Written by : Bre L. Drew
December 6, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tricia had her pregnancy confirmed, which she was planning to tell Sean when she spotted him being comforted by Louise, which made her postpone informing him.
Steven and Courtney set their wedding date for Christmas Eve.
Tommy met Thora McKnight, telling her she had a grandson whom he let bond with her conditions.
On the night of Halloween, Will slept with Emma at The Cliffe.

Despite mentally preparing to inform Sean of her pregnancy, Tricia Lockhart tries to settle on the best way inside the fourth-floor apartment she resides in with her husband. She still can't believe she is expecting a baby since she has been adamant about not wanting kids only a year into her marriage. But her doctor told her otherwise. She is currently sitting on the sofa in the living room, skimming at one of those trashy court shows on television.
Her nerves began to hit her when the key turned in the lock of the door.
Entering the apartment, Sean Lockhart sees the back of his wife's head. He brings himself forward to her.
"Hey, you hungry? Want to order in," Tricia inquires casually.
Sean puts both his keys and wallet on the glass-top coffee table.
"Yeah, we can do that," he replies. "So, what is that you had to tell me earlier that you felt that could wait?"
This afternoon, Tricia dropped by the farm to tell Sean that she was pregnant. But she had walked in on his ex-wife holding his hands.
"Can you sit down for just a minute?" Tricia asks delicately.
Sean doesn't hide his confusion as he complies with his wife, sitting a few spaces away on the sofa. The two have been having issues for some time now, which have been predominately caused by her.
"Well, here it goes, Sean, I'm pregnant."

"I must say, when you told me you wanted to ride tonight, I'm afraid I didn't take you seriously." Courtney Covington says to Steven Sullivan.
The two were riding American Quarter Horses along the trail on the grounds of his mother's stables on this brisk, dark evening.
"I promise you it will be worth it," Steven says assuredly.
Seven minutes later, the two arrive at their destination.
But to Courtney's surprise, she sees a large camping tent with a fire pit nearby. A huge smile appears on her face as she holds onto the reins. "Did you do all of this?"
I hope you don't mind, but I figure we are about to be bogged down with the wedding of the century. I decided the two of us could use some time for ourselves before the big day."
Courtney maintains her happiness while she rides alongside her fiancé.

In between writing sessions for a song currently in her head. Martha Saunders ventures into the kitchen downstairs for a snack. With a plate of Oreo cookies in one hand and a glass of milk in the other, she is heading out of the room when she nearly walks into the one person that she is purposefully trying to avoid since she caught him and Emma after they had sex at that club. They run together. It is bad enough she had feelings for the man, but to see him moving on with the Covington heiress hasn't been easy on her.
"Somebody is hungry," Will Jackson said, taking notice of her snack choice in her hands.
The club manager is wearing a light gray button-down top and dark slacks. Also, he smelled good, courtesy of his aftershave.
"Yeah," she says uneasily.
The awkwardness between them is evident enough; no one would hear a pin drop onto the floor.
Will then licks his lips while putting his arms at his sides. "What you saw with me, and Emma, it was just two people comin' together celebratin' somethin' we both wanted for so long."
"I bet it was," Martha says dryly. "Like I said to you and Emma the other day, you two are free to do whatever it is you two do together."
Will can tell she is still quite upset about the initial setup he created with Emma when he overheard Martha discussing her feelings for him. even though he shared feelings for her as well. He knows his reputation in town and not to mention himself. And if they started seeing one another, it would only be a matter of time before he did something to hurt her.
"If it bothers you, I can always look for another place to stay." Will posits
"You don't have to do that," Martha replies amicably. "And anyway, let's just agree to be friends, okay," she adds.
"I like that," Will winks

In the two-story guest house on the Home Farm Estate, Lorenzo Vidal, who has lived there since leaving school, is currently playing FIFA 21 on the PS5 on the flat-screen TV with Tommy Covington in the living room.
"You wouldn't know from this game that I used to play forward when I was younger," Tommy says
Notwithstanding his fast fingers, his virtual team is no match for Lorenzo's playing prowess.
"I guess between working at the store and trying to find inspiration for filmmaking. You can say I've been putting in time on FIFA."
"What is it like working for Aaliyah's father?" Tommy asks while maintaining a somewhat successful combination on his controller.
"Uh, it's not bad. Mr. Gupta is pretty cool. More importantly, he gave me a job when I didn't have anything; can you tell your dad thanks again for letting me use one of his cars to get to work."
"No problem,"
Daniel has not only let him reside here. But also let him borrow his 2004 Mercedes Sedan from his extensive automobile collection since the local bus service is essentially non-existent in this part of town.
"I will tell him when he gets back from his business trip," Tommy informs him.
Light tapping on the door makes Lorenzo pause the game during a goal.
"Expecting anyone, man?" Tommy asks
Lorenzo shakes his head as he gets on his feet to answer the door.
Tanner Lockhart is standing on the other side with a friendly smile, wearing a black hooded coat and denim jeans, holding onto her purse.
The two friends casually exchange pleasantries when Tommy comes off the couch to stand behind Lorenzo when he hears his ex-girlfriend's voice.
She glances at Tommy with that same pleasant expression she carries. "I went to the main house, but Gabriella told me you were here. I'm not interrupting anything, am I? "
"Nothing that can't wait."
Lorenzo looks at both of his friends, realizing they could probably use some privacy. "Uh, I'm going upstairs. Holler if you need me."
With a friendly nod to the two of them, he dashes up the stairs, leaving them alone.
"I wanted to come by to see how it went with Mrs. McKnight and Jeremy?" Tanner explains her reasoning as to why she wanted to see her former boyfriend.
The last time the two saw one another, they were at Jojo's when Jordan's mother met her grandson for the first time.
Tommy stuffs his hands into his pants pockets. "I had her come over to spend Thanksgiving morning with him."
"Really?" She asks, surprised.
"I'm doing my best to put Jeremy's needs first. He deserves some sort of relationship with Thora," he replies. "And with Jordan not being in the picture, it means she is the only connection he has to his mother."
Tanner does her best not to roll her eyes at the mere mention of the name of the girl who was once considered her friend and who slept with him, even if she is touched by his gesture when it comes to their son.
"That's great," she ultimately says
"Though I told her not to bring Chief McKnight with her. Jeremy doesn't need a guy who kicked his pregnant mother out when she needed him the most."
"Where is the guy, I first met who got kicked out of boarding school and didn't have any care in the world?"
Tommy raises an eyebrow. "He grew up—well, just a smidge."
The comment makes Tanner snicker while gripping the strap of her purse.
"How is Lynn doing?" Tommy says, changing the subject. "I know Elijah can't have any visitors right now."
Their good friend is in rehab at the hospital to treat his alcoholism.
"She talks to him on the phone every day and says he's trying to keep his spirits up, but it's hard."
"From the experience of people, I knew who went to rehab, we just got to remind him that we are all there for him."
"I agree," she concurs.
The two silently glare at each other with so much still left unsaid.
"Well, I better get going. I just wanted to see how everything in your world was going. " Tanner says, moving forward to the door.
"See you around," he manages to say.
Tanner lifts her hand. "See you," she says as she exits the guest house.
Tommy remains standing there, reminding himself of the closeness they once shared until he screwed it up.

Steven and Courtney are sitting outside around the fire pit with flames crackling in front of them. Both wrapped in an extra-large chunky-knit blanket.
The unmistakable voice of John Legend can be heard on Steven's iPad as "You and I (Nobody in the World") plays on the tablet.
With a glass of champagne in her hand, Courtney smiles. "When did you do all of this?"
Steven is finishing making smores on the fire. "Well, it took me two weeks to get everything together, but it had been in the pipeline way before that."
She takes a sip of the liquid. "This is lovely, thank you,"
"I just wanted to show you how grateful I am for you."
Courtney pulls him into a passionate kiss.
Steven then picks up one of the smores from the plate beside him. "Careful, it's still hot," he warns her as he begins feeding it to her.
Courtney licks her lips of the heated marshmallow and gooey chocolate. "Mm-hmm," she moans. "This is so good," she replies.
"Glad to hear that," Steven says happily
"It made me forget about our incompetent realtor who has failed to find us a decent piece of property for us to move into after our honeymoon."
The two haven't had much success regarding finding a house in town.
"Trust me; we'll get all of that straightened out even if I have to build the damn house myself," he says. "But for tonight, it's just about us remember,"
Courtney exhales. "You're right,"
A realization suddenly dawns upon her.
"This place holds so much significance for us. It's where we first met, remember?"
"How can I forget? You were signing up for riding lessons knowing all along about the long, sordid rivalry between our families."
"Crazy to think where it started till, we are now," Courtney says wholeheartedly.
"It is," Steven replies candidly.

Of all the things he thought Tricia had to tell him about becoming a father again, that was one of the last things he thought he would hear at this moment.
"Are you serious?" he finally says.
Tricia folds both her legs together. "Yeah,"
Sean rubs his forehead. "When did you find out?"
"I had taken a pregnancy test, but I had it confirmed by Dr. Jamison this morning."
He slowly exhales as he gets off the couch. "How far along are you?"
"Nine weeks,"
Sean recalls the times he had proposed to her about wanting a child, yet she had told him that she wasn't ready for motherhood. That caused some problems in their marriage too. However, she is now expecting her first child.
Sean looks deeply into her eyes. "Tricia, is the baby mine?"
Slowly, Tricia glares at him strongly. Without any other thought, she lifts her hand across his face, firmly.
Sean massages the cheek that was struck by his wife, deciding not to say anything, knowing he did deserve that partly.
"Screw You!" she exclaims to him while she purposefully bumps into him, heading into their bedroom slamming the door behind her, upset at her husband's hurtful accusation.
A wrench is thrown into Steven and Courtney's big day.
Lynn visits Elijah in rehab.
Daniel gets news on Jordan's whereabouts.
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