Written by : Bre L. Drew
November 30, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Steven and Martha discovered Deirdre is the one who had a sordid affair with their grandfather, Jimmy Saunders, over thirty years ago.
Louise and Sean both found out from Lynn that Tommy and Jordan kissed when Tanner was in Boston last summer.
Jordan is elated with the progress she has made to get Tommy to herself.
Elijah is left torn, knowing everything Tommy and Jordan have done.
Max has been feeling unmotivated with his photography.

In the kitchen, inside the Saunders residence on Franklin Farm on the mid-morning fall day. Steven Sullivan obtains his second cup of coffee underneath the mostly black Keurig machine on the counter. He was on call at the veterinarian clinic until this evening; he can be called out to the clinic or have to make a house call for a sick animal.
He takes a seat on a stool at the counter at the same time his cousin Martha Saunders steps into the room dressed for the day in a white ruffle shirt over a bohemian floral print kimono and medium blue ankle jeans.
The two address each other briefly before they get into talking something more serious.
"It's not every day when you find out that your fiancée's grandmother used to be involved with your grandfather." Steven remarks
"Say that five times fast," Martha counters back lightly.
Steven drinks from his cup in a potent manner.
A few weeks ago, the cousins discovered Deirdre Covington's handwriting from the card to the letter is one in the same meaning she and their grandfather were having an affair behind their spouses back years ago.
Sarah Lynn Saunders comes through the side door, looking rather joyous.
Martha exchanges a glance at Steven, who is curious about what she is up to,
"Hey, mom, can I ask you something?"
Sarah Lynn opens the refrigerator to fix herself a glass of orange juice. "Shoot,"
"I know she isn't your favorite person. but do you remember a time when Deirdre used to come to the farm out of the blue?"
Steven physically reacts to the question by giving Martha a look representing What do you think you're doing?

Tanner Lockhart parks the vintage green Fiat outside of the two-story cottage she still calls home even though she is living on campus at Sampson. She retrieves her backpack from the passenger seat. As well as the cloth bag, consisting of her dirty laundry out of the trunk of the car. She then uses her key to get in the house, which now brings her a sense of comfort now she has been living away.
"Mom, I'm home!" she calls out.
A moment later, Louise Saunders Lockhart comes down the stairs. She lovingly takes her daughter into her arms. "Hi, what are you doing here?"
"Aaliyah is currently using her sewing machine finishing up a project for her design class, so I decided to escape from the noise to the one place which will give me enough peace to study for finals," she replies. "And I thought I would do some laundry in between plant and animal cells."
"Stay for dinner," Louise says nicely. "Tanner, before you start, can we talk for a minute?"
Louise takes a few strands of her blonde hair behind her left ear. "What is going on between you and Tommy?"

Temporarily relief comes for Elijah Barker when his fifteen-minute break starts. Today the café had several students hunkering down studying for exams in addition to professionals needing caffeine and other items to make it through.
Edwin Starr's 'War' playing on the cafe's sound system is giving the establishment much needed energy.
He goes over to the table by the large window overlooking Main Street. Sitting there already is his girlfriend, with whom he plants an intense kiss on her lips.
Lynn Lockhart determines the passion behind the lip-lock. "Damn, you must've missed me."
"I haven't been that busy have I?"
"Yeah, you have; I mean; with you going to school and work, we hardly see each other."
Elijah is aware of how much focus he has been putting into his studies, wanting to be on the Dean's list, which his parents have been wanting. Also, he has been working at the café a few more hours to make enough money to pay for his monthly car note.
"What about we go out tonight?" Elijah offers
Lynn smirks. "That's more like it,"
The two kiss again when Jordan McKnight crosses the threshold of the café. Lynn observes; their former friend turned enemy with disgust.
"Too bad she didn't drown in the pacific ocean," Lynn remarks.
The tension of the reveal of the kiss that occurred last summer between Tommy and Jordan on the yacht during his brother's wedding reception is still in their air. And Lynn does not know who is she more pissed off at, her twin sister's boyfriend or Jordan?
Before Elijah can manage to convince Lenny to sit back down, she is out of her seat, heading in Jordan's direction. He gets on his feet as Lynn begins confronting her.
"Are you so desperate you had to kiss somebody else's boyfriend?" Lynn demands
Jordan turns on her high-heels to stare at Lynn. "Whatever happened between Tommy and me does not concern you."
"When it hurts my sister, you bet your ass it does," Lynn verbally hurls.
She is hiding the fact she slept with Tommy while the two were in her hotel room in Hawaii.
By now, most of the eatery was keeping an eye on the drama between them.
Elijah tries to pull his girlfriend back since he didn't want anything to happen in his workplace, especially when he is on shift. "Come on; this isn't helping."
Lynn stands there firmly, not letting her boyfriend stop her. "Watch your back,"
"Or what?" Jordan says haughtily
"She isn't worth it," Elijah pleads.
"Oh, by the way, Lynn, did you know your little boyfriend knew about the kiss last labor day weekend?"

"Send him in," Daniel Covington speaks on the phone to his secretary, Evelyn.
A moment later, Max Covington comes into his father's office. Daniel was already expecting him since he was the one who told him this morning over breakfast he wanted him to stop by to meet with him in the office.
"You wanted to see me?" Max reminds his father.
Daniel tells him to take a seat, which he does in one of the leather club chairs in front of him.
"Son, I know you've been in the past, hesitant about coming to work at the company." he begins.
Max scoffs ruefully. "Somethings never change,"
"Before you decide, either way, it is for the head of the digital media team here at Covington. It's a creative position, and for someone with your experience, it is ideal."
Max had thought his father has given up this notion for him to work at the company like the rest of his siblings. He has never had any interest in working in the corporate realm.
"I'm not interested. Besides, I'm still pursuing my photography full time."
Daniel starts to feel unnerved about wanting his son to finally take a role in the company his father built from nothing over forty years ago. His eyes then dart on one of the four photos on his expansive desk. This picture had Max and his wife together on their wedding day aboard the yacht Daniel's late wife Keri left Max. Unexpectedly, he finds his opening.
"How is Shauna doing?" Daniel asks on a serious note.
"She is okay for the most part. She is in her first therapy session at the moment."
His wife is dealing with the aftermath of being held hostage by an associate of her uncle a few months ago.
"Sounds like she is making progress, just remember it is important for you to be there for her too," Daniel advises
"I'm not going anywhere," Max replies unquestionably. "And good luck in filling that position."
His eldest child leaves the office.
Daniel would've preferred a yes to his offer, but he comes to grasp he at least planted a seed in his son's head. All now he has to do is hopefully let it grow for it enough to let it come to fruition.

This morning, Shauna Covington made the drive to the hospital, where she dealt with the unsettled nerves in the pit of her stomach. The thought of talking with a stranger about being held, hostage. Whilst she got the designated exit off the freeway, she considered canceling her appointment even when she made it into the parking garage at the hospital. Nonetheless, she is fed up with living her life in fear, so she made the excursion to the third floor, where the office of her therapist is.
Fifteen minutes later, she is on a taupe couch speaking with her psychiatrist.
"So how did it feel being taken against your will?" Dr. Samuel Gupta inquires about his newest patient. The handsome doctor is dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and black slacks, sitting facing forward Shauna.
"I felt blindsided; all I remember is somebody grabbing me, and I couldn't break free," Shauna says reflectively.
She watches thoroughly; as he makes notes on the legal pad. He is writing on with his pen.
Shauna waves both of her hands dismissively. "I think this is a mistake. I'm not crazy nor paranoid. I know those men all our behind bars for years so, they can't get to me nor anyone else I care about."
Samuel positions himself in his chair. "Look, you wouldn't be the first nor the last person to have second thoughts about coming to see me, so I take no offense."
"All right," she says somewhat reluctantly.
"You made the first big step by coming here Shauna, one of the reasons why I took this position here at Receiving is to destigmatize therapy, especially for black and brown people everywhere, even in rural communities."
Shauna crosses her legs, interested in what he told her. It's not that I don't believe in psychology it's just I don't want to be a burden with my issues anymore."
"Have you always felt like yourself have been a burden to others, Shauna?" her therapist vocalizes
She thinks back to her life, growing up, and bows her head slightly. "I guess all my life-- I'm the product of teen pregnancy, and neither of my parents wanted me, so my grandparents were the ones who raised me."
Samuel continues to be attentive, getting a general overview of his patient's background.

Tanner is settling into the kitchen, which now seems even bigger to her since she has been away at school. She is sitting around the counter with her biology textbook open along with her laptop, different color pens, and her subject notebooks.
Her mother sets two bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream onto the surface.
Louise scoops some of the soft frozen treat onto her spoon. "Why you didn't tell me about what happened?"
"How did you find out?" Tanner says. Curious as to how her mother knew what happened between Jordan and her boyfriend the year before.
"Lynn, but don't get upset at her; she is worried about you. I wish you would've come to me." Louise reacts
Tanner puts her arm on the counter. "It's not every day when you find out your boyfriend made out with your ex-best friend turned enemy when you were away."
"You have the right to feel the way you do sweetheart, have you talked to Tommy?"
Tanner takes another bite of her ice cream. "I had the misfortune of running into him at JoJo's last week."
"How did that go?"
The young woman drops the spoon into the bowl. "He tried to apologize, but I didn't want to hear it."
Louise could hear the uncertainty and hurt in her daughter's voice.
"So that is pretty much where I stand with him," Tanner says
"I'm sorry, and whatever choice you make regarding you and Tommy, your father and I will stick by you no matter what," Louise says meaningfully.
Tanner tries her best not to fall apart. "Thanks, mom, I appreciate it,"

Sarah Lynn takes a sip of her orange juice while pondering her daughter's unusual question. "Why'd you ask?" she remarks questionably.
Martha is about to come up with a lie but decides otherwise. It seems Steven is thinking the same thing because he gives a permissive gesture.
The cousins begin filling in Sarah Lynn on the sordid details about their grandfather's love affair with Deirdre Covington, in which Sarah Lynn's mouth gapes open in complete shock.
"I know it is a lot to take in," Steven throws in.
Logically, Sarah Lynn knows most people are capable of cheating. However, she thought Jimmy Saunders would never betray his wife, Rosemary, whom he loved and adored despite his faults, including his struggles with alcoholism.
"Well, Dee and your grandfather were close since Esther, and she grew up together, and when her parents died, he and your grandmother took her in for a while until she got on her feet," she says
"Too close for comfort if you ask me," Martha utters
"But I can't think of any time she came over here, frequently," Sarah Lynn answers honestly.
Steven goes to place his mug in the sink. "Well, it seems granddad and Deirdre covered their tracks better than we thought."
"I think the mystery of who Jimmy Saunders slept with is officially solved." Martha declares
"You're right," Steven says in agreement. "I think it should stay between all of us and my mother about what we learned."
Martha and Sarah Lynn respectively make the pact with him.

The room ceases to have any motion when Lynn tilts her head. "Did you know about this the entire time, Elijah?"
Elijah does not know what is worse at this point, him knowing something a year-long or something that happened between him and Jordan sexually.
"Can we go somewhere to talk in private?" Elijah insists
Lynn surveys Lenny one more time before following behind her boyfriend to the back of the café, where he closes the door behind them. The two go into the storage room where they keep food and beverage items.
"Yeah, I did," he responds.
Lynn folds her arms across her chest. "Why the hell did you keep this from me? We've been friends with you a hell of a lot longer than Tommy Covington; you owed us your loyalty."
Elijah sticks both hands in the pockets of his apron as he exhales. "I promised Tommy I wouldn't say anything."
"And look how good that went,"
Elijah would've been concerned by the time by now, yet he didn't care. He couldn't let the truth get in what he has with her not wanting another breakup. "I know I was wrong, but please don't give up on us."
Lynn finds herself touching a pouch of coffee beans. "That depends. Are you keeping something else from me I should know about?"
Elijah lifts his head, "When I tell you this, you can't tell Tanner."
"Is it any worse than a kiss?" Lynn inquiries
"I'm just going to come out and say it when you all were in Oahu after Tanner and Tommy had that fight about the kiss -- Tommy went to Jordan to talk to her room, and the two of them had sex."
Lynn's reaction is to beyond astounded by what she heard, making her silent for a few seconds.
"Instead of making things right with my sister, he was screwing that bitch."
Without another word, Lynn exits the room leaving the door ajar.
Filled with several emotions regarding this matter has Elijah wanting to ask where do they stand but is more than aware it isn't the right time to find out.
Tanner and Jordan have it out.
Lynn confronts Tommy.
Deirdre is curious.
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