Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
June 15, 2020
Steven discovered his grandfather's affair from a letter he found in the attic.
Last year, Tommy and Jordan shared a passionate kiss.
Tanner was adamant about not sleeping with Tommy.
Courtney was disappointed about her future with Steven regards to his stance on marriage.
Esther hired Will to work on Franklin Farm.

"Where is he?" Louise Saunders Lockhart asks aloud. She and her aunt our standing outside on the porch of the main house. The pair expected Will to report for his first day of work on the farm this morning. Esther decided to help out Mae to give him a chance to make more money since she was worried about giving her son another chance after he got out of prison after serving three years for fraud.
Louise takes in the birds chirping and the sounds from the various animals on the farm such as the chickens, cows, and horses, "I knew this was a bad idea,"
Esther is taken-aback by the harshness in her niece's voice. "If he doesn't show up in the next ten minutes I'm going to call him myself,"
The younger blonde woman takes a seat on the top step of the porch.
"All right, missy, what's going on with you?" Esther queries in her southern twang.
Normally, Louise would seek advice from her mother. Though with what is going on with her at the moment dealing with the grief of losing her father, she decided to keep her problems to herself until now. She then proceeds to summarize to her aunt about her ex-husband getting hitched to Tricia as well as Daniel possibly dating his newest employee.
"And how do you feel about Sean entering into holy matrimony with that --- harlot?" Esther says landing on an appropriate word for her niece's husband's former mistress,
"I'm not envious of Sean moving on with his life even if it is with the woman who contributed to the downfall of our marriage," Louise says
Esther remains standing with both hands in the pockets of her blue jeans. "But what about Daniel and his new lady friend?"
Louise couldn't exactly answer her paternal aunt without sounding green-eyed of her high school sweetheart moving on with his life with Mala Gupta. Knowing she turned from him when he wanted to be with her, fearing she would get hurt again as Sean hurt her years ago with his affair, which caused them to have an open marriage.
Esther nods her head, clearly understanding her non-verbal response. "Let me tell you something darling don't ever let a Covington or anyone else make you feel inferior without your consent,"
Louise smiles at her aunt for giving it to her straight with the quote about inferiority from Eleanor Roosevelt in which she gathered she learned it from one of her gender studies class when she was at college years ago.
Movement of tires gets both of them to be aware of the red Toyota Camry moving along the gravel driveway from the main road. Seconds later, Will Jackson gets out of the car wearing a navy t-shirt and jeans. When he reaches the Saunders women, he gives an apologetic plea for being late.
"You were supposed to be here almost an hour ago, you have heard of a modern device called a cell phone haven't you," Louise says
Will rubs his hands nervously. "Didn't mean to be late, but a semi-truck flipped over on the expressway it was bumper to bumper traffic,"
Esther and Louise both determine silently perhaps he is telling them the truth,
"Next time, call if you're going to be running behind, okay, " Esther warns
With Will stating it won't happen again, Louise informs him his first task is to clean the equipment and the barns.

In his office suite on the twentieth floor of the tower that bears his surname, Daniel Covington is at his desk on the phone, speaking with Emma, who is living over four-thousand miles away in Paris, France. Due to his hectic schedule as CEO, he hadn't been able to get to talk to his kid sister until now. For over twenty minutes the two have been going back and forth about her plans of marrying billionaire shipping heir Jacques Laurent,
"When is the big day?" he asks, while he was starring at a blueprint for a project the company is working on,
He receives the feedback whilst Courtney Covington saunters into the office. Daniel gestures for his daughter to sit down in which she does. Soon he concludes the conversation stating he'll be in touch with her,
"That was your Aunt Emma, " he tells her.
Courtney does not shield her opposition from her aunt, who is only seven years older than her, meaning they grew up together, and Emma often seemed she didn't like her for some reason. So she isn't surprised that her self-centered self hasn't told anyone in her own family of her upcoming marriage until last month.
"Too bad I missed that conversation," Courtney says sardonically.
Daniel takes a sip of his club soda. "Your grandmother was worried Emma was entering into this union lightheartedly, but I can't believe I'm saying this it seems she is serious about him,"
"Everyone is getting married," Courtney mumbles.
"Want to talk about it?" Daniel asks paternally
Courtney crosses her legs, "Steven doesn't want to marry me or anyone else,"
"And you want it,"
"Yes, not tomorrow or next week, dad, someday," Courtney divulges
Daniel doesn't want to come off as excited about Steven not wanting to marry his daughter, He wasn't a fan of their romance, mostly due to their age span. He perceives it is time for them to break up so Courtney can move onto somebody else her age.
"I'm not defending Steven, but he is coming from the viewpoint of someone is older, who's been married and has more life experience than you," he advises
Courtney's hands remain on the armrest of the chair not wanting to agree with what her father was telling her even if it has truth in it,
"Dad, he is letting his past with Lorraine get in the way of what we can have," I understand what you're saying about life experiences but I just need him to say to me he will consider it,"

At 10:15 Elijah Barker swiftly removes his apron and himself behind the counter serving customers, on his shift at JoJo's this morning, He is now officially on his fifteen-minute break until 10:30. He gives a cordial wave to Steven and Martha, who is pushing a stroller through the establishment.
Currently, Rather Be by Clean Bandit featuring Jess Glynne is playing through the sound system. Elijah strides toward the lounge area where he sees Tanner Lockhart standing up near the leather sofa. When he reaches her, they hug each other. Tanner had texted him some time ago about coming here before she had to go to the stables for work. The two sit down on the sofa after they exit their embrace.
"It's been a while since it's been only just the two of us," he says casually.
"It has, how have you been?" Tanner inquires
Elijah humorously outlines he is working more hours here to buy a car by the end of the summer and how his parents are insisting he starts choosing classes for the fall semester at Sampson University despite it being early summer. Tanner states that this very much sounds like both of his parents, who often place high expectations on their only child.
He scratches his head. "Let me be the first to give you my sympathy about the red tornado marrying your dad,"
"I accept your condolences," she says
The red tornado coined by Elijah is the nickname he calls Tricia, who is his boss and who is for better or for worse is going to be Tanner and Lynn's stepmother too.
She crosses her arms, "Have you talked to Tommy in the last twenty-four hours?"
Elijah checks the time on the clock on the wall before turning to her. "Yeah, I did," he says with a dose of reluctance.
Tanner guessed her boyfriend would talk to him regarding how yesterday, as the two were making out on the couch, Tommy wanted to go further by having sex with her. With it being her first time, Tanner panicked and decided she wasn't ready, which she knows is getting to him since he hadn't been physical with anyone since he left boarding school last year.
"What do I do Elijah?" she asks meaningfully,
"Nothing, look I get where Tommy is coming from about S-E-X." he whispers "But you made it abundantly clear to him it's not what you want,"
Tanner wishes that encouragement made her feel better, but it doesn't. Knowing sex is always going to be that third party in their way of them fully being together.
"Oh boy," Elijah says unenthusiastically.
Tanner also spots who is making her best friend's tone of voice wane.
It is Jordan McKnight arriving in the café entering into the line that is building up.

On this warm sunny weekday, Steven Sullivan decided to treat his cousins Martha and SJ to breakfast at the café. Steven also had an ulterior motive to him spending time with his favorite cousin. He needed to confess to someone about the mysterious letter he discovered up in the attic yesterday evening written to their late grandfather from a woman informing him about ending their affair. He couldn't believe what he saw in the letter since he always knew his grandfather had remained faithful to their grandmother Rosemary until now.
"Thanks for getting me off the farm for a few hours Steven, between work and home I can't remember the last time I got out of the house," Martha Saunders says
Steven gestures with his right hand dismissively, "Don't mention it,"
They both start to laugh at SJ, who is gabbing a bunch of incoherent words with the seriousness that only a one year can muster. Martha delves into her black diaper bag to grab his stuffed giraffe his godmother gave him last year. When the toy is in his hands, he begins playing with it.
"How are things with you and Courtney?"
Martha knows her cousin doesn't want to get married again, even though his girlfriend does.
"I'm giving her some space," he replies
"Just don't give her too much space,"
Steven wanted to change the subject since he had talked enough about marriage. He retrieves the worn piece of paper in his hand.
"Don't tell me some woman with a chihuahua gave you her number?" Martha replies with amusement
He then slides the document to her in which Martha has a look of being intrigued when she opens the wrinkled sheet of paper. Steven examines her eyes landing as she begins reading.

For the first time in over two months, Sarah Lynn Saunders was awakened before the afternoon. The apathy from her grief feels like it slowly lifting. It was an overall delight for her to get out of the house since her husband's death. Yesterday she had strong misgivings about even stepping foot outside of the house. Afraid the memories of being in the living room in which she received the life-altering information of Peter suffering a massive heart attack on his way home from his doctor's appointment, so when the shock of seeing him in the greenhouse whilst she was sprucing her plants surprised her, And when she finally held him he felt as sturdy he was the day he left home for the final time, And not long thereafter he vanished without a trace,
Now showered and dressed, Sarah Lynn ventures into the kitchen when she hears the side door closing behind her in addition to a gust of breeze rests on her cheek.
"Peter?" she responds audibly, she turns around to get a glimpse who is behind her,
To her shock, it isn't her husband, It is Will Jackson.
He had just completed his first chore as a new farmhand, and he was told by Sean to go get himself a drink of water in the house before he got back to work. When he stepped into the kitchen, he heard Sarah Lynn saying the name of her dead husband before she saw him. She seemed mortified about what she said, and he was caught off guard.
Will, it's you, I'm sorry I thought you were," she says
"No need to explain Sarah, I get it," he replies gently.
Will knows what it is like losing someone you love, It's been four years since his father's death, and every day he misses him. Even though he forged his dying father's name on his checks to salvage his clothing business, he will always love him.
Sarah Lynn invites him to sit down at the table, while she grabs him a bottle of water,"How have you been since you got out?" she asks genuinely
Will rubs his hands nervously, not exactly how to answer her question since he can't exactly tell her my former cellmate is blackmailing me for ten-thousand dollars, which I ain't got, and I'm working two jobs, and I'm barely getting by without my momma's charity. But other than that, I'm good.
"Trying to survive," he directly replies.
Sarah Lynn raises her head slightly approving of the truism of what her friend's son is talking about, "I get that sentiment more than you know,"

As usual, Elijah's break sped by quickly, he is now back behind the counter trying to get the queue down. His work ethic, however, becomes tested when Jordan appears in the line, with her usual haughty expression upon her face, wearing a sleeveless green shift dress.
"And what can I get for you?" Elijah asks trying to maintain some level of professionalism,
"An iced black tea," she says in an unconcerned manner.
Elijah instructs one of the other baristas near him to get started on the order.
"You can move to the other end of the counter," he tells her.
Jordan grips onto the strap of her purse as she turns her head seeing Tanner finishing her blueberry muffin on the sofa,
"Some people have all of the luck, I mean look at Tanner she has a great family, and a perfect boyfriend I hope she knows how good she has it," Jordan mentions observably.
She very much does Jordan," he says defensively.
"It would be a shame if anything came to light that would ruin her romance or there lack," she mocks
Elijah knew she was referring to the kiss she shared with Tommy last summer aboard the yacht where his brother's wedding ceremony took place. Sometimes he tries to locate his former friend who is now this troublemaking nightmare who gets off ridiculing Tanner and himself throughout high school.
"It was just one kiss," Elijah says. He then is handed the tea with a paper straw by his co-worker in which he gives to Jordan. "Don't get ahead of yourself," he warns her.
Jordan's glossy lips part. "But I know Tommy wanted more," She gets out of line with her beverage in hand.

Moments pass when Martha finishes the letter. Steven anticipates her first reaction when he fills her in on when and where he saw it.
"Do you know who wrote this to granddad?" Martha inquires
He shakes his head. "That's what I'm trying to find out,"
"I really don't know how to feel about this because I never got to know him but from all of the stories throughout the years from grandma, Aunt Esther and dad he didn't sound like some player,"
Martha was born a year after Jimmy Saunders passed away from liver failure, She only saw him through the photos around the house, and she thought he resembled the actor James Garner. But isn't exactly aware of whether or not the head of their family is capable of having an ongoing love affair.
"There has got to be more to this," Steven remarks, lifting the letter in his hand.
Little Steven had now fallen asleep with his giraffe, which made Martha grin at how innocent and sweet her son is. Then an idea comes across her mind.
"I think I got an idea,"
"What? don't keep me in suspense cus,"
Martha raises her eyebrows slightly as if the idea was top secret. "Return to the scene of the crime, I mean the attic where you found that letter, maybe we'll find something to tell us who wrote it,"
"Not a bad plan," he says, "For now let's keep this between the two of us,"
Martha nods as Tanner comes over to them, she pleasantly greets everyone including SJ who is in dreamland.
"How is grandma doing?" Tanner asks, she hopes that she gets an answer of her returning to enough normalcy that her talking to herself yesterday in the greenhouse is just a one-off event.
"From what I see she is doing better and yesterday she got out of the house for the first time in almost three months," Martha informs her.
Steven senses some apprehension from his first cousin once removed about Sarah Lynn. "Maybe Aunt Sarah needs to talk to a trained professional about her grief."
"I think you're right," Tanner agrees.
"All we can do is suggest it to her it is going to be up to her to take that next step," Martha says wisely,
"Hi, Tanner," Jordan says rudely.
The three watch Jordan walks out of the café, all of them with varying degrees of annoyance.
"I can't stand her," Tanner said
Martha offers her niece a look of comfort.
"I know she hasn't been the same since EJ died, but it does not give her the right to take it out on you," Steven says
Jordan's oldest brother EJ was killed in the line of duty nearly two years ago as a rookie police officer. Since then Jordan stopped being a friend and turned into an enemy of Tanner's.
"You are a good person Tanner because if Jordan McKnight treated me like crap underneath her shoe it would be me and her," Martha admits outright,

Daniel gets out of the chair and goes to open his arms around his only daughter. "Sweetheart, I love you, and don't forget you don't have to settle for less," he advises her.
"Thanks, daddy,"
He lets go of her and sees how much she looks like her late mother Keri,
Courtney puts her hands upon her hips. "A little birdie told me your coffee date with Mala Gupta went well,"
Daniel could not help but grin as he thinks about his date with Mala at the café yesterday. The two of them are still in the getting to know you phase, which he appreciates thus far.
"For a while, I thought you and Louise were going to give it a go after all those years," Courtney acknowledges
Daniel flashes back to the kiss he had with Louise on the porch months ago. Then to her at the café yesterday when she was standing awkwardly seeing them together. He thought they could rekindle things between them; however, it seems it isn't possible presently.
"Sometimes life have different plans," he says straightforwardly.
"Tell me about it," she replies
Courtney excuses herself since she has to be at a meeting with the finance department in an hour. She wants time to prep herself before it starts. More importantly she needed something to keep her distracted from her problems in her relationship at the moment.
Martha calls a family meeting.
Daniel and Mala take the next step in their relationship.
Max is discouraged.
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