect when they both greet Dee.
Louise rises off the couch. "We will give you two some privacy, come on Martha,"
Martha, at first, didn't adhere to her sister's request wanting to be nosy to hear them speak; nonetheless, she eventually follows her into the kitchen.

The afternoon rush hadn't populated the environment yet. Slide by H.E.R. is playing on the speakers. And Mala and Aaliyah Gupta were both sitting on the sofa in the lounge area of the café. Mala had gone by campus to pick up her daughter so the two of them can chat about something important.
Aaliyah takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I got an A on my calculus test," Aaliyah proudly reports to her mother.
"Hopefully, this will you make you see engineering is your calling," Mala says in a way that can come off as insulting and polite concurrently.
Those type of comments the young woman have been hearing ever since her teacher in the third grade discovered she was an outstanding student. Who often was the first one to complete her assignments and had the highest GPA of her entire class. Aaliyah decided not to battle it out with her mother over it since she was in a good mood about being on the Dean's List at only 17-years-old. Even if she is a design and business student, she still takes school very seriously.
Mala has recited this in her head in several instances. "It's no simple way to tell you this, but I'm filing for divorce,"
Aaliyah does her best to comprehend what was said. "Okay," she says. "Does Sammy know?"
Mala brings the cup of coffee to her lips. "I already told him,"
Aaliyah scoffs. "So I'm the last one to know again, somethings never change, do they, mommy?"
Mala knows she is referring to the news of the separation, and coincidentally. Aaliyah was told last due to the result of her being at STEM camp five years previously.
"It doesn't matter when I'm telling you now. I still care about your father very much, but things are getting serious between Daniel and me."
"I get it!"
Aaliyah liked Daniel as a person and suitor for her mother. Nonetheless, she is having some trouble coming to the realization her parents' marriage is over. She removes herself from the furniture picking up her cup off the table.
"I'm going to get a cab back to campus see, you later mommy,"
"I can take you back," Mala offers
Aaliyah turns around to face her mother. "No, that's okay,"
She quickly walks out of the café unzipping her purse to get her iPhone to call for a cab. She couldn't be in the same proximity as her mother right now.

"Will, this is Daniel's sister Emma, Emma this is is my - uncle," Shauna introduces the two strangers,
Emma's eyes gaze upon the thirty-something guy. "Oh, he is the one who endangered your life."
Will sucks his teeth at the woman. "And I hear you the one came in a chopper like you were James Bond to your brother's birthday party."
"He's charming," she says sarcastically.
"Shaunie, I just wanted to tell you I'm not gonna put anyone in harm's way anymore. I'm turning over a new leaf,"
Shauna arches her eyebrow, very much skeptical of her uncle's proclamation to change himself. "Change for yourself,"
Will nods his head before ducking back into the mansion.
"Sorry, you had to hear about my family drama," Shauna apologizes.
Emma waves her hand at the statement. "You're a Covington now family drama comes with the territory.
Shauna finds herself silently agreeing with her aunt-in-law.
"Come on, let's go shopping, my treat of, course," Emma recommends.
She doesn't know if she needs the distraction, or perhaps she didn't want to say no.
"All right, let me grab my purse,"

Deirdre glances around the home in which she still has avid memories of coming over here since her early youth. Back then, it served as a second home for her, especially when both of her parents died in a fire in their home when she was seventeen. Mostly the old antique settings were gone, but it still had that old-fashioned quality.
The ladies were standing across from one another in the living room.
"I know me being here is quite awkward."
Sarah Lynn wishes she could communicate the sentiment yet refrains from doing so. The two women hadn't gotten along ever since Peter started dating her after he and Dee broke up over forty years ago.
"After this year, trust me, anything is bound to happen," Sarah Lynn vocalizes from experience.
"I was so sorry to hear about Peter, and I thought about coming to the funeral, but I recognize it would not be appropriate with our history as it is." Deirdre says meaningfully

Inside the kitchen, Louise places the vase of flowers onto the counter.
"What do you think they're talking about in there?" Martha inquires
"Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with you," Louise ripostes.
Martha rolls her eyes, knowing It would not take long for them to clash.
Seeing the card that came with the flowers, she decides to open it. Skimming, through the message inside of it. The way the words were particularly written brings familiarity to her.
The handwriting is an exact match of the mistress her grandfather had an affair with many years ago.
"Oh my god," she says to herself.
Max tries to knock some sense into Tommy.
The Covington and Saunders' families find out about Steven and Courtney's engagement.
Elijah feels torn.
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