Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 8, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Despite Emma's pleas to be heard, Will rejects her, causing her to have sex with Jacques once again. Meanwhile, Deirdre had brought Jacques to town to seduce her daughter away from Will. In exchange, she would generously compensate him.
Daniel and Courtney's relationship has been strained due to his outrage at her being voted CEO of the Covington Group after his gaslighting of Jordan came to light.
Lenny hasn't been feeling like herself lately, including a lack of appetite and soreness.
Mae's wishes of a perfect Christmas dinner were dashed when Will's outburst about Emma being unfaithful was revealed.
Martha hadn't been able to contact Murray Hirsch after giving their son a puppy for Christmas.

Being self-destructive isn't anything new to Emma Covington, who has been that way most of her life, doing things that she internally knows are wrong; besides, maybe it is what people have come to expect of her. Hence, awakening in bed inside the suite of Jacques', naked underneath the sheets.
Although unaware of the time, she knows it's at least morning or early afternoon due to the mild sunlight from the window.
"Sleeping in today, aren't we?" Jacques Laurent addresses.
The attractive French man is wearing a blue solid dress shirt with dark slacks, which, without the suit jacket, makes him far more casual than usual.
"What time is it?" Emma asks him while lifting herself in bed.
"Oh, past breakfast, but still in the hours of brunch, which I'm going to have room service bring us."
Although Jacques spots an expression of apprehension on his lover's face,
"Don't tell me you still feel guilty about what occurred last year," Jacques remarks.
It is then that the memory of her having sex with Jacques right in this very suite, where Will came in to confront her ex-fiancé about his lies, tried to tear them apart, but when she came out of the bathroom, he figured it out. They went to sleep together, ending their relationship.
"I guess I'm human after all," Emma says dryly.
Jacques takes a seat near her and caresses her face. "I apologize for my part in this, but I'm not sorry we reconnected in more ways than one." He winks charismatically.
Emma exhales while still feeling bad about what happened. She's slowly concluding, after having sex with Jacques in her office at the club on New Year's, that maybe Will was right, and it wasn't meant to work out between them.
"I'm going to shower and slip into... well, something."
Emma removes the sheets, revealing her petite but well-shaped nude exterior, which makes Jacques smirk suggestively,
She grabs her carryall bag from the dresser with her to the bathroom.
As the door closes, Jacques takes his iPhone off the nightstand to place a specific call.
"I need you to come to my suite. It is something you should know of."

Due to the earlier hour in the weekday afternoon when most of the regular patrons are at work, a small influx of customers populates The Waterfall, giving the establishment a more relaxed ambiance in addition to the soulful vocals of Coco Jones being heard on the sound system as "ICU" plays.
Concurrently, Mae Jackson and Martha Saunders chat with one another before the rush comes in.
"Well, at least your Christmas sounded better than the one here," the older woman says.
She had assumed the holiday would be a good one since her family was together; however, Will abruptly announced over dinner that Emma wasn't coming because he found out that she and Jacques Laurent slept together.
The bartender wears a black slit-sleeve ribbed top and black faux leather pants. She nods slightly, deciding not to get into the details of her son's absentee father giving him a puppy for Christmas, but is unable to reach him because he isn't the most reliable.
"I bet Will is sorry for that outburst; it's just that he won't admit it, but he cared about Emma. It's going to take some time for him to rebound." Martha tells her.
Mae sighs while crossing her arms and forming her response.
"First, Daniel contributed to my granddaughter's miscarriage, and now his sister broke my son's heart. Sometimes, I truly wonder about that family."
Daniel had gaslit Jordan, which caused her to be in the middle of the road that night. Max and Shauna were on their way for a weekend getaway, but Max swerved the car into the ditch, rendering him paralyzed, and Shauna lost their unborn child.
"I'm sure Aunt Esther would love to swap notes with you," Martha proclaims.
Mae grins regarding the detest her best friend has for the Covington's.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," Gus Hewitt declares.
The older black man stands on the other side of the bar, sporting a wool cap and coat.
Mae tries to overcome her nervousness about seeing her beau since the last time she did it was on the night he respectfully tried to get through to his son to no avail.
"Hi," she says delicately.
Martha notices the unease between them.
"Um, I'm going to get started on that inventory; excuse me, nice seeing you again, Gus."
"You too, Martha," he says kindly.
While the brunette goes into the stockroom in the back, the two glare at one another.
"Gus, I want to apologize again for what transpired at Christmas. And if you don't want to deal with that type of drama, then I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to see me again."
Gus takes his cap off and narrows his gaze intently at the woman he has gotten to know for the last several months. "Is that what you think of me? I'll just cut and run 'cause your family ain't perfect."
Mae is grateful for the lack of customers right this second. So, she wouldn't have to lower her voice so as not to be overheard.
"I just thought."
"Thought what? Gus asks for clarification. "So, after one not-so-perfect holiday, I let go of the best things that came into my life. I think not," he confesses wholeheartedly.
Mae sees the sincerity, especially in the sound of her voice.
"It's not too late to back out," she says half-jokingly.
"Other than Will disrespectin' you, I had a good time; it made me remember what it's like to be part of a family again."
Gus is a widower who lost his wife and daughter.
Mae walks onto the other side of the bar, where she graciously embraces him as Gus leans in for a peck on the lips while some patrons look on in awe.

"When you see him, can you get him to sign it?" Courtney Covington Sullivan denotes.
The female CEO in the office suite on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower in downtown Radcliffe is sitting at the desk on the phone, informing an assistant on how to proceed with an important document.
Unbeknownst to her, Daniel Covington peers inside the office that once was his before stepping foot, seeing his daughter wrapped up in a call.
He silently absorbs the small changes around the room, including the mini bar, which mainly consists of mineral water, and the nameplate on the door reads Courtney Covington Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer, a far cry from when that door had his name on it.
"Thank you," Courtney says, concluding the call as she places the phone in its cradle.
She raises her head to see that her father is in the office, which nearly takes her off guard.
"Hi," she says civilly.
Their once-close relationship hasn't been great since Daniel told her that her abstained vote cost him control over the company when his machinations over driving Jordan insane came to light at the board meeting.
Daniel notices the look of confusion and irritability, even though she herself wouldn't acknowledge it to him.
"Evelyn, let me in."
"Hmm," Courtney murmurs at the longtime secretary's most recent action.
"So, what are you doing here, dad?"
She knew her father wasn't just in the neighborhood; he came with an intended purpose.
He inches closer to her but maintains enough distance.
"Courtney, I know things between us are strenuous, but don't forget this company also bears my name, and I still obtain a seat on the board, so I do not need a specific reason to come here."

Despite the episode of "Only Murders in the Building" on the flatscreen television, Lenny Lockhart somewhat pays attention to it while lying on the sofa in the living room of the cottage where she lives with her mother and twin sister.
The young blonde woman has a throw blanket that, along with the heat, mildly contains her cold chills from the flu she's been dealing with for the past week or so.
As she lifts her head to the sound of footsteps, she sees Elijah Barker, who came over about ten minutes earlier to check on her, entering the room with a plate and glass in each hand.
"Toast, lightly buttered, and orange juice," he notes while passing her the food.
"No time to freshly squeeze the oranges for the juice," Lenny remarks sarcastically. "No, seriously, thanks. But you didn't have to come over; I'm fine."
Elijah sits in the chair adjacent to her, knowing by now that his girlfriend is trying to downplay her being sick and him overreacting, but it won't stop him from caring.
"With Tanner at class and your mom at the farm, I wanted to check on you; is that a crime?"
"Well, you should know since you're becoming a lawyer." She then chews a small piece of bread. "And anyway, I should be at the farm working, not laying here, seeing if Selena Gomez can solve another murder."
Elijah leans forward in the chair, preparing for her response. "Uh, can you humor me with this for a second?"
"And what's that?"
"I think you should see a doctor," Elijah tells her straightforwardly,
Jacques is thankful that Emma still believes in taking long showers, as the cacophony of knocking on the door pierces through the suite as the shipping scion steps outside, leaving the door ajar once he sees the visitor standing in the doorway.
"May I ask why my presence is needed?" Deirdre Covington asks impatiently.
The wealthy widow is wearing a black shawl cape with her recently styled copper-red hair and holding onto her clutch handbag.
"I have a feeling that your Botox-entrenched frown might turn into a smile once I tell you that Emma has finally seen the light. She and Will are no more."
Deirdre had contacted Jacques to come to town to seduce Emma away from Will, as she believes the former ex-con is beneath her daughter.
"Are you serious?" she asks in the otherwise empty hallway.
She remembers Emma being intoxicated from drinking heavily on Christmas day due to the fallout of her sleeping with Jacques. But now, hearing that her daughter has finally removed herself romantically from Will Jackson fills her with delight.
"If you want to join me in the shower, better do it in the next thirty seconds."
Deirdre instantly recognizes her youngest offspring's voice from inside the room.
Jacques grins smugly at the older woman. "Want to come in to see for yourself?"
The sheer disgust reflects on her face and throughout her body. "You are one sick bastard. I will have the funds in your account by the end of today, and our affiliation is over."
Jacques remains there while watching the woman take off towards the elevators.
Although their partnership might be over, he knows that he still has her long-ago affair with Jimmy Saunders at play if Deirdre decides to do something that will cost him his money or Emma.
He soon slips back inside victoriously.
Lenny sets aside her plate of toast on the coffee table while she sits up, glaring at her boyfriend. "It's just the flu going around, and anyway, I'm feeling a lot better."
Lenny spots a look of unease on her boyfriend's face, which makes her want to defend herself.
"You haven't felt well in a while; remember, you haven't had an appetite lately, and not to mention, your back was hurting on Christmas, and now you're dealing with whatever you have now. We couldn't go out for New Year's." he reminds her.
He and Lenny were supposed to go to The Cliffe on New Year's Eve with their friends and see her aunt perform, but she was too sick to go.
For a few seconds, she mulls over what he says. "I probably picked this up working out in the fields or something. I'll be alright."
Elijah sits beside her as she moves her feet out of the way.
"If you're fine, then at least you'll get your yearly physical exam out of the way," he says openly.
She can see the similar determination in his eyes that he often has when he refuses to back down from a challenge, which at the moment comes from her.
"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go see the damn doctor," she says while running her hands through her long hair.
Elijah forms a satisfied countenance. "Good, now do you think we should finish this season?"
The couple turns their awareness to the TV screen.
The woman in her late twenties rises, revealing her navy blue sleeveless sheath dress.
"If this is another battle you want to get into, as you can see, this is not the time nor place to do so." Courtney tells him.
Things got heated when her aunt got drunk over Christmas, she knew she couldn't spend the day with her family, which pains her, though she doesn't regret her choice to spend it with her husband and his family at the farm.
"Let me give you some advice. Do what you can to generate enough business because, trust me, the board might have voted you in, but take it from me. They can be just as quick to rescind."
"Well, that is what I am doing, unless there is anything else," Courtney says restlessly.
Danel vacates the suite as Courtney still stands behind her desk, furious at her father's supposed threat.
He strolls through the expansive hall toward the elevator, where he presses the down arrow button.
In seconds, the doors swing open, which he retreats into while feeling his iPhone vibrate in his overcoat pocket, which he quickly grabs.
"Hello," he answers.
Instantaneously, his mother's voice enters his right ear as the elevator descends.
"Remember when you offered me help with getting rid of Jacques Laurent?"
"I do, mother."
"Grab whatever you can on him because that son of a bitch is getting way too damn cocky for his own good."
In spite of not being able to get back in charge, he at least knows he can use his resources to protect his family.




By now, Gus and Mae had been conversing with one another, and he looked up at the time on the clock.
"I gotta get back to work, but don't forget about tomorrow."
Gus is a custodian at Radcliffe Receiving Hospital, where he has worked for over thirty years.
"I don't think I can forget about dinner and a ballroom hustle."
Gus gives one last hug and kiss and then exits as Mae waves at him.
As she strides behind the bar, a white man in his mid-thirties with dark brown hair wearing a jacket with his hands in his pocket approaches.
"Is there anything I can get you?" Mae inquiries.
"Maybe later,"
In the well-used but organized stockroom, Martha writes down the number of glasses that are in need on a sheet of paper on a clipboard when the sound of footsteps gets her to turn around.
"Martha, somebody out here wants to see you," Mae notifies her.
Curiously, Martha sets aside the clipboard and pen on one of the shelves while Mae serves an incoming customer.
Yet once the person faces Martha, mixed waves of nerves overcome her, as she hadn't anticipated seeing him, especially after the last time they saw one another.
"Hey Marty, I think it's about time we talk." Murray Hirsch states vehemently
As much as the bartender wants to tell him to get the hell out of here, she knows there's no point whether she wants to or not; a conversation needs to happen between them.
Martha and Murray have it out.
Courtney takes her frustration out on Shauna.
Jolene is unable to run from her past.
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