Written by: Bre L. Drew
July 24, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Daniel and Tommy got into a heated argument over Daniel's role in gaslighting Jordan, which ended once Courtney broke it up and demanded the truth from her father.
Aaliyah resents her father marrying Louise, as she is still determined to have her parents reunite, while Mala tries to turn off her feelings for her ex-husband.
Tanner was surprised to find out that Tommy and Jordan eloped.
Max has difficulty accepting his paralysis while Shauna does her best to care for him.
Martha received an invitation to perform at a musical festival in Nashville with her band, as she had invited her friends to come along.
Mae and Gus agreed to go out on a date.

"Well, I'm glad you are satisfied with all the progress." Mala Gupta expresses herself to the male business associate over the phone in her office on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower in downtown Radcliffe as it nears afternoon on this summer weekday.
"I assure you; we are on schedule to meet the target date. Yes, I know the sooner, the better."
After some more details, she places the phone on the cradle. And doesn't resist rolling her eyes at the associate's demands,
A few moments pass before a knock on the door grabs her attention.
"Come in," the woman says in her native British accent.
Aaliyah Gupta enters in a light gray corset revealing her midriff and a matching tailored skirt, carrying a velvet purse she handmade.
"I hope you don't mind; Lucille said it was okay for me to come through," she says of her mother's secretary outside the office.
The older woman stands up to embrace her daughter.
She then steps back and examines her daughter. "Did you leave the rest of the clothing in your closet?"
Aaliyah chuckles, understanding her mother's humorous criticism. "Very funny, Mommy," remarks the early twenty-something.
"Back in my day, I would have to sneak that outfit into my bag to wear outside the house so no one I knew would report back to my mother."
"Another tale of your so-called wild child adolescence," Aaliyah says while sitting across from her mother. Despite all the years she's heard about her mother's rebellious teen years, she still can't wrap her mind around it.
Mala also sits back down at her desk. "So, were you just in the area, or was there something you wanted?"
Aaliyah does her best to softly inhale why she came. "I'm just going to come out and ask, where do things stand between you and Dad?"
The businesswoman is immediately taken aback by that response.

Courtney Covington Sullivan closes the door behind her as she and her father cross the threshold into his office. Earlier, she had broken up an argument between him and her brother. She then asked her father what they were getting into, not taking any other explanation but the truth.
"Like, I told you before, Tommy and I disagreed on him marrying Jordan; nothing for you to worry about." Daniel Covington declares.
Courtney puts her hands on her hips, walking closer to her father. "Is that so?"

After finishing work for the day, Tommy Covington drove himself out to the stables. Although riding horses is something he hadn't done in quite a while, he needed the distraction, especially after this morning when he got into a heated confrontation with his father, who continues to deny his role in driving Jordan insane. But he has no concrete proof, knowing that he is the only person with the motive to do so since he still believes she is an unfit mother due to her struggle with postpartum depression.
Despite the ride, all he could think about was the state of his life as he guided the horse by its reins inside the stables, realizing how much the temperature had risen even more since he got here, making the stench of the entire barn even more potent.
After putting the horse in its stall, he looks up and sees Tanner Lockhart walking toward him.
"Of all the people I know, you're the least likely that I would've expected to see here today," she says good-naturedly.
Tommy sheepishly raises one of his eyebrows at his ex-girlfriend, whom he is still in love with despite her involvement with the reverend. And he is married to the mother of his son.
"I'm full of surprises; you should know that by now."
The brunette is wearing a white polo t-shirt, jeans, and riding boots.
She tries to suppress her amusement at his humor, which is partly cocky and endearing.
"Remember the days when we had not much to worry about except for me trying to keep up with you on them?" he gestures to one of the horses. "Now, those days seem so far away."
Tanner nods agreeably. "Why do I have a feeling your reminiscing has to do with much more than Jordan?"

The recognizable melody of Chaka Khan fills The Waterfall as "I Feel For You" is currently playing on the speakers. Among the medially populated establishment are Martha Saunders, Samuel Gupta, and Max and Shauna Covington at a table near the middle of the dining area.
"I can't remember the last time the four of us got together to hang out," Samuel says.
"It has been way too long," his girlfriend notes.
"I thought it was about time that I got to test this baby out," Max says sarcastically, referring to his wheelchair, which he's been in since he lost the use of his legs in the accident.
"Well, we thought with all the tension going on at home, it seems like the right time to get out and enjoy some company."
Shauna voices while consuming some of her white wine. "Anyway, so how does everything come along with Nashville?"
Martha and her band will be performing at the music festival down there.
"It's all coming together," the singer informs. "I just wish everyone at this table were coming," she says, looking at Max.
He picks up his beer bottle from the table. "I just think with me getting to work on this thing and the hassle it will be, I better sit this one out, but like I told Shauna, she should go and have fun for the both of us."
Martha exchange glances with Shauna, conveying how this change is affecting her.

Over at the bar, Mae Jackson is paying close attention at the table with her granddaughter as Antoine Hall comes up behind her, noticing what's happening.
"It's good to see her out, ain't it?" the bar manager says to his boss and surrogate mother figure.
The older woman turns to face him as if she hadn't known he was standing there.
"It sure is," she answers agreeably. "That girl has been through enough this year. I just pray she never knows that kinda heartache again."
Also, in the accident, Shauna miscarried her baby with Max.
"From your lips, Mae." he nods.
Soon a tall white guy in his mid-forties with a buzz cut approaches the bar holding a bouquet of an assortment of roses and tulips in his hands,
"Delivery for Mae Jackson?"
"That will be me," the bar owner replies.
He then hands her the flowers as Antoine decides to sign off on the electronic tablet.
"Thanks," she says to the guy who makes his way out of the place.
"I wonder who they're from?" she wonders.
"I think it's clear who they're from," Antoine winks at her.
Mae looks inside the bouquet to locate the card; as she reads the message, it becomes clear who sent them.

Mala crosses her legs while shaking her head. 'All right, that's it. I'd had enough of this. I understand you are not keen on your father and Louise moving forward with their engagement. But you have got to stop this foolish crusade of trying to get your father and me back together."
Since her parents divorced a few years prior, Aaliyah has had a difficult time with them both moving on, and now that the engagement is back on, she fears it will be too late for them to reunite.
"You can't tell me that you still don't have feelings for Dad. I mean, you two have been getting along so much better."
Mala quickly reflects on her thoughts about her former husband the other day in the office, which she quickly tries to put out of her mind. Yet the co-dependence between Louise and her ex-husband does make her question the longevity of their relationship.
"Your father and I will always love one another; we share a lot of history that includes you and your brother, and that's all it will ever be, so let's change the subject, okay?"
Aaliyah lifts her head, gathering enough strength to rise from the chair. "Well, it looks like we have to agree to disagree. But I know you two belong together no matter what you both say."
With that, Mala watches her daughter saunter with her bag out of the office, shutting the door behind her, causing Mala to realize that perhaps she is still holding on to feelings about Jai.
Meanwhile, Aaliyah finds herself pressing the button for the elevator, wanting to get out of there. Once it slides open, she gets herself in it and leans back on the wall, foreseeing a future without her parents.

By now, the two friends are outside the barn, heading towards the parking lot of the stables belonging to her great-aunt. Tommy found out that Tanner was working here today, and he told her how he hoped coming here would clear his head, though he kept his suspicions to himself, knowing he couldn't drag her into all of this.
"So, how is married life treating you?" Tanner asks him.
Tommy sticks his hands into the pockets of his pants. "Uh, so far, we haven't tried to murder one another, if that's what you are trying to ask. He replies, No, but seriously, we are mainly focusing on Jeremy."
Tanner couldn't help but hear some unsureness in his tone, as if he were hiding something from her.
"Sounds like something else is going on; you don't have to tell me since it isn't any of my business, but I hope you know whatever it is, it's worked out."
Tommy nods, wanting the same thing to come true, even if his father gets found out. The college student decides to alter the topic as they almost reach their destination.
"How's your life going, Lockhart?"
"Hectic, between working and dealing with my mom about marrying Jai and trying to find time to spend with Presley,"
Her bringing up her boyfriend's name makes him look down at the ground before looking up again.
Tanner draws a deep breath while they reach his Tesla. "Tomorrow would've been Dylan's first birthday."
Dylan was Tanner and Lenny's younger half-brother, who passed away from SIDS last November. She had gotten closer to him before he died.
"I'm so sorry," he replies comfortingly. "Take it from me; I know how losing someone important to you can make you feel."
Tanner knows he is referring to his mother, Keri, who passed away years prior.
"I'm not the biggest fan of my dad with Tricia, but he was the best thing that came from them being together. I can still remember my dad's face the day he was born; he was so happy to be a dad again, but he assured Lynn and me that we still matter to him too, and that was the first time I believed it in such a long time."
The two stare longingly at one another for a few seconds before Tanner pulls away, causing Tommy to grasp his car key.
"I better get going; real life is calling. It's been good talking to you, Tanner."
"You too, Tommy."
Tanner stands by as she sees him back out of the spot, driving himself off the property onto the main road, while she turns around to walk back to the main office to proceed with the rest of her day.

Presently, the four are eating their meals while chatting.
"I would rather be anywhere than go to this meeting, but if I don't, I will never stop hearing from my father about how nothing excuses my not being there." Max says while digging into his caesar salad.
"That does sounds boring." Martha expresses. "It's one of the reasons I'm glad I stay out of any business relating to the farm."
Even though owning twenty percent of the family farm left to her by her late father, Martha never aspired to any of it; instead, she always pursued her music.
"It feels good to be out of the hospital with my patient load, which has only increased due to Toussaint's death. I really need some time in Nashville to be beside this beautiful woman."
"I know it was a reason why I keep you around," Martha says jokingly, causing an abruption of laughter at the table.
"Hey, hey, what's going on over here?" Antoine jovially addresses his close friends and Max.
Friendly greetings are made to him as Shauna sees her grandmother sniffing flowers with a huge smile.
"Speaking of what's going on over there with my grandma,"
"You're grandmama's new man."
"Her new what now?" Shauna asks surprisingly.
"His name is Gus, she met him at the hospital where he works; he was in here the other day; remember Martha?"
"Oh, that's right, I knew they were friends, but flowers take it to an entirely different level." Martha responds.
"Well, I'm happy for her; it's been years since my grandad died, so if this guy can make her smile like that, he must mean a lot to her."
"Ready for Nashville?" Martha queries her friend and co-worker.
"Just waiting on some new kicks to be delivered, but other than that, I'm all set."
Max tries his best not to physically react at the fact that he is attending the festival. Not to mention that he can walk, and he isn't so fortunate to do so.
As he moves his arm, the clattering sound of his fork hits the ground while he tries to reach for it. He then remembers that he can no longer grasp objects in seconds.
"I got it," Antoine volunteers.
"I can get it," Max says embarrassingly.
"Ain't no problem," his wife's ex-lover tells him.
"Just leave it there!" Max says a little louder than he anticipates, which causes some of the customers to focus on him.
Shauna places a comforting hand on her husband's arm. "It's all right," she repeats.
Max maneuvers himself in the motorized chair to the restroom to be alone.
While the customers were back to doing their own thing, Shauna could feel how that interruption affected them at the table as everyone offers her a thoughtful look, including Antoine.

Daniel sits on the edge of the desk while Courtney remains standing nearby.
"Well, you know your brother thinks marrying that girl is a good decision, but being tied down to her will only end badly for him, not to mention Jeremy getting caught up in another drama with Jordan as his mother," he notes.
Courtney senses hostility in her father's voice; she then tucks some of her hair behind her ear. "Look, I get why you have such appreciation, and I cannot say that Jordan would be my top pick for my baby brother to marry, but she is Jeremy's mother, and maybe this can grow her up a bit, but if not, Tommy will have to see for himself because he wouldn't expose Jeremy to anything that could cause any harm after everything that happened before."
Which he is responsible for, he thinks to himself, knowing he was instrumental in gaslighting his now-daughter-in-law to rid her of their lives.
"I hope so, because no good will come from that," he reacts. "Why was Steven here earlier?"
Courtney scratches the back of her ear. "Uh, we had a good time out to breakfast, and we didn't want our time together to end," she lies.
But in reality, the two had discussed him finding out about Jacques Laurent flirting with her, and she quickly told her husband that the only man she adores is him.
"I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I'm pleased Steven still makes you happy," Daniel says, a far cry from the dislike he held for him years ago. "Now, let's focus on the shareholder meeting."
The meeting, which takes place next week, brings together all the company's high-level executives and shareholders to inform them of all the latest happenings surrounding Covington Group.
"Sure thing, Dad," Courtney remarks.
The father and daughter began brainstorming to get things in order.
Covington Group's shareholder meeting starts.
Sean admits to Louise how he feels for her.
Someone makes an unforgettable entrance.
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