Written by : Bre L. Drew
July 4, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Daniel's Private Investigator was able to track down Jordan and Tricia in White Oak.
Jordan thought she was in labor but was told she was experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Tanner was waiting to go to Hudson Lake to lose her virginity with Tommy.
Lynn had been wrestling with her knowledge of Tommy impregnating Jordan.
Max and Shauna were undergoing marital issues.
Mala and Jai finally agreed to divorce.

With a glass of scotch in his hand, Daniel Covington gazes out of the window from his home office on the second floor of Home Farm. Despite it being evening now, the sun still has a stronghold in the atmosphere; due to it being summer in his sight, the engagement party for Courtney and Steven is beginning to commence on this fourth of July night. He is standing in his casual gear, which consists of a navy blue Lacoste polo shirt with khaki pants. Though his mind is still on Jordan taking off a few hours from Radcliffe to White Oak. His longtime private investigator Murph was able to locate her and Tricia at a cabin there. Daniel had told him to stay back but keep an eye on them and to keep him apprised of anything happening. Daniel takes a sip of the beverage when he hears a small but effective tap on the door that makes him turn around.
"Don't tell me the thought of your daughter marrying my cousin is keeping you from the festivities?" Louise Saunders Lockhart sarcastic quizzes her first love and now business partner.
It has been quite clear Daniel hasn't been receptive to his daughter marrying the much older veterinarian.
"No, I needed time to think away from everyone and everything," he admits to her.
Daniel observed her wearing a blue and yellow tie-dye, spaghetti strap tank top with white capri pants, and her long blonde hair styled effortlessly,
"Something heavy must be on your mind then?" she replies. "And before you tell me it isn't. Don't forget I've known you for pretty much our whole lives."
He chuckles with ease. "I guess it just hit me that my only daughter is getting married." he somewhat lies.
"Time sure does fly; one day, your kids are dependent on you for everything, and the next, they're old enough to drive themselves to a house with their boyfriend."
Daniel nods, knowing she is referring to their kids going off to Hudson Lake, where it is obvious they will be having sex together.
Louise walks a few steps closer to Daniel with her arms folded. "I am trusting my daughter to be responsible."
"And I'm sure Tommy will, too," he states. "I believe he is aware of the outcome, trust me."
Louise detects the way; he said about his son that it is more to the story he isn't sharing, but she didn't feel the need to press him on it since it isn't any of her business, besides she does have faith in Tanner to be safe.
The sound of heels clicking toward them gets both of their concentration.
"There you are, Daniel," Mala Gupta says in her British dialect.
The highly-profiled architect is wearing a red floral print dress; her shoulder-length brown hair is hanging. And she is carrying a large red Michael Kors bag.
Mala goes over to her lover, where they exchange a passionate hug which Louise witnesses.
Daniel then lets go of her. "You look beautiful,"
"Thank you, I hope I'm not overdressed," Mala says
"You look fine," Daniel remarks boastfully.
Mala notices Louise is in the room as well. "Louise, how are you?"
The awkwardness in the room is now evident due to them being involved romantically with each other's former past lovers.
"I'm doing good, well, I will leave you two alone," Louise declares while she steps out of the office into the hallway back to the staircase.

Meanwhile, the action was taking place outside on the grounds of Home Farm too. The engagement party was now in full swing as the wait staff is going around with flutes of champagnes and an open bar as well.
Examining the engagement ring on Courtney Covington's hand, Mae Jackson lifts her head with a smile. "It is exquisite. I must say, Steven, you have great taste in jewelry."
Next to the bride-to-be, Steven Sullivan grins widely. "You are talking to someone who has watched their mother wear more than one ring."
"I heard that," Esther Saunders interjects. The petite blonde woman walks over to them. "Let's just say I raised you right,"
"We will call it that," Steven winks.
Laughter elicits from all four of them.
"Sweetheart, I think it is time," Courtney says
Steven realizes what she is talking about and then reaches for a glass of champagne. "Everybody! Can I get your attention for just a second, please?"
Many of the guests, including the family's housekeeper Gabriella, give their undivided focus on the couple who are getting married on Christmas Eve.
"Steven and I want to thank each and one of you for coming tonight. We are grateful to our friends and family who supported us from the beginning."
Steven places his arm around his fiancée. "I couldn't say it better myself. So eat, drink, and be merry, and happy fourth to everyone."

"To what he said," a familiar southern voiced woman speaks loudly.
Most of everyone else spots Deirdre Covington in a white dress with a floral leather belt with a clutch bag in hand.
At the sight of her former friend, Esther rolls her eyes.

Shauna Covington takes a drink of her champagne which is either her second or third for tonight. At this moment, she feels pretty alone despite having her friends and family here; she still is unsettled about mostly the state of everything about her marriage. The night air feels good on her back which is the only thing keeping her out here.
Max Covington approaches her with his hands in both of his pockets. "Hey, do you want to talk?"
Shauna raises her glass. "Oh, now you want to talk,"
"I know I have been busy with work, but it has never stopped me from caring about you. I thought you knew that." Max says candidly
"You have to show it too sometimes, which you used to do."
Max slightly bites his lower lip, unsure what to say next. "I guess the honeymoon is over,"
Shauna scoffs at the words while she takes a hearty drink of the champagne.
Will Jackson makes his way to his niece, not caring if she doesn't want to see him. A part of him wants at least the two of them to be civil. "You good, Shauna?"
The Covington spouse stares him up and down. "I was until your ass came."
"I think you should go, Will," Max says defensively.
"I know we ain't never gonna be close, but can we at least try to be on speaking terms."
Shauna still recalls him being inadvertently responsible for her kidnapping and being held hostage by his former cellmate and his so-called associates in an abandoned building near the railroad district.
"I would rather drown than hear what you gotta tell me," Shauna replies boldly. She walks away from him, taking another drink of champagne, trying to block what is going on around her.

Usually, Tricia Lockhart isn't the type of person who would paint other people's toenails. However, when one of your friends is nine months pregnant and can barely see their own feet anymore, you find yourself giving in. The two ladies were in the bedroom where Jordan has been sleeping in the two-story cabin style two hours north of Radcliffe. Since Daniel had decided to file custody for her child when it is born, she hastily left town with only Tommy and Tricia knowing where she is at,
"Who knew the color of Mango Punch would look so good," Tricia says as she finishes the pinky toe on Jordan's right foot.
"Thanks for doing this for me, " Jordan voices her gratitude to her friend. "I know you wish you were at Courtney and Steven's engagement party, don't you?"
"A little bit, but I told her I had this trip to Napa booked months ago even before Courtney had planned the party," she informs her. "And anyway, I told her as her maid of honor I will be giving her a kick-ass bachelorette party."
Jordan sighs frustratedly. "I just hope that I am a good mother to my baby." I don't want to be like my parents who are so self-observed with their own lives to care."
Tricia closes the cap onto the polish. "It's no doubting in my mind about that."
"Okay, enough of my problems; what is going on with you?"
The older woman shakes her head as she starts informing Jordan about her husband, and she disagreeing over when to start a family or not.
"Don't be in a rush if you're aren't ready, trust me, but when you do become a mother, that child will not get away with much." Jordan opinionates
Tricia smirks optimistically while she gets off the bed to place the polish on the dresser.
A few minutes passes while Jordan lets her feet and hands dry when she begins feeling the same contraction she had the other day but a little more intense.
"Ooh," she says
Tricia goes to her friend to make sure she is all right. "What's going on?"
"I think
Yet, a wet substance bursts onto the bed.
"Jordan, I think this is the real thing,"
The pregnant young woman winces a bit feeling, more tighten. "You got that right,"
Quickly, Tricia gathers their belongings along with Jordan as they make it down the stairs to outside to Tricia's car.

Off to the side of the road, Murph is behind the wheel, half asleep when he is awakened; by a four-door sedan speeding past him. Without any other hesitation, he begins following behind them but keeping himself at a distance.
He stumbles to get his phone which is resting in one of the cupholders. When he gets it, he dials the number waiting for a few rings before Daniel picks it up, yet he gets his voicemail.
"Daniel, they are leaving. I'm following them now. I will call you whenever they stop."

"I am so full," Tanner Lockhart mentions to Tommy Covington.
The couple enters the lake house Tommy rented for them to spend the first night together. The sizable two-story house on the lake is minutes away from several restaurants in Hudson Lake. They had just come back from one of the restaurants where they not only ate, but the two were able to converse without any interruption, something they have needed for such a long time now.
"Tell me about it," Tommy says back to her as she goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
He then falls onto the bed when she stepped out of the lavatory, smiling at her boyfriend. She then climbs onto the king-sized bed, where the two of them begin making out intensely. His lips were on her soft skin which made her unable to resist him.
She whispers in his ear. "I'm ready,"
Tommy excuses himself while he goes to obtain a condom, avoiding any chances for him to get someone else pregnant. He then turns to his girlfriend, who looked more alluring than ever as even her porcelain skin made her radiate her natural beauty.
She takes a few loose strands of her brown hair behind her ears. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks concerningly. "Tommy?"
Tommy puts his hand over his mouth then drops it. "Tanner, I have to tell you something, and it can't wait any longer."

"Hey, Lynn, you, okay?" Elijah Barker inquiries from his girlfriend. The two of them were sitting poolside when Lynn began feeling worried out of the blue.
"I've been feeling like this ever since I found out my twin sister's boyfriend got Jordan pregnant. I should've told her from the moment I found out." Lynn confesses.
Lynn had discovered Tommy had slept with their former friend earlier this year from Elijah himself at the café after confronting Jordan. Since then, she has been attempting to come clean with Tanner, yet her attempts have failed.
"I get it. I hate keeping this from Tanner too. But is it going to help her if we did? Anyway, Tommy told me after Jordan has the kid, they're taking off."
"Of course, out of all of this, Tommy gets away the most unharmed," Lynn remarks while shaking her head.

Leave The Door Open by Bruno Mars and Anderson. Paak is playing on the outdoor speakers.
Esther is sipping on a martini by the open bar when Deirdre progresses toward her.
"You know I saw your hair before I even saw you." Deirdre rudely comments
"Hello to you too, Deirdre,"
The Covington widow requests a Manhattan from the male bartender.
Esther secretly prays a gust of wind would blow her soon-to-be daughter-in-law's grandmother elsewhere. "Is there something I can do for you?"
"I'm just here from New York City to see the family and old friends."
Esther takes a drink of her cocktail. "Save it for someone else who hasn't known you for over sixty years. You want something, so spit it out and let me be in peace."
The bartender gives Deirdre her drink in which she goes into her purse to pull out a fifty-dollar bill to put it in the tip jar on the table.
She lowers her voice. "You haven't told anyone else about the letter?"
Automatically aware of her asking about the letter, Steven found it in the attic of the main house on the farm, which was written to Esther's father Jimmy over thirty years ago detailing their affair. "As I told you, no one will ever know that your daughter could've been the product of that illicit affair you had with my father," she replies recklessly. "Thank god you had a DNA test done proving Patrick was the father." The kind of hell it would've had on my family would be unimaginable."
The stable owner saunters off, leaving her once friend standing there somewhat relieved at the matter. Nonetheless, she has been keeping from everyone she had never done had Emma's paternity tested. The fear of doing so would affect her family, and she couldn't let it happen.

Inside the mansion, in the kitchen, Shauna is sitting at the table drinking more champagne and eating a baked chocolate chip cookie, while the rest of the wait staff our refilling trays to take back outside to the party.
Antoine Hall enters the room. ."I've been all over this big ass house looking for you."
"Hey, Antoine,"
The bar manager takes a seat adjacent to her. "What's up with you?"
"Wanna start in on my marriage that is falling apart or my so-called uncle trying to apologize again?"
"Things still ain't good with you and the skinny white boy,"
Shauna would usually check her friend and former lover about calling her husband out of his name. But this time, she let it pass because she wasn't in the mood to do so.
"Not even close, don't get me wrong, Antoine, I love Max, but I feel like I'm coming in second or third."
She then sips on the champagne when he puts his hands onto hers, giving her the comfort she needs.

Outside, Daniel and Mala are together, speaking with his daughter and his soon-to-be son-in-law.
"Any thought on the location of the honeymoon?" Mala asks conversely
"We have it narrowed down to either St. John or the Dominican Republic," Steven admits
"Wherever it is. I can't wait to get away," Courtney says
As Daniel speaks with his daughter about a work matter Mala, witnesses her ex-husband hugging Louise; she still can't believe he is now in a relationship with her.
The sound of a smartphone ringing snaps her out of thought when she realizes her beau is taking a call.
"Hello, --- all right, I'm on my way," Daniel says before ending the call. "I hate doing this, but I have to go --"
"Dad, what is going on?" Courtney surveys
Daniel was aware he couldn't tell anyone about the manner regarding Tommy and Jordan right this second.
"A work crew for the mall site in Austin might be deciding to walk off the job if they don't get a raise. I need to speak with the foreman to smooth things over. I need to go into the office for a few hours or so." Daniel lies straightforwardly.
He kisses his daughter and his Mala before taking off.
Mala keeps it to herself that she does not believe what was said to her. Then again, her focus is somewhere else as she sees her husband moving on.

The thirty-minute drive into town to the birthing center was significantly cut due to Tricia ignoring the posted speed limit to get them there faster; Jordan soon was ushered into the room by the midwives. She was impressed at the space where she will be giving birth. The environment was spacious and resembled a bedroom in a home instead of a hospital. Also, a large tub is nearby. She is currently lying down with only her panting when the pain intensifies. Only steady sound is coming from the iPad where the sound of rain falling in the rainforest is playing according to one of the midwives, white noise is good to calm down mothers in labor, but to Jordan, it made her feels like she has to go to the bathroom.
Silently, Tricia is standing next to Jordan, wearing a plastic covering over her clothes. She is rubbing her friend's back as she is breathing through the contractions.
"Let's see if it is time for you to push," says one of the midwives who is in her late forties with red hair.
She and another midwife check Jordan's stats on the monitor.
"All righty, Jordan, looks like this little one is here to meet you." says the other midwife.
"Good, " Jordan moans
Then Dr. Fisk, who in his late fifties with graying hair, comes in the room, greeting the mother and her friend whom he met briefly a few weeks ago when they toured the place. He gets into position by taking a seat on the stool. "On my count of three, push,"
"One, -- two, -- three,"
Jordan moans while pushing hard. Tricia can feel how hard this is for her through the tight grip of her hand.
"Stop, breathe, then on my count again, push."
"I can't do this,"
Tricia sees how tired she is and all of the sweat-drenched on her forehead. "Come on, one more push," she says encouragingly.
Jordan thinks about all of the times Tommy has disappointed her; using that anger, she is able to use that force to continue to push. In a matter of seconds, she can hear the baby crying.
"You did it," Tricia says happily.
The obstetrician has the baby in his arms. "Congratulations, Ms. McKnight, you have a boy,"
The medical team, beginning dutifully, taking care of the newborn. The red-head midwife tenderly gives the baby; wrapped in a new receiving blanket to the new mother.
The rosy-colored newborn opens his tiny mouth to let out a yawn as Jordan is unsure what to do but touches his head gently." Something is wrong," she proclaims

Not long ago, she was about to make love with her boyfriend for the first time in a romantic setting. Then all of a sudden, he announces he has something to tell her, which sounded pretty ominous to her.
"Before you say anything, I need to tell you. I love you. And nothing will ever change about that." Tommy starts.
"Now you're scaring me, Tommy, what is going on; you can tell me anything,"
Tommy resists the urge not to shed any tears right now. "Remember at your dad and Tricia's wedding in Oahu when we got into that fight?"
Tanner displays the look of unsureness on her face as to why he is bringing it up at this exact moment. "Yeah, when you blurted out you and Jordan had kissed when I was in Boston at your brother's wedding." So? we made it past that,"
"I ended up at Jordan's hotel room -- I had sex with Jordan."
The air felt like it had been absorbed out of the room for Tanner, who turns her back. "That was almost a year ago; why are you telling me this now?"
Tommy coaches himself to continue with the truth, but swiftly Tanner discerns the situation.
"Oh my god, you're the father of Jordan's baby, aren't you?" Tanner formulates.
"Aren't you?!"
Tommy exhales lightly. "Yes, I am. I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you."
"You've lied to me for almost a year. I got to get out of here,"
As Tommy prepares to call her back, she goes out of the room to collect herself. "What have I done?" he responds to himself.

Jordan is lying in bed attempting to bond with her newborn son. Though she still feels something isn't right with him yet has been told by the midwives that sometimes it takes a while for mother and child to acclimate with one another,
"He is so cute," Tricia says in a near whisper. She is standing beside them.
"Does he look like he is too thin?" Jordan asks anxiously.
Tricia laughs lightly. "Are you kidding? the baby is seven pounds. He is fine."
The look on Jordan's face thinks otherwise.
The red-head midwife pops her head in the room. "You have a visitor,"
Tricia exchange a look of confusion to Jordan.
"Maybe it's Tommy," Jordan replies unsurely.

The visitor steps into the room, giving a casual wave. "I hear I have a new grandson."
"Whom you won't see again," Tricia says carefully.
"The city of Radcliffe might disagree with you," Daniel hurls
Tricia hoists her index finger, raising her voice just a tad louder. "Get the hell out of here, right now, or I will call someone to remove you."
"I take it your husband doesn't know you're helping the one person your stepdaughter despises."
"Get out!" she screams.
Jordan notices the baby's lips turn a shade blue which scares her. "Someone save my baby!" she exclaims vehemently.
Her claim gets the pair of them to stop going back and forth where they see the baby struggling to breathe.
Immediately, Tricia goes to the doorway. "We need help!"
In a matter of seconds, a team of midwives and Dr. Fisk pile into the room. Then one of the nurses guides Daniel and Tricia into the hallway.
The urgency makes them both apprehensive of whether or not they will be able to save the baby.
"My son needs to know what is going on," Daniel declares.
"How in the hell did you find us?"
"Don't worry about that. I was onto you for a while now. that is not important right now."
Tricia rotates her eyes at him as Dr. Fisk comes out with an expression of care right now.
"How is my grandson?" Daniel nods
"Good news, we were able to stabilize him," the physician informs them.
"Thank god," Tricia says mostly to herself.
"What is wrong with him, doctor?" Daniel queries
"I suspect it has to do with his heart; he showed most of the signs of CHD - Congenital Heart Disease. I've already notified the closest hospital they will be receiving the boy. He and Jordan will be air vac there from here."
"Why can't the baby be treated here?" Tricia proposes
"The center isn't equipped to treat someone with such an ailment. Hillsdale is one of the top facilities for pediatrics in the county, so he'll be in good hands there; this is the best chance for him to have the best prognosis. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go check in on another patient."
Both of them thank the doctor before he gets back in the room.
"He is going to be okay; he is a Covington; we are strong," Daniel says while trying to keep some faith.
Tricia hopes that a miracle happens because she can't bear to see Jordan lose this baby.

Still, in the room, Jordan's face is condensed with tears, wondering if she did this somehow to her baby. Even when the midwives gave the papers to sign to get her infant transferred over to a hospital; which she robotically wrote her name down. She still lies in bed with the tears steadily flowing.
Will Tommy and Jordan's baby survive?
Tanner reels from what she knows.
Shauna makes a scene at the engagement party.
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