Written by: Bre L. Drew
August 21, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Aaliyah captured a video of Sean and Louise intensely making out through Louise's bedroom window. She was going to show her father, hoping it would end their engagement so he could get back together with her mother, but Lorenzo prevented her from doing so.
Louise ended things between her and Sean before they had sex, stating they couldn't go any further.
Gus asked Mae out on a date, which she accepted even though he still wears his wedding ring years after the death of his wife, Geraldine.

On this summer evening, in the ballroom of the Miller Inn, where the engagement party for Louise Saunders Lockhart and Jai Gupta is underway, the place is tastefully decorated with various black and white tablecloths, napkins, and plates monogrammed with the couple's names, as well as a dessert table with the word "love" in white foil balloons.
Several guests are in attendance for the event as the dance-pop beats of Beyonce's "Break My Soul" filled the room.
At the moment, the couple of the night are chatting with his son and her sister, respectively.
"Nashville is coming up; any nerves?" Jai mentions to his son's girlfriend.
The soon-to-be groom is in a white dress shirt, dark blazer, and trousers.
"Oh, not yet." Martha Saunders answers. "But this will be the biggest crowd that I will be performing for."
She and her band are getting ready to perform in Nashville at the annual music festival, where some of her friends and family will be there to see her,
Samuel Gupta smiles at his girlfriend with adoration. "I keep telling her she is going to knock it out of the park; she's an incredible singer, and soon more people will find that fact out."
"It's a reason why I keep him around." Martha comments.
The singer and single mother notice her sister is anywhere but here mentally as she stands next to Jai but hasn't said one word.
"You know what I find interesting after you two tie the knot? Samuel is going to become your stepson, and Jai is going to be my brother-in-law. Talk about keeping it in the family, eh?"
As the men started laughing, Louise turned her attention to the present instead of what had taken place only a few days ago when Sean and she made out, nearly about to be more intimate as she was in the dress she planned to wear tonight. However, she chose another dress, a black dress with a ruffled pattern on its front.
It also made her aware that she was still attracted to her former husband and the father of her children; nonetheless, she stopped it before it got too far.
"What's so funny?" she finally asks.
"Thanks for joining us, sis," Martha jokes.
"Are you all right?" her fiancé asks sincerely.
"I'm with you, of course I am." she notes while trying to keep her mind off Sean.

Mere feet away, Aaliyah Gupta stands there, glancing over to her father and Louise, with the knowledge that her future stepmother made out with her ex-husband. She had been outside the cottage where the incident occurred, having captured it on her phone, and had been ready to tell her father about it so he could dump her and hopefully get back together with her mother, to whom he belongs.
She then moves over to the projector screen showing photos of Jai and Louise through childhood and adulthood, including baby and high school graduation.
"You haven't laid a hand on Louise, so I take it as a good sign," Lorenzo Vidal says while sidling up to his girlfriend, holding two champagne flutes, one of which he passed to her.
Somehow, she, along with Samuel, Lenny, and Tanner, were the ones organizing photos and putting them in a slide show using the projector her boyfriend assisted them with.
"The night is still young," Aaliyah said while drinking the beverage. "This is a complete sideshow; my dad and everyone else thinks they're here to celebrate love while the soon-to-be bride slept with her first husband.
She had told Lorenzo about everything that went down, but he prevented her from telling her father.
"Well, it's not your place to tell him, and you don't know they slept together."
Aaliyah feigns her response to that statement.
"I'm sorry, but do you need to rewatch the video? The dress was hardly on her body. Oh, they did the dirty, babe."
While taking another drink of the bubbly liquid, she glares at the screen of the photo of her father holding her as a baby in their old townhouse in Chicago.

On her way out the door this evening, Mala Gupta gives herself a once-over in the mirror near the front door of the two-story cottage where she resides with her adult children. She couldn't help but see how fetching she was in her dark green velvet pleated crossover cape gown with silver heels and her dark brown hair in a neatly styled French roll.
Even though she is invited to Louise and Jai's engagement party, it does feel peculiar to attend your ex-husband's celebration for his future bride.
While staring at herself in the mirror, reflecting on her relationship with Jai in the last few years, remembering how he came to town to win her back after their long-term separation, eventually resulting in their divorce, which he didn't want. Yet they always maintained a friendship for not only their children's sake but for their own too. The two had become good friends.
However, it's been some time since she realized she hadn't only viewed Jai as her friend—not exactly her lover, but perhaps something in between.
"Get a grip, lady," she says in her distinctive British accent.
Satisfied with her overall appearance, Mala grasps her green clutch bag and keys on the console table and heads out of the house.

Soft, relaxing jazz piano music fills the fine-dining restaurant as patrons partake in dinner and drinks, including Mae Jackson and Gus Hewitt, sit at a table near the center, where they have just ordered.
"I must say I've been looking forward to this for a very mighty long time," Gus declares meaningfully to her.
The two were finally on their first date, which had been months since they first met one another in the hospital's ICU waiting room when Max was recovering from the accident, he and her granddaughter were involved in.
The woman sits across from him, smiling appreciatively.
"Since we're being honest with each other this evening, I should tell you I'm a tad nervous about this evening."
"Why is that?" Gus questions her.
"It's just that; it's been forty-five years since I've gone on a date with someone that wasn't my husband," she confesses. "I hope I'm not ruining this night for you."
Gus chuckles while supportively grasping one of her hands.
"I get it," he replies. "It's been some time for me too. It's why I finally took it off."
At first, she is about to ask what he's talking about, but Mae then notices the band on his left hand isn't there anymore that she had seen the day he asked her out; he explained that he had a hard time after his late wife's passing.
"Let's take this date as a way of getting to know each other without any pressure. How bout it?" he says calmly. "Because you are someone I want to get to know better, Mae Jackson."
Mae forms an appreciative grin on her face gaining some encouragement. "I'd like to get to know you more too."

Other than scraping forks on plates and sipping red wine, Sean and Tricia Lockhart sat in relative quietness at the dining table in their apartment. The meal consisted of shrimp fettuccine, garlic bread, and salad.
"It's been a while since you made dinner, so what made you want to do it tonight?" Tricia abruptly reacts.
Sean lifts his head while taking a hearty sip of wine, and he can't help but flash back to Louise telling him they need to move on after they almost had sex.
He had thought that with him expressing his feelings to her, they would reconcile, but Louise told him they couldn't further betray their respective partners, which is why he made this meal, hoping to recover what was left of his marriage as she had chosen to go through with marrying Jai.
"Earth to Sean," Tricia calls out. "What got you so consumed in thought that you've been ignoring me, or do I have to guess?"
Sean sets his glass down near him on the table. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Tricia places her fork on the plate of her half-eaten food and slowly exhales.
"I bet you would rather be at Jai and Louise's party than here."
Sean shakes his head.
"I think me being there would complicate things. Look, Tricia. I don't want to fight, so can we focus on us? So, how was your day?" changing the subject while still having his ex-wife on his mind.

The soothing vocals of Norah Jones pour into the room as "Don't Know Why" plays on the speakers.
Esther Saunders greets her son by wrapping her arms around his lofty frame. She had just arrived at her niece's party.
"How you doin', darling?" she addresses her son, Steven Sullivan, in her southern cadence.
"I'm fine, but if you ask my wife, she might tell you a different story."
Esther bobs, knowing it is about her taking over as CEO of the Covington Group while her father has been outed due to the truth of him gaslighting his daughter-in-law.
"It's about time that SOB finally gets some comeuppance."
It's no secret about the longstanding rivalry between the Saunders and Covington families.
"What?" she interposes. "You can't tell me that after what he has done to you to keep you and Courtney apart, a little part of you isn't dancing to the tune of Danny Boy being overpowered by his board and his family."
Steven gives a half-smirk. "Frankly, I'm not losing any sleep that Daniel isn't running that damn company anymore."
The look on Esther's face alters, causing Steven to realize his wife is standing beside him with an unamused facade in a dark gold gown with her small bag in her hand.
"Before you break out with the horns and confetti, may I speak to my husband in private, Esther?" Courtney Covington Sullivan says it more as a command than a suggestion.
Esther can detect that she wasn't pleased to overhear what was said about her father, quickly dismissing herself.
Courtney pivots toward Steven.
"My family is going through hell right now, and I hear how well you can sleep regardless of my father's troubles."
"Courtney, you're misunderstanding the discussion between my mother and I, and anyway, after what he did to Jordan, Max, and Shauna. He doesn't deserve defense from you."
The businesswoman stares up at him. "I'm already feeling enough pressure from the company, my father is barely speaking to me, and the rest of my family wonders why I withheld my vote. You know what? I'm going to get some air."
The tone in her voice meant she wanted to be alone, which Steven concedes.

Jai and Sarah Lynn Saunders are talking to one another in the ballroom.
"Thanks again, Sarah Lynn, for arranging all of this. Louise and I appreciate it."
Jai praises his future mother-in-law for hosting the party this evening.
Sarah Lynn showcases her trademark captivating smile, which she has had since her pageant days.
"It was no trouble, and besides, it's always good to be celebrating something uplifting like two people pledging to spend their lives together. I only wish Louise's father was here with us."
Jai could tell her husband's death still affects the Saunders matriarch.
"I wished that I would've gotten to know him. Peter sounded like he was a good man."
"He truly was, he was far from perfect, but he was real," Sarah Lynn replies reflectingly. "And something tells me he would've liked you too, but all he and I would've wanted is that you make our daughter safe because that's what's important."
"I know that it seemed that Louise and I wouldn't have reached the finish line, but somehow we made it work."
The two had postponed their engagement when he got concerned over Sean's place in her life, seeing that her ex-husband shouldn't still be all over her life, yet they finally were able to get through it, though very much aware of his daughter's opposition.
"All there is left to say is welcome to the family," Sarah Lynn says. She then warmly embraces Jai.
Sarah Lynn excuses herself to socialize with Esther when he turns around and sees Mala make her way into the ballroom looking beautiful. When she laid eyes on him, it made her question everything she'd been resisting until now.

In the lower-level hotel restroom, Louise exits one of the stalls as her twin daughters stand in front of the mirror by the sink, which she does as well.
"I forgot to tell you since we were in a rush to leave the house, but you two look so beautiful," Louise comments.
"You mean this old thing?" Lynn Lockhart says referring to her ensemble, which is a black strapless jumper,
Both Louise and Tanner Lockhart give a small laugh.
"No, but seriously, you two, thanks for being supportive. I know this engagement hasn't been the most conventional."
Tanner gives a cordial glance to her mother.
"Well, the most important thing is that you're here now, and Jai is one lucky guy."
Louise applies lipstick to her lips as she does her best to keep Sean from entering her mind while Lenny sees in the mirror that her long blonde hair is intact.
"Anyway," Tanner says. "I guess the next engagement party we will be having will probably be for Lenny and Elijah." she teases.
"You're so funny, Tanner," Lenny retorts.
"You girls have plenty of time before getting married, and tonight isn't the night to make me feel old," Louise says good-naturedly as she ponders her daughters being old enough to marry since it still seems like five minutes ago you two were playing with your Barbies."
"And who knows, maybe you and Presley will get there before me?" Lenny tosses out.
"I don't know about that," Tanner responds coyly. "But I like where the both of us are now. I thought when Tommy and I broke up. I wouldn't find anyone else, but with Presley, it's different; there isn't any pressure with him like there was with Tommy, and he's someone I can confide in."
Louise stands there thinking of her situation regarding her future with Jai, her past, and what could be with Sean, so she doesn't know when Aaliyah steps into the room abruptly, causing the twins to face her.
Louise finally sees the young woman's reflection behind her. "Lenny, Tanner, I need to speak to Aaliyah for a few minutes."
The twins comply, and on their way out, Lenny shoots Aaliyah a look that conveys don't start anything with my mother. The two haven't been close since Lynn called her a bitch when she expressed her dislike of their parents getting married.
Aaliyah manages to stand near Louise, waiting for her to say whatever she needs to.
"Aaliyah, I know you haven't been in favor of your father and I getting together, but I want you to know that I have no intention of trying to be anything but a friend to you if and when you need it, and when it comes to your father, I will treat him with the respect and love he has also given me."
Aaliyah scoffs at that claim since she knows better.
"Do you really mean that, Louise?" Aaliyah catechizes.
"I do," she says sensibly.
She then senses that her future stepdaughter needs to be alone, so she departs the restroom, leaving Aaliyah to gather her thoughts.


With their meals consumed, Gus and Mae are now in the middle of laughter while Mae tells a story about her daughter Cassie jacking up the prices of girl scout cookies she was selling around town when she was eleven.
"So, she was trying to get a cut of the profits?" Gus wonders amusingly.
"Yeah, she tried to, but Horace and I caught on and made her return the extra money to everyone she sold to."
"You miss her, don't you?" Gus asks, knowing her daughter doesn't come around much since she prefers being in the company of well-off men instead of her family.
Mae sighs while picking up her glass. "I do; there are so many things she has missed, but I refuse to give up on her, and one day my family will be together again."
Gus nods melancholy
"Talking of your daughter makes me think of mine, that's all," he remarks candidly. "It's been twenty years, and sometimes it still feels as fresh as her mother's death."
"I didn't mean to make you sad this evening," Mae says apologetically. "What is her name, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Antoinette," he says lowly. "She was beautiful and smart too, but some wise guy thought he could mistreat her, and that pain became too much for her."
Mae decides to be silent while listening to him.
"I hope this night hasn't turned into a downer for you," he says to her.
"Not at all,"
Mae takes the last sip of her white wine while the waitress comes to give them their bill.
Gus reaches for his pants pocket; however, an expression on his face makes him check the other, which makes Mae curious.
"Dammit," he swears.
"What's the matter?"
"I must've left my wallet at home," he says embarrassingly. "I was in a hurry to leave and forgot it. What way to start a first date, huh?"
The waitress dashes back over to their table again. Mae finds herself digging into her purse, grabbing the cash, and handing it over to the waitress.
"Go ahead, keep the change, sweetheart," Mae tells her.
A wave of embarrassment shows through Gus's body.
Shortly, she and Gus vacate the table and go to the door, each unsure of what to say to the other.

Mala gets taken in by Jai's signature cologne while hugging her former spouse.
"You look amazing," he tells her. "Thanks so much for coming. I know how awkward this probably is to be at your ex's engagement party."
Mala tilts her head, confirming his suspicion. "I think I'm willing to take the risk, and by the way, you look great yourself."
Jai offers a pleased stare. "So, how are you? I hear some changes are occurring at Covington."
Mala knows he is talking about Daniel being replaced as CEO.
"Things are getting quite chaotic at the office, with everybody wondering why Daniel isn't at the helm anymore, which, by the way, is on Daniel. I can't believe I once went out with a man who would torture a young woman like that. But I told Courtney she doesn't need anything while running the company; she has my full support."
"Well, she is lucky to have you in her corner."
The two gazes at one another a bit longingly as Louise, who sees her fiance speaking to his ex-wife,
Soon, the imagery on the projector screen dissipates.
At first, people were quite confused as to the new visual on the screen, but when Sean and Louise were in each other's arms, making out passionately through the upcoming bride's bedroom window, many of the guests were shocked, including Sarah Lynn, Esther, Steven, Tanner, Lenny, Samuel, and Mala, the latter giving her ex-husband a compassionate regard.
Lorenzo shifts to Aaliyah, knowing she is responsible for this since she has the video. He could tell by the look on her face that she hadn't taken his advice seriously.
A sense of disgrace overcomes Louise as she sees herself nearly giving in to her ex-husband, as Jai barely can look at her as her private moment is playing in front of their friends and family.
Everyone reacts to the video of Sean and Louise
Jai displays his fury.
Courtney confides in Jacques.
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