Written by: Bre L. Drew
May 15, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Samuel informed Tommy, Ernest, and Thora that according to Jordan's blood test, Dr. Toussaint had overprescribed her sedatives.
Aaliyah was delighted when she heard that Jai and Louise had decided to resume wedding plans, hoping her parents to reconcile.
Presley consoled Jordan after finding out that she's in a way responsible for the loss of Max and Shauna's baby, as well as Shauna's paralysis.

With a swift slam of the door of the mansion on the Home Farm estate, where he resides with his family Tommy Covington heads to the grand staircase. After finding out not only that Jordan's psychiatrist, Dr. Pierre Toussaint, was found dead today, in addition to Samuel informing him and Ernest and Thora that he had been overdosing Jordan on her sedatives, which caused her to have a mental breakdown, affecting not only the mother of his child but also his brother and sister-in-law, who were both injured while trying to avoid a delirious Jordan in the middle of the road.
It also made him realize that Toussaint wasn't working alone, knowing someone else had something to gain, and that person was likely upstairs.
Quickly, he walks towards the end of the expansive hallway, where he knocks on the door of the specific room.
"It's open," the familiar voice calls out.
Tommy turns the knob and enters his father's office. The man of the hour is, of course, behind the desk, glancing at him affably.
"I heard the door slamming; is everything all right? Is Jeremy all right?" the businessman queries.
Tommy shakes his head and scoffs, knowing he knows more than he lets on. "Jeremy is fine; Lillith took him to swimming lessons."
A part of him wants to believe that his father's possible involvement is just a coincidence, but he can't help but ignore the doubt in his stomach about a favorable outcome.
"You damn well know why I'm like this," Tommy admits, recalling that this was one of the few times he ever raised his voice to his father.
"Where is this coming from?" Daniel Covington asks him with a mix of concern and condescending.
"Do the words "overdose" and "sedatives" mean anything to you, Dad?" Tommy proclaims.

Peering into the trunk of her boyfriend's Ford Explorer parked in front of the residential cottage where she lives with her mother and fraternal twin sister, Tanner Lockhart notices it's cleared of her belongings that made the pilgrimage from campus to here on this sunny, picturesque spring afternoon.
"Mission Accomplished," Presley McKnight declares, standing right beside her.
"I say so," she responds. "Thanks for helping me get all my stuff out of the dorm. I can't believe that junior year is over already, and next semester I will be on the road to graduation."
Presley proudly smiles at the young woman, wearing a dark yellow butterfly garden crewneck tee with dark blue jeans, and her long brown hair hangs at her shoulders.
"It's no problem; besides, you should be proud of all your accomplishments," he tells her encouragingly.
Tanner smiles coyly at him, knowing he genuinely cares about her goals.
"Well, thanks again," she discloses. "Hey, do you want some lemonade? I made a fresh pitcher this morning."
The handsome man of the cloth nods his head. "Sure, sounds good,"
Both enter the house, with Tanner shutting the door behind her.
They step into the spacious kitchen, where Presley stands around the counter while Tanner grabs two glasses from the cabinet and then the fridge for the glass pitcher of lemonade.
"I know this isn't my business, but how is your mother?"
Tanner pours the liquid into one glass after the other.
"Doing what my mother does anytime she's dealing with something quite major, filling her time with work," she answers.
"But I do hope that she and Jai can work through whatever they need to."
Jai and Louise decided to pause their engagement over the disagreement over Tanner and Lenny's father constantly being in their mother's life, on top of mistrust. However, the twins hope it gets settled since they haven't seen their mother this happy in a long time, knowing it is because of Jai.
"Well, I'm pulling for them, too," Presley remarks. He then takes a sip of the sweet and refreshing beverage. "I wish I could have that confidence in my sister."
Tanner drinks her lemonade, despite not being a fan of Jordan personally for obvious reasons; she knows Presley adores his little sister.
"How is she doing?" Tanner asks for more for his sake.
The reverend exhales before telling her about her role in the accident that caused Max and Shauna to go into the ditch with their car, rendering him paralyzed and causing her to lose their baby.
"Wow!" she reacts to the information. "That is a lot to deal with. I feel sorry for everyone in this situation. Tommy must feel torn about this."
Presley lifts his head in response. "To be honest with you, I really don't care how Tommy feels about it. My sister has to live with those memories of what she did when she wasn't in her right mind."
His contentious reaction amazes Tanner.

I'm outta love; set me free
And let me out this misery
Just show me the way to get my life again
The robust vocals of Anastacia can be heard within the pleasantly populated cafe today as "I'm Outta Love" plays on the sound system.
Martha Saunders, her niece Lynn Lockhart, Lynn's boyfriend Elijah Barker, and their friends Lorenzo Vidal and Aaliyah Gupta occupy a table near the back of the establishment. She had just filled them all in on her news regarding being invited to sing at the music festival in Nashville this summer.
"That's so cool, Aunt Martha; I'm so happy for you," Lenny compliments.
The single mother, singer, and bartender smiled graciously. "I still can't believe it myself; it seems like I'm finally getting somewhere."
For years, Martha had been pursuing her dreams of music stardom, and there were times she thought it wouldn't happen, as she had left Los Angeles with her tail between her legs. However, in the last few years, it seemed her perseverance, and teaming up with a band was giving her a second act.
"If anyone deserves it, it's you," Elijah remarks.
Lorenzo nods in agreement. "Like I said before, I knew you could do it."
"You sure did," she replies. "And if it weren't for you answering my pleas, a video wouldn't exist."
The festival organizer had seen the video Lorenzo directed and recorded of herself and the band performing on the farm for their single.
"I was just capturing the talent," he says casually.
Aaliyah puts her chin on her boyfriend's shoulder. "He's oh so modest."
Some laughter our made at her comment.
Martha takes a sip of her iced latte. "And before I forget, the festival organizer is giving me all these passes. I wanted to know if all of you wanted to come to see me, the band, and about a dozen more acts in Nashville in August?"
Already, she had invited Antoine and, of course, her lover Samuel, whom she spoke with before arriving here.
"Yeah, we'll be down with it," Lenny says. "How about everyone else?"
"I have no plans this summer, so why not?" Elijah chirps in.
"Yeah, why not?" Lorenzo says. "I'm sure Will and Jai will give me the time off. Maybe there I can do some behind-the-scenes footage of you and the band?" he adds.
"Count me in," Aaliyah says agreeably.
Their reaction makes Martha elated.
"Good; good, so I will be in touch to give you more details, and Lenny, can you let Tanner know that she and Presley our invited too?"
Lenny gestures that she will as the slightly older woman gets up from the table with her drink and her purse. "I've gotta get SJ from his friend's house and run some errands. See y'all later." Martha tells them.
Elijah and Lenny excuse themselves to purchase some food.
On her way out, Martha waves to Courtney; at a table with Tricia. Her cousin's wife also waves at her.
"Well, this summer is shaping up to be better than I can imagine," Aaliyah mentions. "Now, if my parents come to their senses and find their way back together."
"How selfish can you really be?" Lenny says she was standing across the table as she had been in line to get something to eat beside Elijah, which gets Lorenzo and Aaliyah's attention.

At the table near the large window overlooking Main Street, Courtney Covington Sullivan is reading information on her tablet while Tricia Lockhart, who sits on the other side of her,
"It's okay to take a break sometimes," Tricia says.
Courtney tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I know, it's just with Max in the hospital and Dad being worried. Someone has to take the reins of the company."
The businesswoman detects something on her friend's mind, putting the iPad aside."All right, what is going on with you? And before you try to deny it, we've known each other for too long to tell me otherwise."
The cafe manager snickers at her friend's perception. "In reality, things between Sean and I are not bad."
"That's something positive," Courtney points out.
Tricia crosses her arms over her chest. "But I can't shake the feeling that it's partly out of pity."
"You can't be serious." Courtney queries. "Sean loves you, and after what you two went through last year, you should be getting closer."
The couple tragically lost their baby son Dylan to SIDS last November.
"Well, if your husband and ex-wife are constantly present in each other's lives, you'll be questioning things too."
"Tricia, try not to get ahead of yourself. Sean might have his faults, but I think; if he acted on these supposed feelings for
Louise, he would've done so by now." Courtney advises.
The cafe manager, who notices her stepdaughter isn't far away, lowers her voice. "Maybe you're right,"

Gathering herself for what to say, Tanner places the pitcher of lemonade back in the refrigerator and glares at Presley, who at the moment is quiet.
"I know you and Tommy aren't close, and I get that, but all I was trying to say is that the mother of his son is in a way responsible for the accident that took a life and the use of his brother's legs on top of him being solely responsible for Jeremy. I've seen how hard it's been on him."
"You went to see him?" Presley cross-examines.
Tanner had gone by Home Farm the other day, where the exes talked, and she had seen firsthand how devoted he was as a father.
"Yeah, I did," she replies. "Tommy is doing the best he can, and he wants Jordan to be in the right mind again too. He knows how much she loves their son."
The reverend sighs, tilting his head to admit what he's thinking. "I'm sorry; I did not mean to take things out on you; it's just hard seeing my sister that way and feeling like there is nothing I can do about it other than pray for the best for everyone involved."
Tanner goes over to him and places her arm around him as she becomes less tense. "You're scared for your sister; I get that," she replies. "But you being there for Jordan counts too."
"Guess I never thought about it that way," he acknowledges.
He then puts his soft lips on his girlfriend's forehead. "Something tells me that one day you're going to be an amazing doctor."
Tanner had told him that she possibly planned to attend veterinary school after undergrad.
Tanner puts her arms around him, and they passionately kiss until they part.
"My mom is at the farm, and Lenny is out. What about we order it in?"
"I like that a lot," he permits.

"Lenny, that was not intended for you to hear," Aaliyah informs her best friend's fraternal twin sister.
"Oh, I believe that," she mocks.
"Ladies, wrong time, wrong place," Lorenzo cites.
But neither woman seems to pay him any mind.
Lynn puts her hands on her hips. "I know you want your parents back together, but you will be disappointed if it doesn't happen."
Aaliyah remains in the chair; however, a crooked grin rests on her face.
"If there is someone, I should be disappointed in, it is your mother for breaking my father's heart. You hadn't seen how hurt he is; he's too good of a person to be treated like that."
Lenny moves her head in disbelief at her response.
By now, Elijah had returned from the line with assorted snack items for himself and his girlfriend. "I can hear you both from the line."
"I was just telling Aaliyah that her fantasy of wanting her parents back together might not work out the way she wants, and by the way, your father and my mother both still have their rings, so technically, they're still engaged. So I wouldn't be celebrating the reunion just yet." Lenny replies wholeheartedly.
"I think we should leave," Lorenzo suggests.
Aaliyah slowly gets out of her chair and grabs her handbag as she follows her boyfriend out of the cafe, unenthused at what occurred between her and Lynn.
"Are you all right?" Elijah asks his girlfriend.
"Yeah, yeah," she nods.
Tricia saunters to the less crowded table where her former employee and stepdaughter surround her.
"What the hell was that all about?" she asks straightforwardly.
"Just straightening out someone who needed a dose of a reality check," Lynn reacts.
Outside of the cafe, Aaliyah finds herself in the passenger seat of the used Mercedes sedan that Lorenzo uses to get around, courtesy of Daniel.
"Was that necessary?" Lorenzo inquiries
"I know I might sound crazy, Lorenzo, but I have a feeling that my parents will find their way back to each other; I don't care what Lynn or anyone else says."
Lorenzo grips the wheel as he gives his girlfriend a look of caution before he pulls out of the spot down the street.

"Thomas, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I get that you're coming from a place of upset. I mean, if anyone came to harm your mother, I would be looking for the person to be held accountable for the actions they took toward her too."
"Don't you dare mention my mother to hide what you've done; I'm not Toussaint or anyone else on your secret payroll; I know you somehow arranged for him to do this, all because you never felt Jordan wasn't worthy of mothering your first grandchild." Tommy declares.
Of course, Daniel knew that the shrink had taken his own life; he overheard the hospital staff talking about it when he visited Max at the hospital earlier. It had stunned him because he had been trying to reach the doctor, who had warned him not to cross him, knowing he held his fate in his hands, but he never expected this to happen.
"You're claiming I did this, but where's your proof? How do you know if Jordan was overdosed on these sedatives by Toussaint, let alone me arranging for it?" Daniel says it is somewhat challengingly.
Tommy inches close to his father at his desk, casting his eye upon him. "You know, last fall, Jordan told me she saw you in Toussaint's office on the day of one of her sessions, asking him about her progress." he retorts. "Not to mention, Blood was drawn from Jordan that indicated that she was overmedicated, which caused her to have anxiety, which led to Max being unable to walk for the rest of his life and the death of your unborn grandchild. Do you ever think about that?"
For at least a second, Tommy senses some hesitation about that reveal on his father's face before downplaying it once more.
"Your brother and Shauna are always on my mind, and I feel horrible about what happened to them. If I could, I would stop Jordan from taking off with Jeremy that night, but I can't." Daniel wholeheartedly contributes.
Silence passes between them as Tommy realizes his father does have sympathy, but the thought of him continuing to lie is also affecting his mindset.
"Focus on your son," Daniel tells him. "Because he is the one who needs you, it is not going to do you or him any good if you keep up this theory."
Tommy narrows his view to the parent with whom he has had years of off-and-on closeness. "We both know that you're behind this, and it will be a matter of time before it all comes out, and I hope I'm there when it does happen because, as you said, I have not only Jeremy to think about but his mother as well. And I will do anything to protect them, even from you."
He turns his back to him and is on his way out the door when he hears his father say something else. "By the way, hopefully, time away will do Jordan some good," Daniel smirks spitefully.
At the moment, Jordan is on a seventy-two-hour hold at Stonecrest to treat her supposed mental decline.
It takes Tommy not to react by getting out of the room and closing the door; hard behind him.
Sarah Lynn advises Louise.
Max becomes self-deprecating over his paralysis.
Jordan's confession stuns Tommy.
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