Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
June 28, 2021
Daniel hired his private investigator to keep tabs on Tommy, Tricia, and Jordan so he can obtain physical custody of his soon-to-be-born grandchild.
On the Fourth Of July weekend, Tanner and Tommy will make love for the first time.
Max and Shauna are having marital problems.
Will informed Mae he was taking a job running Emma's new nightclub, which caused more conflict between the mother and son.
Lynn is torn about keeping the fact Tommy got Jordan pregnant from Tanner.

"Glad you got the flowers," Daniel Covington says over the phone.
The millionaire property developer is walking on the first floor of the mansion on the Home Farm estate with his iPhone to his ear, speaking with Mala Gupta.
She had contacted him to off her gratitude for the flowers he had sent to her the other day. He knows he has been occupied with trying to locate Jordan, who is pregnant with his grandchild. He had filed for sole custody once the baby is born, believing she will not be a good mother, and disappearing like this isn't exactly helping her case.
"Well, it is not every day when four dozen roses are given to you," Mala states from the foyer of her cottage on her way to work.
Daniel enters the dining room, where he sees Gabriella laying plates consisting of food. In addition, a fresh pot of coffee and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice.
"I will see you when I get to the office," he tells her.
"See you then," Mala replies cordially.
As the call ends, he places the phone near him on the long dining table as his eldest two children Max and Courtney Covington, and Max's wife Shauna Covington, all dressed for the day. Various greetings all our exchanged while they begin eating their breakfast.
"I take it, Emma is still asleep," Daniel states assuredly.
He is still in disbelief his sister would blackmail him with the knowledge of Tommy impregnating Jordan in exchange for access to her trust fund. With no other choice, he gave it back to her, knowing she would tell Tanner her boyfriend is going to be a father.
"Believe it or not, Emma left about thirty minutes ago; she said something about going into town to hire a crew," Max informs his father and the rest of the family.
Emma is currently opening a new nightclub in town.
"Who knew she could awake before 9 am?" Courtney says sarcastically. She then takes a sip of coffee.
Daniel takes a bite of his spinach omelet. "My biggest concern is she is opening this club with Will of all people," Daniel mentions blindly. He then sees the look of unease on his daughter-in-law's face, the conversation of her uncle, who was inadvertently responsible for her kidnapping last year.
Max gives his wife a sympathetic glance, but Shauna takes a drink of her orange juice, trying not to let them see her wanting to be anywhere but here.
"Courtney, you sure having your engagement party here is something you want?" Daniel inquiries.
"Of course it is, this is the perfect place to do it, and besides, it is about time we unite the Saunders and Covington's together," Courtney responds.
On the fourth of July, Courtney and Steven will be having their engagement party on the estate.
Max consumes some of his scrambled eggs. "What's next, Court, ending war and poverty?"
It's known widely that both families have a rivalry that goes back several decades.
"Give me some time," she answers back with a sense of humor.
"Excuse me, I need to get go," Shauna says.
As she makes her way out of the chair with her portfolio and Michael Kors purse from the ground, Max decides to follow his wife into the living room, where she is heading towards the door.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there,"
"Okay," she says, somewhat unenthused.
"And for what happened the other day when you came by the office. I was pissed about not being able to find that paper,"
Shauna sighs somewhat irritatingly.
Max shakes his head, trying to figure out how they got here.
"I will see you later at the office, no doubt," she adds.
Shauna strolls out of the house, leaving Max puzzled about the conversation they just had.

Tricia Lockhart gathers the last of her items into her suitcase in her bedroom of the fourth-floor apartment. She will be leaving for White Oak in a few minutes to be with Jordan, who is soon due to give birth. As she is finishing up folding a pair of jeans, she can feel her husband's arms around her; she can feel his lips on the nape of her neck.
"I'm going to miss you so much," he whispers in her ear.
"If I didn't have to hit the road, we would be on that bed," Tricia says flirtatiously.
"I don't want you to go, but I know you have this get-away with your friends in Napa planned for a while now."
Tricia had told Sean that she was going away to Napa to spend a week with some friends from her flight attendant days. He couldn't know one of his daughter's boyfriends got another girl pregnant for obvious reasons.
She turns around to him with her arms folded onto her chest. "This seducing me wouldn't have to do with you getting me in the family way, is it?"
"Can't blame me for trying,"
"Then you would've been sorely disappointed; cause I haven't stopped taking the pill,"
The two of them hadn't been agreeable to the topic of having children.
"Then when?"
She turns to zip her luggage up before shifting back around at her husband, who looks somewhat crestfallen. "When I decide that motherhood is for me, you'll be the first to know." she winks sardonically.
"Louise told me to talk with you --- ."
"Louise? You spoke with your ex-wife about our private business?" she asks.
"She said if you weren't ready then to drop it,"
"Who knew your frigid ex-wife, and I would ever agree on something?"
"I appreciate it if you never call the mother of my children out of her name," he says louder than he anticipated.
Realizing he took it a step too far, he tries to redeem himself. "Need any help with your suitcase?"
"No, I got it!" She sets the case onto the ground. "I'll call you when I get to California." she lies.
She pushes the rolling suitcase out of the bedroom; Sean remains there perplexed.

"Again, who was the one who roped us in doing the dishes?" Martha Saunders questions Will Jackson breezily.
The two were at the sink inside the kitchen of the main house on Franklin Farm. She was in charge of rinsing the dishes while he dutifully dried them.
"Okay, it was me, but in my defense, your ma did cook, and anyway, she has been really cool about letting me stay here without any rent in return."
Since he had fallen out with his mother, Sarah Lynn had given him a roof over his head until he can get himself together.
"You're right; my mother is the best. I mean, look; at the hell, she went through last year with losing my dad and nearly losing her mind. But look at her now; she is back on her feet, keeping all of us in line."
Will nods supportively.
The two continue to do their tasks as the water is running from the faucet.
Will flashes his charismatic smile at Martha, who too grinned at him. She has never really taken how charming he is until now as she can his muscular arms through the camo t-shirt he is wearing.
"So, how are things going between you and Mae?" Martha says changing, the subject to avoid the awkwardness between them.
He shoots her a look, indicating things aren't good on his face.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Can you be objective?" he challenges her.
Martha uses her free hand to put strands of her hair behind her ear. "I can certainly try,"
Will apprises her of meeting with Mae at The Waterfall, where he told her about working at Emma's new nightclub where he will be running the establishment. Despite giving him some encouragement, she also told him she would be open to letting him come back to work at the bar but stated he and Antoine shouldn't work together, which is true due to their bad blood. But he is upset; it feels like she is choosing him over Will.
Martha turns the tap off so she can hear better, "You know I love Antoine like a brother, but you can't let him get in the way of fixing your relationship with Mae."
Will uses a towel to wipe his hands. "He already has. I'm just tired of the bullshit," he says in a tiring manner.
"Well, then don't let him, because at the end of the day, you will always be her son, and that is something no one can take away from you."

Being alone in the middle of nowhere gave Jordan McKnight plenty of opportunities to finally catch up on the backlog of shows on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime while she is staying in the cabin-style house.
As she gets closer to her due date, she hadn't felt like doing much; but eat and watch TV. She hadn't realized how she missed physical contact with a person until the last few weeks.
Jordan places her hand onto her large stomach, which was gradually dropping in position. "You're the closest thing I have to someone to talk to here,"
She can feel the flutter of her child kicking from inside of her. At first, she couldn't help but complain, but now she found it somewhat comforting like they were letting her know they aren't going to abandon her, unlike her father, who kicked her out of the house because she wouldn't tell that Tommy is this baby's father.
Jordan is about to get herself something to eat in the kitchen, so she makes her way out of the bedroom she is staying in towards the staircase. However, she begins experiencing tightening in her abdomen, which makes her bellow in pain. She tries to make it down the steps, but the discomfort increases.
"I see you get your impatience from me," she says to herself through clenched teeth.
Cursing at herself for leaving her phone upstairs, she wonders how in the hell is she going to call for help?
Tricia enters through the front door of the cabin with her things in her hands. "Jordan, I'm here, and the traffic wasn't a bitch...
She lifts her head to see her friend struggling to get down the stairs.
"I'm in labor," Jordan cries out.
Tricia carefully settles her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Did you pack your bag for the hospital?"
Jordan nods through the pain.
"I'm going to pop up and get it, and we'll be off to the birthing center,"
Tricia quickly gets the bag along with her phone from the bedroom, and then she guides her out of the house to the car.

Before heading into work, Shauna attends her weekly therapy appointment with her psychiatrist and good friend, Dr. Samuel Gupta. The two were inside his office inside the hospital. Today she needs to confide in someone with her ongoing problems.
"Do you think Max and yourself are dealing with a lack of miscommunication?" Samuel inquiries cordially.
He is sitting across from her with his legal pad and pen in hand.
"You tell me," Shauna chuckles on the sofa in front of him. "I guess we do, but I thought coming here was supposed to be the thing to deal with what happened to me last year?"
Samuel is aware she is referring to when she was kidnapped and held hostage.
"I think the miscommunication started when he abandoned photography to go work at Covington," she reveals candidly.
"I know this is important to him, but we haven't spent much time together since he has been spending a lot of hours being the new head of digital media at the company."
Samuel also knows his friend had been putting in a lot of himself into his new position from conversations they have had. "It is simple; you miss your husband; it's obvious he makes you feel safe, protected.
She moves her head to register what he is getting at. "Does that make me desperate?"
"Absolutely not; marriage is a partnership, "And don't be afraid to express your feelings to him."
"I do,"
"But are they addressed to him or at him?"
"I guess the latter, okay, what do I do?"
Samuel nods before writing something down on the paid. "Talk to him like you're doing with me right now,"
"I will try, but he would probably have to schedule it on his phone between meetings with his team and looking over budget reports," Shauna says doubtfully.

On the twentieth floor of the Covington tower in downtown Radcliffe, Tommy Covington pushes the mail cart in the digital media department. In the main office, he sees his older brother at his desk; to be courteous; he knocks on the door, which gets Max's undivided attention.
"Hey," Tommy greets him. "Are you busy?"
"I guess I can spare a few minutes," Max responds amicably.
Tommy leaves the cart in the corner of the office; while he sits down in the opposite direction of his brother,
"Nervous about going away with Tanner?" Max asks
The two are going away for the fourth of July weekend to stay in a lake house in Hudson Lake where they will finally have sex with one another,
"No, not at all; I've been waiting for this for a long time,"
He recalls the last time he had sex; it was with Jordan, which resulted in him fathering a child he doesn't want. This time, however, he has condoms to ensure it won't happen again.
Tommy decides to change the subject. "What's up with you?"
Max exhales with some frustration before telling his brother about the tension he and Shauna, which intensified at breakfast this morning.
"Man, that sounds rough as hell," Tommy replies empathically.
"You have no idea, he replies. "She has no idea what pressure I am under right now with trying to prove to dad. I can do the job and to everyone else that I didn't get this job just because I'm Daniel Covington's son."
"Sounds like you need to tell her because this shit between you isn't going to clear up unless you're honest with her," Tommy says. He then can feel his phone vibrating in his pants pocket.
"I don't know about that," he says.
Tommy gets out of the chair, realizing he still has some more mail to deliver around the office. "Well, I better get out of here, or the boss will be on my ass."
As he leaves the room, he can hear his brother laugh before he gets to work himself.
He gets the cart out of the office while he takes his iPhone out of his pocket. He scans the screen to find the long-awaited text from Tricia.
Jordan is in labor, heading to the birthing center if you care.
In a way, he is relieved the birth is happening as he hopes they're able to get out of town before his father discovers where they're at, knowing he is determined to gain custody of the baby.

Tanner Lockhart guides one of the quarter horses into the designated stall in the stables her great-aunt owns and runs.
She can hear the familiar chime of FaceTime on her iPhone, which makes her obtain it from her back pocket. She then sees the images on the screen of her friend Aaliyah Gupta, who is in her bedroom at home. And her fraternal twin sister Lynn Lockhart is in between work at the farm.
"So, Tan, you ready to get your freak on?" Aaliyah asks shamelessly
"Oh my god!" Tanner says bashfully in a way a lot of people were in the stable with her. If she didn't know any better, she thought she saw Lynn roll her eyes.
"Aaliyah, I will be making love to the guy I love. No one is going to get hurt." Tanner says
"Too late," Lynn mumbles to herself.
"Well, it's like getting on a horse; you better giddy-up," Aaliyah says comically.
A round of laughter emits from all three of the girls while some of the horses neigh loudly.

Tricia and Jordan find themselves walking back into the cabin.
"You all right?" Tricia queries her friend.
"I can't believe I thought I was going into labor," she replies somewhat embarrassingly. "Good thing Tommy didn't come out here for nothing."
After a brief examination, the midwife informed them she wasn't in active labor, and Jordan was experiencing what they call Braxton-Hicks contraction, which means the body is preparing her for the real thing.
Tricia places her hands on her hips. "Don't forget this is the same guy who is sending you and your baby away to California cause he is afraid to take responsibility."
Jordan puts one of her hands onto her face. "If all you're going to do is talk crap about him..."
Tricia realizes Jordan didn't need to hear any of this right now as she needs to avoid stress during the last week or so of her pregnancy. It is also the reason why she kept the fact Daniel is trying to look for her to herself too.
"I'm sorry, I fought with Sean before I left and I didn't mean to take it out on you." she apologizes. "How about I order us a pizza and we can catch up on Below Deck?"
"Sure," Jordan responds fairly.
The pregnant nineteen year old woman decides to sit on the sofa in the living room.

Meanwhile, on the long road where the cabin is located, a white man in his fifties behind the wheel of a black sedan impatiently waits for someone to pick up the phone.
"Come on," he says through a clenched jaw.
A sigh of relief happens when the other party finally does.
"I managed to track the woman and girl in White Oak --- it's about two hours outside of Radcliffe. Yeah--- Do you want me?-- No problem, I stand down for now."
I will keep in touch --- thanks Daniel," he then ends the call with a satisfied smirk.
Radcliffe celebrates the Fourth Of July.
A day of joy turns traumatic.
And a long-awaited secret is finally revealed.
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