Written by : Bre L. Drew
February 8, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tommy found out Jordan is pregnant via their one-night-stand in Oahu last October.
Jai informed Samuel that he is making Radcliffe his permanent home.
After being separated from Jai for five years, Mala filed for divorce.
Also in Oahu, Steven proposed to Courtney in which she accepted.

Eric Church's "Hell Of A View" is playing loudly on the sound system as Tommy Covington, Elijah Barker, and Lorenzo Vidal enter into the establishment outside of Radcliffe in Hudson Lake. The place was a small hole in the wall with the fragrance of stale beer and grease. Elijah found himself stepping onto empty peanut shells on the hardwood floor.
"This better work," Tommy says to both his friends.
"Trust me, Rodney told me he hadn't known anyone to get turned away," Lorenzo informs
About a week ago, Rodney, a junior in his television production crew at Sampson, said that The Alley lets students who're eighteen with ID to drink. Even though legally, you must be 21 or over to drink in this country. So Lorenzo and the other guys knew they had to tempt fate.
They approach the small bar where a late forty-something white guy, wearing a faded blue t-shirt with a snake wrapped around a skull in which is about a size or two too small for his bulky frame with a black pleather vest. He sees them in his peripheral vision, knowing exactly their score.
"What can I get you boys?" he inquiries in his husky voice.
Both Elijah and Lorenzo turn to each other, unsure how to proceed. It is Tommy who decides to take charge. "Three beers on tap."
The bulky bartender sways his head back and forth to the other customers at the end of the bar watching the NBA game on the flat-screen TV on the wall. "Let's see some ID's boys,"
Like clockwork, the three college students each show them their Driver's license. The bartender then proceeds to give them their drinks, feeling validated of their proof of identity.
Lorenzo flashes them an expression of victory by smiling broadly.

After a long day at the office, Mala Gupta came home to get out of her work attire and into a comfortable oversize white hoodie with the black and white album cover of U2's The Joshua Tree in the center with a pair of black sweatpants. The ringing of the doorbell gets Mala to come down the staircase to find her soon-to-be ex-husband Jai Gupta at the door,
"Jai, what are you doing here?" Mala asks
"Hope, I'm not interrupting," Jai says
"Is this important; because a bottle of Cabernet is calling my name," she retorts
Knowing how persistent he can be, she allows him inside of her home.
Jai steps inside of the cottage for the first time he looks around from where he is standing. "Nice house, I know your good taste anywhere," he replies complimentary. "Where are Samuel and Aaliyah?"
Mala carefully places her hands upon her hips. "Samuel is on call at the hospital's mental health ward, and Aaliyah is, of course, on campus."
Mal, look, I know me moving here isn't ideal for you, but I want to be close to our children even though they're all grown up."
She nods somewhat understandably. "Have you signed the divorce papers yet?"
Mala had filed for divorce months from Jai months ago after five years of separation between them.
"I promise I will sign them once my lawyer looks over them."
Mala was about to question him about having an attorney. And this is the same guy who barely had his affairs in order and organized. After five years of being apart, he remains handsome and now has a lawyer on standby to look over their divorce.
She crosses her arms. "You're not trying to delay the ending of our marriage because you want me back, aren't you?"

Steven Sullivan and Courtney Covington were taking prime advantage of being the only two at the house on Franklin Farm this early February evening. Steven's mother, Esther, is at the stables getting her paperwork together for tax season. While his Aunt Sarah Lynn is out of town visiting with her mother, Betty Lou, and her big sister Mindy. And Martha took SJ out to Home Farm to visit with Shauna and Max.
At the moment, the engaged couple was halfway consuming their dinner, takeout from Henry's BBQ at the kitchen table.
"Is it me, or every time we have food from Henry's, it tastes better and better?" Steven asks meaningfully
Courtney wipes her with her paper napkin sticky hands courtesy of the homemade barbecue sauce. "It's not just you, but I'm not sure if my waistline would agree though,"
"I don't think you have to worry about that," Steven winks at his physically perfect fiancée.
"We see if you still feel that way in three years," she says half-jokingly
Steven surprisingly proposed to Courtney when the two were in Oahu for Sean and Tricia's destination wedding last October. Despite her father having his reservations against her marrying the considerably older divorced father. She is looking forward to making the leap with him.
"Speaking of our future, that reminds me we have yet to set a date for the big day. We should get on that."
"How about now?"
Steven hadn't thought much into picking a date. He was initially fearful of getting married the second time, fearing that he wouldn't be a good husband to Courtney. However, this past year has taught him life is short, and he not only loves Courtney but wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
"Do you have a date in mind?" he asks inquisitively.
Courtney takes a bite of her French fry. "What about Christmas Eve?"
Steven chuckles. "Uh, that's funny," However, he glances over to Courtney, who hasn't even cracked a smile. "You're serious,"

Elijah and Tommy are on their second beers at the bar while Lorenzo is in the restroom. They could not help but feel like they're getting away with something huge by drinking in a bar underage.
Tommy puts his empty mug on the bar top, making a thunk noise.
"I'm going to be a father," Tommy announces lethargically.
Elijah takes a drink of his beverage before he puts his own glass down. "Come again?"
"E, Jordan is having the baby,"
Elijah recalls when Aaliyah and Lorenzo had told them at the student excellence ceremony that they saw Jordan and Tricia having lunch at The Chateau; where they overheard Tricia telling Jordan that she needed to be upfront with her baby's father,
"Tanner and I have been doing good since we got back together too. Imagine her finding out I screwed up with Jordan again; we'll be through."
"I wish she would've gotten the abortion I gave her the money for." he adds.
Tommy and Jordan had a one-night-stand when they were in Oahu for Tricia and Sean's wedding. The only people who know of the affair are Elijah, Tricia, Max, and Lynn.
"Wait a minute, Tommy, you gave her money to have an abortion?" Elijah throws back at him.
"You did screw up, look, I get it you're scared about the truth coming out -- but you made it so much worse what is going to stop Jordan now from telling Tanner and the rest of the town you two are going to be parents by the summer," Elijah advises his best friend.
"I just want this to be over," Tommy states.
"I get it. I can't believe I'm defending Jordan McKnight, but it is her body, so it has to be her decision," Elijah says reasonably.
Tommy skims the screen of the basketball game then to gives focus back to the conversation. "Jordan and I are going to be tied forever by this child."
Elijah is about to say something else when Lorenzo returns to his seat.
"Anyone want another beer? It's on me," Lorenzo offers
"I think I've reached my limit. Besides as the one who drove us here. I should have a clear head." Tommy answers. "I will take a club soda with lime, though."
Lorenzo turns to his friend and roommate. "What say you, Elijah?"
Elijah shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, why the hell not, another beer please,"
Between working late shifts at Jojo's and maintaining working hard to get better grades this semester. Elijah is treating himself for a change.
Lorenzo catches the shady bartender in which he orders the assorted beverages.

Steven returns to the table after he had disposed of the empty cartons and plates off the surface. He watches Courtney refill both their glasses of white wine.
"I know it might sound bizarre for anybody to get married on the 24th of December," she admits ."But since I was a little girl. I always envisioned my wedding to be on an unforgettable day. At least think about it."
Steven takes a healthy sip of wine. "I don't need to think about it; let's do it."
Courtney's face light up with her fiancé agreeing. "Really?"
"Yeah, I mean, it gives us enough of a window to plan everything; Evan will be on holiday break from school. Sounds good to me."
"Are you sure?" Courtney inquiries
Steven places his hand on her chin delicately. "I don't care when or where we get married, it could be on a deserted island for all I care. the most important thing will be our marriage."
Courtney nods her head with a sentimental grin when she gets out of the chair to sit in her fiancé's lap. I should've mentioned I also envisioned me arriving in a horse-drawn carriage."
Steven puts his arms around her. "I will do anything in my power to make your dreams come true."
The two begin kissing each other passionately.

Jai laughs ruefully. "Don't worry, I'm not contesting anything; you'll get the papers soon, and by the way, like I told Samuel, you don't have to worry about me coming in between you and Danny."
"Sure, he doesn't want to be called Danny, and I appreciate it; speaking of our son, he told me you're opening your own market," she says in a way she needs him to clarify for her.
For years Samuel has been managing corner stores owned by his uncles in Chicago. Working long hours but receive little to no appreciation from his family. Mala told him that throughout their marriage, he had to stand up for himself regarding the situation. However, Samuel, who isn't keen on conflict, told her not to worry even though he put in more hours and holidays at the store. His uncles usually passed the store to their sons, who were typically disinterested in taking over. Samuel had aspired to open his own store but kept putting it off, not wanting to let his extended family down.
Jai puts his hands into both of his pants pockets. "I know what you're thinking," he replies. "What took me so long? I guess when we split. I began to recognize I couldn't keep being part of everyone else's dreams without making some of mine come true."
"That's great, Jai,"
She sees the enthusiasm all over his face.
"Yeah, I purchased the store space for it coincidentally; it is Covington built. It is going to be a mix of natural and organic products. As well as a bakery and a section for wines and spirits too." he describes to her.
"Sounds like everything is coming together for you; what are you naming the store?"
"J&M," Jai pronounces.
Mala is taken-aback by hearing him. "I thought you would've changed your mind about that."
Jai inches closer to his estranged wife. "You were the one who inspired me to go into business for myself when we were together."
He always mentioned when he opened up his own business; he would name it after the two of them.
Mala could feel the intensity between them like when they were before they would get intimate with one another. She quickly pulls back from him. "I had a long day -
Picking up on her dismissive tone, Jai lifts his head. "Well, I better get going, but I hope we can remain cordial."
"Sure," she says lowly.
Mala watches as he exits out of her cottage into dark evening, going to his Mazda CX-5.
She regains her composure to go upstairs to start drinking her red wine, hopefully enough for her to forget what had occurred.
Jordan keeps news of her pregnancy from her parents.
Courtney feels rejected.
Tommy is committed to Tanner.
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