Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 19, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Every year, the Saunders family hosts their annual tree trimming celebration for friends and family.
Tricia was hurt when Sean left their baby's wake.
Will was disheartened to see Emma with Jacques at Home Farm.
Despite her best efforts, Thora had a difficult time looking for employment.

For over a century, many sentimental events have occurred within the walls of Franklin Farm. But nothing brings the Saunders family closer together than the annual tree-trimming celebration, and today is no exception.
The harmonies of "The First Noel" fill the house as The Andy Williams Christmas Album spins around the record player in the living room.
Sarah Lynn Saunders marvels at the sight of the balsam fir tree.
"I think this is the best one yet," she declares.
Esther Saunders places an Arabian horse ornament on a branch, then glares jokingly at Samuel Gupta, who is also putting an ornament on the tree.
"You say that every year."
Samuel smiles at the response.
"It's great that you all have these traditions."
"This day always means a lot to us," Sarah Lynn informs her youngest daughter's boyfriend.
She couldn't help but think of her beloved Peter, who always cherished this time of year.
As they continue to converse and adorn the tree, Martha Saunders observes the goings-on while stepping out of the kitchen. She is glad to see her lover getting along with her mother and aunt. Making her feel as if her decision to include him today was the correct one
"All right, everyone!" Martha calls out good-naturedly. "I think these are the best cookies I've made from Grandma Rosemary's recipe."
Behind her is her son SJ, with a candy-cane-shaped sugar cookie in his hand.
"I'm sure she would be proud," Esther says of her late mother.
Done with his treat, SJ grabs an ornament of a boy and dog on a sled from the large plastic container containing decorations.
"Mom, I wanna put this on the tree," he explains.
"Let me give you a hand, sweetheart," Martha says while she places the tray of cookies on the table behind the couch.
"I can help him," Samuel kindly offers.
The little boy runs over to the tree.
"Where do you want this to go?" the psychiatrist asks his girlfriend's son.
The three women observe his attention to SJ and vice versa.
"He's a keeper," Esther discloses.
"Aunt Esther!" Martha bashfully exclaims.
Esther is about to say more when the din of the ringing doorbell cuts off their interaction.
"Saved by the bell—literally," Martha sighs in relief.
She wanders over to her son and lover, apologizing on her behalf.
"I like Esther; she says what she means. Trust me, she would definitely get along with all of my aunts." Samuel replies benevolently
Martha is grateful that her boyfriend is taking it in stride.
Sarah Lynn opens the door, where she welcomes her nephew Steven Sullivan and his wife, Courtney Covington Sullivan, holding bags of presents.

Will Jackson makes his way through the afternoon crowd inside his family's bar while the timeless vocals of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong's "Dream A Little Dream of Me" play on the sound system.
After waiting for about five minutes, he moves to the bar, where his mother stands. When Mae Jackson sees him, a joyous smile spreads upon her face.
"Long time, no see," she tells him while leaning over to embrace her youngest child.
"It's good to see you too, momma," he said.
"Since he moved out of the bar and onto the farm, he doesn't see her often."
"Let me guess, you're here to pick the food for Sarah Lynn and everyone," she says.
Every year, the family orders food from the bar for their annual get-together.
"Yeah," he said casually.
Mae approaches the counter behind her, which has three bags of takeout.
She then places it in front of her for her son to take. Yet she can discern that something is up with her son behind his charismatic nature.
"Will, what's going on?" she asks earnestly. "And I'm guessing it has something to do with a particular brunette."
Will sighs before informing his mother about the developments in his relationship with the heiress, including his chance encounter at Home Farm with them the other day.
Mae folds her arms across her chest. "Well, I stated how I feel about the entire situation, but in this case, it sounds like you didn't give Emma at least the chance to at least try to explain herself."
"She keeps things from me when it comes to Jackie Boy," he replies. "I don't know what to do."
"Look, I know I don't know her well, but at least hear her out before you do anything," she advises.
Will keeps silent while deciding whether or not to follow his mother's guidance as he grabs the takeout bags.
"Hey, mom," he says, "I know it's kind of busy here, but you should drop by; I know Esther, and everybody will be thrilled to see you."
Now it's Mae's turn to consider her son's words as they part ways.

Needing time to herself, Tricia Lockhart sits behind the desk in the small office at the back of the cafe. It had been months since she had worked due to her maternity and, sadly, bereavement leaves; however, she decided she couldn't stay in her apartment any longer, so she is here hoping that work would bring a much-needed distraction.
The chime alert indicating a text barely gets her attention, though she picks up her iPhone.
How are you doing?
Please take it easy xo
Tricia sighs exasperatedly at the words sent to her by her husband. Since Dylan's death, the two had been living together more like roommates than husband and wife.
Choosing to get back to the text when she is in the mood, she is soon interrupted by someone tapping on the door.
"Yeah," Tricia responds casually.
Joanie, her assistant manager, walks through the door, an apron around her waist.
"She's here,"
"The one interviewing for the barista position," Joanie reminds her. "I know you said you wanted to handle it, but I have no problem doing so."
By now, Tricia is on her feet, obtaining the company's iPad off the desk.
"No, no, I got it, but thanks anyway."
Joanie does her best to smile, knowing her boss is going through a lot at the moment.
The two women walk out into the front of the coffee house, where the sounds and sights of business exist.
"Let It Snow" by Boyz II Men plays on the SiriusXM Christmas music station.
Joanie informs her that the interviewee is sitting in the lounge, where Tricia heads over.
However, as her eyes lay upon the person, she was both taken aback and wished she would've let Joanie conduct the interview.
However, as her eyes lay upon the person, she was both taken aback and wished she would've let Joanie conduct the interview.
"I know you from somewhere, don't I?" The woman asks:
"You should," Tricia remarks. "I'm the manager, and I'm also good friends with your daughter."
"Oh, that's right, you're the one who helped Jordan when she was pregnant." Thora McKnight says, determining the woman more clearly.

Now the celebration is fully underway, with even more friends and family present. Currently, Steven, alongside Tanner and Lynn Lockhart, are placing the assorted ornaments on the tree.
"I can't believe it's almost been a year since you and Courtney were married," Tanner says to her first cousin, once removed.
"Tell me about it," he reacts.
The two had gotten married last year on Christmas Eve.
"For a second, I thought it wasn't going to happen," Lenny asserts.
Steven remembers all the obstacles in their way, including a ballroom for the reception that was flooded and an unavailable bridesmaid at the last minute.
Courtney makes her way toward her husband after coming downstairs.
"Hey, did I miss anything?" the businesswoman queries them.
Steven acknowledges his considerably younger wife.
"Our wedding that almost wasn't,"
Courtney gradually smirks at Steven.
"Well, I think it all worked out, don't you?"
The two then kiss each other. She then gazes up at him lovingly.
"All I ask is that we have what we have now," she states wholeheartedly. "But most importantly, we remain honest with one another."
It is then that Steven remembers he is hiding the fact that he and his mother know her grandmother's affair with his grandfather resulted in the conception of Emma. A part of him does feel guilt for keeping such a secret, yet in a way, he knows many lives would be affected by this revelation.
"I love you," he declares sincerely.
"I love you too," she says in response.

Elsewhere In the living room of the Saunders house, Aaliyah Gupta catches a glimpse of her father with his hand on the side of Louise's hip, both laughing at something Sarah Lynn had said to them.
Her father told her things were getting serious between them, though it hadn't stopped her from wanting her parents back together.
She takes a sip of her eggnog out of the red plastic cup.
"Hey, you made it!" Tanner hugs her best friend and roommate.
"Yeah, sorry I'm late."
Tanner waves one of her hands dismissively.
"My family isn't like that; you show up when you can."
With that said to her, Aaliyah now feels somewhat regretful about subconsciously wanting anything to break her father and Louise apart, yet she is still adamant about what she wants.
Lenny joins them with a red plastic cup, though she has Coca-Cola in hers.
"Is it just me, or are all our guys' MIA?"
"Speak for yourself," Tanner corrects her twin sister. "Presley is assisting with the toy drive at the church; he'll be here later."
Aaliyah tucks a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear.
"She's right, Lenny; it's us with men who decided to go out of town for the holidays."
Lorenzo is back east visiting with family. Elijah and his parents are celebrating Christmas in Vancouver, where his father's brother Justin and his wife Olivia reside with their extended family, whom they haven't seen in a few years.
Lenny takes a sip of her soda.
"Well, what will we do without them?"
The three young women burst into laughter, realizing they sounded lovesick.

Jai and Louise spot their daughters laughing.
"Whatever happens between us in the future, I hope their friendship remains intact," Louise says reassuringly.
"I'm sure it will," he replies. "I like being around your family, especially during the holidays."
"Well, I love having you around too," Louise affirms.
Jai applies a peck on her forehead, which makes the farmer smile delightfully.

So far, Thora has managed to answer Tricia's questions for the interview just fine. Yet the manager hadn't specifically found any reason to hire the woman who once sat by and watched her daughter, five months pregnant, leave her home with nowhere else to go.
"I don't know if you know this, but this position is only part-time, meaning only about four or five hours a day for a few days," Tricia informs the woman wearing a gray blazer with flap pockets and dark dress pants, with her blonde hair in a tidy ponytail.
"When you're a woman my age with limited work experience, you know that sometimes to get back into the swing of things, you have to take what you can and work your way up to prove to yourself and others what you can do," Thora states unequivocally. "But if you give me a chance, I promise I will do what I can."
Tricia is about to conclude their conversation when she notices a Hispanic woman in her late twenties walking in the middle of them, pushing a stroller with a little girl about one or two years old.
Thora glazes at her while seeing the mother and child. The little girl playing with her stuffed toy rabbit accidentally drops it onto the ground near the older woman's feet.
The mother is about to reach down to pick it up; however, Thora scoops it up and gives it to the little girl.
"Here you go, sweetheart."
The little girl enthusiastically accepts it.
The mother graciously smiles at Thora.
"You're so kind," she states. "What do you say, Lupita?"
"Thank you," the little girl says in that way when parents influence their kids to use their manners.
"You're so welcome, sweetheart," Thora reacts enthusiastically. "Merry Christmas," she says to the other woman.
The mother and daughter then move into line at the counter while Tricia glares at Thora.
"It never gets easier,"
The words catch Tricia off guard. Nonetheless, she recalls her losing a son, EJ, many years ago.
"Losing a child before their time is never easy," Thora pronounces. "I heard about your little boy, and I'm sorry for your loss; I think I should get going but thank you for the opportunity; at least I got a call for an interview this time."
She stands at her full height and is about to turn to head out the door when something comes over the cafe manager.
"The job is yours,"
Thora quickly turned her head to make sure she heard what she thought she heard.
"I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself. I'll call you with a start date."
Thora's face lights up with exuberance.
"Be kind to yourself,"
She gently shakes Tricia's hand.
As she watches Thora, with a pep in her step, exit the cafe, she saunters behind the counter, where she sees the mother and daughter standing behind the current customer.
"Hey," she says to Emmett, the barista working. "Those two," she says, nodding her head to them. "Whatever they get, it's on us."
The employee is taken aback by her generosity but remains professional.
"No problem, Tricia,"

Michael Bublé's dulcet tones encompass the room as his rendition of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" plays softly.
Everyone's attention is now focused on Sarah Lynn, who is about to deliver the speech that Peter delivered many years after his mother died, and his mother had done the same after his father's death.
"I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves," Sarah Lynn begins. "It is so good to see so many people that I love and hold dear together in this home. I know everyone is living their own lives, so seeing each other isn't easy. But let us not forget those who will be unable to see their loved ones due to distance or those who are no longer with us; let's keep them in our hearts. So, let's remember what this season is all about. It's about joy, and above all, miracles."
Steven's engagement is drawn to the front door by a knock.
He gets it and sees good friend of the family, Mae, in the doorway, whom he greets as she enters the home by putting her coat on the rack beside the door.
When she sees Esther, they exchange friendly waves,
Will, who is nearby, approaches her and gives her a hug because he is glad to see her here not knowing whether or not she would come after inviting her earlier.
"Merry Christmas! Happy holidays, everyone!" she finishes her speech.
Conversations and interactions begin to pick up again as everyone continues to commemorate while the lights on the tree twinkle.
An unforgettable Christmas for the Covington's
Shauna has life-changing news for Max.
Jordan becomes concerned for Jeremy.

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