Written by : Bre L. Drew
May 3, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tommy is still keeping from Tanner that he is the father of Jordan's baby.
Jai and Louise began seeing each other.
Max and Shauna disagreed over him working at Covington.
Mae pleaded with Will to return home however, he chose to stay longer at Franklin Farm.

Tommy Covington receives his credit card back from the delivery man who arrived at the front door of the guest house on his family's estate. The delivery man then takes the two boxes of pizza which he once again thank him. As the guy takes off, he uses his foot to close the door.
"Pizza is here!" he calls out over One Night by Lil Yachty which is playing on the flat-screen TV in the living room.
From different corners of the two-story guest house Tanner and Lynn Lockhart, Elijah Barker, Aaliyah Gupta, and Lorenzo Vidal step into the living room where they gather around to eat.
"Man, thanks again for letting me stay here," Lorenzo says
Since Lorenzo is going to be interning at the campus radio station over the summer and since his family is experiencing financial difficulties. Tommy went to his father to ask if he could stay in the guest house, which Daniel let him. The gang had been helping him get his things situated when they decided to hang out for the night.
Tommy puts a slice of pepperoni and sausage pizza onto the plate. "I mean with Max now working at Covington, he hardly uses the house as an office for his photography," he replies. "Besides it will be good for all of us to be in town during this summer."
"I agree," Tanner states
Lynn rotates her eyes annoyingly at Tommy which Elijah catches, knowing she is still pissed at him for not confessing he got Jordan pregnant during their trip to Hawaii.
"We also need to celebrate us surviving our freshman year," Aaliyah declares victoriously.
Recently the gang had completed their finals, making their first year at Sampson University officially over until the fall.
Tommy gets on his feet to go to the refrigerator to find a bottle of champagne. He then goes back into the living room where he begins pouring the liquid into their cups.
"You think this is a good idea?" Tanner wonders.
Lenny knows Tanner is thinking about the house party they held in high school when Lynn got drunk and revealed to their mother their father was being unfaithful.
"Well, I think the occasion calls for it," Elijah retorts
At first, Tanner is about to stop her boyfriend from filling her cup before she decides one can't hurt. "I'll like to make a toast," she says. "I know we all had a lot of ups and downs this year, but the important thing is we have come out on the other side, to us,
"To us," everybody else echoes
All of them begin taking a drink of their beverage.

A male saxophonist is currently playing contemporary jazz on the stage in front of the customers inside the fine-dining restaurant this evening. As a hostess leads Jai Gupta and Louise Saunders Lockhart to their table. The hostess sits them down as she hands them their menus before she scurries off.
"I must say you look absolutely beautiful tonight." Jai compliments
Louise looks up from her menu. "Thank you, it's been a while since I've been in formal wear," she replies.
Tonight she is wearing a plum cocktail dress with her blonde hair hanging in curls, and she is also wearing silver heels.
"And you don't look bad yourself," she adds affectionately.
"That is nice to hear, thanks," he says, in his relaxed British accent.
Her suitor is in a French blue suit and dress slacks with a crisp light blue button-down shirt which displays his brawn physique.
The waiter comes to take their orders. He returns with glasses and bottle of red wine.
"Looks like the rumor mill around here is true as usual in this town,"
The eerily familiar voice angrily piques Louise's ear. It makes her instantly reach for her glass.
Jai glances at the person who said that comment then onto his date. "Louise, do you know this woman?"

"Unfortunately, Jai, this is my ex-husband Sean's former concubine now wife, Tricia," she answers
Tricia Lockhart saunters her way to their table in a sleeveless ruffle multi-color top with a pair of black jeans carrying a to-go bag of food in one hand while holding onto her purse with the other. "Long time, no see," she says
"Something like that," Louise responds. "Tricia, this is Jai Gupta," she reluctantly introduces the two of them.
A certain sparkle hits Tricia's eyes. "So you're Samuel's father, he told me a lot about you and I must say you're a very generous person."
"Why is that?" he inquires
"Because usually men who get involved with Louise usually get bored, don't stick around." Tricia snipes
"Okay, Tricia, you had your little fun," Louise says in a fed-up demeanor.
"And that is quite the opposite," Jai says. "I'm enjoying her company at this moment. So, if you can leave us be."
Tricia smirks wickedly while gazing at her husband's ex-wife. "Now tell me, will you two be going on a double-date with your first love and ex-wife?"
Louise is about to forget where she currently is and tell her off but Tricia walks away.
Louise takes a strong sip of red wine. "I apologize for the inconvenience."
"My son filled me in on her, but I didn't know how spirited she can be until now."
"Spirited is one word for her," she says. Louise picks up her glass to consume more of her wine.
Jai grasps Louise's free hand to steady it. "Let's not give that woman get in the way of our evening together. What do you say?"
"You're right," she says meaningfully.

Vivian Green's Get Right Back To My Baby is filling the bar from the speakers as patrons are partaking in drinking and socializing after a hard day's work. Shauna Covington enters her family's establishment holding onto her satchel handbag, wandering over to the bar where she sees her good friend Antoine Hall working.
"Is it just my imagination, or is Shauna here on a workday," he teases her.
She takes a seat at the bar, placing her purse in front of her on the countertop. "Maybe it's your vision failing you,"
"I see you got jokes,"
Shauna pulls her iPhone out of her purse, she then groans at the specific text on the screen.
"What up?"
"Uh, Max is just now leaving the office,"
"Yeah, I heard from your grandmama, Max stopped taking pictures." Antoine taunts harmlessly
Shauna places strands of her shoulder-length dark brown hair behind her ears. "For your information, he is running the digital media department at Covington." He is supposed to meet me here for dinner, but he is running late."
Shauna sees her ex-friend with benefits make an expression to suggest her husband being late is something more than it should be.
"What is that for?"
"Nothing, but I know if you were my wife, I wouldn't be standing you up."
She shakes her head. "Well, I'm not,"
"I could've at least been your man,"
Shauna recognizes Antoine is referring to when he came to her on the day of her wedding nearly two years ago where he came to her hotel suite to stop her from marrying Max. She told him that despite her moving on with her life with her husband, she'll always see him as her friend nothing more,
She chuckles. "You must be in between girls?"
Antoine dips his head confirming his friend's estimation. Since he became manager, he had been putting in more time here and the women he has been with recently haven't been fulfilling him. Yet it doesn't stop him from giving up.
"Strawberry daiquiri coming atcha," he calls out her favorite drink.
Shauna mouths out her gratitude to him.

Towards the back of the bar, Mae Jackson is sitting in the booth across from her best friend Esther Saunders. The two ladies were catching up with one another.
Mae passes her friend's phone back to her. Esther had shown a recent photo of her grandson Evan who is now eight years old.
"He has gotten so big," Mae says
"I know he is almost taller than me, must be all that sun," Esther remarks excitedly. "Steven is still down in Orlando to spend some time with him during the first week of his summer vacation."
"That's good to hear, speaking of sons, I tried to reach out to my own, but he is still pissed off at me," Mae informs
Will is currently staying at the farm with Esther and the rest of the Saunders family, over them falling out over her firing him from the bar after locking Antoine outside in the cold for a few hours during the night of Martha's performance.
"It seems Sarah Lynn and SJ like having him around the house,"
Esther is unsure whether or not she saw Mae rolling her eyes when she mentioned her sister-in-law.
"Even me going to him to tell him to come home wasn't enough for him."
Esther chews on some peanuts from the basket in the center of the table. "I'm going, to be honest with you," Let him come to you when he is ready. Because the more you try to get him to come around, the more he is going to want to avoid you."
"I can't give up on him, Esther,"
"And I'm not saying that you gotta, but eventually this will pass, and then maybe you two can have a sit-down to hash it all out."
Mae sighs wondering if he'll be ever ready to do so.

"I brought food!" Tricia greets Jordan McKnight.
Tricia had arrived at the hotel where she brought food from The Chateau to share with her expecting friend. It was no denying anymore that Jordan was expecting. It seemed her belly has extended even more in her grey maternity sleeveless jumpsuit. And her face looked fuller but glowing radiantly.
"Good, because I'm starving,"
The two women begin setting up a place to eat in the kitchen area of the suite.
"So, how are you doing?" Tricia asks
Jordan puts her hands on her stomach. "The baby has been kicking me non-stop all day."
Tricia smirks. "Sounds like you and the baby are healthy,"
"Don't I look it?" Jordan says sarcastically of her weight gain.
Tricia takes a seat at the small table ready to dig into her meal. "But other than that you're all right here by yourself?"
Jordan sighs exasperatedly. "What's not to love, a free stay at the best hotel in town."
"Let me guess, all that's missing is a certain rich blonde boy to rub your swollen feet?"
Jordan glances up from her Chicken Caesar Salad. "If you're referring to Tommy, he doesn't want to be a part of my life let alone this baby's."
Tricia puts a piece of bread into her mouth. "Hypothetically, he ends things with Tanner tonight, and comes here, plead to you on bended knee he wants to give to you the sun, the moon, and the stars would you accept it?"

Everyone by now had consumed their pizza and now the couples were all in different areas of the guest-house to get privacy from everyone else.
Elijah had his arms around Lynn on the sofa in the living room.
"I'm so sick of this bullshit, I just want to tell my sister that her boyfriend is an asshole who knocked up the one person she hates," Lynn says
Elijah reaches for a bottle of beer he had gotten from the refrigerator after they ate off the coffee table.
He takes a sip. "I'm not a fan of it either, but Tommy said he is going to tell her. So we got to let him," he responds
Lynn notices Elijah's current state of ease as of late. "You seem to be more chill."
Elijah scoffs as he takes another swig of alcohol. "Is that your way of saying I was uptight?" he asks humorously.
"I think I did well on my finals, and I'm glad I have a break so that I only have work to concentrate on for a few months," he reveals.
"Good to hear, the way you were stressing yourself out was beginning to make me worry."
Elijah takes a sip of his beer. "Trust me, everything is fine,"
He kisses her tenderly on her forehead.
Lynn leans into his chest the familiar scent of his deodorant and soap makes her grin never realizing how good it makes her feel until now.

Tommy and Tanner decided to take a walk around the estate.
"You sure have to work tomorrow?" he inquiries.
She nods. "Yeah, my aunt Esther said business is picking back up, and besides I'm ready to get back on a horse. I hadn't realized how much I loved riding since I started college."
Every year during this season, the former equestrian begins work at her great-aunt's stables.
Tommy can't help but feel the guilt he is having as he keeps the secret of him being Jordan's baby's father from his girlfriend. Acknowledging, he should be upfront with her by this and trust she will find it in her heart to forgive him for his transgression. However, when she turns to him he sees her pretty face with pure joy on her face. Recognizing he couldn't take it away from her so he decided to tell her another time.
He puts his arm around her. "I love you,"
"I love you too,"
The two start kissing each other in the middle of the grounds of the estate.

Shauna was halfway with her second daiquiri when Max Covington finally arrives inside the bar.
"Sorry I'm late, traffic was killer," he explains himself.
"Don't worry, Antoine has been here keeping me company."
Antoine is working behind the bar give a half-wave to the guy he once considered a barrier in his way for Shauna's affections.
Max tips his head as an indication of a greeting. "Can I get whatever is on tap, thanks,"
Antoine moves around to fill the mug with the foam liquid which he provides to him. He decides to go down to the other end of the bar to leave them alone.
"Are you mad?" Max asks her
"Why would I be mad, Max?"
"I think you know why,"
The tension of their marriage at the moment was him taking this position at the company which Shauna hasn't exactly been supportive of due to her thinking he quit photography before he achieved any long-lasting success.
Shauna places a hand delicately on her husband's left hand. "Look, I don't want to fight with you right now, so let's just order dinner please,"
Max's attention is captured by something else entirely. "Seems like some things never change."
Shauna moves her head to gaze at Antoine flirting with a young black woman who is spilling out of her mini dress. "Some things never change,"

"I had a great evening," Louise says to Jai.
The two were at the door of her cottage by the lake where he is dropping her off.
"Even with Sean's wife rudely interrupting?"
"Even with her nonsense, it was a great evening,"
Jai and she then caress each other passionately. She stops herself before things would've required them to go inside.
"I better get going," he tells her.
"I'll call you later,"
Louise lets herself in her house, while Jai walks back to his SUV wishing he was inside with Louise getting better acquainted. Though he knows better than to push boundaries.

After clearing things up from their dinner Jordan can still feel her baby kicking inside of her.
"You still haven't answered my question," Tricia calls out from the bathroom.
"Yes, in a perfect world, I would want Tommy to choose me and we would be a family." Sadly, I've learned fairy tale endings are purely fictional."
Tricia walks out of the bathroom recognizing she still has strong feelings for the boy who has abandoned her pregnant with his child. "Have you thought about after when you have this baby?" she proposes. "How are you going to take care of this child that doesn't involve giving up your parental rights?"
Daniel had convinced Jordan more than once to do give up her rights as a mother in exchange he would help her to start her modeling career. She has been inflexible of giving up her baby to be raised by the Covington's without her.
"I haven't thought about it, but I will do anything to keep this child,"
"I hope so because Daniel is not going to rest until he gets Tommy Jr. I'm not trying to scare you, but you have to be ready for what he might pull next."
Jordan folds her arms onto her chest. "Tricia, if that day comes I will protect this child come hell or high water."
Tommy begins to have a change of heart.
Louise gets advice on intimacy from an unexpected person.
Will makes an important decision about his future.
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