Written by : Bre L. Drew
September 21st, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Tanner and Elijah weren't happy when they find out Jordan is also attending Sampson University.
Steven and Martha "informed" Esther of the letter written to their late grandfather detailing his affair in which she has been already aware of prior.
Samuel has a crush on Tricia despite her being engaged.
Shauna was still emotionally affected by being held hostage.

As Tommy Covington, Elijah Barker, and Lorenzo Vidal go into the Zeta Beta Theta fraternity house. They're instantly hit with the obscene lyrics of WAP loudly playing. Elijah guessed it had to be at least forty co-eds on the ground floor alone as the party is underway. Two hot girls walk pass by them getting all of their observations.
"We're definitely not in high school anymore!" Lorenzo remarks joyously
The three young men head further into the rather expansive two-story home. They're able to identify their friend Aaliyah Gupta who too looked amazing in a long-sleeve light purple drawstring top with skinny jeans.
The four trade greetings with each other,
"Let me guess you weren't able to get Tanner to come," Tommy presumes
"I tried my best Tommy, but she didn't want to," Aaliyah states.
This afternoon Tanner told them she wasn't up for a party. Tommy guesses it has to do with Jordan attending Sampson in which his girlfriend isn't keen on due to their years of dislike of one another.
"Maybe she thought Jordan was going to be here, wanted to avoid her I know I do," Elijah says
"I mean it's a small town she is going to run into her eventually," Tommy pronounces.
Elijah throws a warning look to his best friend, knowing last summer he and Jordan kissed at Tommy brother's wedding. As well as some unresolved attraction between the two of them,
"She'll come to her senses," Lorenzo chimes in. He grins at Aaliyah who smiles back at him too. The group breaks off as roommates Elijah and Lorenzo go to get something to drink.
"You think I got a chance with Aaliyah," Lorenzo asks his new friend.
"I don't see why not, she was looking at you too," Elijah says back to him.
"You're right, I'm about to see if I can work my charm, excuse me won't ya."
Elijah watches the film and media studies major take off to flirt with Aaliyah. Soon as he takes a sip of what is some alcoholic punch out of his red cup. Among the five individuals walk through the front door, one of them is Jordan McKnight.

"Hi, Gabriella, is Shauna home?" Mae Jackson warmly greets the Covington's housekeeper.
Immediately, Gabriella informs her she is sitting out on the patio. Mae proceeds to enter into the palatial estate her granddaughter resides with her husband and the rest of his family. Making her way back outside through the patio, she spots Shauna sitting at the table looking casual in a white tank top and black denim jeans. Her long dark brown hair is in a ponytail. When she sees her grandmother, she instantly gets on her feet embracing the woman who raised her.
"Hi, Grandma," she says somewhat lethargically.
"Yeah, I was a little worried when you didn't call to say you were back in town,"
Shauna lets go of her retreating back to her seat in which she offers Mae to sit adjacent from her. "I'm sorry, by the time we got back into Radcliffe I collapsed I was so tired," she answers. "I woke up about fifteen minutes ago,"
Mae could tell her lack of energy has to do with more than just the trip she has been on. She can see her granddaughter is still coming to terms with being held hostage by Jerome Hawkins, even if she won't admit it to her.
"So did the showing go?"
Max's photo show at the Soho Gallery took place a few days ago, and he and Shauna went to New York City for a week to get away.
"It went fine, Max has been really supportive,"
"I'm glad to hear that," Mae nods to her. "I know going to New York City has been a dream of yours since you could talk."
Shauna manages to put a small grin. "New York City is everything I ever dreamt of and more," She continues to go on about her voyage in Manhattan, including going shopping and seeing the townhouse where the Covington's formerly lived too.
"How are you doing -- really?" Mae interjects
"Are you thirsty?" Shauna changes the subject purposefully.
"No, I came over here to check on you, I know what you went through is hard, and I'm here if you need to open up," she says wisely.
Shauna shakes her head. "I'm dealing with it, I'm even going back to work next week,"
Mae doesn't shield her apprehension.
"I refuse to let -- anyone keep me from my living my life," Shauna says
The Jackson Matriarch recognizes the same self-determination in Shauna that her mother Cassie possesses, especially when she is trying to convince others everything is fine when it isn't.
"I don't know how are you going to take this,"
"What is it?" Mae asks

Martha Saunders found herself moving swiftly behind the counter at The Waterfall this evening. However, she didn't mind it since it was a distraction from her reflecting this morning when she and Steven shown Aunt Esther the letter written by their late grandfather's mistress detailing the affair they had over thirty years ago. It seemed as if she was less upset but more ashamed. She ponders all of that when someone calls to get her attention whilst she putting dirty glasses in the crate to be washed later on.
"Can I get some service here please,"
Martha walks to the other side of the counter, where she finds Samuel Gupta of all people sitting at the bar. She recognizes him as the therapist she and Louise convinced him to counsel their mother since she hadn't properly dealt with the loss of their father. He managed to get her to make an appointment in which she went to.
"Sorry about that, what can I get for you?" Martha regrets tactfully
"Did I forget to say hi before demanding your service. I apologize for that."
Martha is somewhat taken aback at his good manners since she is aware some customers hardly even say two words to her.
"You did forget to say hi, but since you're helping out my mother. I let it slide for now." she winks.
"Hi," he says to her. "Can I get whatever beer is on tap?"
She is surprised he would want beer since he seems the type who would want some fancy wine.
In a matter of seconds, she presents him with the mug of frosty pale liquid with froth on top.
"Thanks," he replies.
"So how is my mother doing?" she asks.
Samuel keeps his hand around the handle of the glass. "I can't go into great detail due to being bound by doctor-patient confidentiality."
"And I get that, I just want to know, should I continue to worry about her that's all,"
Samuel nods his head as a way to be inconspicuous. "If she continues to come to see me. I see her making progress with her recovery."
A sense relief comes over the bartender. She then happens to see Sean and Tricia enter into the bar heading over to a booth.
"I still don't see how they can go around town acting, as if they didn't do anything wrong."
Samuel looks over his shoulder, where he instantly lands on Tricia, who of course looks amazing in a blue strap ruffle dress. He last saw her in the park, where she squirted water on him, thinking he was a predator sneaking up on her. Though, it didn't stop him from having feelings for her.
He turns around back to behind the bar where Martha has her arms folded.
"She's not so bad," he says delicately.
Martha chuckles. "Don't tell me she and Sean our coming to you for marriage counseling?"
The bedazzled expression upon Samuel's face all but told his state of emotions.
"Please don't tell me you have a thing for Tricia Meyer?" Martha asks in disbelief.

"I can't remember the last time we had dinner before 9," Sean acknowledges
The two hadn't been out of the apartment for a while, and Sean had thought he better rectify the situation by taking his fiancée out.
"Well, I guess it's a lot to learn about being a manager of a dairy farm." Tricia remarks skeptically
Sean begins to skim at the menu. "What is that suppose to mean?"
"Nothing, I'm just a bit tired,"
Sean sets aside the menu onto the table. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm glad we have this time just the two of us," she says well-meaningly. "And when we get home, you can make it up to me,"
For the past week or so, Sean had been coming home later than usual due to him being appointed as the new manager of his ex-wife's family farm.
Despite, Louise and his being divorced, Tricia still finds herself unguarded whenever they're around each other.
Sean smiles widely looking forward to being alone with her later on at home.

Steven Sullivan comes down the stairs of the home he has spent most of his life living in with his phone clutched in his hand. He sees his mother coming in the door.
"Aren't you looking snazzy," Esther Saunders pronounces complimentary.
Steven was dressed in a dark blazer, ivory button shirt, and black slacks. He is also wearing a new bottle of his favorite cologne.
"I'm on my way to pick up Courtney, we're going out for dinner at The Chateau," he tells her.
"Well, have fun," she says
Steven is about to head for the door but turns around when he is reminded about when he came to see her at the stables this morning with Martha to see if she knew who wrote the letter detailing her father's love affair from years ago. Esther, however, did not know who it was which has affected their search on the person who slept with him over three decades ago.
"Mom, you okay?" he asks
Esther takes her purse off her shoulder to hold it. "I'm fine," she replies.
"It's just, I thought you would be pissed off about finding out grandad had been unfaithful to grandma Rosemary."
It took nearly Esther biting her bottom lip not to confess she has known about her late father's affair with Deirdre Covington for over thirty years now. Nonetheless, she knows she had to play dumb in front of her son and niece in her office at the stables earlier.
"Darling, pissed doesn't begin to describe how I feel about this entire situation but I do not want this getting out."
Steven can understand his mother's stance on the predicament but wouldn't be so terrible if the rest of the family came to find out. It seems Esther can pick up on his hesitation.
"This family has been through enough this year I don't think drudging up the past is going to heal us," Esther says wisely.
Steven looks down at his phone seeing the time. "I gotta go, before I am late, you still have the letter don't you?"
"Yeah, I still got it," she answers. "Do you need it back?"
Steven sighs in defeat. "I guess not, I'll see you later don't wait up," he bends down to kiss his mother on the cheek. He goes out of the door to his car.
Meanwhile, Esther remains in the room reminiscing on confronting her former friend who ended up being her father's mistress about whether or not her daughter is really Patrick Covington's or her late father's offspring. Dee told her a blood test confirmed she was Patrick's child.
"Thank god my daddy and Dee didn't create a child during their tawdry horizontal mambo." Esther proclaims. She snatches her purse off the couch and heads up the staircase to retire for the evening.

"Antoine and I were keeping tabs on Will for a while because we thought he was going to be up to something."
Mae's dissatisfaction is slightly evident. "Did you know about what he was getting up to in prison?"
"I was there when he got a call from what I now take it was from Jerome, but I didn't know anything about his illegal activities until I was held at gunpoint." Shauna clarifies.
Mae reaches out with her hand to rest upon her granddaughter's own. "No, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that my own family doesn't feel like they can come to me when they're in trouble, that's all,"
"Grandma, I saw what you went through first with Cassie leaving, grandpa dying, and with Will going to prison. I was just trying to prevent another loss," Shauna says emotionally
I care about you so much grandma I couldn't stand by to see anyone take advantage of you, even if Will is family."
"Don't worry about me. I know my own son," Mae says defensively. "I love you, Shauna."
"I love you too grandma," Shauna counters

"What makes you think I have a thing for Tricia?" Samuel asks
Martha arches her right eyebrow suspiciously. "You might be a good shrink, but you make one sorry liar."
"What's so wrong with that?"
Martha makes a face physically describing why it is a problem. "I forgot you're new around here,"
She then informs him of the history between Sean being married to her sister whilst having an affair with Tricia for years until their divorce last year.
Samuel has a guise of bewilderment upon him after he gets done hearing the information he was unaware of. " I didn't know that,"
"So that is why I'm telling you to stay clear when it comes to that woman," Martha warns
Samuel turns to view Tricia who is receiving her order of food from one of the servers. He still saw her beauty but notices what was said to him began affecting his thoughts of her.

Jordan heard about the party from a couple of her classmates in her intermediate algebra class. Deciding she need to get out of the house she came here to cut loose before she is knee-deep in papers and exams.
She can feel the eyes of several guys staring at her as she moves closer to Tommy who is nursing a cup in his hand near the staircase.
"Hey," the two of them say in unison.
"Looks like we managed to survive our first day of college," Jordan says celebratory
"We did," he replies lowly
"What's wrong?" Jordan asks concerningly
Tommy takes a strong mouthful of his drink. "I wanted to be here with my girlfriend, Tanner didn't want to come."
Jordan isn't astonished by that fact, but if she knows anything about her former friend is she isn't one for wild parties. She envisions her in her dorm room, making lists of things she needs for her classes.
"I don't see how you put up with somebody like her," Jordan says
"What are you talking about?" Tommy demands
"The two of you are so different, don't you get tired of having to be what she needs you to be?"
Tommy regrets his girlfriend hasn't chosen to have sex with him, although he is patiently waiting for her to be ready.
Jordan inches closer to him. "I still think about our kiss."
"Jordan, don't," he warns her.
"Come on tell me you don't have those nasty thoughts of me, Tommy," she mutters seductively,
Tommy doesn't confirm nor deny his response, remembering one year ago the kiss they had during his brother's wedding reception aboard the yacht in which sometimes he does think about,
"When you get tired of being with Little Miss Perfect. I'll be here," she whispers in his left ear. When Tommy is about to say something else to her, she takes off to get herself a refreshment.
Max worries about his wife.
Tricia is disappointed.
Courtney suspects Steven is hiding something from her.
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