Written by : Bre L. Drew
June 21, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Daniel is adamant to locate a pregnant Jordan.
Will will be working as the manager of Emma's new nightclub as Sarah Lynn advises Mae to let him come to her to deal with their issues.
Tanner decided to finally lose her virginity to Tommy, who is still hiding the fact he is the father of Jordan's baby.
Lynn discovered Elijah has been steadily drinking.

On the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower in downtown Radcliffe, Daniel Covington is at his desk in his office suite on the phone.
"Yes, I will like that delivered today soon as possible," he says. "You have the name and the address ... "Thank you,"
He then puts the phone back onto the receiver. Daniel is about to focus back on the work he had to finish up when his phone rings, which quickly he intercepts.
"Hello, Daniel Covington .. yes, please send him in, thank you, Evelyn."
A few seconds later, Tommy Covington enters the room holding onto his keys in his right hand but not taking his sight off his father. "Dad, I need to talk to you, it's important,"
The property development CEO doesn't blink. "Does it have to do with the girl you knocked up being god knows where? Possibly endangering the life of your unborn child with her carelessness,"
"Yeah, I heard about you threatening to fire Tricia if she doesn't tell you where she is," he admits to him.
Tommy was informed by his girlfriend's stepmother of his veiled threats of doing so if she wouldn't cooperate with the information.
"She is merely exaggerating, I just told her she might want to think twice before deceiving me," Daniel responds. "Son, I'm asking you this because that girl is carrying my grandchild, your child whether you like it or not, her welfare is this family's concern."
Tommy steps closer to his father not losing his focus. "She must've taken off without telling me. I think she realized we weren't going to be together and baby plus three."
Daniel doesn't take his hand off the side of his face, strongly suspecting his son is lying to him. "Then why are you here since I strongly gather this isn't just a social or professional visit son,"
"To tell you not to harass Tricia and wherever Jordan is at I trust her to make her own decisions," he replies.
While watching his son exiting his office a strong suspicion never leaves him.

Before Will Jackson can hear the noise of the burgeoning crowd of patrons inside of the bar. Fantasia's When I See U plays through the speakers above him. The last time he came here to get more of his belongings from the apartment upstairs, he couldn't wait to leave. Now a part of him does miss the rush of working here. His attention is soon on what he is doing here while seeing his momma who is currently sitting down in a booth wearing a black three-piece knit pantsuit with a glass of white wine in front of her,
"I see you didn't change the locks," he says half-jokingly.
The sudden elation is lit all over the bar owner's face. "Will, I was just thinking about you, please sit,"
He complies by taking a seat across from her. Despite him taking the first step, he can still feel the awkwardness between them since when they saw each other at the farm where he has been staying things weren't good between them.
"How have you been?" she queries caringly.
"I've been doing good Momma, I take it Antoine hadn't burned down the place yet," he replies sarcastically. "Sorry, bad joke,"
"Will, you're always welcome to move back here, this will always be your home no matter what,"
The words of Sarah Lynn come to her when she ran into her during a trip to the grocery store about him coming to her instead of the other way around when it comes to repairing their relationship after she fired him for locking Antoine out of the building this past winter which was a result of him being pissed at the fact he was passed over to run The Waterfall.
"Momma, I'm not moving back here," he answers her. "Did you hear about Emma Covington opening a new nightclub in town?"
Mae nods. "Yeah, but it will be no competition," she then takes a sip of her wine.
"And uh ... Emma hired me to run it for her," he reveals
Mae tries her best not to quickly react.

"Is that you Lynn?" Louise Saunders Lockhart calls from her current location which is at the table in the kitchen staring at the screen of her iPad. She had heard the front door close and wondered was her blonde fraternal twin daughter coming home,
"No, it's me, mom," Tanner Lockhart states.
"Hey, you're home early,"
Tanner roams over to the table where she sits down beside her mother. "Yeah, the last parent of a student at the stables of mine had to cancel a lesson, so Aunt Esther let me go early since she is leaving tonight for Maine."
Esther is planning to spend a week on the east coast with her childhood best friend Mavis St. John and her husband Clark.
Louise points to her tablet. "For the past hour, I've been online trying to decide what to get for Steven and Courtney for their engagement party."
Tanner uneasily gives her mother a look in which her mother views. "Hey, what's wrong?"
The brunette young woman places her messenger bag onto the floor alongside her. "Mom, I'm not going to be able to make it to the party, Tommy and I are going out of town for the fourth of July weekend."
Louise's main focus is now away from the tablet and onto her daughter. "Going away as in?"
"To have.. sex?"
"Let me guess you have a problem with that?" Tanner challenges her mother.

Strolling into the café during a lighter rush throughout the evening. Lynn Lockhart steers herself to the counter where she sees her boyfriend Elijah Barker in his work apron, in between serving customers being entertained by the tones of Find Me by Stigma (feat. Birdy) on SiriusXM.
"Perfect timing, time for me to take my fifteen," Elijah says.
He then removes himself behind the barrier where he leads her to the empty lounge area of the café where they sit next to each other on the sofa. She already had what she is going to say to him regarding what she found out the other day from the bartender at The Alley who told her he had gotten so drunk there before he left his car meaning he had now done this twice. However, she lets him go first since she didn't want to ambush him on this.
"According to a text from my mother, she and my dad are galivanting around Amsterdam."
Elijah's parents Nathaniel and Brynn are vacationing in Europe until the end of this week.
"As long as they stay away from the red light district, then they should be fine," Lynn says trying to break the ice of what she is about to tell him about her concerns.
Elijah laughs at his girlfriend trying not to imagine his strait-laced parents visiting the area most known for legal prostitution. "That would be one way to end their vacation."
Lenny takes some of her blond hair to tuck behind her ear. "How come you didn't tell me this wasn't your first time being hungover, Elijah?"
The even temperament now fades into an appearance that feels like they're about to be accused of something. "What are you talking about?"
"Remember, when I took you to The Alley to pick up your car and I went to get you a bottle of water so you would be able to take your aspirin for your head. That bartender told me this wasn't your first go-round of leaving your car thereafter you had a lot to drink. Is there anything you want to tell me?" she asks

A short distance away, surrounding the table near the large window which overlooks Main Street is Shauna Covington who is sitting across from Martha Saunders, and next to her is her son SJ who is in his stroller making somewhat unintelligible noises playing with his Leapfrog tablet.
"Seems like we hadn't seen one another in a minute," Shauna asserts kindly.
"I know, but between working at the bar, doing more performances with the band, and raising this little guy. I haven't had much room for much socializing," she replies. "How is it going?"
The interior decorator sighs exasperatedly. "Honestly, things between me and Max could be better,"
"You guys still having issues?"
Shauna takes a drink of her small mango smoothie. "Yeah, you can say that,"
Ever since Max had taken the position to head the digital media team at the company. He has been working overtime for the past several weeks leaving them with not much opportunity to be together to at least sort out their problems affecting their marriage.
Martha looks at her son who is still consumed with his device. "Maybe you should be the one to communicate how you feel,"
"I don't know about that,"
"Well, it's only one way to find out," Martha encourages.

Aaliyah Gupta uses her key to open the door of the two-story residential cottage she resides with her family. She moves her way out of the foyer to where she sees her older brother Samuel Gupta coming downstairs.
"Hey, what have you been up to?" Samuel asks casually.
"Just dropped off Lorenzo at Home Farm from his internship on campus."
Her boyfriend Lorenzo is staying at the guest house on the Covington estate for the summer due to his family having difficulties in finances so he wasn't able to go home to Philadelphia to spend his break with his family. So he decided to take the internship at the radio station so he would at least have something to do and to pad his resume as well to gain experience as a media major.
"I see you have been enjoying your new ride," Samuel notes.
Aaliyah grins happily at the fact that their parents who were both proud of her for maintaining her place on the Dean's List for her freshman year so they purchased a car for her as a gift for her academic excellence. "I still can't even believe mommy agreed for me to get a car. I thought she wouldn't let me behind the wheel until I was 30."
Samuel lightly clears his throat placing his hands behind his back. "If I tell you something, I don't want it getting out, especially to mom,"
"What is it?"
"The other day when I went into Jojo's. I saw Daniel and Tricia arguing about something it was getting intense until I interrupted."
Aaliyah recalls her doubt about her mother dating Daniel which involved her informing everyone before they were about to sit down to dinner that their father was dating Louise out of spite. "You don't think those two are...?"
"No, I don't think they're anyway involved like that, but whatever they were ripping into each other about sounded serious because when I asked Tricia about it she said it was nothing."
"You still have a thing for Tricia don't you?" Aaliyah teases her brother knowing he had a crush on her when he first met her.
"It's not that, and she is married, anyway I think they're hiding something that they don't want anyone to know something that can affect his relationship with our mother."
Aaliyah is about to open her mouth when Mala Gupta walks into the house in a navy blue sleeveless sheath dress with her Louis Vuitton briefcase dangling from her shoulder. "Hey, what are you two up to?"
The brother and sister duo exchange similar glances silently agreeing to keep what they have talked about to themselves for now.
"Not much," Samuel responds randomly.
The doorbell rings in which Mala opens it with a guy in a ballcap. "Mala Gupta?"
"Yes," Mala answers
The guy presents her with a glass vase with a dozen of long-stem red roses "You have a delivery,"
"These are exquisite," Mala says in her British accent.
"Good thing, ma'am because you have three more dozen in the van."
Both Samuel and Aaliyah are curious as to who sent her the flowers.
Mala spots a card attached to the flowers as the delivery man returns from the van with more flowers. She is about to reach for her purse to give the guy a tip.
"It's already taken care of," the delivery driver informs her.
"Thank you," Mala tells him while she sees the guy walks back to the van.
Aaliyah closes the door as Mala opens the envelope in which the card is.
"Beautiful roses for an even more beautiful woman, love, Daniel," she reads aloud.
Samuel does his best to keep his thoughts in check while Aaliyah tries not to roll her eyes.

In his office, Max Covington is trying to locate the correct document he has somehow misplaced, which is bad since he needs it before he has to head home this evening. However, due to him not being able to find it. Max might be coming home later than he initially anticipated.
"Where the hell is it?" he asks himself. Then he wanders near the file cabinets when he turns around to see Shauna who has stepped into the room.
"This is almost like your second home now, isn't it?" she says somewhat flirtatiously.
"Seems like it,"
In a way, it is quite obvious their marriage is now strained,
"I thought you left,"
Shauna puts her purse onto her husband's desk. "I did, but I think we need to talk."
Max gives his attention to his wife knowing what she said to him is true but didn't want to do it here. "I'm in the middle of looking for a document with the budget for this quarter, either I lost it, or I'm in the need of glasses."
"I love that you're passionate about this job, but it seems since you've taken it, you have been neglecting this marriage for it. I just want some understanding that you care about us."
Max approaches his wife as he folds his arms swiftly. "Since we're on this subject since I've taken this position, you haven't been exactly supportive of my choice of taking it."
Shauna looks down at the floor then back onto her husband. "You switched from photography to corporate from overnight. It was something I had to get used to."
"For a second it seemed like you forgot I'm the one this affects," Max argues back.
She throws up her hands in defeat. "You know what," Shauna obtains her purse. "And by the way, you might want to schedule that eye appointment,"
Shauna walks hurriedly out of the office as Max can see the document in question hiding underneath his mousepad.

Packing up his briefcase for the day, Daniel's iPhone is vibrating in his suit jacket pocket.
"Hello, yes, thanks for calling me back, I want you to keep track of Tricia Lockhart, and my son too, you have their information right? I think one of them will lead me to the mother. Please let me know when you find her, and your first payment should be deposited to you at this moment."
He then ends the call to his private investigator.
"I will not let you bring any harm or danger to that child," he pronounces to himself as he closes the container shut.

Louise does her best to remain composed yet realizes her daughter is going away to have sex with her boyfriend. "You do know what it is on the line right?"
Tanner bows her head. "Birth control for me, a condom for Tommy, trust me, mom we are going to be safe,"
"Baby, it's not only about taking the proper precautions," she states wholeheartedly. "Having sex is also important emotionally as well physically, you are giving yourself to another person, and once you do you can't take it back."
"Mom, I love and respect you, but I'm not going to change my mind,"
Her mother's intuition confirms her daughter is serious about the biggest step thus far in her life. "It is your decision, and I will always love you, no matter what,"
Tanner gets out of her chair to wrap her arms around her mother, who isn't trying to convince her otherwise. "I bet when dad finds out he is going to want to track Tommy down."
She knew her father hadn't been keen on Tommy as her boyfriend for years now, as a result of his former reputation of sleeping with girls before he came to Radcliffe.
"Your dad can say what he wants to, but at the end of the day he loves you too, no matter what." Louise changes the topic. "So how about we get Chinese for dinner?"
"Sounds good," Tanner concludes.

"You make it sound like I have some sort of drinking problem, come on Lenny that's crazy," Elijah tells his girlfriend.
"Well, how come you've been drunk more than once and couldn't get home because you were smashed?" Lynn hurls back at him.
Elijah thinks back on the first time he got intoxicated at The Alley, he had an argument with his father over speaking with his professors to get status on his progress in their classes behind his back. He had taken off to Hudson Lake where he consumed enough alcohol, which he had to leave his car, and had to hail a cab back to Sampson where he slept most of the day, waking up when Lorenzo had returned from class. He had lied to him not wanting him or anyone else to worry for this exact reason.
"So I have a beer or two now and then, are you going to lecture half of the student population at Sampson or every other college in the country about their drinking habits now?" he asks somewhat sarcastically.
"I don't give a damn about them, I care about you and I'm not trying to be the person who lectures you about what you do but I'm trying to understanding what is happening here?"
Elijah stares down at the Apple Watch on his wrist. "Looks like my break is over,"
He rises from the sofa where he bends down to give a peck on Lynn's lips before heading back behind the counter.
She remains sitting unsure of what is going on with him, yet is more than aware, he isn't being honest with her.

At first, Mae thought her son was going to admit he was kidding when it came to him telling her he will be running Emma Covington's new nightclub though he hasn't cracked a smile nor pulled the rug from her.
"You sure you up to it, running a business is a lot of hard work especially a new one,"
Will expected his mother to have some reservations about him taking this job but he thought she would at least suppress them.
"Momma, I've been watching you and daddy work y'all assess off in this bar most of my life." I can do it even if Emma is a little bit high-maintenance." he expresses himself.
Mae takes another sip of the wine. "I think you're capable son,"
"But not capable enough to work here again, right?" he asks out of the blue.
"I don't think you and Antoine work together well," Mae counters. "But if you're willing to put your issues aside then maybe we can work something out."
Will moves his head with a sneer. "You will always treat Antoine like the son you wished you had and I'm just the ex-con you wished you weren't related to."
"I better get going, I'll see you later," Will says as he gets out of the booth and gives a small wave on his way out of the bar.
Ashamed of what presently occurred Mae curses herself for once again saying the wrong things to her son. This time she takes more of a hearty taste of white wine.
Sean and Tricia get into a heated argument.
Max and Shauna both seek out help for their marital issues.
Jordan begins experiencing contractions.
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