Written by : Bre L. Drew
May 10, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tommy was adamant about having nothing to do with his baby's life.
Emma informed Daniel she is starting a nightclub and needs access to her trust fund to make into a reality.
Tricia doesn't want to start a family with Sean anytime soon.
Louise and Jai were close to being intimate on their date night.

If Jordan McKnight's recent run of misfortune weren't enough, her car not starting this afternoon is an added stress to an already stressful time in her life. She gets out of her Miata, which is idly parked in the Miller Inn on this warm and sunny spring weekday. In twenty minutes, she needed to be at the hospital for her doctor's appointment. Jordan already had called Tricia, who is unable to take her, because she has to be at the café all day, staring at her contacts, she is about to call a cab, however, her eyes dart on a certain name. Tapping the screen, she waits for three longs rings before the other person answers,
"Hi, are you busy? I could really use a favor?"

Gavin DeGraw's Chariot is on the sound system when Will Jackson comes through JoJo's. The place isn't particularly crowded, though you can tell it wouldn't be that way for long. He instantly locates the woman he came to talk with. Then again, he couldn't miss Emma Covington in a designer long sleeve pink floral side cutout dress sitting at a table near the large window. He had text her when she messaged him back she was here.
Will takes a seat across from her. "If you're still tryin to get this club together, cus if you're, then I'm in,"
Emma takes a sip out of a plastic cup from a straw of what he guesses is some type of caffeinated drink he probably couldn't pronounce. "What made you change your mind?" she interrogates "Because when I asked you before you sounded rather skeptical."
She had brought the news she was opening a nightclub to him and tried to recruit him to run it. Yet, it did not seem he wasn't interested despite his lack of employment.
"I'm ready for a change, and I think if we work together. I dunno maybe we can make it a success."
"Trust me, it will be a success, you and I working together. Radcliffe isn't going to know what hit them," Emma declares firmly
"You have got to be kidding me!"
The individual who bellows the statement gets both of their attention.

Daniel Covington has both of his arms folded across his chest. "Kiss those plans for your little venture goodbye because I refuse to let you go into business with this clown."
Emma doesn't hide her expression of embarrassment upon her face.

While sitting on the sofa in the lounge area of the café, Tricia Lockhart is on her iPad working on next week's schedule for the staff. Though her mind, however, is still on the discussion she and Sean had over him wanting to have a baby earlier than she anticipated.
Do you still want to start a family?
Someday, What made you ask me that, Sean?
I want us to have a child of our own, sooner,
Can you at least think about it?
"Uh, sure,
Her mind is absorbed with her issues, she hadn't heard Samuel Gupta calling out her name until the fourth Tricia.
"Hey, you all right," he asks concerningly
"Yeah," she nods. "Samuel, I'm sorry, I was in another world,"
The handsome psychiatrist is in a black dress shirt with grey slacks holding onto his tall coffee. "Seems like you were preoccupied with your thoughts.
She sighs exasperatedly. "You can say that again,"
The doctor takes a seat beside her, he then looks above his shoulder seeing Daniel loudly discussing money and responsibility with his sister and Will Jackson. "What do you think that's all about over there?"
"Don't know, don't care," she says flippantly.
Daniel wasn't necessary on her list of favorite people before he plotted to take away her good friend's baby before its birth. A part of her wished she could've taken her to the hospital for her appointment. But she had to put in some hours here at the café, not wanting to give a reason for Daniel to fire her since his company owns JoJo's.
He takes a hearty sip of his coffee. "So let's talk about Y-O-U whatever is your mind seems heavy."
"You don't know the half of it,"

"Please, eat your peas for me," Martha Saunders sings to her two-year-old son SJ Saunders. She was sitting in front of him in the kitchen of their home.
From his high chair, the toddler is staring down at his plate like the peas were going to perhaps disappear if he looked at them.
"Please, eat your peas for me, please," she says in a sing-song voice.
With reluctance, SJ picks up his spoon, scooping up the rest of the peas. He doesn't cover being grossed out by having to eat them.
Martha claps enthusiastically as he manages to get them down.
"No, like dem, mommy," he protests
Louise Saunders Lockhart walks into the house through the side door. "Hi, is mom here?"
Martha transfers her son out of his chair and into her arms. "No, she is volunteering at the clothing drive at church this morning, she won't be back until later."
Louise begins to recall her mother telling her about her helping out at the church today. "I was working at home and it dawned on me. I had forgotten to return this glass dish."
The dish once contained Sarah Lynn's homemade lasagna that she made for Louise and the twins since Tanner is home from college.
Martha is surprised her sister forgot something so trivial knowing how usually organized she is.
"What's wrong?" Louise inquiries. She then sets down the glass onto the top of the counter.
Martha is surprised her sister forgot something so trivial knowing how usually organized she is. "Nothing," Martha lies.
The two sisters are as different as day and night, though it's evident something is the cause of it.
Louise strolls over to her sister where she begins playing with her adorable nephew.
"Does this have to do with your involvement with a certain market owner?"
Louise takes a seat in an empty chair at the table, holding her nephew who is now playing with his favorite stuffed animal Mr. Giraffe on her lap. "I can't believe I'm telling you this, I mean we aren't exactly close."
Martha raises her head acknowledging that statement.
"I've been thinking a lot about taking the next step with Jai,"
It doesn't take long for Martha to pick up on what her predominately older sister is trying to get to. "Are you ready for that?"
"I go back and forth on it,"
"Has Jai been putting out any signals?"
Louise sways her head. "No, he's a great guy, but I can sense he wants to eventually get there a bit sooner than I do."
Martha inspects her young son during their conversation on intimacy. But SJ is happily playing with Mr. Giraffe not paying them any attention whatsoever.
"I know this is going to sound cliché, but just be honest with Jai, Lou," she replies. "Tell him you don't want to do the horizontal mambo until you're ready."
"Well, since you put it like that, I guess you're right,"
Louise then kisses her nephew on the cheek before she hands him back to his mother. "I got to get going,"
Martha watches her sister go to the side door.
Louise touches the knob and then turns to cast a glimpse at her little sister. "Martha, thanks,"
"You're welcome,"
She then wanders out of the house leaving the mother and son alone again.
Martha glances at her son who is smiling delightfully. Then a certain odor hits her nose. "We got to work on the potty training,"
The two head out of the kitchen towards the staircase to go change him.

March, March, courtesy of The Chicks is now playing in the café.
"Have you told him your misgivings of having a child?" Samuel asks
He just was informed by his friend that her husband wants to have kids right away. She on the other hand wants to wait until she is better prepared to become a mother.
"I did,"
Samuel doesn't hide his dubiousness at the response.
Tricia leans back into the couch as a gesture she is given up. "What? I did, but all he thinks about is having a son. You would think a man with two adult daughters wouldn't want to rush being a father again."
Samuel finishes his coffee, "Does this have to do with your own upbringing?"
Tricia recalls telling him about her hellish childhood with her abusive stepfather who still violates her mother mentally and physically.
"That, and we're finally in a good place in our relationship, after years of sneaking time with one another. I just want to be with him for a little while longer before we talk about car seats and daycare."
"At the end of the day, it is your body," he tells her.
Tricia gazes at Daniel still talking with Emma and Will before she turns her attention back to Samuel. "How Mala ever puts up with that man? I will never know."
"He's not that bad once you get to know him, besides he makes my mother happy."
Samuel had his initial concern over Daniel due to him finding out he tried to come between his daughter's relationship with Steven. Though, he isn't interfering with them anymore.
"Trust me, Samuel, Daniel Covington isn't as genuine as he may seem."
He is about to confront her, but he decides not to at the moment.

"I'm a grown woman! Emma asserts. "I'm tired of being treated like a child."
Emma was still trying to get her brother to change his mind about giving her access to her money so she can get the ball rolling on opening her nightclub. Despite Will now being attached to this which he objects to.
"I made up my mind, Emma,"
"Whoa, wait a minute, all due respect I think Emma at least should be heard out."
The older businessman switches his focus onto him. "I haven't forgotten you were responsible for getting my daughter-in-law kidnapped."
Will's former prison cellmate Jerome Hawkins took Shauna in exchange he gets $500,000. Since he believes he deserved a payday after he paid off an officer who got ill after purchasing them from him.
"Shauna is my niece, and I was the one who got her home back all in one piece. All you did was provide the change."
"I made my decision, and you're not getting your money."
Emma groans loudly as she raises out of the chair quickly grabbing her satchel bag. "I promise you I will get my trust fund."
She storms away as her pumps clack on the ground exiting out of the café into the sunny afternoon.

Louise didn't mention to Martha she was heading over to Jai's apartment. Still, when she found out he lives in the same building as her ex-husband she nearly was taken back to how small this town is. She is let in by Jai who is expecting her to show up.
The two embrace one another with a strong squeeze. Louise could smell his cologne on him that she likes.
"When you told me your apartment needed assistance. I thought you were exaggerating."
His new home has a lack of furniture and fixtures giving away this is a bachelor pad.
"Now you know why I needed your help desperately."
Louise lays her purse on a small wood end table. "Before we get to work getting this place into shape. Can we talk about something rather personal?"
Jai remains standing across from her. "Shoot,"
"I'm not ready to be intimate with you," she admits. "And it's not because I'm a prude who is waiting for a certain deadline as those so-called self-help gurus suggest. This is the first time I've been with another person that wasn't Sean in over twenty years. So this is new for me."
Jai throws a look of compassion. "Louise, this is also my first involvement with anyone serious since my marriage ended. So I understand where you are coming from. Do I have thoughts of the two of us together sexually? Of course, I do, but if it feels as if I'm putting pressure on you that was never my intention."
Louise puts a few loose strands of her blonde hair behind her right ear. "I know that,"
The two hug and then kiss one another.
Louise sighs with relief. "Now we got that cleared up, let's make this place a home."

Jordan didn't expect him to answer her call. But Tommy did, and he came to pick her up to take her to the hospital for her appointment. The car ride was a silent one due to her not wanting to rock the boat, and he unsure of what to say. When they arrived at the hospital she thought he would drop her off at the entrance. So when he parked onto the parking deck to accompany her, she was surprised, to say the least. The two of them made it to the OB/GYN department on the second floor.
"Thanks for getting me here, I know this is -- inconvenient for you," Jordan replies.
Tommy Covington waves his hand dismissively. "No problem, and when I was on my way to the hotel to pick you up. I called someone to take a look at your car. And don't worry about the cost I'll cover it whatever it is."
Jordan isn't used to Tommy being nice to her since she had gotten pregnant. "I appreciate it,"
A tall white middle-aged woman in nurse scrubs comes out of the office approaches her. "How are you doing Jordan?"
"Hi," Jordan greets her.
She forgot the nurse's name she thinks it's either Judy or Jane?
"We're all set for your sonogram, you're seven months now, congrats," The nurse then looks at Tommy beside the expectant mother-to-be.
"Oh, this is Tommy, he's a friend," she says. Knowing he didn't want to be considered the baby's father for his own selfish reasons.
"If he wants to, he can come in with you." Nurse Judy/Jane informs them casually.
At first, Tommy is about to verbally refuse. Nevertheless, something tells him if he doesn't he perhaps might regret it. "If it is okay with Jordan?"
Somewhat verklempt, Jordan bobs her head.
He follows the two of them into the back room. He waits awkwardly for her in the exam room while Jordan goes to change into her gown. Soon, he watches a tech applying gel onto Jordan's stomach as she lays on the ultrasound table. She looks up at him knowing how significant this is, however, a piece of her despises it took him nearly nine months for him to take part in this.
Tommy then gazes at the monitor where the baby ... his baby was on. As the tech moves the wand onto her stomach, the heartbeat becomes audible.
"Nice, healthy, strong heartbeat," the tech notifies them.
"Can you tell if it's a boy or girl?" Tommy blurts out.
The tech smirks. "Yes,"
"Oh, I don't wanna know, I want it to be a surprise," Jordan announces
Tommy respectfully drops his head, he wasn't aware she didn't want to find out the sex before the birth.
The heartbeat continues strongly, which Jordan reciprocates a mutual glimpse with Tommy realizing they're witnessing the miracle they created together.
Daniel's plan to get Tommy's child becomes clear.
Courtney welcomes Steven home from Orlando.
Will confides in Martha.
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