Last Time on Town and Country
Written by: Bre L. Drew
October 17, 2022
As a result of her father's affair with Deirdre over thirty years ago, Esther discovered that Emma is her half-sister via a DNA test.
Tommy and Jordan had sex.
Daniel blackmails Dr. Toussaint to help him drive Jordan crazy in order for Tommy to maintain full custody of Jeremy, believing she isn't capable of mothering.
​Jai and Louise and Sean and Tricia managed to patch things up in their relationships respectively.

Carefully putting the gray beanie hat on her son's head in the living room of the fourth-floor apartment, Tricia Lockhart couldn't help but grin at how cute he looked. She holds her two-month-old son, fully dressed for today's morning outing.
A loud tap on the door gets her to change direction as she goes to answer it.
"Let's go see who that is," she says to the baby.
Tricia opens the door to find Jordan McKnight in a black fur jacket with a pair of dark denim jeans holding onto her purse with a genuine smile on her face.
"Hey, long time no see," Tricia tells the young woman who enters the apartment.
"Tell me about it," Jordan says agreeably.
"Maybe one day we can get Jeremy and Dylan together for one of those playdate things," Tricia says as she puts the baby in his modular stroller near the small kitchen.
"That will be great."
"I just wanted to stop by to see how you two were doing," Jordan explains her visit. "I didn't know you were on your way out."
Tricia shakes her head. "Little man is, but I'm not. I wish I knew you were coming,"
"Why?" Jordan inquires curiously
As soon as Tricia is about to explain, another knock on the door occurs, which makes her saunter to answer it.
"Tanner, hi," Tricia greets her stepdaughter, who steps into the apartment wearing her dark blue hooded quilted jacket while her brown hair is in a ponytail.
"Hi, thanks for letting me spend time with Dylan," Tanner says cordially.
Tricia waves her hand dismissively. "It's no problem," she replies. "You're doing me a favor. Besides, you should spend more time with your brother."
In a way, it still seems odd that both stepmother and stepdaughter are acting civil towards each other due to Tanner and her twin sister Lenny's not being keen on their father leaving their mother for her, though for the sake of the baby, they're trying.
Tanner looks up to see one of her least favorite people in the neighborhood, who now is wearing a displeased scowl.
Despite their history of friendship, she wouldn't be able to reconcile with him, in that way.
"Shoot, I forgot his bag in the nursery; let me go get it," Tricia says.
She also wants to say don't kill each another, but she trusts things won't get physical between them with Dylan in the room.
The young women stand around in awkward silence for a few moments.
"How are you and my brother doing?" Jordan asks with mock interest.
"We're fine, but I'm sure you already know that."
Presently Tanner is dating Jordan's older brother Presley.
Jordan raises her hands innocently. "I was simply asking Tanner, just trying to make conversation," she replies. "Are you going to ask me how Tommy is?"
Tanner shakes her head irritatedly.
"It wasn't exactly on my mind; besides, I see him from time to time around campus."
She recalls telling him that she didn't want to reconcile their relationship due to not being able to trust him after finding out he not only slept with Jordan but conceived a child behind her back. But they have been able to maintain a friendship of sorts.
"He's doing better than expected. Not only is he an attentive father, but he has been much happier as of late. It seems like someone put a smile on that desirable face." Jordan winks slyly
At first, Tanner prepares to ignore her, but it suddenly dawns on her what she is telling her, which makes her roll her eyes at her former best friend.
Jordan raises her eyebrow suspiciously at Tanner as the sound of footsteps temporarily breaks up their confrontation.
"Here it is," Tricia says to Tanner while passing the bag to her.
Tanner stands over her brother in his stroller. "Let's get you to the park to see the leaves,"
The baby adorably nods at her while she pushes him out of the apartment.
"Okay, what was all that about?" Tricia questions her good friend. "And please don't tell me nothing because that's not what I heard."
Jordan shrugs. "Look at the time. I'm running late."
The young vixen walks to the door, though Tricia is right behind her.
"Jordan, I'm always here if you need to talk. I know you have a shrink now, but if there are things you don't want to share with the guy. I'm only a call away."
Tricia informs her.
Jordan recalls hearing the cries of the baby weeks prior. But she discovered they didn't belong to her son since he was out of the house, not to mention the confession from her mother about her mental instability made her decide to take the sedatives Dr. Toussaint prescribed for her.
"I'm going to be fine," she says, emotionally determined.
The two give a quick embrace before Jordan walks out of the apartment.

While entering his office at Radcliffe Receiving Hospital, Dr. Pierre Toussaint hoped to at least grab ten minutes to himself before his next session. When he flicks on the light switch, he is taken aback by the unwelcome presence sitting behind his desk.
"You know this is getting old," he says to a specific individual.
"Well, your feelings towards this matter are irrelevant." Daniel Covington retorts
The CEO of Covington Group is blackmailing the psychiatrist into helping him to drive Jordan out of her mind so she would lose rights to Daniel's grandson Jeremy and Daniel's son would retain full custody. He had information that Toussaint was involved with a former patient who killed himself, though the hospital board was unaware of it. And it would tarnish his career if they found out since it is unethical and against policy for a patient/doctor relationship.
"I heard from a reliable source that Jordan is taking those sedatives you prescribed for her, so she should soon be out of her head." Daniel apprises him while remaining seated behind the desk. His housekeeper, Gabriella, disclosed this to him recently over the phone.
"Good," the psychiatrist says, referring to "Now, if you don't mind, I have a patient that will be arriving any minute."
"As long as you remain part of this plan, your job here remains secure," Daniel says while picking up a Montblanc pen from a holder on the desk.
"I can't help but feel like I'm doing a disservice to this young girl. Deep down, she does need help, but making her sick is against every oath I took as a doctor."
Daniel points the pen in Toussaint's direction.
"You keep convincing Jordan she needs to come here. And I'll do my part to ensure that she keeps coming back until not even you alone won't be able to help her."
Dr. Pierre Toussaint carefully strolls toward the millionaire businessman.
"I've had enough of this!"
"Excuse me?" Daniel snaps back

Inside J&M Market, the distinctive baritone vocals of the late Scott Weiland can be heard as "Creep" by Stone Temple Pilots circulates through the speakers throughout the store. While there were few customers inside the store this morning, including Sean Lockhart,
He steers the basket towards the meat section, where he begins checking out a suitable packet of steaks for dinner one of the next few days.
After finding the best pack, he sees Jai Gupta approaching him. The market owner is wearing a navy-blue dress shirt with black slacks.
"I see; you are doing some shopping," Jai says conversely.
Sean casually glances at his half-full basket, then back onto his downstairs neighbor. "Yeah, had to get somethings. I forgot how much a home needs when you have an infant."
"I remember those days all too well," he remarks in his informal British accent. "How are the new mother and child?"
"Both are doing amazing; I can't complain,"
Instead of Jai leaving him alone, he remains beside him though the tension in his face grows more assertive.
"I'm glad to hear that, Sean, I know we aren't exactly pals, but would you mind a piece of advice?"
Sean gives a guarded nod to his ex-wife's current lover.
"Don't take them for granted; focus your time and attention on them."
The force behind his words makes Sean aware that he is referring to him having an issue with him coming to Louise to talk about his past marital issues,
"Jai, look, I know I've been leaning on Louise lately, but you shouldn't feel threatened by it."
Jai scoffs lightly before responding.
"Oh, I was never threatened. Concerned, yes, but not threatened, especially since things between Louise and I are stronger than ever. If you have any additional problems in the near future, consider talking to your wife like a reasonable adult." Jai tells him.
Sean stands with a grimace while the businessman walks ahead to his destination.

"You know, it feels like it has been forever since we had one of these catch-ups," Esther Saunders announces to Mae Jackson, who sits across from her.
The two good friends were conversing while waiting for their meals to be served at The Chateau as contemporary jazz music played, giving the restaurant its usual upscale atmosphere.
"Tell me about it," Mae says in agreement.
"Well, we just have to make it more of a priority to get together more often," Esther replies.
Soon the waiter comes with their meals, then takes off.
Esther takes a bite of her omelette, catching a glimpse of someone she hadn't wanted to see, especially today, being led by the hostess.
"Oh Lord," the businesswoman says in her trademark southern drawl.
"What's wrong?" Mae asks unsurely.
Before Esther can open her mouth, Deirdre Covington tells the hostess she can get to her seat as she stops at their table. The wealthy, petite widow is wearing a red fox fur coat over a dark red neck blouse; and black straight-leg pants holding onto her designer black bag in her possession.
Esther still is trying to wrap her head around that her father's affair with Deirdre all those years ago produced Emma, which she came to find out over the DNA test she had done unbeknownst to them.
"Hello ladies, it seems like we all had the same idea to come here this morning," Deirdre says in her usual haughtily manner.
"Deirdre, hi, how are you?" Mae asks modestly.
"I'm doing fine. How about yourself?" Deirdre answers. She then moves her focus to her former best friend. "Where are your manners, Esther?"
Esther puts her fork down on her plate, trying her best not to raise her voice. "Esther, is there anything you want? "Last time I checked, we haven't been close since the Reagan administration."
Deirdre smiles that she knowing this is a verbal duel between them.
"Now, now; the three of us are all related in a way; since my granddaughter is married to your son Esther, and Mae's granddaughter is married to my grandson. I mean, we have more in common than you think."
"You have no idea," Esther mumbles under her breath, which Mae somewhat catches.
"Well, I have some business to attend to, but it's been nice chatting with you ladies," Deirdre remarks. With that, she sashays over to the back of the restaurant.
Esther takes a sip of her coffee. "I can't stand that woman."
"Trust me; I don't either," Mae admits freely. "Did something else happen between you two recently?"
"No, not exactly,"
"Come on, Esther, I've known you far too long to know it isn't nothing, so spill the tea."
"If I tell you this, Mae, you cannot tell anyone else," Esther tells her. "Not one soul, especially Will or Shauna,"
Mae shows some confusion on her face.
"I won't," she promises.
"Where do I begin?" she asks as she starts telling her the real deal. Esther sighs laboriously

Years of multitasking as a farmhand made Sean easily handle grocery bags in both hands while managing to use his key to get into the apartment he shares with his wife and infant son.
Tricia is standing by the sofa in the living room on the phone as she peeks to see Sean placing some plastic bags on the ground while taking the rest into the kitchen.
"Thanks, Joanie, I appreciate it, and I promise I will get right on it. Thanks again, bye." Tricia ends the call and goes over to her husband, who is currently putting various items away in the kitchen.
"What was all that about?" Sean queries.
"The cafe is short-staffed. I need to hire some more help, but I was able to talk to one of my baristas about doing another shift for a time and a half." Tricia rapidly informs him.
Sean places the carton of almond milk in the refrigerator. "I'm sure you'll find the right people," he responds assuredly.
Tricia takes out a pack of diapers from a bag while noticing some intensity in his voice.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She wonders. "Did an old lady cut in front of you at the checkout aisle?"
Sean shakes his head while holding onto the countertop.
"Uh, I ran into Jai at the store, and he, in so many words, told me I needed to keep my distance from Louise."
"How do you feel about that?"
Sean exhales, pondering the proper response. "A part of me wanted to tell him to mind his own business, but he also said some things that made me take stock of my life and realize I need to put more effort into this marriage and be a better father."
Tricia doesn't shield her surprise at hearing him admit that to her.
"Good, I needed to hear that," Tricia discloses while getting closer to her husband.
She scans the room and sees that the groceries are put away for the most part.
"Tanner took Dylan to the park, so we have the entire apartment to ourselves," she tells him.
He looks into her eyes with a smirk on his face. "Did you purposely arrange that?"
The cafe manager smiles naughtily at him. "I may have," she says flirtatiously.
The two make out intensely as his hands rise upon her hips,

Near the back of the restaurant, Deirdre is alone, sitting in the booth. She picks up her Bloody Mary when the person she is set to meet with finally arrives.
"I see punctuality isn't one of your strong suits, is it?" She speaks to the person.
"Sorry; I'm late, but I have exemplary news to report." Jacques Laurent says to her.
The handsomely suave French man sits across her in designer charcoal gray blazer and slacks. In exchange for seducing Emma away from Will,
Deirdre will give her daughter's ex-fiancé the funds to rescue his family's once-successful shipping company.
"Is Will Jackson going back to prison?" Deirdre chuckles
"No," Jacques quickly replies. But even better, Emma and I had dinner here last night."
That answer makes the affluent woman lose her guard a bit as Jacques informs her about taking her advice about putting together the most romantic thing, which included renting out the entire restaurant and having a string quartet playing, in addition to him giving her an expensive diamond bracelet, relatively softening her.
"I must say, Jacques, this is excellent progress. My daughter might be able to afford the finer things in life, but I knew it wouldn't be long before she would realize that she needs a man who can provide that for her too. Unlike that wannabe club manager, she has the misfortune to be involved with, "She declares
"It seems she is still infatuated with him," he confesses to her, recalling how she was defensive of him yesterday evening.
"From the sounds of it, it won't be for long,"
"Have you ever thought about taking him out?" he asks jokingly.
Deirdre takes a hearty sip of the alcoholic beverage while recollecting doing precisely that when she hired someone to cut her breaks in Will's car. She thought it backfired when Emma got caught in the crossfire when a semi-truck crashed into them when she was unable to stop the vehicle, which later caused her to go into a coma.
"If only," Deirdre says reflectively, which makes Jacques wonder if there is something more behind it, though he decides to tuck it in the back of his mind, deciding it probably doesn't amount to too much.

"You know that I'm acquainted with the chief of staff, and it will only take a few minutes before you are out of a job, so tread lightly."
"I don't care!" Pierre loudly exclaims, "I might lose my career, but you'll lose more than I will. I'm sure you'll lose the respect of everyone you care about, not to mention your reputation in the business community, because if I go down, I'm taking your ass down with me."
Daniel chuckles ruefully at him. "Am I supposed to be afraid of you?"
Unknown to them, the door of the office opens. The person wanders into the room.
"What the hell is going on here?"
The familiarity of the voice startles both Dr. Toussaint and Daniel, as they see that the person is none other than Jordan McKnight.
Tanner comes into contact with Tommy.
Daniel and Dr. Toussaint try to cover their tracks.
Emma hides the truth from Will.
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