Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 9, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Tommy began suspecting that Daniel might have something to do with Jordan's recent mental health struggles.
Louise was caught off guard when Jai proposed to her on New Year's Eve, but she later accepted.
Shauna discovered she was pregnant and told Max on Christmas day.
Aaliyah hadn't been keen on her father's relationship with Louise since she wanted her and her mother to get back together.

"So, what do these voices tell you?" Dr. Pierre Toussaint asked his young patient sitting across from him in his office at Radcliffe Receiving Hospital. She had made a point to see him first thing this morning because she had confessed to him that she'd been hearing voices lately.
"That I will never be good enough and that no one could ever love me," Jordan McKnight wearily confirms.
Dr. Toussaint jots some notes down on his legal pad. Despite being blackmailed by Jordan's son's grandfather, he couldn't help but be affected by the situation due to the oath he took not to harm. But he couldn't let his secret of being with a patient get out, which could cost him his career.
"Do you think that?"
"Yeah, I do," she answers candidly. "Tommy didn't want anything to do with me after he slept with me the first time, and then my parents threw me out when I was pregnant, so yeah, no one loves me."
"I suspect that isn't true," Dr. Toussaint says rationally. "Sometimes we have doubts in mind that affect us; we can either overcome them or let them defeat us."
Jordan displays an expression of disbelief on her face. "I can't even protect my own child from getting lost, which, by the way, happened on Christmas," she notifies him. "I guess the voices in my head know I'm a shitty mother too."
During Christmas evening, Jeremy went missing from the house, and the Covington's came together to help search for him. Although Gabriella, the housekeeper, found him outside, Jordan had never been so terrified in her life, and she fell asleep in her son's nursery, not wanting him to take her attention away from him.
"Losing your children temporarily is quite common," he informs her. "It sounds like Jeremy's safe and sound, and I bet that's on you," he adds. "How about I up the dosage of your sedatives?"
"Sure, whatever." Jordan shrugs.

"Oh, my lord, that is one stunning ring," Sarah Lynn Saunders excitedly says to her daughter.
The women were in the kitchen of the main house on Franklin Farm. Louise had informed her mother of her engagement to Jai on New Year's Eve.
"I know," Louise happily remarks. "At first, I had some reservations about it all, but I realized I haven't been happier in such a long time, and Jai is a vital part of that."
"How are the girls taking it?" Sarah Lynn asks while taking a sip of coffee.
Before she can answer, Louise sees the door to the kitchen swing open. Speaking of, she lifts her head to indicate to her mother that her twin daughters are now in the room.
The girls both go to embrace their maternal grandmother.
Tanner is wearing a navy-blue polo and jeans, while Lenny is in her boiler suit with her hair in a casual ponytail since she's working on the farm today.
"So, your mother was just telling me about her news; how do you feel about your mom remarrying?"
"I'm so happy for mom," she says excitedly. "Jai's a great guy, and this also means Aaliyah will become my sister in a way too." Tanner discloses
Sarah Lynn turns to her namesake. "And Lynn, how do you feel about it?"
"I was a bit surprised at first, but as long as he doesn't hurt her, she's happy." That's all that matters.
Louise nods approvingly at her daughters' responses as a smile creep on her face.

Shauna and Max Covington tread down the hallway above her family's bar. She had informed her grandmother that the two had some news to announce which is her pregnancy.
"You ready for this?" Max asks his wife reassuringly.
Shauna moves a strand of hair from her face.
"Yeah, I am," she replies amicably. "Uh, before we do, can I ask you something?"
"Are you okay about me being pregnant? she states. "I know it all came out of nowhere, but if you want, we can talk about it."
When she told him over Christmas, he seemed a bit less enthusiastic than she had envisioned when she gave him the news that their family was expanding.
Max slightly exhales while crossing his arms over his chest.
"I was shocked by it, to be honest, but it has nothing to do with you," he reveals. "I know that in his own way, he does love me, but I never want our child to feel the same way I do about my father."
Shauna can see the truth in his eyes, which makes her smile with care.
"Max, you are nothing like your father," she responds. "I know all the pressure you've felt over the years trying to live up to what Daniel wants for you, and anyway, this child will have the best father, which is you, because you will love and adore them no matter what they do," she consoles wholeheartedly.
Max squeezes one of his wife's hands and adds a smirk, thanking her for trying to ease his nerves about his foray into fatherhood.
Shauna grabs the key in her purse, which she uses to let them in.
"Grandma, we're here!" Shauna calls out as she walks into the narrow foyer of the apartment she grew up in; even though it looks the same, some new furnishings make it look different to her as well.
"Hey, you two," Mae Jackson says to them as she embraces them.
"So, what is this news you've got to tell me?" Mae wonders aloud. "You two aren't moving out of town?"
Max chuckles without offense while Shauna shakes her head in reaction.
"Nothing like that, Mae," Max tells her nicely.
"What a relief," Mae says.
Shauna turns to her husband with an endearing smile, then turns to the older woman.
"Grandma, in about seven months, you're going to be a great-grandmother," Shauna announces excitedly.
Those words make Mae instantly throw her arms around her granddaughter.
"Oh, my god! You're pregnant?!" She enthusiastically cries out.
Shauna can see how happy her grandmother is, and it also makes her feel good to do so since she is the woman who raised her along with her grandfather when her mother Cassie abandoned her to move to Miami all those years ago.
"I'm sorry; congratulations to you too, Max," Mae says while hugging him now.
"Don't worry; I will make sure Shauna takes it easy until she's due," Max says supportively.
"Listen to him, Shauna Latrice," Mae chortles.
Concurrently, Antoine Hall comes through the apartment wearing a long-sleeve red sweatshirt with black sweatpants and his gym bag, having just come from working out at the fitness center in town. He sees Mae being enthused over something with Shauna and Max.
"What's going on in here?" the bar manager and honorary Jackson family member ask.
Shauna and Max face him with a look of caution. Mae's wide smile tells a different story.
"This family is about to grow; Shauna is expecting; please come congratulate her," Mae says.
Antoine is taken aback by the announcement since he never knew his ex-lover was planning a family anytime soon.
Nonetheless, he strolls over to her and hugs her.
He could see a knowing glare from Max, implying he was aware of his attraction to her, but she was his wife, and he better not betray that.
She inhales his usual scent mixture of soap and deodorant, which this time doesn't make her ill like before. He then smiles as he lets go of her.
"So that's why you were dizzy the other day?" he asks.
Max and Mae overheard what he said. Max gives his wife a look that expresses what he's talking about.
"That day when I came here to talk to you, Grandma, but instead I saw Antoine," she explains. "I was nauseous, and when I got up from the bar, I almost fell over, but Antoine caught me."
"Are you okay?" Mae asks with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine; the morning sickness is pretty much over now," Shauna answers.
"As long as you're okay, that's what's most important," Max says outright.
Mae adjusts the topic by asking, "Haven't they told Max's family yet?" Meanwhile, Antoine treks to his room, realizing she has officially committed herself to Max.

With Tanner taking off for campus for class and Lenny back to work in the barn, Sarah Lynn and Louise sit at the kitchen table conversing over coffee and homemade apple turnovers.
"You have a date in mind?" Sarah Lynn asks her
Louise puts down her coffee cup and shakes her head. "I'm still trying to deal with the fact that after all these years I'm getting married again, so I can't say I haven't given it much thought, though it won't be anytime soon."
Martha Saunders strides into the kitchen.
"Turnovers and coffee, help yourself," Sarah Lynn tells her youngest daughter.
The single mother goes to sit at the table on the other side of her mother, grabbing a small plate and a turnover.
"Thanks; I could use both right now."
"So, how did SJ do today?" Sarah Lynn inquiries about her only grandson.
"A lot better than he did a few months ago; he actually ran inside this time," Martha informs. "I still can't believe my little man is already in preschool."
Martha dropped off SJ at school after she had been off for two weeks, courtesy of the Christmas break.
Louise decides to change the subject. "Tanner showed me a video of you bringing down the house performing at The Cliffe on New Year's Eve."
This year, the bartending singer performed with her band at the local nightclub, performing original and cover songs.
She nearly choked on her coffee after hearing her big sister's praise, knowing she hadn't approved of her singing ambitions.
"Something like that," Martha replies cynically. "You're in too good of a mood," she says, raising her eyebrows in confusion.
"Come on, tell her; she's going to find out about it anyway." Sarah Lynn expresses
Louise lifts her hand to show her the engagement ring.
"Oh, my god!" Martha exclaims. "Does that mean what I think it means?"
"It does," Louise says.
"Well, congratulations, Louise," she tells her positively. "Now, this makes my boyfriend's father my brother-in-law, which means Samuel is going to be your stepson," she realizes. "That sounds like something you find on Maury."
Louise couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's statement. "Thank you!" she says sensibly
Even if it is for a moment, Sarah Lynn appreciates her daughters getting along, which usually isn't the case since they haven't gotten along much.
"I do know one thing, though," Louise divulges. "This will be my second and last time walking down the aisle," she asserts wholeheartedly.
"You're not going to try and go for Aunt Esther's record?" Martha jokes.
The older, blonde woman had been married three times.
The quip somehow gets all three women to laugh together.
Esther strolls into the room, noticing her sister-in-law and nieces laughing over something.
"What y'all laughing about?"
"Nothing," the women say in near unison while trying to stifle their amusement.
Louise quickly finds herself telling her aunt about her news.

Classical music plays in the restaurant as the breakfast crowd transitions to brunch. Emma Covington is cracking up as she is led to a table by the hostess, laughing at the amusing remarks from Will Jackson as the two are seated at their table with menus to peruse.
"I'm starvin'," he tells her. "Guess it's from all the energy we've been burnin' lately," Will says.
Despite the grin on her face, Emma shushed him while looking down at her menu. She also remembers New Year's Eve two years ago, when the two first kissed, and how she had no idea they would stand each other, let alone become more serious.
"What?" he tells her. "We ain't got nothin' to be ashamed of,"
On New Year's, as midnight drew near, Will and Emma made up after the misunderstanding over his seeing her with Jacques the day before Christmas. However, the two talked it out.
Emma puts her hand on top of his. "You know what I think. I think you are very much right."

In her elegant black and gray mink fur coat, Deirdre Covington makes her way over to the back of the restaurant with the hostess leading her; she sees her daughter with Will Jackson, it doesn't take much for her to be disgusted when she sees her daughter with the ex-con.
When she gets to the designated booth, she's surprised to see Jacques Laurent already sitting on the other side since he's usually less than punctual for their meetings.
"Is there a reason why you've been summoned here yet again?" Jacques says, somewhat irritably.
"If anyone should be getting testy, it should be me," she remarks. "You know what I saw when I arrived here?" I saw my daughter with that ex-con lover she cannot get enough of: You told me you would be able to get her away from Will, and you haven't delivered on your side of the deal."
She had arranged that if he seduced Emma away from Will, she would give him the funds to save his family's fledgling company.
"What do you want me to do—romance her with aphrodisiacs?" Jacques queries sardonically.
He recalls overhearing the petite woman with the noticeable bosom tell her black female friend that Deirdre had slept with the woman's father many years ago the last time he was here. Although he could use this information to buy him more time, he isn't quite sure of its validity, even though it sounds true.
"Find a way to get her away from him, or you will not receive one dime from me," she tells him. "Now, if you will excuse me," Sauntering away from the table, Deirdre exits the restaurant.
As Jacques tries to think of something to get Emma away from Willie, he turns to see him and his former fiancée still sitting at their table, eating and laughing about something.
"I did not come this far to not get what I want," he declares while attempting to keep his composure in check.

In between breaks for his next appointment, Dr. Toussaint sits behind his desk, skimming over a patient's file, when his phone rings. Nonetheless, he rolls his eyes when the particular name appears on the screen, though he dutifully answers it on the third ring.
"It's me," Daniel Covington says in his usual egocentric manner.
"I wouldn't have known," the doctor retorts sardonically.
"I was just calling to see how the patient is doing."
He shakes his head at how deeply involved he is with him.
"Not only does it appear she is still dealing with postpartum psychosis, which is quite serious, but she is starting to show signs of being overly-medicated of the sedatives I prescribed to her too."
"Good," Daniel remarks satisfactorily. "It looks like we don't have long for the last part of the plan."
"This is getting out of hand, Daniel; do whatever you want to do with her, but I won't be a part of a young girl's breakdown just because you find her unsuitable for bringing up your grandson."
"Do as I say or say goodbye to your illustrious medical career; now, bye-bye, doc," Daniel taunts.
Dr. Toussaint ends the call, groaning at the thought that his back is against the wall.

Jai Gupta opens the door to find his two adult children standing on the other side of the doorway.
"Happy New Year!" he tells them both as he hugs each of them.
Samuel and Aaliyah place their coats in the closet beside the door. "We're a bit curious as to what you have to tell us, dad," Samuel says observantly.
"Yeah, what's up?" Aaliyah adds
Jai invited them over to tell them that he and Louise were getting married; he had proposed to her on New Year's Eve.
Not to mention that he knew Aaliyah wouldn't take the news well because she had been adamant about him getting back together with her mother, which wouldn't be happening since he was very much in love with Louise.
He gestures for them to sit on the couch, and they comply as he takes a seat near them in the accent chair.
"I might as well cut to the chase," he says. "I popped the question to Louise, and she accepted. "We're getting married!"
Aaliyah hadn't expected her father to be at this stage of his relationship with Louise for any life-altering developments. She wanted her parents to get back together, and although she knew it sounded immature, she couldn't help it. So, when she gains some sense of reality again, she can hear her brother telling her father.
"That's great; congratulations."
Jai can see the bewilderment affecting his daughter.
"Daddy, how could you do this?!"
With that, Aaliyah gets on her feet with her purse to go to the closet to grab her coat.
"Aaliyah! Wait! Come back!" Jai calls out to her, and he watches her tear out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her.
The self-made businessman stands up. "I need to go after her to see if she's okay."
Samuel puts up his hands to caution him. "Dad, just let her go; she'll calm down eventually," he says rationally.
"I hope so," Jai acknowledges reluctantly.
Others find out about Jai and Louise's engagement.
Aaliyah confides in someone unexpectedly.
Jacques sets a new target.